God of Destruction

Chapter 3986: Festival

Chapter 3986 The Sermon

"My ancestors, do you think it is possible that the madman Xingtian was a descendant, the reincarnation of the mighty descendant? Otherwise, why can’t you see the imprint of time on his body? This can also explain why he treats us The royal family dismissed it, and dared to walk this killing avenue to kill the heavens, the land, and the common people!" Someone in the royal family put forward such a crazy idea, and as soon as this word came out, all the royal experts present were He was startled, frowned.

"It's not impossible, but the possibility is very small. Those who descended are not impervious. They have already been targeted by us. The reason why we haven't moved them is that we want to find more descendants from them. For more information, they don’t know the details of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and if Xing Tian is really a descendant, he would not dare to be so arrogant. Instead, he should hide it. After all, the descendant is a great temptation for all forces. It's not weaker than the original treasure like the city of thunder and punishment. This kind of power has a heritage that makes everyone look forward to it. Even the descendants who are together will have ambitions and will attack them when they have the opportunity. , Do you think such an existence can expose yourself so easily!"

"Of course, there is no absolute in everything, and it is possible that Xingtian is so crazy. After all, it is normal for one or two lunatics to appear. But no matter whether Xingtian is a lunatic or a descendant, we can’t force him to the opposite side. Let him hate our royal family, or it will be unimaginable, we old guys will have nothing to do, but you little guys are different, this lunatic is a avenue of slaughter for cultivation, there is no one who cannot be killed in the world, he will not take you into consideration Identity, think about it, those disciples of the aristocracy who died in the hands of Xingtian, you will understand how unscrupulous this madman is, how reckless he is, for the sake of your own life, no matter how much greed you have in your heart Give me up, or you will only die. If you die, neither the emperor nor the royal family will come forward!"

When they heard such words, those people in the entire royal family were shocked. I have to say that there are indeed many people in the royal family who are thinking of killing Xingtian and want to take the opportunity from Xingtian, but when they listened After these words, everyone was silent for it, feared for it, one did not even look at the royal family, and an unscrupulous killing lunatic. This is something that no one wants to provoke. Look at the wealthy family and you will know this lunatic. How terrible is the power of.

"I hope that this madman will die under the punishment of heaven, so that there will not be so many things. When this madman dies, his inheritance will stay in the imperial capital and stay in the royal family. At that time, being a member of the royal family will naturally get it. !" Soon these greedy people changed their minds again, and they all secretly cursed Xingtian to be hacked to death by Tiancai, so they could accept Xingtian's legacy!

Of course, not all members of the royal family have given up their greed in their hearts, or some people did not pay attention to this warning, because they have been self-centered for too long, and now suddenly let them give up, how can they be willing, but now Heaven's punishment came, and they could only put away the cautious and quietly waiting for the new opportunity.

For such people, they believe that there are many people who want to seize Xingtian’s chances. After the punishment, someone will naturally jump out to kill Xingtian, and they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, quietly waiting for the end of the war. Then, taking advantage of the profit of the fisherman, I have to say that these people think too well, think too simple, Xing Nai is so easy to calculate, how can it be possible to live until now, how can those wealthy families pay such a heavy price.

Regardless of the warnings of these royal powerhouses, these people did not pay attention to them. Greed had lost their eyes and minds. In their hearts and bodies in the empire, no one dared to ignore the existence of the royal family. No one dared to attack them, even the wealthy family did not dare to face the royal family as an enemy, let alone the ants like Xingtian!

Yes, in the hearts of these people, Xing Tian is just an ant, an ant that can be pinched at will. They have not seen the horror of Xing Tian, ​​the horror of Xing Tian, ​​their hearts have been controlled by greed and have become the apostle of greed. , Already in the tribulation, no matter how difficult it is to escape from the tribulation, it can be said that their destiny is doomed, and death will be their end!

Regarding these little guys of the royal family, these ignorant and stupid bastards, those imperial powerhouses naturally took their reaction in their eyes, but they did not say anything, and did not continue to warn them to stop their ignorant and stupid actions. , The opportunity has been given to these little guys. If they are not able to grasp it, it is their fate. The royal family will never lack geniuses and disciples. Even if these people are dead, the royal family will still exist. It is necessary to fight for these **** who have been lost by greed, and there is no need to pay more for the mortal!

In the royal family, although there is no need to worry about resources, the battle of the royal family is more brutal and terrifying. No one will take responsibility for other people. As these powerful men said, even if their juniors died in Xingtian In their hands, the emperor will not come forward, nor will the royal family come forward, and all consequences will be borne by them.

Heaven's punishment is still going on, and Xingtian's madness is also going on, as if he is never exhausted, and will always be able to fight infinitely, Xingtian is still madly launching attacks, and the killing swords are frantically cut to the eyes of Heavenly Punishment. , Madly wanting to smash the Eye of Heaven Punishment, the whole person seems to be in contact with the Eye of Heaven Punishment, with an endless frame.

Under Xingtian's madness, lightning flashes and thunder over the entire imperial capital. Countless people are shocked by this scene. Many people have heard that Xingtian is a lunatic, but they have never seen it before. Once they really saw Xingtian’s madness, no matter how powerful the Tianpu, no matter how terrifying the Eye of Tianpu, but Xingtian still fights to death, this spirit shocked them and made them fear, in this persistent madness , Many people look drastically changed.

auzw.com"Is it worth it? In this case, so crazy, so knowing how to advance or retreat, even if you really conform to your heart, how can you fight the punishment, can stop it Is the Eye of Retribution? In a short period of time, you can use this stormy attack to stop the attack of the Eye of Retribution, but no matter how large you are, there is a time when it will be exhausted. Once that time comes , What else do you have to fight against the eye of punishment, this is a dead knot!” Looking at the crazy Xingtian, countless people are shaking their heads and sighing, they all feel that Xingtian is destroying himself and destroying himself!

In the eyes of these people, things are like this, but in Xingtian’s heart, it is not the case. No matter how strong the eye of the punishment is, no matter how terrifying the punishment is, everything has a bottom line. As long as you can persevere, you can Breaking this limit, you can break through everything and create a road of your own, and in these crazy attacks, Xing Tian is also constantly feeling the changes in himself and the heart of killing. Every time the sword of killing was slashed out, Xing Tian could have a trace of perception, a trace of perception of the avenue of slaughter, killing the sky, killing the land, killing the common people, this is not just talking, the real avenue of killing really has to do this , And in the constant confrontation with Tianchao, Xing Tian gradually realized the power of killing the sky!

If you can kill the Heavenly Punishment, maybe you can really realize the realm of killing the Heaven and destroy the Heavenly Dao? For an instant, this thought appeared in Xing Tian's mind. Although this idea is crazy, it is not impossible. Now Xing Tian is walking on this road. In Xing Tian's view, as long as he keeps on understanding, there will be results. .

After failing again and again, charging together again and again, this is Xingtian. Watching Xingtian's crazy behavior, many people are disappointed. They thought that under the punishment of heaven, Xingtian would be hacked to death, and he would die. The end of the soul disappeared, but now it seems that this is not the case. The lunatic Xing Tian has become more and more courageous. His fighting spirit is rising frantically, and the killing avenue is also showing frantically. People can clearly feel that in this short period of time. In a short time, Xing Tian's killing avenue took another step, but the breath of Tian's punishment was consumed a lot. This change caused many people to frown!

"How could this happen? How could Xingtian, a lunatic, become more and more courageous in his battles, and the avenue of killing has become stronger and stronger. Could it be that Xingtian has gained more benefits in the confrontation with the eye of punishment, some benefits that we don't know? All of this is in sight. No matter how clever the method is, Xing Tian cannot hide it from everyone. What is going on?"

Many strong men and careerists are thinking with frowning brows, but no matter how they think, they can’t find the key to the problem, and they don’t understand how Xingtian’s killing avenue can improve so quickly. Could it be that Xingtian is relying on the sky? The Eye of Punishment can sharpen itself and take back the strength of the previous life bit by bit. If this is the case, wouldn't it be even more terrifying to let Xing Tian continue!

At this time, many people wanted to find someone to test Xing Tian’s fictitious reality, to test why Xing Tian could improve his killing avenue so quickly, but no one would be so stupid now, and would charge forward at this time. After all, there are not so many fools, no one would. Under the circumstances that he knew it was death, he went to provoke Xingtian and attack Tianpu!

"Slaying the heavens, the land, and the common people, there is no one in the world who cannot be killed! I think I understand a little bit, what the lunatic Xingtian is doing, why he provokes the punishment, why is he so crazy, because he is comprehending the avenue of killing, or It is said that he is using the power of Heaven's Punishment to get back the power of his previous life. He is trying to master the power of Heaven-killing, slaughter the Heavenly Punishment with the Slaughter Avenue, and cut down the Heavenly Way!"

"Hey! How could this be possible, how could the power of a mortal slaughter the heavenly punishment and the heavenly path, this is simply impossible!"

"Nothing is impossible. In your opinion, Xing Tian, ​​the terrible power of killing, should exist between the world and the earth? But he does exist. What is the limit of the killing avenue, we don't know, Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic Dare to shout the slogans of killing the heavens, killing the earth, and killing the common people. It is definitely not a random shouting, but it is truly achievable! The ancient power is never something we can understand now, and the terrible world of the supreme chaos will always be It's not that you can understand that the Supreme Chaos World exists, and Xing Tian wants to slaughter the Heaven Punishment. What is impossible to kill the Heavenly Dao?"

Seeing the shocked look of everyone, the strong man of the royal family shook his head again and said: "Don't let your ignorant emotions affect yourself. Nothing is impossible in this world, even the world is destroyed. One day, not to mention this. It’s not that people against the sky don’t exist, but you don’t know it. Take a good look. Xing Tian may really be able to do all of this. It is really possible to slaughter the heavens and cut down the heavens. Go to the Slaughter Avenue! Once he succeeds, no one can stop him on the Slaughter Avenue. He is the **** of slaughter, the **** of slaughter, he will truly ignore the common people of the world, can slaughter everything, and truly do wantonly. Unscrupulous, even those old guys want to move him, because at that time, he was the messenger of Slaughter Avenue, even he was Slaughter Avenue!"

Evidence, Xingtian is a testimony. On the avenue of killing killings, he uses the punishment of heaven to testify. I have to say that Xingtian is too crazy, so crazy that everyone is scared and uneasy about it. When you really see Xingtian's intentions At that time, no matter which force was suffering from it, they were unwilling to see Xing Tian succeed, because they did not want such a lunatic to appear in the world, which would bring endless threats, even destruction, to everyone. Unscrupulous killing of lunatics is the most terrible.

"Proving the Dao, using heavenly punishment to prove the Dao. This is Xingtian’s true support. Perhaps this is his confidence in daring to survive the catastrophe in the imperial capital. Heavenly punishment is dangerous, but it is also his greatest shelter. Still, no one can conspiracy Xingtian, no one can destroy Xingtian’s testimony at this time, so powerful calculations, so heavy scheming, this lunatic is not as simple as it seems, his calculations are better than many. People must be great, and even the punishment of heaven is counted in his testimony. I have to say that his horror is beyond everyone's imagination. Such a lunatic is really unprovoking!" This time Xing Tian really told them these old guys, What is terrible later, they have to admire, no one thinks that Xing Tian has made so many preparations, and will die under the punishment of heaven, how can a madman who can calculate the punishment of heaven be dead under the punishment of heaven!


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