God of Destruction

Chapter 3987: Jie Ming Wu

Chapter 3987

Sermon? That’s right, Xing Tian’s crazy actions, crazy crossing the catastrophe can be regarded as an alternative testimony, but unlike those who are onlookers, Xing Tian’s certificate is the way of physical perfection, not the avenue of killing. Shaking the Eye of Punishment, it’s not really necessary to kill the heavens to prove the Dao, it’s just a possibility. Xing Tian’s ultimate goal is only to complete the physical body. Once the physical body is completed, it means that the phantom body of Xing Tian will become an alternative clone. An alternative clone with unlimited potential, and a clone recognized by the realm battlefield world. It has a close connection with this world. Even when the opportunity comes, there will be more amazing gains, which will bring endless benefits to itself. , But the previous question is that Xingtian can stop the punishment.

It’s not that Xing Tian didn’t think about killing the Eye of Heaven’s Punishment, cutting down the Heaven’s Path, and attaining the Supreme Slaughter Avenue. It’s just that this idea is too unrealistic. Even if he has a strong combat power and a powerful source of treasure, he can even do it. Threatening the origin of Heaven’s Dao, but this did not make Xing Tian arrogant to the point where he did not know how to advance and retreat. He shattered the Eye of Heaven’s Punishment, and Xing Tian still has a glimmer of hope. !

"Proof, Xing Tian wants to prove the Dao at this time, and gain the avenue by killing. He is too crazy and too arrogant. He did not put everyone in his eyes, he did not put all the forces in his eyes, and he did not put the empire in his eyes. In his eyes, he really thought he was unstoppable, and he really thought that no one could count him under the punishment this day? Is he really invincible for himself?" Someone couldn't help but said with hatred, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart. To allow Xing Tian to succeed is a huge threat to them!

"It's not that no one can stop Xingtian and stop all of this, but no one is willing to pay such a huge price. Under the punishment of heaven, ordinary power cannot intervene unless it is extraordinary power, unless it is the treasure of the source, and you have to bear it. The backlash of Heaven's Punishment, or even the backlash of Heaven's Dao, do you think at this time, under such circumstances, who would be so crazy, fighting for a lunatic such as Xingtian, and not getting the benefits, on the contrary, it will provoke an endless lunatic? "

"Don’t worry, it’s not so easy to succeed in the killing proving. Xing Tian is too high to see his own strength. No matter how powerful and amazing his slaying avenue is, he wants to kill the heavens. Impossible, heaven will not give him this opportunity, and the will of the world will not allow such a situation to happen. At most Xingtian is just the eye of damaging heaven. It is just a joke if you want to truly pass the Dao of Slaughter and cut down the Dao of Heaven. !"

"Even if it is the punishment of the slaughter, the achievement of a part of the great road is a huge gain for Xingtian, and it is also a huge improvement. Even a little progress is a huge threat to the entire world. Don’t forget, killing. The avenue is killing the heavens, the earth, and the common people. The heavens and the earth are all incapable of killing. Let this madman go one step further. Who else in the empire can stop his mad killing, once this madman is lost in the killing, The entire empire will face a **** storm, and the great cause of the entire human race will be severely hit. No one can afford this result!"

"No, no matter how powerful this lunatic is, he would not dare to do it, and he really lost his mind. He was affected by the killing and became a slave to the killing. The will of the world would destroy him. It is impossible for this lunatic to survive. In the world, we don’t need to worry so much. Let God do these things and let the world’s will do it. We just need to wait for the results quietly. Even if the sky falls, there are experts blocking us. We don’t need it. worry!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! For these aristocratic families, for those sects, they don’t care about Xingtian’s changes at all, because there is the empire tree in front of them. If Xingtian gets out of control and loses his mind, the first thing that will be unlucky is the empire. , This responsibility should naturally be borne by the empire!

The empire is the pillar of the human race, and the lord of the empire is the human emperor. Once such a shock occurs, how could the human emperor stay out of the matter. At the beginning, everyone was shocked by Xingtian’s madness and did not think so much. After a long period of time, after everyone woke up, they immediately thought of the crux of the problem. Since there is an emperor in front and an empire in front, why should they care about all this? If they were worried that Xing Tian would be affected by blood. Cooperating with the emperor and becoming the empire's thugs, but now they have no such thoughts in their hearts, they don't have so much worry and fear!

Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, practiced the avenue of killing, and he had to prove that everything in the world is incapable of being killed. Family affection and blood are nothing to him. Under such circumstances, how could the emperor win over Xing Tian? The most important thing is It was the human emperor who made the wrong choice at the beginning, and now it is too late even if he wants to make up, and the wealthy and sects of the family will not give him this opportunity.

"Yes, we can just wait quietly to see if this lunatic can get to that point. If he can really prove the way by killing and slaughter the gods. It may not be a bad thing for us, after all, the person who has the most headache is definitely It's not us, the most worried, and the most feared hole pattern is not us. What are we worried about? Even if something major happens, someone will stand in front of you!"

Compared with the joy and ease of the wealthy family and the sect forces, there is silence among the royal family. Those strong men also thought of the key to this problem and understood what threats the empire would face. If they hadn't paid much attention before, Now it's different, each of them looks extremely solemn, and they all feel the pressure from Xingtian, from this unknown pressure!

"The ruthless way, this lunatic really has to embark on this ruthless way of killing, really wants to kill the heavens to prove the way, once he succeeds, it will have an endless impact on the empire. What do you think we should do now, This is not the responsibility of anyone, nor the responsibility of the emperor, but the responsibility of the entire royal family. Once this lunatic really has to embark on a ruthless road, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Oh! I knew that this kid was so crazy, and he really dared to walk this terrible avenue of killing, and even more dare to walk the path of destruction that killed the heavens, the land, and the common people. We shouldn't ignore his existence or help others. The emperor helped him to block the pressure from the wealthy family and the internal pressure, otherwise the situation would not be like this!"

"What is the use of saying these now? All of this has happened. We can no longer choose. Now we are not regretting, but to find a solution to the problem. You all know that the horror of the killing avenue is clear. , How terrible is this avenue of killing that kills the common people, once it loses control, the people closest to it will be slaughtered by him, and our royal family and this lunatic have a blood relationship, and all of us will be targeted by this lunatic !"


"Damn, how could this happen, but this threat is not only us, but also the **** of Taipingdao. They are also related to this madman, and the people of Taipingdao have also come to the imperial capital. They are afraid now. We are also very anxious. We can discuss countermeasures with these bastards. After all, this is not a matter for our royal family!"

"It's useless. Those **** won't pay attention to us, because we are the masters of the empire. We are now the masters of humanity. Once a crisis arises, as the imperial royal family, we must take responsibility and face. For all of this, the **** of peace will not cooperate with us at all, they will only reap the benefits of the fishermen!"

"Is there really no chance for this lunatic Xingtian? Is it really impossible to practice the avenue of killing? Is there no chance of success? After all, this lunatic is the reincarnation of an ancient strong man. It is impossible for him not to know the terrible way of killing. If we continue to practice, we must be prepared. Maybe we really have to think too much. This lunatic might not get out of control. The most important thing is that this is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. If this Great Tribulation is over, the whole world will merge into the Supreme Chaos World. , As long as there is nothing wrong with this lunatic before this, we will not have any threats or pressure!"

"Huh! It's easy to say. Do you think the tribulation of heaven and earth is so easy to pass through? Do you think the integration of the world is so reliable? The most important thing is that our situation is different now. We are too closely connected with the world, even if it is After the catastrophe is over, the royal family will also be battered by luck and will be hit hard. How likely do you think we are to survive the catastrophe?"

"Okay, don't fight anymore. It's just the beginning. The matter has not reached that horrible level. And this kid has relatives alive. Let's wait and see what the **** of Taipingdao are doing. What are the so-called things for them to come to the imperial capital? If it is related to Xingtian, let them go. We can just shift the target and let Xingtian and Taipingdao get together!"

"This is a very good idea. I am afraid that the **** of the Peace Road will not please us. It is not that they have not seen all this. They are afraid that they will not come forward at this time and cause such a big trouble for themselves, not to mention. They have secretly calculated the water **** of the Tongtian River, and this cause and effect will make them unwilling to take on the greater trouble of Xingtian."

Xing Tian didn’t know that his actions would attract so many thoughts from the outside world, and he didn’t know that his tribulation would lead to so many thoughts. If Xing Tian knew the ridiculous thoughts in these people’s hearts, he would be surprised by this strange thought. I was shocked by the fantastic idea, if I really had to develop in the direction these people thought, then I would really kill myself.

For Xing Tian, ​​the most important thing at the moment is to complete himself. Everything else is secondary, even for the Dao. Without a perfect body, even if he can kill the sky and prove the Dao, he still has some potential. , How far can he go, Xing Tian has not yet been ignorant enough to cut off his own potential and cut off his path for a temporary increase in strength!

A series of sword auras, a series of killing power crazily crisscrossed the void, slashing in the eyes of the punishment, Xing Tian's killing intent was also frantically skyrocketing, and the killing power gradually began to erode into Xing Tian's soul. Because his own heart of killing can no longer contain all his own killing intent, all the origins of killing, when Xing Tian is in this crazy confrontation, when he constantly feels the avenue of killing, the origin of killing between heaven and earth rushes into him frantically, Pour into his own heart of killing, quickly perfecting himself, perfecting his own killing element, and perfecting everything.

wrong! When the source of endless killing flooded into him, Xing Tian understood that he was wrong. His own killing element was not entirely his own killing heart. To be precise, his killing element was his entire body. When the killing heart continued When the earth released the original blood and constantly reformed and improved himself, Xing Tian understood this truth. His heart of killing was only a small achievement of killing the original fetus. If he could really use it as the foundation of the killing avenue, he The killing avenue will be greatly affected!

I think Xingtian’s killing avenue is even more terrifying than Swallowing Avenue, but from this killing avenue, Xing Tian also gradually understands that his swallowing avenue is also incomplete. A truly consummated avenue’s birthplace cannot be so weak, perhaps as himself. The soul of Swallowing Dao is completely fused together, and only then will my own Swallowing Dao fetus be complete and complete!

"What a way of gods and demons, what a powerful way of origin, I still underestimated the terrible cultivation of ancient gods and demons, just condensing the Dao Yuan, I would encounter such a big danger, if it weren't for the difference of the killing Dao. I’m afraid that I don’t even know that the condensed swallowing Dao Yuantai is not yet complete and has defects. If I really know nothing about it as the foundation of the Dao Dao, the consequences would be unimaginable. This is a test of heaven and earth, or The test of the Way of Gods and Demons?"

For all of this, Xing Tian thinks about it more and more terrifying, the ancient avenue is more terrifying and more dangerous than he thought. Just condensing the dao yuan, there is this terrible trap, and a little carelessness will lead to desperation. , No one pointed, just relying on your own perception, relying on the information that you plundered to practice the way of ancient gods and demons, this is indeed too dangerous!

Unfortunately, Xingtian has no chance to regret now, everything has already begun, and Xingtian can’t be the master. To give up at this time is equivalent to giving up everything. If he is a little bit sensible, Xingtian will not do this, and even if he gives up, he will be punished. It won't end, he still has to endure the test of Heaven's Punishment. It can be said that Xing Tian can only continue to bite the bullet and continue on this terrifying road!


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