God of Destruction

Chapter 3988: Section warning

Chapter 3988 Warning

"Proof? Maybe I should really try to kill the sky, kill the earth, kill the common people. There is nothing in the world to kill. Heaven's punishment is right in front of you. If you kill it with the Killing Avenue, you will surely accomplish the feat of killing the sky. The cost of doing it is too great, and it is too big for me to bear, but now the situation cannot help me to think too much, sometimes it is weakness, it is death, the opportunity is right in front of me, even those hidden I'm afraid that the secret **** will be able to see through this. What else can I take into consideration? Slaughter Avenue has never been able to shrink back. If you can't go forward bravely, you can't achieve physical perfection!"

"No, it shouldn't be like this. This is not the path I should take. There is no possibility of success for this path!" Soon another thought appeared in Xingtian's soul consciousness, and it was influencing Xingtian's decision. In this short period of time, the thoughts in Xingtian’s soul-knowledge sea were fighting frantically. The two thoughts were fighting with the soul-knowing sea of ​​Xingtian, as if they both wanted to master the consciousness of Xingtian and both wanted to dominate the behavior of Xingtian. Xingtian's expression changed again and again!

"No, I was in the calculation, we are calculated, the eye of heaven is not what I have encountered in the past, **** it is launching a soul attack on me as soon as it appears, it is affecting my will, let I unknowingly fell into its calculations, fell into such a situation, what a punishment, what an eye of the punishment, no wonder my mind is so abnormal, so hesitant , All of this is the power of God's punishment!"

When the two thoughts were fighting frantically, Xing Tian finally broke free from the battle, and finally saw through his own roots and the origin of this idea. Everything originated from Heaven’s Punishment, and everything came from the eyes of Heaven’s Punishment. A masterpiece, Xingtian still looks at the punishment from the past, but the punishment has changed. After the success of Xingtian again and again, how can the punishment remain unchanged? Xingtian is careless, and the result of the carelessness is very dangerous. If it were not for Xingtian cohesion In order to swallow the Dao Yuantai, he suppressed his own soul consciousness sea, I am afraid that he has been silently destroyed by the heavenly punishment, and died under the terrible calculation of the heavenly punishment.

"The **** God's punishment, it calculated me so silently, and caused me to fall into such a desperate situation. This time it is very troublesome!" Although Xing Tian wakes up, the two thoughts are deeply rooted. In the sea of ​​knowledge of one’s soul, it is affecting one’s consciousness and eroding one’s soul, and this power comes from the punishment of heaven, and the power of punishment penetrates into Xingtian’s soul, for Xingtian This is the biggest threat, the biggest hidden danger!

"I can’t let the power of this day’s punishment continue to erode my soul, otherwise it won’t take long before my soul will be affected by the day’s punishment, and my body and soul will disappear in this day’s punishment. It's false. This time, the punishment from the heaven is not based on thunder, but based on the soul. I was wrong at the beginning and let myself fall into this dangerous situation."

After understanding his own situation, Xing Tian's heart was filled with endless anger. For a moment, he plunged himself into such a terrible crisis. In the midst of a catastrophe, why would he suddenly be so careless? This is really just a moment. Of negligence? Or is it all because of the power of the great calamity of heaven and earth, is the power of heaven and earth calculating itself, is the world calculating itself?

I can’t blame Xing Tian for thinking so much, but being in Xingtian’s position, he cannot help thinking otherwise. After all, he is not a creature in this world, he comes from the highest chaotic world, even if it is reincarnation, but he is still not this one. The creatures of the world have just borrowed the origin of this world. When they are targeted by the world, they will naturally be in danger.

"I can’t go on any longer. Otherwise, I’m really dead and dead. This hard-to-gather body will be destroyed by heaven’s punishment, and my soul will also be destroyed. Once I fall under heaven’s punishment, I His deity will also be backlashed because of this. Perhaps it was a conspiracy at the beginning, but he didn't discover it!"

The more he thinks about it, the heavier Xing Tian’s mood becomes. With such an abnormal change, everything is beyond his own calculations, his punishment is out of control, and he is plunged into a terrible crisis. If you don’t see the opportunity early, I’m afraid I’ve already been calculated to die, but now I want to reverse everything, it is very difficult and very dangerous!

"I have no choice. In this situation, if I continue to hesitate, I will really die without life. Come on, let me use everything I have, and let me use this avenue of killing to make a killing for myself. The **** road, even if this is a road to death, I will die on the road of charging. Even if the people who practice the road of killing are dead, they must tear off a piece of flesh from the other side. The heart of killing will burn for me, and the power of killing will be condensed. Kill the world, kill! Kill! Kill!" Soon Xing Tian made the craziest choice. At this time, he really had no choice. The heart of killing was beating frantically, condensing the origin of killing, the power of killing. The power of blood is in riots, Xingtian's war intent is burning, facing the crisis, Xingtian must try his best!

"Blood flames, look at the blood flames on the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​he is desperate, to burn his own blood, and desperately fight against the eye of the punishment!" Those strong men who fought in a visual battle instantly discovered The changes in Xing Tian saw the blood flames burning on Xing Tian's body, which was the result of the full activation of Xing Tian's killing heart.

"Crazy, really crazy. At this time, under this situation, the blood is condensed and the blood is burned. It seems that Xing Tian was overwhelmed by the eyes of the punishment, otherwise he would not be so crazy. It's just that we didn't see any counterattack from the Eye of Heaven Punishment. What happened? What attack did the Eye of Heaven Punishment launch to make Xingtian make such a decision?"


For those enemies hiding in the dark, they don’t want to know how dangerous Xing Tian’s situation is. They most want to know what happened in the eyes of Tian Xing, and what force forced Xing Tian to work so hard. They don’t believe Xing Tian is unreasonable. Will make such a crazy decision, there must be some power that caused all the situation in front of him.

"Crazy, let this madman continue to be crazy. We can also take the opportunity to explore the reality of the emperor, and explore the foundation of the empire. After all, at this time, we can't be ignorant of the imperial family. Those powers on the bright side are only imaginary. As for the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​he wants to cause harm to us. He has to pass the level of natural punishment first, but at the moment it seems that his situation is very bad. It is beyond our imagination to be able to inflict heavy losses on this madman silently, otherwise he would not desperately so quickly, it is impossible for him to not know how many enemies in the imperial capital are waiting for his death!"

"Nevertheless, I am afraid of another accident. You must know whether the emperor or the peace road is **** connected with this madman. No one knows what kind of reaction the two parties will make. Don't look at us. There is a transaction with Taipingdao, but it is only a transaction. They have never believed us, and we have never believed them. Both of us are just using the relationship to truly endanger their interests, they will directly give up on us! "

"Yeah, we are only trading with Taipingdao. There is no relationship at all. In the face of interest, that transaction is not worth mentioning. Although these **** have agreed to our request and are willing to cover up the secret for us, we still do not Knowing what they are thinking and not knowing what they want to do. Under this situation, we are in a very dangerous situation. At this time, we must be patient and not be sloppy, or we will end up losing money. It will only be us!"

"But, Xingtian, the lunatic, we really have to let him go. We really have to let him go. His inheritance is very powerful. This terrifying avenue of killing is enough to make many people tempted, even if it is difficult for many of us. Give up this temptation, let alone other powers in the imperial capital, other wealthy families, once Xing Tian is injured, many people will jump out, even if we do nothing at that time, the danger will take the initiative to come. It will also get us into big trouble!"

"I know all this, and I understand what you are thinking about. Obviously, the benefits are right in front of you, and they seem to be readily available. Why do we keep hiding in the dark? Why don't we fight for it, but you only see what is in front of you. Benefits, but did not see the danger behind, is Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic really so easy to kill? Although he is starting to desperately now, but you think he has really reached the end of the mountains and rivers, and there is no further back. All he shows is all his power Will we be able to win the final victory if we participate in the competition?"

As soon as this series of questions came out, those people frowned and thoughtfully! Yes, is all this what I see in front of my eyes real? Is this just a trap, a trap used by Xing Tian to lure everyone into action? If this were a trap, Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic must have a more terrifying assassin. Once he did it himself, his life would be hard to save. This lunatic would never be soft-hearted, and cruelty is his usual style.

"Think about it, don’t lose your eyes and soul for the immediate benefits. Our pursuit is different from others. We don’t need to expose ourselves excessively. It will only cause problems in our plans, even It is directly exposed to the enemy. Although we have contacted many forces, at this time, under this situation, confronting the empire is still dead and dead. No matter how weak the empire is, there is also the power to suppress us. We cannot act rashly! No one who can become a royal family is simple. They all have terrible assassins. The dragon vein is their lifeblood, but it is only for the imperial dynasty, and the power of the royal family is always unknown. We must do All that is is to wait quietly for the death of the dragon veins, wait for the new dragon veins to appear, and we can let go of the others, or even give up some non-heavy people!"

ruthless! The wealthy families are really cruel enough. In order to achieve their goals, they can sacrifice their own people. Perhaps this is the reason why these wealthy families will always survive, because they are not only cruel to the enemy, but also cruel to themselves. That's why they can Only when we escaped from the crisis again and again, can we avoid the catastrophe of Destruction again and again, but this time is different. This is the catastrophe of heaven and earth, it is also the catastrophe of the world, it is the ultimate catastrophe of this world, they It is difficult to say whether you can survive this catastrophe, after all, everything is unknown, and such a world has become even more weird and terrifying!

"Wait, we really only need to wait. If we say that it is not us who pays attention to this shock, but those **** who have already fallen into death, they will hope to see the death of Xingtian this lunatic more than we do, and they can give At all costs, as long as Xing Tian dies, even the emperor will not dare to fight against them. After all, it is not a choice that an emperor should make, especially for the empire today, which is still so weak. , Wait, we just need to wait for the result quietly, no matter what accident happens, it has nothing to do with us, even if our own family is involved in this crisis, we have to stand by and watch for the sake of the family. I hope everyone can make the best choice!"

These words sound very plain, but in this plain, there is endless killing intent. It is not the killing intent to Xingtian, but the killing intent to everyone present. This is to warn all the families not to act rashly. , Or if it’s not what they can bear, they don’t want to see a new family of wealthy people intervene in this shocking change, and they don’t want to see that the big plans of their own people who have managed to operate are affected, once someone is standing there. On the opposite side, only death is waiting for them. No matter who they are, this will not change. This is their bottom line and their request!

People are moved. Under the temptation of absolute interests, it is really difficult for someone to hold on to themselves, and the actions of the two masters of the family who preside over everything in front of them have also caused dissatisfaction among many people, but they dare not show anything and can only hide their dissatisfaction In my heart, and the appearance of such a situation has also exacerbated the rift between their group. Perhaps it will not take long before this small team will collapse on its own. Perhaps their collapse will cause a terrible **** storm. After all, The unknown is the most dangerous, but the unknown is also the most terrifying. No one knows what will happen in the next moment, and no one knows how the storm caused by Xing Tian will end.


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