God of Destruction

Chapter 3989: Life-threatening battle

Chapter 3989

The arrival of Xing Tian was a catastrophe for the sentient beings in the imperial capital, and it was a spiritual test for the major sects and wealthy families. It was only a short time, and the minds of countless strong men were greatly affected. Impact, this is good and bad for them. Those who can withstand the impact will improve their minds, and those who can’t bear it will naturally suffer backlash. They will be affected by the atmosphere of the catastrophe. They will be trapped in the catastrophe, greedy. Together, it is even more serious. Ten deaths and no life is their end. At this time, under this situation, there is only one dead end to be the first bird.

There are many people who can see the situation clearly, and there are also a few people who can’t see clearly. The greed of the human heart is not grasped by everyone. For most people, they are selfish and cannot withstand the impact. Change and change, so that the greed in their hearts skyrocketed again and again. If there is no punishment now, many people will not be able to endure the greed in their hearts and will directly attack Xing Tian to **** all opportunities and inheritance in Xing Tian. , It seems that there is an obsession in the hearts of people like them, as long as you can kill Xingtian, you can get the luck and all the inheritance of Xingtian!

what the **** is it? No one cares, and no one thinks deeply, because they are all deeply caught in their own greed, affected by greed, they have already lost their normal mind, and they have already lost their calmness. The shot is just waiting for the punishment on Xingtian to dissipate, waiting for Xingtian's serious injury. If someone is the most careful about Xingtian's situation, it must be these greedy guys, because all their thoughts are placed on Xingtian. In their bodies, they didn't care about the rules of the Great Dao inspired by Heaven's Punishment, didn't realize the Dao, and wanted to kill Xing Tian with all their heart!

When Xingtian broke out with all his strength and launched an impact frantically, the defensive power of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment was shaken, and the Eye of Heaven's Punishment could no longer completely swallow Xingtian's attack. A faint crack appeared in the Eye of Heaven's Punishment. Under Xing Tian's full mobilization, the damage caused by Slaughter Avenue, the power of Slaughter Avenue finally broke through its defense.

"Humph! You are not really Defensive Wushuang, you also have limits. Since you dare to calculate me, shake my mind, and dare to give me the temptation to kill the gods and prove the way, then my Xingtian will not let down your'good intentions', just Let you truly know what is the way of killing the sky, what is the way of killing, if you don’t be mad, you won’t become a demon, if you don’t be mad, you will kill the heavens, the earth, and the common people. Cut! Cut! Cut!" Under Xing Tian's deep voice, the power of the killing heart evolved the blood of killing with all its strength, the blood of the source of killing, the blood gas turned like a rainbow into a scarlet blood sword, and under Xing Tian's control The primordial treasure in his hand merges and turns into a shooting star to cut into the eye of punishment in the void. This is Xing Tian’s final blow and the complete expression of Xing Tian’s Slaughter Avenue. This is the ultimate killing move of Slaughter Avenue and Xing Tian’s pair. All the feelings of Killing Avenue!

"Hey! What a terrible killing spirit, what a terrifying fighting spirit, this time Xingtian's outbreak is more than ten times stronger than before. Is this the ultimate killer of this lunatic? He wants to have a final showdown with the eyes of the gods. Is it?" When they saw Xing Tian’s performance in such a frenzy, everyone’s expressions changed drastically. They were all secretly pondering whether they would be able to stop Xing Tian’s terrible destructive blow, and whether they would be able to Survive from this terrible blow?

do not know? No one can give themselves an answer. They don’t have full confidence. In their opinion, Xing Tian’s attack is already the ultimate in the killing avenue. If it were not for Xing Tian’s own lack of strength, this attack would allow the killing avenue to appear. At that time, it was not the current confrontation, but the confrontation between Slaughter Avenue and Heaven's Punishment, and the confrontation between the avenues!

"What a Xing Tian, ​​what a Slaughter Avenue. It seems that he has truly realized the true meaning of the Slaughter Avenue. What he lacks now is time. As long as he has enough time, he can really walk out of the Slaughter Avenue. Tianzheng Dao is not unavailable. Maybe he really wants to succeed this time. I don’t know if this is what he has already calculated or is forced by the situation. This is really a big change. His appearance may bring the whole world. More turmoil will make those alien races crazier, and the time left for the empire is running out. The alien races will not continue to wait any longer. Otherwise, even if the empire is truly destroyed, they will not be able to replace the human race, and the human emperor will still be It belongs to the human race!"

Yes! Those alien races really can’t afford to wait. The changes in the empire have had a great impact on them. First, the generals in the border are full of fighting spirit and murderousness, and then there are changes within the empire. Now Xingtian’s terrifying avenue of killing made them even more frightened, killing the heavens, the land, and the common people. This is the avenue of killing everything. If such power is controlled by the empire, it will be a great disaster for all foreign races. , Will not be able to bear it!

"Now it's up to the emperor to choose. If the emperor can really put down the air and get the forgiveness of the lunatic Xingtian, maybe things are really troublesome. This lunatic is really terrible. Such a pure killing avenue is so terrible. Dadao felt that once he was allowed to prove the Dao, the consequences would be really unimaginable, and it would really be out of our grasp. We can’t let him develop. We should discuss with our ancestors to lift the previous absolute determination, or Xing Tian will definitely become Our biggest hidden danger!"

"Release the agreement? It's ridiculous. You think it's something you can decide. You think it's so simple. This is not just the oath of the ancestors and theirs, but also the oath of all races. The ancestors don’t have ours in their eyes. Existence does not care whether we can calculate success or replace the emperor. For the ancestors, the most important thing is transcendence. In the face of transcendence, everything is not worth mentioning, we say no more. Use, all this can only be solved by ourselves!"

"Yes, the ancestors had already said something beforehand. We will handle this catastrophe by ourselves. Now we have to look at the methods of Taipingdao. After all, there is a blood relationship between Taipingdao and Xingtian. At this time, they did their best. We can’t resist everything. He just sits outside and watches the changes. They must also take the responsibility that belongs to them. Otherwise, we can no longer pin our hopes on these bastards. We have to Look for another method. After all, our life and death cannot be controlled by others. This is very important to us, and we cannot be careless!"

It’s easy to say, but hard to do. Let everyone talk about their own views and solutions. They all have endless ideas, but if you really want to achieve it, it’s extremely difficult. Peace Road is not a fool, and it’s impossible to be the first bird, and Everyone is just a cooperative relationship, just an exchange of interests. It is not realistic and impossible to want them to stand up against the empire!


"Well, everyone should stop talking about these words that do not see hope. Will Peace Road listen to us? Our relationship with them is just cooperation, just a deal. Let them help us. This is impossible, and you I think that at this time, under such circumstances, Taiping Dao dare to meet Xing Tian, ​​dare to use blood relationship to talk about things?"

Without waiting for these people to answer, the strong man shook his head again and said: "Impossible, nor dare! They won't make fun of their lives. Today's Xingtian is completely different. It's a world of difference from before. Xing Tian has truly integrated into the killing avenue, and he is truly indifferent. At this time, using blood to stimulate Xing Tian will only cause a devastating blow. It is impossible for the **** of the peace road to think that they will only sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. I will wait for the end of everything!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Those people on Taipingdao are not fools, and they won’t see Xingtian in this situation. They don’t dare to make fun of their lives. If they really anger Xingtian, there is only a dead end waiting for them, a lunatic who practiced the killing avenue, then It is the most terrifying and dangerous, and blood will be splashed on the spot if you are not careful!

“It’s better to rely on people than on ourselves. We can’t do nothing, we can’t wait for the end of everything. Xing Tian can’t move or move, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t influence him. If a peaceful **** wants to stay out of the matter, we Perhaps we can use the news of the Tongtian River Water God to exchange Xingtian’s power, exchange Xingtian’s shot, and use Taipingdao’s power to contain Xingtian, and even if we don’t say it, the emperor might say that instead of letting the emperor sell Xingtian, This cause and effect is not as good as ours!"

"Asshole, you are crazy, do you know what you are talking about? You are betraying your allies. If this spreads out, the consequences will be even more disastrous. The peaceful lunatic will betray us directly. You want us to die. Is it faster? It's not that the lunatics of the Peace Road don't know anything about us. Once they provoke them, it will not do us any good!"

"Huh! Ignorance, stupid, when this comes, we are still thinking about so much, the **** of the Peace Road don't care about our success or failure, why should we care about their losses, and the matter of Tongtianhe Water God can't be concealed, Let’s not talk about it, but the emperor will still say. At that time, the benefits will only be obtained by the emperor, and we will not get anything. Instead of allowing the emperor to get the friendship of Xingtian, it is better for us to get this benefit and it can be resolved. Xingtian's dissatisfaction with us!"

In an instant, there were two factions among the wealthy family. One side wanted to cooperate with Xing Tian and wanted to resolve the conflict with Xing Tian, ​​while the other side was unwilling to do so, unwilling to betray his allies, and unwilling to anger Taiping. Tao, so as not to let their secrets be exposed in the eyes of the emperor, and in the eyes of the empire, it would be a disaster for them!

When such a situation arises, neither of the two parties can persuade each other, and the rift can not help but arise. When this happens, all the family owners of the wealthy family feel the crisis. Once the split occurs, it is also ruined for them. Sexual blows, Taipingdao will betray their secrets. Will no one rebel in the family alliance after the split?

"Damn, it's all this **** punishment day. Since he appeared, we have faced repeated tests. His existence is the biggest hidden danger, the biggest crisis. I think we should kill him at all costs. Only when this **** is eliminated can we get back on the right path and be more united!"

"Exterminated Xingtian, what a big tone, under this situation, are we capable of doing it? Don’t say that you have the ability to tear apart the power of Heaven’s Punishment, and can directly attack Xingtian in Heaven’s Punishment. If you have With such power, then we support your decision. If you can’t make it, then don’t talk about it. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to everyone’s survival! The most important point is that Xing Tian is not an ordinary person, but a person who should be robbed. How much strength we have to kill those who should be killed in the catastrophe can do this, how much luck we have can be wasted, can be spent on this point, you tell me!"

The person who should be robbed, when someone once again proposed the identity of Xingtian, the person who should be robbed, the person who clamored to behead Xingtian couldn't help lowering his head and kill a person who should be robbed. That would need to endure the backlash of the great road. And whoever of them is willing to bear this cause and effect, this karma, no one wants to do so, and one of them bears this cause and effect, this karma, let alone dead forever, that is, the whole family will be shattered. , This is an enemy with the Dao, is self-defeating!

"Xingtian’s identity cannot be revealed. We only need to know it ourselves. Don’t let other forces know it. No one knows this secret. Naturally, some people will attack Xingtian, which will restrain Xingtian’s energy, and we will have fewer opportunities to expose. It will lower the emperor’s vigilance against us. In this situation, caution is the most important thing. We want to be stable instead of adventurous. If we are more vigilant, we will have more vitality. Heaven proves, slaughter and punishment, we need someone to contain Xingtian’s power, and we need to prevent Xingtian from noticing us. I know that some people don’t want to see too much loss in our family, but in the midst of catastrophe, This kind of loss is inevitable. I believe that everyone can understand this decision, and there will be gains if you pay. I don't think anyone wants to let the price paid appear on our own!"

The wealthy family is a series of interests. Every wealthy family has countless connections and friendships. Many Patriarchs who participated in this big secret are not willing to see the family related to them ruined without knowing it. I don't want to see their relatives and friends die, but the reality is so cruel, they have to accept this result!


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