God of Destruction

Chapter 3990: Hate

Chapter 3990 Hate

"I don't think it is necessary. Xingtian's identity is not a secret at all. Maybe not many people know it during the time, but over time, everyone will be clear, and we really have to do this, I'm afraid it will make a lot of After all, they are also a member of the family, and we are too much to conceal this secret! People’s hearts are different from others. Once the hearts of the people are scattered, it will be very difficult to get together again. I don’t know how much it will cost, and we can go now , Not just our own efforts, but more of the family’s endless years of accumulation. If this accumulated reputation is ruined, even if our plan can be concealed, how far we can go, after all, we In the end, we need the help of many families!"

When someone raised an objection, when the other party uttered such a great truth, the patrons of the many families present were pondering. This is indeed a big problem. Temporary concealment will eventually bring a huge amount to oneself and the family. Fame is very important to the family. People's hearts cannot be scattered. Once one is scattered, it will be difficult to gather together. But just telling those people Xing Tian's identity so easily, everyone was not reconciled, after all, these people were the best thugs.

"Why not, we inform the families that are united around us, and other families that are outside of our group, let them fend for themselves, after all, they are not the same as us, we don’t need to notify them. And at this time, even if we say it, many people don’t take it seriously. On the contrary, they will think that this is our deliberate deception. We must know that benefits are used to use people. Under the temptation of this huge benefit, it is difficult for anyone to resist!"

The human heart is separated by the belly, and no one knows what the other person is thinking, and no one knows what the results of his persuasion will be. Now it is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Under the influence of the qi, everything can happen. Xingtian All the people present are very clear about how much benefits are on their backs, even they can't bear it, let alone others!

"Okay, this is the case. Time waits for no one. Let's act quickly and tell those people about Xingtian's identity. As for how they choose, that is their own business. We have said everything that should be said. They have their own hands. If someone is ignorant and causes a murder, and ends up in a dead end, it is only for him!"

Xingtian’s tribulation brought about a series of changes. From the beginning of the tribulation, it has been impacting everyone’s minds. Even now, the burial masters of these many families still dare not take it lightly or sloppy. To the effect, because no one knows what crazy actions Xing Tian will make in the next moment. At this time, no one will believe that this is Xing Tian's final details.

For the outside world, for those wealthy families, and many other forces, Xing Tian didn't care. Before he passed his punishment, Xing Tian had already thought of how his enemies would react, whether he was greedy or crazy, Xing Tian didn't care. Cares, as long as the punishment is still there, no one can rush into the punishment. Perhaps some people think why no one is willing to sacrifice themselves, rush into the punishment, deepen the power of the punishment, and use the power of the punishment to destroy the punishment. A hidden danger, for those wealthy families and many other forces, the dead are not a rare power, they have the power to do so!

This is indeed possible, but the previous question is that you can do it, not everyone can have this ability. When the punishment comes, the major forces dare not take it lightly and take strict precautions. Under this situation, if someone rushes Going to the heavens, it can only be said that his power is extremely terrifying, and can force the defense of the major forces. How can such a powerful person make such a sacrifice!

As far as the major forces are concerned, no one wants to see such a situation happen. If Xingtian, a madman, fails because of external forces, the consequences will be more serious. No one knows what kind of crazy things this madman will do when he is angry. , If this lunatic introduces Heaven’s Punishment to the entire imperial capital, who will bear the huge consequences at that time? No family or force can withstand this karma, nor can it withstand the attacks of all forces. After all, this is not a trivial matter. !

Xingtian’s amulet is Xingtian’s amulet. When this day’s punishment is also Xingtian’s chance, Xingtian’s spirit, will, and warfare will be fully integrated. When the sword of killing moves, it can be said that Xingtian’s whole person With the force of attack, when a sword hit the eyes of the punishment, Xingtian’s spirit felt a great impact. That was the impact of the origin of the punishment. This was the backlash of the punishment. The sword of killing faced the origin of the punishment. Come to a terrible life and death duel!

"Damn, what a terrible power of punishment, what a terrifying mental impact, this time the punishment is really not trivial, it is almost entirely directed at me, a powerful mental impact, this is to directly put me to death, no Give me any chance to stand up and kill my soul directly. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the power of punishment is, my will will not shrink. My will to fight will not be obliterated. The intent to fight will not be destroyed. There is the power to counterattack, the origin of killing will explode to me, to prove the truth, kill! Kill! Kill!

Without hesitation, when his spirit confronted the eye of punishment, the terrible spiritual impact in the eyes of punishment of the day, when the soul impact appeared, Xing Tian directly detonated his own killing source, and made the final blow, killing the avenue. Without reservation, it exploded directly in the eyes of the punishment, using this ultimate power to complete his plan, to complete the last fight of the killing of heaven!

It is not impossible to slaughter the Heaven Punishment. Once the source of the slaughter exploded, the strong light of the Eye of Heaven Punishment began to dissipate, and the cracks quickly densely covered the Eye of Heaven Punishment. The source of the terrible killing was truly true. The essence of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment was shaken, and the force of killing was frantically strangling the origin of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, strangling the origin of Heaven's Punishment!

"It turned out to be a madman with the killing testimony. This turned out to be a suicide attack. I gave up the source of killing and did this last fight. I was crazy, really crazy. It is hard to punish the heavens, and the source of killing is punished from heaven. There was an explosion in the eyes of Zhizhi, such a crazy thing, only the lunatic Xing Tian dared to do it, and he almost lost all his power in a single blow. If the punishment had not been dispersed, I am afraid that he is dead now, I don’t know. How many enemies will rush forward!"

Yes! Now I don’t know how many crazy people long for the punishment of Xingtian, and then rush to the sky to kill Xingtian. At this time, Xingtian hardly has the power to resist and the power to continue fighting. This is Zhan. The best time to kill Xing Tian, ​​but unfortunately the punishment still exists, leaving them at a loss!


"Asshole, how could this be? Is the punishment to punish Xingtian, or is it to protect Xingtian, if there is no such thing, we can now directly exterminate the lunatic Xingtian, eliminate this hidden danger, and take away the lunatic from this lunatic? All opportunities!"

Countless people are scolding Tianchao, and their mood is extremely depressed. It is really rare to be punished, and it is really rare to be like a punishment. There are countless enemies outside, and there are terrible disasters, but this is the case. The power was blocked by Tiancai, and there was no way for this person to rob Xingtian. He could only watch the opportunity and sit in front of his own eyes.

hate! Countless people hate and hate Xingtian's good luck! Of course, some people understand that all this is nothing but Xingtian’s calculations. He deliberately uses the power of Heaven’s Punishment to prevent sneak attacks by their enemies. Some people even think in their hearts that Xingtian triggers the Heaven’s Punishment Tribulation in the emperor. Will this be true? In deliberately stimulating the enemy, deliberately trying to induce the enemy to take action, use the power of heaven to destroy those enemies, clear a large number of enemies for yourself, so that you can relax!

All in all, people have all kinds of ideas. This is the change caused by Xingtian, and this is the result of Xingtian’s madness. Many people can’t stand it, but see that the punishment still exists that day, even if the eye of the punishment is received. He suffered heavy damage and was heading towards destruction bit by bit, but the punishment of heaven was still not over, and Xing Tian was still in the punishment of heaven!

"Damn God's punishment, why don't you stop smashing a thunderbolt and directly smashing the **** of Death Penalty Tian, ​​obviously there is a great opportunity to destroy this lunatic directly, why do you want to give him a chance to breathe!" If Heaven Punishment adds a little more strength and slashes a bolt of thunder, Xing Tian can be killed, but is that the case? Xing Tian is really as bad as it seems, he is really exhausted, and he is no longer able to fight against Tianchao, is he really able to kill with a thunder?

No, things are not that simple. Xingtian seems to be the weakest time, but he still hasn't reached the end of the mountain. Even if the punishment falls on the power of thunder, he can't kill Xingtian, because there is hidden behind Xingtian's soaring killing avenue. With the horrible Devouring Avenue, there is Devouring Avenue, even if Xing Tianshe killed himself all by himself, he was not truly desperate!

"People are moving! The major forces and families in the entire imperial capital are crazy. They are all scolding Tiancai, and they all think this is the best time to kill Xingtian, but they are affected by the Tiancai. Self-righteous, all fascinated by profit, lost in mind, with the character of Xingtian, a lunatic, how could he be trapped in such a desperate situation, he must have no killer, perhaps his avenue of killing is not as simple as the surface , He has a chance to succeed this time. The Eye of Heaven Punishment will not last long. After a long time, Xingtian’s source of killing will erode the last power of the Eye of Heaven Punishment, Heaven Punishment. When the Eye of Death was extinguished, Xing Tian really completed the act of killing the sky and proving the way. Even if it was only the killing of the Eye of the punishment, this has also completed the postgraduate study of the way of killing the sky. I just don’t know what he will be after the sermon. Looks like!"

No one knows what it will look like after success, but one thing is certain. Once Xing Tian is restored to its original origin, the strength will be greatly improved. If you want to encircle Xing Tian, ​​the price you need to pay Under this circumstance, the greedy people and the crazy people will launch an attack desperately. Even if they know that there will be danger, they will do their best to launch a final attack on Xingtian at all costs. .

"At the end of the punishment, there will be a more terrible killing. To prove the way by killing the heavens, and then the robbery of these ignorant people will appear. Xingtian's killing avenue will be further, and even more fearful. These The **** is simply giving money to Xing Tian, ​​helping Xing Tian to cultivate the Avenue of Killing, and helping Xing Tian go further on the Avenue of Killing!"

"Haha! This is the human heart, this is human nature! Greed is always the most terrifying existence in the human heart. At this time, under such circumstances, no one can stop all of this. To be honest, I'm wondering if all of this is possible. Xing Tian had already planned it. With the help of Heaven's Punishment, he attracted the killing intent of the major families in the imperial capital and attracted a group of ignorant people to add more help to his avenue of killing. With heaven's punishment and man's calamity, what Xingtian lacks is only the earth's calamity. It can be said that under a heavenly punishment, he may complete two of the three calamities. If this is really a calculation, the consequences are really disastrous. The young people today are so terrible, terrible to the horror!"

"Young man? No, the lunatic Xing Tian is not a young man at all. He is an old fox. He deliberately caused this killing. He deliberately wanted to attract more ignorant people for his own practice, so he could find plenty of excuses for himself. Killing, killing two birds with one stone, can not only strengthen the origin of oneself, but also deter the enemy with killing!"

"Yeah! It's terrible. I really don't know where and how far this catastrophe will develop. I feel more and more powerless about the situation, as if everything is changing, everything is unknown. A little clue, can our plan really succeed?" In an instant, someone's belief was shaken, and this series of changes made his mood appear flawed, and his mood was shaken, causing such a terrible state of mind. Thoughts!

"Perhaps we really have too much consideration, we think too much, if we let everything go without so much consideration, will it be another situation? I think we are a little too gloomy, competing for the world , Just relying on conspiracies and tricks will not work, even if we can break the dragon veins of the empire, can we really get the most benefit, really can rob the emperor of the emperor? I think we should reconsider it, After all, the development of the situation is more and more beyond our imagination and beyond our calculations, and we have no real allies at all, no real power to rely on! Conspiracy and trickery can only gain temporary benefits, but it is rare to win the ultimate victory. Is the throne of the emperor!"


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