God of Destruction

Chapter 3991: Knot shift

Chapter 3391 Change

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about? Do you want us to die faster? Face-to-face confrontation with the emperor and the empire. Do we have such power? If we really have such power, we still need it. With such care and caution, I think you were affected by the robbery, and you even said such a ridiculous statement. You think we don’t want to fight the empire with integrity, or take the throne of the emperor with integrity, we think, But we don't have this strength, we can only endure now!"

"Patience? When will we have to endure until the end? This is a great calamity of heaven and earth. There are many crises in the great calamity, and there are countless opportunities. If we don't even have the courage to get ahead, we still talk about grand plans, and what else can we talk about fighting for the world? The position of the emperor is just a joke. We have been so patient, and it won’t take long for everyone’s courage to dissipate. At that time, we will only make wedding dresses for others, and will only become others’ stepping stones! It’s time for us to make changes. Otherwise, I really don’t see any hope of victory, because I don’t feel a little courage in you. You are just so-called old-fashioned talk, but we do What is it? That is a major event to seize the world. Is old-fashioned talk useful? If we blindly compromise and give in, we will only lose more and more people's hearts, lose the recognition of the wealthy family, without the recognition of many families, do you think we still Will there be some chance of winning, and will I still be able to achieve my wish?"

A series of questions embarrassed everyone and caused many people's contemplation. It also resonated with a small group of people. Blindly giving in is really not a performance of fighting for the world. Doing so will only compromise oneself little by little. Luck, not even the courage to face the enemy, not even the courage to face the emperor, what great cause is there to talk about!

"I think these remarks are very reasonable. We really can't continue like this, otherwise the courage in our hearts will be smoothed out bit by bit over time, and in the end we will no longer be able to be part of the Empire. The courage to fight, even if our plan is successful, it will only be a wedding dress for others, and will only become a stepping stone for others! I also hope that everyone can think about it carefully and don’t just give in. We can’t bear it. Such an ending!"

There are consultations and conversations again and again, no one mentions the name of the other party. Such a close organization has to be said to be very powerful. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is the capital city. No one knows the emperor. Knowing whether the empire has magical powers to intercept their conversations, without mentioning names or addressing them, this is for their own safety, for everyone's safety, so that no outsider can know their identity unless someone rebels!

Silence, everyone fell into silence once again. At this time, no one cared about Xingtian's chances, and they didn't care about the chances brought by the punishment of heaven. They all had to carefully consider the issue at hand. It is indeed impossible to blindly give in. If we continue, or else we will lose our hearts and minds. Without our hearts and the recognition and assistance of a wealthy family, the so-called great cause is just empty talk, and it's just a big joke, and it will only end up in death. , Whether it is the current emperor or the powerhouse who will seize the world in the future, they cannot tolerate them, these wealthy families!

"We are indeed going to make a change. Before, we were all too self-righteous, too arrogant, thinking that we could calculate success, we just forget about it, but even if we want to stand up, it is not this time, we need to be fully prepared. At least everyone must ensure their own safety and the safety of their families. From now on, everyone should prepare to move the family power out of the imperial capital bit by bit and spread it throughout the entire empire, as our power The complete withdrawal from the imperial capital is when we raise our banner against the empire, and when we confront the empire head-on."

"How are we now? Do we still have to give up many wealthy families and continue to be in danger of Xingtian? Do we still need to have a deeper exchange with Taipingdao? All these are what we urgently need to make choices. After all, this is what we want now. In the face of the situation, time waits for no one, we don’t have so much time to waste!"

"Yeah, we don't have so much time to waste. Such a major event requires everyone to express their opinions!" No one is willing to carry this scapegoat for such a matter. Once they make the wrong decision, they are extinct from the wealthy family. Destroy yourself from the team!

"Notify everyone, but do it more secretly. Don't expose us and let those external forces handle it. After all, this is not a trivial matter. At this time, it is the human emperor. It is the craziest time of the empire. The power is staring at all of us, all the forces, all the wealthy families, once exposed, it will not be good for us. After all, we are not fully prepared and have no ability to go to war with the empire!"

Invisible in the dark, blindly using conspiracy and tricks to calculate the enemy, calculate the emperor, and calculate the empire. This is no big deal for ordinary people, and can make themselves safer, but for them who are determined to take the world and take the emperor. This is indeed not a good thing for everyone of the Zongzun. After all, they are different from mortals. They have super-high ideals. Once the courage in their hearts is wiped out, their so-called great deeds are nothing but spectacles.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, some people could not help but sigh: "Oh! I am ignorant, why don't I understand this, but do we have the strength now? Can the wealthy family really be reliable? You take it for granted. However, I don’t know how many of the wealthy families have been wooed away by the emperor. After all, the emperor is orthodox and has the temptation of entrustment. Under such temptation, how many of the wealthy families are worth relying on!"

Although there are so many thoughts in my heart, but these words cannot be said. Once they are said, it is equivalent to being in a unique family, and it is equivalent to splitting with everyone. After all, the many Patriarchs present have countless involvements with other families. It is impossible for them to give up their companions, and even among them, they have different ideas and fights. After all, there is only one seat of the emperor. When the great cause is successful, who will sit in the world, This is another problem!

auzw.com Now everything is just the beginning. Although the position of the emperor is very attractive, everyone can bear it, but with the passage of time and the progress of the plan, it will not take long Many people will fight for the throne of this man. At that time, their group was the most dangerous time. At that time, all the situations would be extremely dangerous!

Endless worries rushed to my mind, and the reborn Patriarch sighed again. He raised his head and looked at the void, watching the battle between Xingtian and the eye of the punishment, and the change of the punishment. When the situation reached this point, the sky If the punishment is not changed, Xing Tian Du Jie will be successful, killing heaven and proving Dao will be realized, and killing avenue will go further.

"What are the ancestors thinking about, and why would they allow a lunatic like Xing Tian to survive? His existence is the biggest threat to the wealthy family. Even if this madman is someone who should be robbed, it is impossible with the strength of the ancestors. There is no way to kill it, and the person who should be robbed is not immortal, nor can it die. Why did the ancestor ignore it?"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! At this time, the Patriarch's heart couldn't help but become suspicious of his ancestors and the many old guys who made decisions. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, full of dangers, and if you are a little careless, you and your family will have to be destroyed. At that time, even if my ancestors did something incomprehensible, they would worry and doubt the Patriarch!

In the eyes of these patriarchs, the family’s interests are more important than everything else, but for those ancestors, they have lived too long, so long as the ancestors have changed. Under such circumstances, the patriarch must naturally be cautious. You must know that in order to be detached, no one knows what their ancestors will do, and for their own longevity, will their ancestors sacrifice the interests of the family!

"Unfortunately, I still know too little about this world, and I still know too little about the Supreme Chaos World. It is only from the records of the family, and what I know is still limited. Those who descended may be a good choice, maybe We should know more from them. After all, they are connected to the Supreme Chaos World. They know many things we don't know, and they know what our ancestors are unwilling to tell us. Perhaps this is the key to breaking the game!"

In the face of interests, there is no right or wrong, and there are no enemies. There are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies. When interests are above all else, enemies will become friends, not to mention that with the changes in the disaster, some sensitive There was a hint of worry in the Patriarch’s heart, especially now that Xing Tian has provoke Tian Punishment, and even relies on Tian Punishment to prove the killing avenue. Such crazy actions did not cause any reaction from the ancestors, nor did it attract foreign powerhouses. Interference, which has to worry those Patriarchs!

Connect with the Supreme Chaos World? Not to mention, these Patriarchs really got the right idea. When the situation changes again and again, when everything is out of the imagination of many descendants, when they face this terrible crisis of life and death, many descendants repeatedly, again and again. The earth is in contact with the sect of the supreme chaotic world, hoping to get help from the sect, and even many people are hoping that the sect can accept them and return to the supreme chaotic world, so that they can escape from this place of death.

Yes, in the hearts of many descendants, this realm battlefield world has become a place of death, those sects, wealthy families, and the empire have become extremely crazy, and they are all tracking their whereabouts. Too many descendants of the same sect have already died here. The power left in this world in the original sect has long been deteriorating. It has long been separated from the sect, and no longer cares about these descendants, even Someone directly killed them.

No matter how secretive the power, no matter how firm the belief, it can’t stand the test in the face of endless years. It’s normal to have such a situation, and those who die are just too stupid fools, who have not experienced **** battles. Rookies, none of the old guys who reincarnated in reincarnation died in the hands of these people, because they never believed in the power of the sect in this world. For these old guys in reincarnation, they would always believe in themselves. , Except for themselves, they don't believe in anyone, even people from the same sect. In the face of absolute benefits, their companions will also become killers!

No matter how those who descended contacted the sect, it was a pity that they could not connect with the sect. The whole world was shielded by a powerful force, and at this moment, the sect of the Supreme Chaos World was also aware of the boundary battlefield. The world’s changes, it’s a pity that the Zongmen is now unable to help them, because there are too many territories and the world has undergone abnormal changes. The series of changes caught Zongmen by surprise, and they didn’t know what to do and how to deal with this. Sudden changes!

When the final tribulation of heaven and earth arrived, inexplicable changes occurred in the battlefield world of many territories, as if the whole world was changing, and the power of the world was getting rid of the connection of the highest chaotic world bit by bit. Little by little, it disappeared in the induction of many sects. This situation is not in that area or the area of ​​that sect, but almost all areas of the battlefield are changing. The change made Zongmen feel uneasy.

Contact with the high-level racial civilization, but can't get any answer, because to the racial civilization, their foreign counterparts are nothing but ants, and the high-level do not care about their life and death. As for the battlefield world, many civilizations also They are not willing to invest too much energy, after all, what they care most about is themselves, but the core of the supreme chaotic world, the core force of racial civilization, and the changes in the outer domain, they will not invest too much energy!

Without the help of racial civilization, and without knowing what happened in the battlefield of the realm, the many forces and races around the entire Supreme Chaos World were panicking. For them, the genius of the sect was broken once this time. Damage to the boundary battlefield world would be a huge blow to Zongmen, and would suffer heavy losses, but they couldn’t find a solution to the problem, so they could only act in a hurry, and as time passed, they I found that every world has a powerful world power, and there are mysterious powers condensing. This power is constantly increasing, but once this power is fully erupted, it will completely cut off the connection with the Supreme Chaos World. The information passed down by civilization will be lost!


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