God of Destruction

Chapter 3992: Festival Secret

Chapter 3992: Secret

What realm battlefield world will merge into the Supreme Chaos World after the Great Tribulation, this will all become nothingness, at least in the eyes of the major forces outside the Supreme Chaos World, the major sects seem to be impossible, because the realm The forces appearing in the battlefield world are obviously repelling the power of the Supreme Chaos World and blocking the connection of the Supreme Chaos World.

The connection with the Supreme Chaos World was broken, and the descendants of the Territory Battlefield World were also in chaos. Whether it was the ordinary descendants or the reincarnation powerhouses, they were shocked by the shock, ordinary The descendants cannot feel the changes in the origin of the world, but it is different for those who are strong in reincarnation. They can deeply feel the changes from the origin, the changes in the world, and the influence of the origin on their own avenues.

Yes, the origin of the realm battlefield world is undergoing a qualitative change, and this change has a great impact on those who are strong. It is a change in the essence of the Dao, and this change is very important for those who descended on the Dao. Dangerous, because this change is different from the original origin of the Dao in the Supreme Chaos World, and it is not the slightest difference in Dao practice.

For Xing Tian, ​​although he also felt the changes in the world, Xing Tian did not have a deep understanding of the origin of the supreme chaotic world, so he didn’t care much about the changes in the origin of the world. The most important thing is that Xing Tian’s practice is the Dao of Chaos Gods and Demons. World Dao, even if the nature of the boundary battlefield world has changed, it will not affect Xing Tian's practice. Now, although Xing Tian deity is immersed in Dao's perception, in the transformation of gods and demons, the changes in the world have little impact on it.

The world is changing, and Xingtian’s phantom body is not affected by it. The killing avenue is killing, and killing is not subject to the change of its origin. This is even more so for the Devouring avenue. Now that the world has changed, Xingtian still does not retreat in the face of the punishment , Still fighting to the death.

Unparalleled fighting spirit, murderous aura, when Xing Tian has no fear in his heart, he really has no fear of life and death, this is the final battle, even if it is a war death, Xingtian has no fear, life and death fearless, this is Xingtian now The true situation is also Xingtian's original intention!

If there is fear in the Slaughter Avenue, it is impossible to succeed, and the same is true for the Devouring Avenue. At this time, if Xing Tian cares about life and death, it is impossible to survive this catastrophe. You can only put everything aside and only give up your life. Only by breaking a **** path can you truly walk out of your own way and be able to gain a foothold in the world! ]

When the origin of his own killing exploded in the eyes of the punishment, when Xing Tian rushed into the punishment without any consideration, Xing Tian felt the changes in the origin of the world, the changes in the world, and at this time, Xing Tian did not have that much Too much time to consider, life and death are only in an instant. At this time, if you lose your mind, you are ruining yourself. Xing Tian has not yet been ignorant to this level. In such a terrifying battle of life and death, you are distracted by your own life. Irresponsible!

Seeing Xing Tian flying up and seeing Xing Tian rushing into the punishment of heaven, all the people in the imperial capital who watched the battle sighed. They finally understood that the gap between themselves and Xing Tian was there. Faith, that is decisiveness, that is madness, and that is fearlessness. Let them face this kind of punishment. They have no courage to rush into the punishment, especially when they pay such a high price. It seems that this is almost self-defeating!

To die and live, this is Xing Tian's choice! This is Xing Tian's decision! When facing such a terrible crisis, there is no determination to put it to death and live afterwards. It will not get out of it. In such a crisis, the slightest hesitation will ruin one's life, and the road of killing will never lack death. Accompanyingly, when deciding to take the path of killing, when deciding to condense the genius of the killing avenue, Xing Tian understood this deeply and knew how dangerous the situation he was about to face!

"Crazy, this lunatic is really crazy. He doesn't take his life seriously. Under such circumstances, he dares to do such crazy things. Is he really not afraid of death? Is there any fear? Who is this madman and why he has such crazy thoughts!" Don’t understand, don’t understand, this is how many practitioners in the Imperial Capital feel about Xingtian. They don’t understand what Xingtian’s mind is thinking. Why is Xing Tian so crazy? Could it be that the people who practice the avenue of killing are so crazy? They are so crazy that people feel scared and uneasy.

Yes! At this moment, the strong among all the imperial capitals felt deep fear and anxiety. A madman who didn’t regard his life as the same thing. Who can not fear, and who can feel safe in his heart, if such a person let him Living in the imperial capital is such a disaster for everyone, who knows what this madman will do if he is unhappy!

"Human Sovereign, give up. Even if this madman has our blood, we can't have too much contact with him. His existence is a threat to everyone. Such a person is beyond our control. I Knowing that you, as a human emperor, are confident and think that you can control the whole world, but for such a madman, beyond your ability, no one can control such a madman, because he has never feared in his heart, even the world is not afraid , Let alone you emperor!"

When I heard his ancestors say such a thing, the expression of the emperor changed again and again. You must know that when he saw Xing Tian Dujie, the emperor had countless thoughts in his heart, wanting to do whatever it takes. After serving Xingtian, he even thought of letting his ancestor take action, but he didn't expect that his ancestor would say such a thing before waiting for him to speak!

Give up. At this time, I gave up a terrible thug like Xing Tian, ​​do I still have a chance to subdue the opponent in the future? Don't give up, without the help of your ancestors, you need to be able to negotiate with Xingtian, and you must be able to negotiate with Xingtian. After completing your transformation, Xingtian will have the same attitude as before?

auzw.com At this time, the emperor once again felt regret. He knew that Xingtian, a lunatic, had such terrible potential and had such a crazy side, so he shouldn’t refuse. Now everything is too late. I lost a big chance for nothing!

After a while, the emperor sighed and said: "Ancestor, I am unwilling. If I can accept the penalty day, it will be of great help to the entire royal family, and it will also be of great benefit to the entire world. We really can Turning things around can reshape the world and reproduce the flourishing age of the empire. Just give up, it is really hard for me to give up!"

Seeing the unwilling look of the Emperor Human, the ancestor of the royal family gently shook his head and said: "What if you are not willing, do you have the ability to master him? Will a crazy person like him let you master it? You have to know that everything in the entire empire is now up to you to decide and control, but do you really have the power to do all this? Don’t put hope on us old guys, no matter what happens in the empire, no matter what No matter how chaotic the world is, we can't take action until the final catastrophe arrives. This is a rule, a rule that no one can change, neither can we!"

rule! At this time, the ancestors of the royal family raised the rules. Did they also feel the changes in the world and the nature of the world? Are they taking precautions, or why they would be so cautious? It's really just because of the original vows. ? Although it is said that this vow was made jointly with the major alien races, it is not that they have no chance to regret it, nor is it impossible to do it. Why did they still make such a choice? Is there really no other reason for this?

I don’t know, no one knows, at least no one except these old guys knows what they are thinking, no one knows what they are calculating, if they say that they have no idea, no one will believe it, even the emperor. I don’t believe it. When the situation changes again and again, when things develop to this point, the emperor can’t help but also have a faint doubt and a faint uneasiness in his heart, as if he was placed on the bright side and regarded as scapegoat!

No one wants to make wedding dresses for others, no one wants to be regarded as a substitute for death, the emperor is even more so, perhaps such a decision is beneficial to the royal family, but as the emperor, he is not reconciled to it, he has to resist, he has to struggle, he Want to change oneself, change this world, change this big environment, and Xing Tian is his best choice, best assistant!

"Old ancestor, is it really impossible? Although alien races are dangerous, the borders of the empire have undergone qualitative changes. Under the temptation of cracking the soil and enclosing the borders, those generals and even many aristocratic families are crazy about it and willing to serve the empire However, under this situation, we don’t need to have too much consideration. It can be said that there is no major threat to the outside of the empire. The lunatic is our best fighter, and he also has the blood of our royal family. He is our best choice and our only opportunity!"

The Emperor is still defending. I don’t want to let go. He still wants to try to persuade the ancestors of the royal family and get the support of the ancestors. He believes that as long as the ancestors help, he has the ability to reverse everything and change the overall situation. And now that time is waiting for no one, Xing Tian doesn't know when he will be able to prove the truth. Once Xing Tian succeeds, he doesn't have much time left!

"Give up, it’s good to you, to the royal family, to the whole world. The cause and effect of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is too big for the entire empire to bear. Although you are an emperor, you can’t afford it. Cause and effect, the avenue of killing will not become a avenue after all. No matter how crazy and powerful the lunatic Xingtian is now, it will be difficult for him to escape this catastrophe, because he is the one who should be catastrophic, if it is the catastrophe under normal circumstances. , The people who should be robbed are no taboos, they are protected by heaven, but this time is different, this time is the final catastrophe, this catastrophe is the transformation of the world, and it is also the transformation of the world. Shen, ten deaths and no life is his end, and if you have a cause and effect with him, do you think the empire will still have life?"

Shock! In an instant, the Emperor was completely shocked by these words. He never thought that things would be like this. He didn't expect that the throne of the Emperor would be obtained under such circumstances. At this time, he won the title of the Emperor. This is really terrifying, once the great catastrophe ends, the emperor himself will be backlashed with the end of the great catastrophe!

"Damn it, how could this happen? I knew that, I shouldn't have taken the position of the emperor, shouldn't bear the responsibility of the emperor, but now it's very difficult for me to get away. It seems in the eyes of the ancestors, My so-called Human Sovereign is only a chess piece, or a discarded piece. Perhaps the whole empire is like this. He never thought of keeping the empire in his heart. All he cares about is detachment, but the ultimate catastrophe. The position of the emperor is not worth mentioning to him!"

In an instant, the human emperor seemed to understand everything, but it was too late now, and he was already in the game. If Xing Tian is a man who should be robbed of death, the same is true for himself as the emperor. Maybe He had so much more vitality than Xing Tian, ​​but this vitality seemed to the emperor to be nothingness and ethereal.

"Ancestor, is there no possibility of change? If the great catastrophe of heaven and earth is really going to end everything, then will the whole world still be alive? All living beings will face this terrible natural disaster of death, and who can survive this great catastrophe? If Xingtian can't survive in the middle, but do we have a chance? Under the catastrophe, the empire will be shattered, and my emperor will die forever!"

At this time, Human Sovereign seemed a little excited. After all, when he knew that he was in such a desperate situation, it was no wonder that Human Sovereign had such a reaction, and the more excited Human Sovereign was, the more reassuring it would be. There is no reaction, that is the real trouble. After all, the human emperor now has a trace of humane power, and a trace of humane power can still affect the overall situation of the world, and even affect the plans of those old guys. Their arrangement!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! At this moment, the emperor couldn't help but feel a craziness in his heart. He couldn't help but want to give the old guys who calculated himself a crazy counterattack, let them know that he is not easy to provoke, nor is it in their hands. A chess piece that can be fiddled with! Even if he died, he couldn't let his blood be cut off. He knew exactly how great the cause and effect the Emperor was carrying. He had suspected it before, but now he finally got confirmation from his ancestors, since he can't escape. Once you die, why not give it a go, why not teach those old guys a lesson, as for what the human race will end up, what will it end up, this is not in the consideration of the emperor!


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