God of Destruction

Chapter 3993: Jie Renhuang's Change

Chapter 3993: The Emperor's Change

"Perhaps I should have a deep exchange with Xing Tian. I think he should really want to know how dangerous his situation is. As a strong reincarnation, he should not refuse to cooperate. After all, his goal is detachment, not Secular rights are not the world. It can be said that he should be the best partner of our royal family!" The Emperor said his thoughts, worried that his ancestors would oppose it, and after taking a deep breath, the Emperor continued. Said, "The ancestor was also for transcendence, and Xing Tian is the same. Since this is above transcendence, there is no conflict with the ancestor. After all, he has the blood of our royal family. Cooperating with him is better than cooperating with other forces. After all, he can still be trusted. And Xing Tian is not as unbearable as the outside world said. He was able to come to the imperial capital for the first time to discuss cooperation, which shows that he still has a slight affection for the royal family in his heart!"

When they heard what the Emperor said, the ancestors of the royal family became silent and began to think about this issue carefully. They knew very little about Xingtian, a lunatic. Xingtian was a person who should be robbed, and they also speculated. Whether things are really so, it is difficult to determine, after all, under the great calamity of heaven and earth, all the secrets of heaven and earth are hidden! However, regardless of whether Xing Tian is a person who should be robbed or not, Xing Tian’s purpose is to be certain, to be detached, which can be said to be the same as the ancestors of the royal family. If someone can help each other on this road of detachment, they will naturally be better than others. Go smoother and go farther, especially Xing Tian may also know some secrets they don't know. This will be more beneficial to himself and the royal family!

How many ancestors exist in the royal family? The human emperor is not too clear, because he has not really mastered the power of the royal family from beginning to end. He does not have much power, and he has limited knowledge of the hidden power of the royal family. The only one who really knows how much hidden power the royal family has is now. The ancestor on the bright side!

After a while, the royal ancestor gently nodded and said, "This suggestion is not impossible, but there is a prerequisite, that is, we must determine whether Xing Tian is credible. If he is not of one mind with us, we can only cooperate with him. Bring endless disasters to the royal family. After all, he is a madman, an uncontrollable madman. This is a huge hidden danger! Another point is information sharing. We need to know the ancient secrets from him and know what is hidden in the world. Secrets, even the secrets of the secret world, only a powerful person like Xing Tian who is reincarnated in the ancient world can know the real secrets of the secret world, the secrets of the ancient gods and demons, the existence of the ancient gods and demons, for the entire world Has a huge impact!"

Ancient gods and demons, this is a huge hidden danger for all the old guys who desire to transcend this world, but they have nothing to do with each other, because these old guys have not found the secrets of the ancient gods and demons from start to finish, let alone these. What exactly the ancient gods and demons want to do and what they are calculating secretly, it can be said that every ancient **** and demons is their opponent.

After returning from the long river of time, how much of the ancient gods and demons left behind in this world, and what their plans are, no one knows. Those strong men who have entered the secret world and contacted the ancient inheritance all understand in their hearts. The horror of the ancient gods and demons, I understand how terrifying the opponent's calculations are, especially those who have really seen the power of the gods and demons.

When he heard the words of his ancestor, Ren Huang couldn't help but sneer again and again. Such a request is really ridiculous. Not to mention Xing Tian, ​​even if he would not agree, he didn't want to give anything. I just want to benefit from the other person. Such a good thing will happen in the world. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will care about the existence of the royal family, will he care about the help of those old guys? Not to mention that these old guys still have the restrictions of oaths and cannot make big shots. Under such circumstances, how could Xing Tian agree!

The Emperor said indifferently, "Ancestor, your request is too much. No one will agree to it. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, will not agree. No one will do anything that is not good. Xing Tian is no exception. Now Xing Tian and the royal family It's all fair transactions. Do you think that if we take the initiative to come and ask for cooperation, he will agree to your request and will be willing to share information with the royal family?"

"Since he has the blood of our royal family, he should take the royal family as the most important thing. He should agree to this requirement. This is the previous question. If he is unwilling to accept this request, you think Xingtian, a lunatic, is still worth us. Believe it, is it worth our cooperation? A madman who cannot be trusted, no matter how strong it is, it will only be a hidden danger rather than a help!"

Regarding his request, the ancestors of the royal family did not feel that there was anything wrong with them. On the contrary, they believed that it was reasonable and reasonable. In his opinion, as long as Xing Tian sheds royal blood, he should serve the royal family. Everything is important to the royal family. To be precise, it is their ancestors that they must devote everything they have to themselves. This is what these old guys really think!

I have to say that these old guys have been aloof for too long, so long that they are so self-righteous and arrogant, even if they are reincarnated powerhouses like Xing Tian, ​​they are still "ants" in their eyes, and they still want to listen to them. Command, listen to their orders, and contribute all of their own strength to become a boost to their detachment!

The Emperor shook his head lightly, and said calmly, "If the ancestor insisted on this idea, then this thing would not succeed. Xingtian is not a fool and will not agree to such a request. Now it is not this lunatic who is asking us for help. It’s our royal family who needs the power of this madman. If we don’t even know this and talk about cooperation, even though Xing Tian has the blood of our royal family, it’s nothing more than that. The blood connection is for him. No, we can't ask the other party to pay. After all, he didn't get any help from our royal family. In this case, we can only cooperate fairly!"

"Huh! What are you talking about? An existence that does not even recognize his own blood, do you think we still need to care? Fairness, there has never been fairness in this world, and as a junior, he is not qualified to talk to us. Fair, if you want to get our approval, you must accept our requirements, you must contribute your own strength, this is the bottom line, the bottom line cannot be changed, you understand, as the emperor, you should have your own confidence, you should be the royal family For the sake of consideration, not fairness!"

When his ancestors talked to this level, the human emperor completely gave up, and no longer had any illusions about these ancestors of his family, because in the hearts of these ancestors, he was not worth mentioning, he This human emperor is just a puppet, just a substitute for dead ghosts, just a tool they use to detach, his life and death will not be taken by the ancestors at all!


"Haha! It seems that I really need to change, and I must also change. It is better to rely on people than on myself. Even my ancestors cannot rely on them. In their eyes, I, the emperor, is just a tool that can be used. To break away from my own destiny, I must first break away from the dependence on my ancestors and the hidden power of the royal family. I need to have my own power, the power that I can truly control, and only in this way can I be able to do so in this world. Break free from your fate and walk out of your own avenue!"

In an instant, Human Sovereign made a choice in his heart and no longer imagined his ancestor’s help. It can be said that from this moment on, Human Sovereign has really changed, completely changed. He has an urgent need for strength and an urgent desire. After having such thoughts, Human Sovereign shook his head and did not continue to say anything. Under such circumstances, it would be useless to say more by himself. It would not change the overall situation, nor change the selfish thoughts of his ancestors, that selfishness. Self-interested attitude.

Seeing the human emperor shook his head with disapproval, the royal family ancestor's expression changed a little. He wanted to scold him, but when he thought that the other party was the emperor of human emperor, even if it was just a human emperor in name, he could not be casual. Reprimanded, after all, Human Sovereign has humane fortune. If he does this carelessly, he will be backlashed by humane fortune and hurt himself, making him have to endure this bad breath. However, he also has something to Human Sovereign. He was extremely dissatisfied. In his opinion, the Emperor should obey his orders, he should do what he said, persuade Xing Tian, ​​and make every effort to make Xing Tian surrender!

Living for too long, these old guys are stubborn and terrible, or more accurately, selfish and terrible. They can sacrifice everything for themselves, whether it is the world or their own juniors, they can sacrifice. There is only detachment in their hearts. In order to be detached, they can ignore family and family! Of course, there has never been any family affection among the royal family, and family affection is just a big joke for the royal family.

After he had no hope for his ancestors, the Emperor felt that he did not need to stay here. Staying here would only waste his own time. With this time, he could do more things, so the Emperor said to leave. , And with his departure, the emperor and even the entire empire began to change. There was a rift between the ancestors of the royal family and the emperor, and there was a rift that could no longer be made up for, because this was a gap in concepts that could not be changed. difference!

It is a pity that the ancestors of the royal family did not notice the'rebellion' of the emperor! Yes, for them, the emperor’s choice, his decision is "rebellion." The change of the emperor also affects the change of luck. The ancestors of the royal family want to get from the empire again. It is very difficult to learn from the human emperor to practice spiritual luck. When the human emperor's mind changes, the humane luck will naturally change, and the imperial luck also changes. This is the change of humanity, this is the power of the human emperor! It’s just that I still don’t see the change in luck. After all, the emperor is just thinking about it, and has not really started to do it. When he unfolds everything, the ancestors of the royal family will know how wrong they are. What a change will be when the Emperor is angry!

The emperor of humanity, even the weakest emperor of humanity, he is also the emperor of the human race and the lord of humanity. He controls the general trend of humanity. His existence and his decision are the foundation of humanity. Take the human emperor as an ant. The emperor is a substitute for the dead, and a tool. It can only be said that these royal old guys are too arrogant, too self-righteous, and too underestimate the power of humanity. Perhaps they have never really seen the power of humanity, and they don’t know the power of humanity. How terrible and powerful!

Of course, it’s no wonder that these old guys, who let them live for too long and stay on top for too long, have long forgotten what change is. Moreover, their cultivation is the great path of heaven and earth, not the power of humanity at all, and they have not been exposed to it. The power of humanity, naturally, can’t understand the power and horror of humanity. It can be said that if it weren’t for this time, the power of humanity would not come, and the imperial dynasty would not be able to obtain humane people. Will not appear.

Human beings are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed. For themselves, the emperor will do everything to control the power of humanity, because he deeply understands that he wants to break free from destiny, and he can only rely on himself. Only the power of humanity, the power of humanity is everything The root of, is one's greatest support, other forces are just external forces, and external forces can change at any time!

To master more humane power, one must master the power of the empire, and to master the power of the empire, the Emperor must face the confrontation of the aristocratic family, and must also suppress the aristocratic family, and the aristocratic family has become the first target of the Emperor. , And the existence of Xingtian Qiaqia, everything before, gave the emperor a sufficient excuse to attack some aristocratic families!

A crazy killing intent appeared from the human emperor, and such a strong murderous intent was condensed in the human emperor, and the humanity was also condensed with terrible killing intent, and a trace of murder in the entire empire gradually condensed. This is the human emperor’s humanity. The influence on the empire is also the most powerful force of the human emperor. It can be said that when the human emperor really decides to get rid of the influence of the old man of the royal family, he really began to understand the power of humanity, the general trend of humanity, the origin of humanity, and the real talent Step into the door of humanity!

If the ancestor of the royal family knew that what he said would have such a serious impact, he would not say such a thing, would not be so arrogant that he would ignore the thoughts of the emperor, but he didn’t even know himself. What I did wrong, I don't know how much trouble I have caused myself, how much impact it has caused in this world, and what changes it has brought to the royal family.

The entire world, the entire world, people do not know that because of Xingtian’s disaster, because of the ignorance of the royal ancestors, it will affect the world and how much it will have, especially those alien races. Knowing what a terrible impact they will face and what a terrible danger they will face as the human emperor’s disposition changes, if they know, they will definitely stop all of this, but now everything has happened!


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