God of Destruction

Chapter 3994: Missed chance

Chapter 3994: Missed Opportunity

The changes in humanity do not feel much to the ancestors of those human races, because they are all living in humanity, there is a kind of ignorance of the true face of Lushan, only because of the situation in this mountain! But for the alien race, when there was a trace of murder in the humanity fortune, the old guys immediately noticed it, but they noticed it but did not pay attention to it. They just thought this was a change in the empire, a change in the frontier, and Not paying attention, but just this little change, this little despise, let them miss an opportunity to change, let them, let their race face a terrible crisis!

The change in humanity can not only affect the human race, but also the sentient beings of the entire realm and battlefield world. Although the human emperor today is very weak and cannot control the world, he is still the human emperor. As long as he has this title, there will be someone , He can influence humanitarian changes, bring changes to the common people in the world, and change the trend of the world!

It’s a pity that everyone has only seen the weakness of the human emperor today, and the weakness of the empire, but has not seen the influence of the human emperor’s position. Even the old guys in the royal family are like this. These old guys really can’t keep up. In the age, there is no need to exist anymore. They are so arrogant that they don’t even notice the problems with their dragon veins. It can be seen that their care for the empire is far less than their own practice. Of detachment.

Although the change in humanity was not too violent, it also affected changes in the world, and even affected Xingtian’s Heavenly Punishment. The power of Heavenly Punishment was slightly weakened. At this moment, the origin of Xingtian’s killing avenue exploded. Then, the Eye of Heavenly Punishment was completely shattered, the powerful source of killing madly tore everything apart, and Heavenly Punishment was hit hard.

Xing Tian really did it in the killing testimony. Although there was a trick, Xing Tian completed the impact and made his own killing avenue really go further and perfected his own killing road. But this is just the beginning. Xing Tian has nothing to do. I want to stop here, Slaughter Avenue has succeeded, but he hasn't reached Consummation yet, and his Slaughter Elementary Tire hasn't been completed yet.

"Swallow the avenue, come out, swallow the heaven and the earth, swallow the eight wastes!" Xing Tian shouted in his heart, his own swallowing avenue exploded, and strong suction emanated from his body. In an instant, Xing Tian turned into a black hole and swallowed frantically With everything, whether it was the source of Heaven's Punishment in the void or the source of killing, Xing Tianyuan continued to swallow it!

Fortunately, Xing Tian has infinite fighting intent and murderous intent to cover the sky. No one sees the deep swallowing avenue hidden in Xing Tian's body. As for Xing Tian in a black hole, he swallows eight wastes with anger. It is seen by everyone as Xing Tian taking back his own killing roots, rebuilding his own killing avenue, and gathering the power of the new killing avenue!

"Successful, this lunatic really succeeded. He really did it. Although there are some tricks, he really did it. This is troublesome. The success of this lunatic will bring more changes to the world. It will also be completely consummated. When this lunatic absorbs all the origins of killing, his killing avenue will have a qualitative leap!"

"Sniper! Damn, no one came forward to attack the lunatic Xingtian, how could Renjie not appear? Is everyone scared by the punishment, but now the punishment is so weak that it is impossible to shelter the lunatic Xingtian again , Why is no one taking action?" Some people were screaming frantically, venting the uneasiness in their hearts, they were complaining that no one had taken action to stop Xingtian, but why didn’t he take the action? This madman has taken care of it, and he even has such an idea, how can other people step into this big trouble ignorantly!

"The Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Man, such as today’s punishment has become a thing of the past. Although Heaven’s Punishment has not yet fully ended, the power of Heaven’s Punishment has not affected Xingtian’s breakthrough or its evolution. But when will Earth Tribulation and Human Tribulation appear? , Is it true that because of a heavenly punishment, this terrible calamity and human calamity will dissipate, allowing Xingtian, a lunatic, to survive this catastrophe in vain?"

Some people are muttering in their hearts, longing for the emergence of new calamities, to prevent Xing Tian’s continued transformation, and to prevent Xing Tian’s killing avenue from consummating. If Xing Tian can be stopped, it would be a great thing for all of them. Because none of them would like to see the success of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and Xing Tian's success will pose a greater threat to them!

"Wait, there must be changes. Heavenly punishments have all appeared, and they are unwilling to go to Xingtian to prove that the earth tribulation will not fail to appear. As long as the earth tribulation appears, the human tribulation will inevitably occur, and it will not happen under the earth tribulation. Give Xingtian another chance. Earth Tribulation will not shelter the lunatic Xingtian. When Earth Tribulation appears, it is when the lunatic Xingtian fails. Hurry up!"

At this time, Xing Zai did not care about the thoughts of the sentient beings in the imperial capital. Now when Xing Tian frantically devours all origins, when Xing Tian recovers his own killing origin, Xing Tian can understand after he has been washed by the punishment of heaven. Feeling the change of his own killing heart, the original source of killing one after another madly blended into himself, into his own killing heart, perfecting his own killing avenue, at this moment, Xing Tian could feel his own killing The heart of the killing is covered with the marks of the killing avenue, and for every additional slaying avenue, Xing Tian can feel his own strengthening, and the killing heart is constantly perfecting his body, making his body perfect. Go ahead!

"Damn it, isn't it that the lunatic Xingtian has mastered the City of Thunder Punishment? Now that the City of Thunder Punishment is there, even under the attack of Heaven Punishment, this lunatic has not used the City of Thunder Punishment, and there is no way of thunder to show this lunatic. He didn’t practice the Dao of Thunder at all. His path was the Dao of Slaughter. We were all deceived by this bastard!” At this time, some people began to shirk responsibility, thinking that their miscalculation was not their own problem, but Xing Tian was too sinister. The city of thunder punishment confuses itself with the avenue of thunder!

"Huh, someone would dare to say to me that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has mastered the city of thunder punishment and practiced the avenue of thunder. Lao Tzu will definitely make him look good. There is no city of thunder punishment on this lunatic, let alone the origin of the avenue of thunder. What he cultivates is the avenue of killing, and being an enemy of such a person who practises the avenue of killing is not helping him to practice, isn’t this giving him the opportunity to evolve and transform, such a lunatic is not afraid of fighting, killing is what he desires most !"


Soon those who were enemies of Xingtian found a great excuse for themselves, a very "perfect" excuse, an excuse that makes people unable to find flaws, but no matter how perfect the excuse is, it is still just Excuses. It's just deceiving themselves. They are still afraid of speaking. They don't dare to be an enemy of Xingtian, the madman. Xingtian's madness completely scared them!

Is the city of thunder punishment important? It doesn’t matter. Now even if the city of Thunder Punishment is really in the hands of Xingtian, they will not make a big move. Xingtian after killing the sky proves that they don’t dare to think about it again, unless Xing Tian is really in desperation. , No longer have the ability to resist, otherwise no one will easily provoke the lunatic Xingtian, the lunatic who is so desperate to prove the Tao.

Of course, those people put their hope on the people of the earth robbers, which is even more ridiculous. This directly shows their weakness and incompetence. After the punishment, although Xingtian succeeded in killing the sky and proving the truth, Xingtian paid. A huge price. At this time, if someone stands up to stop Xingtian and attack Xingtian, he will not give Xingtian a chance to take back the origin of the killing avenue, or give Xingtian the opportunity to devour the origin of the punishment. Even if he cannot severely damage Xingtian, he will also interrupt Xingtian’s own transformation and evolution. , Unfortunately, no one did this. They were all in fear and did not dare to take action. Instead, they pin their hopes on the unknown power of Earth Tribulation!

With the end of the punishment, Xing Tian constantly felt himself and the avenue of killing. Although it was only a short time, Xing Tian truly felt the true meaning of the avenue of killing, and felt the changes in the origin of his avenue of killing after he witnessed the truth. , There is a terrible power in his own killing source, that is the power obtained by killing the sky, the power of killing the sky!

Unfortunately, this power is still too weak. After all, Xing Tian took a shortcut, and slaughtered is not the way of heaven, and the eye of the punishment is naturally limited. If you want to grow this power, Xing Tian needs time to cultivate. , It takes time to accumulate, and time is the most lacking for Xing Tian. Whether it is the deity or this newly condensed clone, it is very short of time!

"It's a pity that the power of Heavenly Punishment has dissipated too much, and my own killing origin has also been destroyed by the power of Heavenly Punishment. Otherwise, this time I can really complete the killing of the primordial fetus, and it really can make this killing primordial perfection!" After taking all the origins, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily in his heart. Although Heaven Punishment is powerful, its origin is limited. The most important thing is that now Xing Tian is completely on the opposite side of Heaven, and Heaven cannot give Xing Tian. The opportunity for transformation, after Xingtian killed the eye of Tianpu, the origin of Tianpu was actively dissipated under the influence of the will of Tiandao, even if Xingtian swallowed it with all his strength, he still did not get enough nutrients and failed to complete his goal. Didn't make his slaughter avenue yuan tire complete!

"Heaven's punishment is over. I don't know if the human calamity and the calamity will appear. If the earth robbery appears, what changes will there be, and what will the **** of the imperial capital do!" Depressed, but Xing Tian did not care too much. After all, all this has happened, and this is the counterattack of heaven and earth. Even if Xing Tian’s calculations succeed, he can’t do his best, cannot successfully perfect himself, and cannot complete his own transformation and evolution. !

"Damn, what's going on? Xingtian, the lunatic, recovered so quickly. How could it be possible that Heavenly Punishment didn't cause him serious injury. Will he have such amazing gains after killing the heavens? Will the killing avenue after the Dao be so terrible?” When seeing the black hole on Xing Tian's body dissipate, when seeing the source of killing and the source of punishment in the void dissipate, those people in the imperial capital could not help but swear, they all I hate the weakness of Tianchao, and the good luck of Xingtian!

These people hate Tianchao’s lack of power, and why Xingtian doesn’t hate him. If he has enough origin of his own killing meta-thrush, he can be completed, but now, he has missed a great opportunity for nothing, this time missed. , I don't know when it will appear again, after all, the punishment of heaven is not so easy to appear, and the huge source is not so easy to succeed!

Will Earth Tribulation appear? No, it won't happen. When Xing Tian appeared in front of everyone intact, the power of the tribulation had already disappeared. The will of heaven and earth, and the will of the world would not give Xing Tian this opportunity, and would not give Xing Tian a chance to grow rapidly. It transforms itself quickly to form a complete slaughter fetus, condensing the true origin of the chaotic gods and demons!

Just as Xing Tian condensed his own breath, a Ruoyouruowu induction surged in his heart, making Xing Tian feel that there was a chance to pass him by. When Xing Tian focused on grasping this induction, Xing Tian's heart for a moment I was furious about it, and I missed a bigger opportunity, the power of the disaster was dissipated, and it was deliberately dissipated by the will of the world, and his great disaster was not complete.

"Damn the will of heaven and earth, dare to ignore fairness and fairness so much. It seems that it really has a bad idea for me, and it really has to stop my transformation at all costs. My catastrophe is the rule, but the will of heaven and earth would rather bear the rules of heaven and earth. Backlash, I don’t want to give me this opportunity, this **** really deserves to die, this world really deserves to be destroyed!" Xing Tian roared in his heart, but all of this has already happened, even if Xing Tian is angry, it’s useless. This has become The facts!

It is also Xing Tian's own carelessness, and even that Xing Tian doesn't know enough about himself. If after the Eye of Heaven Punishment is shattered, after the Eye of Heaven Punishment is slaughtered, Xing Tian can continue to explode his own power and continue to provoke Heaven Punishment and Earth Tribulation It wouldn't be so easy to disperse, who made Xing Tian care too much about the improvement of his own strength, swallowing the source of Heaven's Punishment, recovering the source of his own killing, let the will of heaven and earth find an opportunity, and desperately cut the opportunity of Xingtian.

"I've written down this enemy, the will of heaven and earth. I hope you can always go well. Don't give Lao Tzu a chance. Otherwise, you will know how terrible the end of my Xingtian testimony will be blocked. No one can calculate my Xingtian and don't pay. A little price to stop people from proving, that is the endless hatred, with you without me, I want to see if you can get rid of your fate, can you transcend everything and break the shackles under this catastrophe!" Thoughts bitterly, the eyes of anger shined!


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