God of Destruction

Chapter 3995: Festival conspiracy

Chapter 3995: Conspiracy

"Hey, isn't this **** Xingtian proves that he is killing the sky? How can his eyes show anger? Did someone try to plot against him, but I didn't see anyone attacked? Could it be that Xingtian was punished this time? People have calculated it?" Although the anger in Xing Tian's eyes flashed by, there were too many people staring at him in the imperial capital. For those strong men, even for an instant, they all saw the trace in Xing Tian's eyes. The light of anger!

"Impossible, how could this lunatic be calculated? If it is really calculated, it is definitely not a man, but the way of heaven, the will of the world! But this lunatic doesn't seem to be injured, why should he show an angry look? Is it really calculated?" At this time everyone had to make this doubt, after all, Xing Tian's performance was too tricky.

"No, I don’t think it’s possible. With the sinister and viciousness of Xingtian, this lunatic, how could it be calculated? I think this may be a conspiracy. This **** is deliberately calculating us, making us think that he was calculated by God. Relax your vigilance and even let those who are greedy to take action, so that this madman can take the opportunity to kill, and he can upgrade his avenue of killing, with the help of killing, take his own avenue of killing even further!"

"Hey!" When they heard this explanation, everyone gasped. Everyone was frightened by these words. If that was the case, Xingtian, a lunatic, would be too sinister and vicious, and even if they knew it was. A conspiracy cannot be stopped, because there are too many greedy people in the entire imperial capital. Even if they persuade, even if they speak out Xingtian’s conspiracy, there will not be too many people believe it, because this is heaven and earth. The catastrophe, catastrophe qi affects all living beings, many people are confused by catastrophe qi, lose their calm mind, and are easily tempted by immediate benefits!

"Damn, this lunatic is too shameless, and he has planted such a sinister trap. Once this conspiracy comes out, I don’t know how many of my colleagues will be calculated by this lunatic and will end in a dead end. We must find a way to stop him. To prevent all of this from happening, you can't let this lunatic's conspiracy succeed, or the consequences will be unthinkable!"

"Stop? What do we stop? Who would believe it in empty words? At this time, it is not easy for us to protect ourselves. There is still energy to watch other people's life and death. I don't want to be stared at by a lunatic Xingtian. Come on, the consequences are too serious. This lunatic not only wants to kill a wave of people, but also wants to destroy the family. Once someone takes action, it is not only his own life, but also the family behind him. This lunatic doesn’t take that much into consideration, you have to think clearly, are you willing to take on this terrible cause and effect, are you willing to gamble with your life!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Human nature has a selfish side. Under normal circumstances, if they have the ability to help their fellow family members, these people will still be willing to help, but when it is related to their own life and death, everything is different. No one wants to take their own Risking their lives, risking their own family's life and death, and denying themselves for others, this will not happen to them, as the head of the family, they will not have such ignorant and stupid thoughts.

Silence, everyone was silent for a moment. It is impossible for them to sacrifice themselves to help others, but they can’t say this, so there is only silence, and they can only pretend not to know what to do, so as not to let themselves become If you say too much at this time, you will only be grasped by others and will only pit yourself.

"Forget it, we don't even pretend to know what to do with this matter, and under this circumstance, we can't do anything. Xingtian, a lunatic, should be left to the empire, to the emperor, and to the **** of Taipingdao. At this time, these **** on Taiping Road don’t want to do anything, they just want to reap the benefits of the fisherman. There are such good things in this world. We don’t care about Xingtian things. They will handle it, whether it’s good or bad. , They all have to bear it!"

Soon many aristocratic family leaders made a decision. As for how many aristocratic families will be unlucky this time, it is not for them to decide. At best, they can only persuade the family members who have a relationship with them, and the others cannot change.

As the heads of these top aristocratic families thought, the slight change in Xing Tian’s expression was seen by many people, especially those families who had a cause and effect with Xing Tian, ​​and had feuds. They were all excited about it. They all thought Xing Tian. He must have been conspired by the Heaven’s Dao during the punishment of Heaven, and was seriously injured. The reason why Xingtian did not show it was that Xingtian was supporting him, so the people of these aristocratic families burst out the evil thoughts in their hearts and tolerated them one by one. Can't help but kill Xingtian painfully.

Originally, they had an endless hatred with Xing Tian. At this time, when Xing Tian revealed such a weakness, how could they not grasp it properly? As for what impact it would have on themselves after World War I, they no longer think about it at this moment. , If Xingtian is allowed to live, it will be the greatest threat to them. As long as Xingtian can be killed, other problems can be slowly resolved in the future. Even if the emperor wants to attack them, their many families will unite and make the emperor. Take care of.

kill! If you don't kill Xingtian at this time, when will you kill him! Soon these aristocratic family leaders united and discussed together to take action against Xingtian. These aristocratic experts will not hesitate at this time. They all know how dangerous their situation is, so they don’t do anything and stop. He didn't even have the idea of ​​asking for instructions from the Emperor, or even the idea of ​​talking to other families. He made a big shot directly. The strong of the entire family attacked in an all-round way. With the power of many families, they wanted to kill Xing Tian in one wave without giving Xing Tian anything. The opportunity to resist, or even the opportunity to escape, in their hearts, this time Xing Tian is dead and no life!

When the power of many aristocratic families moved, the whole human emperor was shocked. No one thought that these aristocratic families would be so crazy, and they would take action without the emperor and the empire making a decision, but everyone thought about the family’s The situation can also be understood. Who made these **** have already forged feuds with Xingtian before, and when not to kill Xingtian at this time, I really have to wait for Xingtian, the lunatic, to digest the gains of Xingtian’s testimony, and let himself fall into it. Into the real crisis of death!

auzw.com No one would think that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, would care about the existence of the empire, would care about the existence of the emperor, and would be merciful to these aristocratic families. Once Xingtian regained his combat power, it would be for such a family Even with the arrival of death, they are also willing to fight back at this time. Some are dissatisfied with Xingtian, some families who want to kill with a knife, or sects, have begun to move and spend their energy to drag the empire and drag the emperor. Give these aristocratic families a chance to make a move so that they can cause harm to Xing Tian.

"Asshole, these **** families, they dare to be so rude, so ignoring the majesty of the empire, they are really damn, do they have me as the emperor in their eyes?" When many families, there are also sects who join forces to fight for those. The family who attacked Xingtian interceded. When the time was delayed, the Emperor was furious, but the anger was useless. Without the help of his ancestors and the help of the royal family, the Emperor could not suppress these sudden attacks. The power that came out, after all, the power of these aristocratic families and sects was too strong, so powerful that the emperor had to compromise and had to give up his own ideas!

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. In this case, you can only compromise. Who makes the ancestors unwilling to take action, unwilling to turn their faces with the family, only relying on the power you control, you can't compete with the family. Against the sect, you need to take the opportunity to strengthen yourself. These aristocratic families think they are great and think that Xingtian can be wiped out. It is just their wishful thinking. If Xingtian is really so easy to kill, he will not live until now, and will not let him. Those top aristocratic families were jealous and did not dare to act rashly. Those top aristocratic families did not take action. Only those dozens of small families would not do any harm to Xing Tian. On the contrary, their actions would only speed up Xing Tian's own practice. You must know Xing Tian. The repair is the avenue of killing!"

When he reminded him, Human Sovereign immediately woke up. For a moment, Human Sovereign couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in his heart, wondering whether all this was Xingtian's conspiracy or Xingtian's layout. In order to get rid of a group of powerful family members, use their lives as nourishment, nourish their own killing avenue, and let their own cultivation base go further!

The Emperor sighed and said, "You said, is this possible Xingtian's conspiracy? At this time, under this situation, a flaw was deliberately exposed to allow these ignorant and stupid families to take a big shot, so that Xingtian, a lunatic, has enough Reasons to kill the Quartet? After all, this **** is crazy without limits, and he can do all bad things!"

"Your Majesty, it's not impossible, but if all this is really Xingtian's conspiracy, we should wait and see the changes, and there are so many wealthy families and sects to take action, Your Majesty also has enough excuses to stay out of the matter, regardless of this battle. The result of Xingtian is a good thing for your Majesty. If Xingtian dies, he will definitely cause serious injuries to those families, and Xingtian’s death will be easy for your Majesty. Don’t worry that this lunatic will cause major changes in the world at any time. The madman is not dead, no matter the family or the sect will bear the anger of this madman, they will pay a heavy price, the hatred between them will be deeper, and your majesty will have more preparation time and get more power back. To master more power!"

The idea is good, but whether everything can be realized or not is unknown. When the situation reaches this point, no one knows what will happen. After all, under the punishment of heaven, Xingtian did not go all out from the beginning to the end. Everyone I don’t know what Xingtian’s ultimate power is, or what terrible assassin Xingtian lunatic hides!

"Murderish? There is murderous spirit. Someone wants to attack me? Hehe, it seems that heaven is not as good as human beings. Earth robbery has disappeared, but human robbery has not disappeared. Those **** wealthy families still can't help but attack my opponents. This is better, the appearance of the human robbery is more important than the earth robbery. If you have the opportunity to kill, you can sweep across the square, and make your own killing avenue more complete. Come on, let me see what you **** rich family have. Amazing power!" When many aristocratic families had murderous intentions against Xing Tian, ​​when they gathered a huge power, Xing Tian felt the murderous intent from the void, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart!

Xingtian didn’t want to give up such a great opportunity. Although he suffered a certain impact under heaven’s punishment, the origin of Xingtian was not severely damaged. Under such circumstances, Xingtian naturally would not Retreat, the more ferocious the human calamity came, the more beneficial Xing Tian said, the more terrifying the human calamity, the more Xing Tian was able to absorb the source of killing.

For why the enemy suddenly changes like this, why so many families have murderous intentions on themselves and want to take a big shot at themselves, Xing Tian has no intention to think about it. For Xing Tian, ​​this is an opportunity, and he can’t do it in vain. Opportunity was lost in front of his own eyes. As for the reaction of the emperor and the empire after the war, Xing Tian did not care. After he killed the heaven and proved the way, Xingtian cared about the earth and the people. Xing Tian saw new hope.

"Come on, make this storm stronger, and make the **** enemy stronger. I hope they will have enough strength to fight against me, instead of being anticlimactic, they will collapse at the touch of a touch! A human calamity that is strong enough may change the sky," It will arouse the power of the Earth Tribulation, even if it is the Will of Heaven and Earth, the Will of the World cannot change everything!” In Xing Tian’s heart, he suddenly thought of Earth Tribulation, and thought of using the power of Human Tribulation to induce Earth Tribulation, allowing himself to complete the Three Heavens, Earth and Humans. The test of the robbery allows me to truly perfect my own killing avenue, so that my killing corpse can reach the perfection, and be able to go one step further in practice!

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian reduced his breath a bit, even to allow more people to take action. Xing Tian's body evoked a trace of thunder punishment, as if he had really been severely injured in the thunder punishment. The power of the source has hurt the source, it takes time to recuperate, and it takes time to obliterate the damage caused by the power of the source of punishment that day.

When Xing Tian’s body suddenly flashed with the power of thunder and punishment, and then suddenly disappeared, and Xing Tian’s aura could not help but weakened a bit, it made those big family members excited and made them more motivated. With greater conviction, for those top families, they even sighed in their hearts, and they were even more sure that this was a trap. Xing Tian was deliberately tempting some stupid people to take action, deliberately arranging to kill. enemy!


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