God of Destruction

Chapter 3996: Festival killing

Chapter 3996: Killing

"Insidious, this **** is really insidious and vicious. This is a big trouble. I don't know how many fellows will be deceived by this bastard, and will fall into the murder of this bastard. Everyone, we can't let this lunatic conspiracy If it succeeds, it will be unimaginable!" When seeing Xing Tian's performance, some people could not help but stand up and want to stop!

"Trouble, since this catastrophe began, it has been a big problem. It is not more accurate to say that the **** of Xingtian entered the imperial capital. It is a big problem. Now we can't stop it unless we are willing to bear Xingtian's anger and are willing to deal with Xing Tian is fighting a life-and-death battle. Otherwise, all this is a foregone conclusion and there is no power to change. Of course, if you are confident, you can talk to those **** in peace and let them take action. You can even lobby the emperor and let the empire take action! "

No matter which choice it is, there are serious hidden dangers, which will bring boundless cause and effect to oneself, endless crisis. It is impossible to let oneself fall into crisis for those same people. No one will be so stupid. People can be so selfless.

"Wait, we will wait quietly, waiting for the end of everything, to see how crazy the lunatic Xingtian can be, and to see what changes will happen to the lunatic that he deliberately leads. This time, it is obvious that the lunatic Xingtian laid it down. Trap, he is deliberately attracting people to robbery, to make his killing avenue further. At this time, anyone who participates will be drawn into the robbery, will bear the influence of heaven and earth, and even become the **** of the robbery, what we can All I did was wait!"

"Yeah, we can only wait. If those **** can't even see through this point of layout, even if they can't pass this test, they don't need to exist. Even if they are lucky enough to pass this time, it is a catastrophe. They are still ten dead and no life. Since there is only one dead end no matter what, it is better to let them contribute their own strength. We can also use their shots to take a look at Xingtian’s more cards and understand Xingtian more deeply. This lunatic!"

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When the situation has reached this point, these family leaders will choose how they are beneficial to them. Since they are some people who have no way of life, it is the best choice to let them contribute their last strength, not everyone's efforts are not pleased and they are wasted. With his time and energy, he exposed himself in vain, and provoke the enemy of Xingtian!

Just as these family leaders were discussing, the unbearable family and sect forces in the imperial capital, and even other forces, attacked frantically. If one person makes a move, more people will be attracted and more people will be attracted. If a foolish person with greed in his heart makes a big move, it will create an illusion for them. If they don't make a move, they will watch the chance run away in vain!

It is precisely because there are too many ignorant and stupid people, so when people robbery, countless enemies will come to Xingtianfeng, endless killing intents are coming to Xingtian, and at this moment, the emperor and the empire see this. The situation was also moved, all this was crazy, no one could believe that there would be so many people in the imperial capital who would attack Xing Tian frantically.

Ants often kill elephants. When suddenly there are so many powerful enemies and so many people who want to besie Xingtian, the emperor’s heart is shaken, and he doesn’t dare to be confident anymore and doesn’t dare to think Xingtian can Retiring from such a robbery, after all, too many people have shot, and even too many people dare not act rashly.

D! This is the current situation. When the number of people reaches a certain level, even the emperor does not dare to act rashly, nor does he dare to make a big deal with those aristocratic families and sects, even if the human emperor has enough to destroy these aristocratic families and sects. Strength, you can’t take it rashly, because there are too many people. If the murder is really carried out, the entire emperor will fall into a terrible disaster, and even shake the safety of the emperor. After all, Xingtian provokes so many enemies. It's hard to be self-sustaining!

"Damn it, how could this be? How could Xingtian, a lunatic, provoke so many enemies? Could it be that Xingtian, a lunatic, was really going to be killed in this great catastrophe, really going to die in this human catastrophe! Their decision is right. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is not worthy of our cooperation?" The Emperor is muttering to himself, his mind is shaken at this moment, and he can shake the mind of the Emperor, which can be seen. How amazing is the impact of a robbery on him!

The emperor’s heart was shaken, thinking that Xing Tian might die under this man’s robbery, but to those top family leaders, they would not think so. Thinking that way, their hearts were all deliberately vigilant, and Xing Tian The madness was shocked.

"Okay, it's great, come on, let more enemies come out, let me see how many enemies dare to stand up and fight me!" Feeling the killing intent coming from all directions, Xing Tian's heart Shouting loudly, longing for more enemies to appear, Killing Avenue is least afraid of more enemies, the more you come, the stronger the source of killing that Xing Tian can condense!

"Xingtian, you **** bastard, it's time to pay the price for what you did. This time we have to seek justice for the sentient beings of the entire imperial capital. If you risk the lives of sentient beings in the imperial capital, you have to pay the price. Kill this **** bastard, let him know that our emperor is not easy to provoke, we have to uphold justice for the sentient beings of the emperor!"

It's ridiculous that these ignorant and stupid **** actually said such a righteous remark to beautify themselves. They found Xing Tian for only Xing Tian's chance. It is not why the emperor's sentient beings are asking for a statement, but there is such a righteousness. In hand, they can embarrass the emperor, embarrass the empire, and make the emperor not dare to kill them, because they hold the righteousness of the sentient beings in the imperial capital. It is impossible for the emperor to ignore the thoughts of sentient beings in the imperial capital. Attack them under the circumstances!

"Yes, we have to ask for an argument for the sentient beings in the imperial capital. We have to make the **** Xingtian pay and kill this bastard!"


Crazy roars resounded through the imperial capital, and these ignorant and stupid **** yelled excitedly, as if they had mastered the truth, as if they represented justice, all of them were full of blood, killing intent, and crazy. The earth besieged Xingtian, and their attacks followed their roars and blasted away at Xingtian!

"Crazy, these guys are really crazy, thinking that Xingtian can be wiped out with such an excuse. They are really crazy. If Xingtian this **** is really so easy to deal with, how could it be possible to live until now, and they will only make Xingtian do so. Happy, give Xing Tian an excuse to kill them, these **** are killing themselves!"

"Haha! This is the human heart, this is the human nature! These **** have been fascinated by their interests, and have forgotten who they are. That's good, they can burst out their strongest strength and can cause more to Xing Tian. We can also learn more about Xingtian’s methods and the fighting power of Xingtian. Moreover, with this righteous slogan, the emperor cannot act rashly and cannot take action against these aristocratic families and sects. Since then, the situation has been very beneficial to us. These ignorant and stupid **** have finally done a little normal things, and finally have a little ability!"

"Kill, we can just take a look at Xingtian's avenue of killings, we can learn more about the avenue of killings, and even if we fight against Xingtian in the future, we can be prepared. I hope that this killing can last longer. These ignorances The stupid **** can hold on for a longer time, so that not only can we learn more about Xingtian's strength, but also can weaken the majesty of the emperor, weaken the dignity of the empire, and shake the hearts of the imperial capital."

"Yeah! In such a crazy battle, the emperor does nothing, the empire does nothing, what will the sentient beings in the imperial capital think and see, and the emperor takes action, what will the family and the sect think? Saying that such a slaughter battle is together, the Emperor is not pleased on both sides, and it is really a dilemma. This is the most important thing and the best result!"

"I'm afraid that those ignorant **** won't last long. After all, they are selfish. They are a group of ignorant bastards. Facing the lunatic Xingtian, they may be able to fight to the death in a short time, but after a long time, they will die too much. If more, their confidence will be hit, their fighting spirit will dissipate, and then they will become a big defeat. Then their ignorance and stupidity will become the supreme reputation of Xingtian, a lunatic, and one person can kill. With so many powerful enemies defeated and staged a **** horrific killing, how prestigious it will be, and how much impact will it cause to all the family, the sect, and the forces of the world!"

"Haha! This is the end, and there is nothing we can do. For us, we can only wait quietly, and it is not us that is the most anxious, but the emperor. I really want to know what the emperor’s reaction is at this moment, the center of the empire. What was the reaction of those bastards, such a crazy killing was staged in the imperial capital, how much did they have to pay for it! Under this catastrophe, are they helping the family, the sect, or helping Xingtian?"

"Come well, stay here for Lao Tzu when you come, blood slaughter the sky, kill the common people, kill! Kill! Kill!" Seeing the enemy who rushed towards him madly, Xing Tian no longer kept it, and no longer covered himself. Power, the avenue of killing was fully activated, the heart of killing was beating frantically, and the terrible killing intent gushed out from Xing Tian's body. The sword in his hand was shrouded in blood. In an instant, Xing Tian seemed to be transformed into a killing god, with endless killing intent. Condensed on his body, a terrible breath enveloped the entire imperial capital!

Since the enemy uses the people of the imperial capital to do justice, Xing Tian will naturally not have so much care. With the killing aura in full, the entire imperial capital is covered by his killing aura. There is no one who cannot be killed in the world, and everything is in the world. Ants, the endless killing avenue really condenses on Xing Tian, ​​and the killing avenue erupts frantically. The entire emperor capital can clearly feel the terrible killing aura from above the void, Xing Tian can feel the murderous intent in Xing Tian's heart!

"Trap, this is really a trap. Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic, finally no longer conceals his power, and his killing aura is full. Now those ignorant **** are in trouble. Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic, is covering the entire imperial capital with killing intent. Swallow it all in one swoop, and destroy these **** here, and don't give these **** a chance to escape."

"Yes! Xingtian, this lunatic is really terrible. Under such a situation, he dared to do such a crazy thing, and he didn’t care how much disaster he would bring to the imperial capital and how much trouble he would cause, this lunatic. There are really no taboos, and the emperor is really in a dilemma. It is really hard to make a decision in the face of such a lunatic!"

Just as these family patriarchs were discussing, Xing Tian’s power was fully deployed, and the sword of killing was in all directions. The **** who rushed to the front was directly slaughtered by the sword of killing. These people were directly killed by Xing Tian without a single move. They all underestimated Xingtian and the horror of Killing Avenue. In the face of absolute power, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. No matter how many people there are, they will face the terrible killing power of Xingtian. Unbearable.

"What a great Slaughter Avenue, what a powerful Slaughter Sword, Xing Tian, ​​this lunatic not only made great progress on the Slaughter Avenue, but he also has a terrible insight on the Sword Dao. Now that stupid **** is really in trouble. They really have no vitality. They were slaughtered by the Slaughter Avenue, and their souls were destroyed. They were truly dead and souls. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really desperate to give each other a little bit of life, really want to completely destroy everything in front of him!"

"The slaughter road, the slaughter of the common people, this is really not to say that the madman Xingtian really wants to slaughter the common people. He wants to use these **** to prove and use these **** as his own slaughter road. Nutrient, it’s ridiculous that these ignorant and stupid **** still don’t know how dangerous their situation is. They all want to kill Xingtian, take the opportunity from Xingtian, and let themselves soar into the sky. Horrible, crazy!"

"Hmph, this is the great calamity of heaven and earth, this is the power of the great calamity. Being in the great calamity is ten death without life. There is no strong enough power. I want to seize the opportunity of his body, and I want to go to the sky in one step. The price to be paid is that the people who should be killed are so easy to kill. Is it still possible to get them to kill Xingtian? If Xing Tian was so easy to deal with, I think those ancestors would have killed Xingtian long ago, and even if they paid a little price, they would not hesitate , After all, if Xing Tian is destroyed, he can take away Xing Tian’s luck and seize the secrets of heaven, but the ancestors and others did not do it. This does not explain the terrible problem, but these **** know nothing, but are so arrogant. Who do they die!"


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