God of Destruction

Chapter 3997: Festival of Peace

Chapter 3997

"It's right. Once you become greedy during the great catastrophe, you will feel angry with the catastrophe. No matter how difficult it is to turn your head back, these people are not saved. Even if they can survive this time, they will definitely die next time. The people of the robbery are enemies, and at the beginning of the robbery, that is, they are looking for death. If the lunatic Xingtian does not kill them, they will be killed by the qi of heaven and earth. This is their fate, and no one can change it unless the king is willing. Take action, willing to use the imperial luck to help them suppress the qi of the world."

"Huh, expect the Emperor to take action. Isn't this a daydream? The Emperor doesn't want them to die sooner. The Emperor does not want to see our family live well, and what is the luck of the empire? That is the foundation of a country. Will do this, let alone the emperor, even the heads of their families are not willing to use their own luck to save these mortal people!"

"This is destiny! When they step into the Great Tribulation, they can no longer change it. If they made a big move before the end of the punishment, there might be a silver lining, but now there are ten deaths and no life. Xing was drawn out by this lunatic himself. If you are not sure, do you think Xing Tian will do it? Since you have done so, you must have complete certainty. Don’t really treat Xing Tian as a stupid ignorant madness. Crazy, but he is not a fool. He is smarter than anyone. Anyone who underestimates him will have a dead end and will only ruin his own life!"

Xing Tian doesn’t care what people in the unexpected world think of him, and he doesn’t care what impact his actions will have on others. For Xing Tian, ​​improving his own strength is the most important thing. The power of Human Jie cannot be wasted like this. Time waits for no one. Once I waste too much time, once these stupid and ignorant **** are in awe, this robbery will end, and my plan to speed up my transformation with the robbery will be blocked. Xingtian is not willing to see.

"Kill!" There was another deep cry, Xing Tian's combat power skyrocketed again, killing sword aura, the people who rushed in the front were quickly harvested by Xing Tian, ​​yes, it was harvest, these people did not resist. Their lives were harvested by Xingtian, just like straw, and they fell down easily, and their deaths were only the beginning. Their deaths gave Xingtian more of the source of killing, and made Xingtian’s devouring road more nutrients. After a person was beheaded under Xing Tian's sword, the essence of the blood in his body was swallowed by Xing Tian's avenue of swallowing, and turned into the nutrients for Xing Tian's own growth.

So many powerhouses have fallen, fallen into Xingtian's calculations, and died so aggrieved. Don't they have any grievances, won't they cause endless grievances and negative forces? No, it’s not that they have no grievances, but that their grievances have also been swallowed by Xingtian’s swallowing avenue. It can be said that their death place is a complete death, and there will be no more aura left between the heavens and the earth. Everything about them All turned into nothingness, this is their fate, this is their fate!

"What a Xing Tian, ​​what a killing avenue, what a killing heaven, the land, and the common people. This lunatic really has to evolve the killing avenue to the extreme. The essence of the creatures who died under his sword will become the nutrient for his growth and become him. The nutrients of Slaughter Avenue, the madman’s slaughter avenue is beyond our imagination. Perhaps this madman might really be able to take his own path on the Slaughter Avenue. This kind of killing power is unstoppable and unstoppable. ."

"Could it be that the emperor can't stop the emperor, and the power of the empire can't stop it? Although Xingtian's killing avenue is strong, it is not necessarily invincible, and he cannot be invincible. After all, his origin is still insufficient, he There are still big flaws in his strength!"

"I'm not talking about strength, but great road. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, really has to walk his own path on the road of killing. Although this is only a preliminary form, it has already begun. As long as there is enough time and enough origin in the future , This lunatic can transcend everything and stand on the top of the world. The Slaughter Avenue has opened everything to him!"

"Yes, this lunatic's killing avenue really has to go out of its own way. Under the killing, all vitality will be exterminated, and the enemy will not be given the slightest way to survive. Whether it is blood, origin, or soul, it will be swallowed and transformed by Xingtian's killing avenue. For their own nourishment, turning into the nourishment of the killing avenue, nourishing the killing source of the lunatic Xing Tian."

"Don't panic, no matter how strong this lunatic is, there is only one person, and he can't be unharmed under the punishment of heaven. We can completely pile him up with a sea of ​​people!" When you see Xingtian kill a group of colleagues, watch When someone was afraid and wanted to shrink, suddenly a crazy shout came from the crowd. When the shout fell, the shaky crowd recovered again, one after another crazy The killing intent rushed to Xing Tian again.

"Damn, this is Taipingdao's Taoism. Those **** of Taipingdao are in the crowd. They want to kill with a knife. These **** are more sinister and vicious than Xingtian lunatic. They themselves don't want to force Xingtian lunatic. , But using the power of our fellow family members to force Xingtian, consume the origins of Xingtian, a lunatic, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

In an instant, those strong people in the top family immediately noticed that the sound was not right. In this voice, there is the original Taoism of Taipingdao. It is the **** of the Taipingdao who are instigating this crazy battle. They are using the family members. Power consumes Xing Tian's power, the **** of Taiping Dao is trying to use the power of his family to destroy Xing Tian.

"It's ruthless, the **** of Taipingdao are so ruthless, they even kill Xingtian who has their own blood, but this is their choice, they are originally so ruthless, for Taipingdao, they have never lacked this ruthless vicious method. , It seems that they are also attacking Xingtian’s ideas, and they are also deliberately trying to seize Xingtian’s luck, but they don’t know how sure these lunatics are. They dare to be enemies of Xingtian under such circumstances. Really mastered the power we can't imagine, really able to break Xingtian's identity as a person who should be robbed, and be able to seize the secret?

auzw.com" It’s hard to say that the **** of Taiping Road have tactics that we can’t imagine. These **** are much more powerful than our family’s wealthy family. Their background is not comparable to ours. There is a huge gap between them. These **** are not even letting go of Xing Tian. It is conceivable that they are sinister and vicious. We can't pin our hopes on these bastards, otherwise it will only be us who will suffer in the end. My family members are willing to sacrifice, and they can all kill themselves. There is nothing they can't do. We have to plan for the worst, and we can no longer believe these bastards!"

"Yes, it makes sense. We really can't believe these **** anymore. It's better to rely on people than on ourselves. At this time, all we can rely on is ourselves. We have to use our own strength to prepare for the worst. Once things are not done, We are going to step out decisively, we can't let the **** of Peace Road calculate, we can't let them betray us!"

After seeing Taipingdao’s actions, all the family patriarchs were shocked and cautious about it. They were unwilling to continue to believe in these bastards, and refused to pin their lives on the reputation of these bastards. Who would let them? The **** are now so shameless and so insidious, in contrast, they are no less sinister and vicious than Xing Tian.

When he heard such a sound, Xing Tian’s thoughts moved, and the aura on his body instantly became weaker. It seemed that after the powerful blow, his own source was consumed seriously, as if there was a problem with himself. Become weak, as if unable to hold on any longer, and the fighting spirit in his body has also been wiped out a lot.

Seeing that the fighting spirit on Xing Tian's body suddenly weakened a lot, the people who besieged Xing Tian went crazy again, and rushed forward desperately, for fear that Xing Tian would be killed by everyone in the next moment, and they would not be able to get out of Xing Tian. Looting treasures and chances from their bodies, these people are crazy enough to lose their minds and explode their own power desperately.

When seeing Xing Tian cooperating with him in this way, the people of Taipingdao hidden in the crowd couldn’t help but feel nervous. They all saw Xing Tian’s intentions. They were worried that Xing Tian would take the opportunity to strengthen themselves and let themselves The calculation failed!

"No, I shouldn't worry. No matter how strong the lunatic Xing Tian is, he is too strong to be limited. It is impossible to fight against everyone. With so many people, even if he is exhausted, he can be killed alive. As long as the war continues, Xing Tian is No doubt they will die!" Those peaceful **** are cheering themselves up, hypnotizing themselves, and freeing themselves from the anxiety in their hearts.

There is such a change in their hearts, which is a warning. Under this situation, the most correct response of the **** of Peace Road is to give up, which is to withdraw, but they can’t let go of the greed in their hearts. They are unwilling. Abandoning Xing Tian's huge benefits, so each of them had such changes in their hearts. This is the human heart, this is the greed in human nature. When the greed rises, no one can stop its power.

"Damn, the **** of Taipingdao is not something, and the lunatic Xingtian is also not a thing. This **** is showing weakness and deliberately seducing attacks. This **** is not injured at all, and his origin is not too much. This kind of reaction is clearly intended to use the words of the **** of Taipingdao to slay more family members!" When he saw Xing Tian's reaction, the family head was furious and shocked by Xing Tian's terrible shamelessness. Up.

"What's so angry? This is the reality. The reality is so cruel. I don't think Xingtian is a bastard. He never pays attention to any means during a war. It only talks about success or failure. As long as you can defeat the enemy, cut it. No matter how insidious the enemy is to kill the enemy, there is nothing wrong with it. They can all be used, because this is war, not trifling!"

"Yeah, this is war. Don't you see that the **** of Taipingdao still have not retreated? They still have illusions in their hearts. They still refuse to give up their greed for Xingtian. This is the human heart, this is war, the meaning of war. There is nothing that can’t be done or can’t be done in this game. Let them fight. The harder the fight, the better, the more deaths the better, the more so, the more uncomfortable the emperor, the more difficult it is for us. The situation will be much easier!"

"I'm afraid that once this war is fought too crazy, the entire imperial capital will be affected, it will cause problems in the imperial capital's dragon veins, and will expose our calculations. Once this happens, we must give up what we have done before. Everything we give, even us, may be targeted by the emperor and the empire. Once such a situation occurs, we will all die forever. Such consequences are not something we can afford. After all, It is impossible for us to watch the family collapse!"

"No, such a situation will not happen. Although the lunatic Xingtian is strong, the attacks of these **** are terrible, but it is impossible to provoke the dragon veins of the imperial capital and cause turbulence in the entire imperial dragon veins. The imperial dragon veins cannot be shaken by such a little power. If even such a little manpower can shake the dragon veins of the empire, it will be able to detonate our calculations. The empire has already entered destruction. Although the empire today is weak, it is not vulnerable to a single blow. We don't need to worry too much."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, we must be extremely cautious in this matter, even if there is a little hidden danger, we must eliminate it. I think we should find a way to control the extent of this war and ensure our own safety. To ensure the safety of the family, after all, we cannot afford to gamble or lose. Once we fail, we and our family will all fall into a desperate situation of death!"

"Control, what do we use to control? Under this situation, can we control it? Don't think that we are the top family, don't think that we have a strong background and we can control the situation. Together, we have the intention to kill. Powerless, let alone us, even the emperor cannot control it, because the key to all this is not those of the same family, not those sects, but in Xingtian’s lunatic, as long as this lunatic doesn’t want to give up, this battle It will be difficult to end, because this is his human calamity. Once a human calamity comes out, external forces cannot stop it, nor can it stop it."

"Wait, keep waiting, we have nothing else to do with this, unless everyone is willing to pay a heavy price, otherwise no one can stop this, and no one can control this killing. I think no one is willing to give up for others. At this time, we don't do anything, just watch the changes and wait for the end of the war. This is our choice!"

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