God of Destruction

Chapter 3998: Confuse people

Chapter 3998: Bewitching

Death began. When Xingtian let go of everything, when he killed with all his strength, death fell on the void of the imperial capital, fell on these ignorant and stupid people, they fell into the killing of death, killing like a meteor, The killing was infinite, and the greedy people fell in this crazy killing. The first wave of people fell, the second wave of people rushed up, and then fell again, wave after wave of killing, let The killing on Xing Tian skyrocketed, making the entire battlefield extremely terrifying, enveloped by a terrifying murderous aura, and this killing aura came from the terrible killing of Xing Tian.

Every person's fall has added a powerful source of killing to Xingtian, allowing Xingtian’s killing avenue to continue to evolve and constantly change, so that Xingtian’s perception of the killing avenue is constantly improving, and waves of people are falling. Their deaths gradually began to affect those enemies, making those later enemies involuntarily fearful. They were scared. They would not care if one or two waves of people died. They would still believe that using a sea of ​​people can pile up death penalty days. Able to persist until the end, but the deaths of more than a dozen waves and even more people scared them, scared them!

"No, I can't go on anymore. Otherwise, I will die next. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is too powerful. His power is not consumed with the killing. On the contrary, his power is constantly increasing. He is able to fight. Yang Zhan, he can use the killing to recover his own consumption and even strengthen his own strength. The more people he kills, the stronger he becomes. Damn, this is a trap, a trap for all of us!" Finally someone After recognizing the situation and seeing through Xing Tian’s calculations, he couldn’t help muttering to himself with shock in his heart. His mind was hit and he paid so much. The result turned out to be so. As a result, he was throwing himself into the net. Self-destruction, no one can accept such a result, but this is the fact.

escape! When he regained his consciousness, when he recovered from that fear, the person who saw everything quickly turned and fled. He did not dare to continue charging, and he did not dare to attack Xingtian again, because he didn't know whether he would fall in the next moment. Under Xing Tian's sword, will he die in this terrible killing? Will he follow the footsteps of the previous people!

When one person ran away, the others in the back were shocked, and then suddenly realized one by one, they understood the danger of the situation, and understood what a terrifying trap this was. At this moment, they would no longer be greedy, no Dare to hold that ridiculous fantasy again, that any seizure of opportunity, any treasure, and luck are all vain to them, their own life is the most important, and their fate is gone, even if it is an opportunity, there is luck and luck. How, everything will become nothingness!

"Damn, don't let Lao Tzu know who the roar was from before. This **** **** is killing people with the knife, and is bewitching everyone to throw themselves into the net. This **** **** is too insidious. He is using everyone's lives to test Xingtian's falsehood. !"

It’s a pity that these people understand it too late, and now too many people have fallen under Xingtian’s sword, using their lives to expand Xingtian’s killing avenue, making Xingtian’s combat power even further and sinking himself into In such a terrible death trap, it was too late for them to escape at this time, the killing field was fully expanded, and they completely fell into the Xingtian field!

"No, the void is blocked. Xingtian, the lunatic’s killing field, has blocked all directions. It doesn’t give us a chance to escape. This lunatic wants to kill us all. Don’t run away. It’s useless to escape. Can't escape the killing field of this lunatic, everyone wants to survive only to fight Xingtian to live and die, and only if the **** lunatic Xingtian has a way to survive!" Suddenly, a voice resounded in everyone's ears again. The appearance of the voice completely overwhelmed those people's escape plan, and made them feel a boulder in their hearts, and they were all shocked by the result!

"Asshole, how could this be? Xingtian, a lunatic, really wants to kill us. His killing field is too powerful, and we can't tear his field power at all!" Soon those who fled in the first time also said Zhiyu shouted, they all crashed into Xingtian's killing field, and they were all blocked by Xingtian's killing field!

"Xingtian, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing? Quickly let go of the domain and let us leave!" When faced with such a desperate situation, some people lost their minds and couldn't help crying frantically, venting themselves The fear in the heart.

Threatening Xingtian? No, it's useless. When the situation has reached this point, when they are unable to break free from Xingtian's killing domain, their fate is already doomed. Unless they have the strength to break through the air from Xingtian's killing domain, they will wait for them. There is only a dead end, Xing Tian doesn't care about the shouts and threats of these'ants'.

"Enough, what do you shout, do you think Xingtian this lunatic will listen to you? If you want to survive, stand up for Lao Tzu, attack Xingtian this lunatic with all your strength, use our power to pile up the death Xingtian, this is our only vitality, hope This lunatic let us go, that is simply a big joke. This lunatic will never give us a chance to survive! Killing will give Lao Tzu all his strength to fight the lunatic Xingtian with all his strength. The lunatic Xingtian will not die, we There is no way to survive!"

"It deceives people's hearts. At this time, there are still people who dare to stand up and deceive people's hearts. What does this **** want to do? Fight with Xing Tian, ​​isn't that self-defeating? I must find this bastard, I must destroy him and let him know What price do I have to pay!" Someone's heart is screaming frantically, trying to find the enemy hidden in the dark, but unfortunately the situation is too chaotic now, and the enemy is hidden so well that he can't find the opponent at all. .

Yes, or those **** of Taipingdao, they continue to confuse everyone in secret, delusionally wanting to use such a means to attack Xingtian, wanting to reverse the world, but their actions are in vain, no matter how many enemies attack, Xingtian will not. Will be knocked down, unless they can be united in one mind and can make a powerful blow, otherwise they will not be able to beat Xingtian.

In this situation, under such circumstances, it is impossible to want all people to be one minded, because these ignorant and stupid **** are simply loose sand, and wanting to make them one mind is simply a big joke. They all have selfishness in their hearts, and they will not deny themselves to others. What they desire is self-escape instead of killing Xingtian.


"Yes, we did our utmost to pay, put out all our strength, and worked together to destroy Xingtian. Only by destroying Xingtian this **** **** can we have a way to survive!" Although I hate the **** bewitching person in my heart, when the situation is here When it is terrible, those sober people have to make such a choice and have to make such a roar. They all have the idea that the dead fellow is not dead and poor, and they all want to make other people a substitute for the dead. Hold Xingtian, and create opportunities for yourself to escape!

Human heart, human nature, this is the greatest evil in the human heart. When faced with a crisis, even if someone understands this is a trap and understands the sinister intentions of the shouting person, they are all for their own lives and for their own escape. All had to make this sinister and vicious choice, and had to cooperate with those people of peace!

There are many smart people, but there are more stupid people. In this terrible battlefield, in this terrible killing field, stupid people occupy most of them. When so many people are shouting, when everyone is not watching When they came to life, the fear in their hearts, their instincts were affected by this external force, and they were affected by the shouts, and they rushed towards Xing Tian frantically, as if they were really caught in the ridiculous charge before. Life and death with Xing Tian.

The power to deceive people's hearts is really terrible. This is the power of Taipingdao. This is their terrible power. They have mastery of the human heart, control of the human heart, and enslavement of the human heart. People of the peaceful Tao appear in the crowd. This is all Human sorrow, this is the tragedy of everyone. Those who are determined can withstand the power of deceit, but for those with weak minds, this is death, this is slavery, unstoppable, only peace. Tao's puppet.

"What a deceptive power, what a peaceful way, they still can't bear it after all. Their appearance will be the disaster of the whole catastrophe, and their appearance will be the driving force of this killing. They want It’s impossible to use this sea of ​​people to pile up death penalty days. The power of killing is beyond their imagination. Xing Tian’s perception on the killing avenue is beyond their grasp. No matter how they resist, it’s useless, everything is gone. A foregone conclusion!"

"Yeah, everything has become a foregone conclusion. I don't believe that the **** of Taipingdao can't see through all this, but they still do it. What do they want to do? Could it be that they want to use family members to transform Xingtian, but they What good will it do for them? They can't get Xingtian's trust?"

"I don’t know, the **** of Taiping Road are also a group of lunatics, and they are also a group of bastards. No one knows what they want to do. Perhaps only they know it. It is not a secret that they started with the God of Tongtian River. No matter what help Xingtian makes, it is difficult to get Xingtian's approval. Perhaps they have an ulterior motive for doing so!"

"Haha! The **** of Taipingdao have taken action. They stood out from the shadows and appeared in the imperial capital. It is not us that has the headache, but the emperor, the empire. I don't believe this terrible bewitching power. The emperor will not have headaches, fears, and guards. Once Taipingdao takes action, a large part of the power of the entire empire will be restrained by it. Perhaps this is our opportunity and we can get more from it. , There can be more development!"

"No, before we clarify the plan of the Peace Road, we do nothing without knowing what their purpose is. The more at this time, the more we have to be cautious. Don’t look at the **** of the Peace Road. Alliances are allies, but allies like Taipingdao are the most unreliable. We cannot pin our hopes on them, and we cannot trust these bastards!"

"Want to clarify the plan of Taipingdao, how is this possible? Except for themselves, who can see through their conspiracies and their calculations, their deceptive power is the most terrifying, and now they are so directly employing them together. The imperial capital, bewitching everyone, calculating the family members and sects, it is too weird to shoot naked, naked, and naked. This is not like their usual style. If there is no calculation, I will not believe it. "

When Taipingdao made another move and bewitched people's hearts again, many forces in the entire imperial capital were cautious and angry at it, especially the calculated ones. They even wanted to devour the **** of Taipingdao, but they didn't. Dare to take action. Before clarifying the conspiracy of Taipingdao, no force dares to act rashly. In the hearts of these many forces, the threat of Taipingdao is far greater than Xingtian. They would rather fight Xingtian life and death instead of facing Taipingdao. The bastard!

When Taipingdao confuses people's hearts again, and when they confuses those ignorant and stupid people again, the entire imperial capital dared not act rashly, and the power of Renjie was instantly affected by them and weakened. Xingtian wanted to use people. The power of the robbery caused the robbery, which was directly destroyed once again. Don't look at the **** of the Taipingdao confuse the people and cause huge deaths, but their appearance accelerated the development of the robbery and broke Xingtian's calculations.

It seems that the **** of Taipingdao are bewitching everyone, attacking Xingtian, and donating nutrients to Xingtian, but in fact their actions are in the plan of Xingtian, undermining Xingtian’s calculations, and destroying Xingtian’s calamity. The disaster, such a situation, has cast a shadow on Xing Tian's heart, causing Xing Tian's heart to have endless killing intent. To the endless killing intent of the peaceful road hidden in the dark, Xing Tian has nothing to do with the other party!

Today Xing Tian is surrounded by everyone, once again caught in a frantic shock, even if Xing Tian hates the other party, it will be difficult to kill the **** of the peace road and restore his own robbery. The most important thing is, even if it is peace. Dao’s **** were in his own killing domain, and Xing Tian did not find their existence. It seems that these **** of Taiping Dao have the ability to shield their domain perception and can force the lock of their domain power. This situation makes Xing Tian I was even more shocked, being able to avoid the lock in his killing domain, which shows that his killing domain has loopholes and is seen through by the enemy!


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