God of Destruction

Chapter 3999: Shocked

Chapter 3999: Shocked

"My killing domain can't even lock these enemies. It seems that I still underestimated the enemy's strength and the power of this world. Now someone can ignore my killing domain. This proves that my domain power is flawed. I need more time to perfect my domain and my own killing avenue. Only when the killing avenue is perfect can I truly have the power of the perfect domain and be able to escape my own grasp without being so easily by the enemy. Such an enemy Existing in their own killing field, this in itself is a huge hidden danger. Now they are just bewitching the enemy, and there is no new action. If they have strong power, they will come down to plot me personally, I am afraid that the power of the killing field is impossible. Keep me safe!"

When faced with such an astonishing change, when facing the enemy who could avoid his lock-in, Xing Tian's heart could not help but heavier. The occurrence of such a love history is also a great disaster for Xing Tian, ​​and it is also a huge disaster. Threats, such threats cannot continue to exist on him, otherwise no one knows when danger will come.

"Kill, you must kill these bastards, and cut off their insidious intentions. It seems that these **** confuse everyone to attack me. It is a good thing and can save me time, but their existence is too dangerous. Such enemies It must not be given any chance to escape, it must be killed in this field, this is my only way to resolve the crisis!"

For a time, Xing Tian could not find the other party’s hiding place, and it was impossible to solve the problem. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian would naturally use a cruel approach to solve the problem, and killing was naturally the best solution, but now Xing Tian The situation is not ideal, and it is not easy to kill the opponent, at least he needs time to catch the opponent's whereabouts!

The situation has become more and more dangerous, and Xing Tian’s inner pressure has naturally become stronger and stronger. If Xing Tian’s will is not firm, I am afraid that he has been secretly calculated by the enemy’s conspiracy and will fall into the opponent’s calculations, even It is to give your own life. Under such a situation, you have to know that everything is somewhat beyond your control, and everything seems to be in the calculation of the enemy.

"These **** **** are hitting too violently. It's impossible to escape from this terrible crisis just by relying on my strength. Otherwise, I will die and be ruined in the end. Lose your own wealth and life!" Under the power of bewitching, the power these enemies exploded beyond Xing Tian's imagination. If they continue, even if Xing Tian's killing avenue is strong, they will be charged by the enemy's crazy death charge. Washed down, because under the power of bewitching, these enemies have forgotten life and death, and desperately launched suicidal attacks on themselves.

Yes, under the bewilderment of Taipingdao, those enemies are launching suicidal attacks on Xingtian. They don’t care about their own life and death. They have only one thought in their hearts, that is, to kill Xingtian, even if they sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate. It is their determination, this is their choice! Of course, this choice was not made by them, but was forced by the **** of Taipingdao, and this bewitching power, Qiaqia, is a good thing for Taipingdao!

"Crazy, the **** of the Taipingdao are really crazy. At this time, under such circumstances, with such terrible bewitching power, what do they want to do? Are they demonstrating to me, in the imperial capital, in full view He made such a vicious move and killed so many people from aristocratic families, as well as people from the sect. Taipingdao is planning to be an enemy of all the forces in the entire imperial capital, or is it to be an enemy of the entire world, they are It’s not that I, the emperor, can’t help them, and the empire can’t help them?” When seeing such crazy things happen, when seeing that many aristocratic families and sects were calculated to die by Taipingdao, the emperor was furious. , This is challenging his bottom line, challenging the bottom line of the empire. Taipingdao's actions are crazier than Xingtian, a lunatic, who spends his punishment in the imperial capital. It is still ferocious, dangerous, and unacceptable!

"If Taipingdao can't give me a satisfactory confession this time, then they will wait for the imperial army to attack. No one can threaten me, no one can challenge the bottom line of the empire, notify the imperial capital guards, and let them block the entire imperial capital. Don’t let the **** of the Taipingdao leave. This time I must teach them a profound lesson. Let them know that no matter how weak the empire is, it cannot be provoked by a Taipingdao. As long as the empire does not fall, no matter it is the family, the sect Regardless, all must obey the empire's orders, all must abide by the empire's rules, and those who violate it will die!"

At this time, the emperor's heart has endless killing intent. If this problem is not resolved, if the **** of the peace road does such a crazy thing without being hit, the dignity of the emperor will be completely shattered, and the majesty of the empire will be completely shattered. Will be completely destroyed, more forces will launch provocations against Mu, and even someone will stand up to challenge the bottom line of the empire, or even rebel!

kill! The emperor really wants to kill the **** of the Taipingdao, even if it turns his face on the Taipingdao, he will not hesitate to do so, because such a move has exceeded the scope of the emperor's endurance and has touched the bottom line of the emperor. It cannot be forgiven. of.

People of Taiping Dao dare to make such a move in the empire and in full view. Would they not expect the reaction of the emperor, would they not know what kind of danger they would face? They know that their hearts are clear, they know what kind of disaster their actions will cause, but they have done it, which shows that they have been fully prepared for a long time, and they have not put people in their hearts. The emperor, Xingtian, and the empire are in sight!

As for the wealthy families and many sects, these people are not regarded as one thing by Taipingdao. They even offend the Emperor, Xingtian, and the empire, and they have not regarded it as once. How can they care about other people's reactions? In the eyes of Taipingdao, other forces are not worth mentioning, and there is no need to care, because Taipingdao has the confidence to protect itself!

Kill Xingtian? Seize Xingtian's chance? Is this the purpose of Peace Road? No, the Taipingdao Jieren didn’t have such thoughts. Although they longed to seize Xingtian’s opportunity, they deeply understood that it was impossible to want Xingtian’s fate, and they could not do this. They just hope to force Xingtian's hole card, learn more about Xingtian's power, and then wait for the opportunity to give Xingtian a real fatal blow and be able to kill Xingtian with one blow.

auzw.com Blood relationship? No, these people of Taipingdao didn't care at all. They appeared in the imperial capital with the idea of ​​killing Xingtian. They came for this. Unfortunately, they still underestimated Xingtian's power, and not only did not kill Xingtian. On the contrary, even they themselves are caught in a crisis, but they do not regret it, because in their opinion it is worth it!

"The sword light is divided, the sword is transformed into thousands, one sword breaks the ten thousand magic, annihilation!" After suffering such a terrible impact, Xing Tian did not dare to hesitate anymore. At this time, he had to put out a part of his strength to protect it. Own, if I were killed, then everything would be over, and this Qia Qia was not the result Xing Tian wanted to see.

With this blow, Xing Tian used his strongest power, and the killing kendo condensed in the killing avenue instantly turned into countless sword lights. Each kendo carried the terrifying killing avenue of Xing Tian, ​​and these sword lights appeared. It directly blocked the retreat of all enemies, directly cut off the milk path of these enemies, and cut off their vitality! .

"The sword light splits, one sword breaks the ten thousand magic, what a Xingtian, there is such a terrible accomplishment in the kendo, it seems that this time our action is going to fail, Xingtian, a lunatic, will destroy all of us at all costs. He wants to swallow everything and the power of the sentient beings. We can’t just sit back and die. Although the strength of these aristocratic children is good, it’s impossible to rely on their power to destroy Xingtian. We need to continue to take action. Xing Tian's chance to succeed!"

Faced with such a terrible situation, after seeing the outbreak of Xingtian, the people of Taipingdao were extremely nervous. They didn't want to make fun of their secret agents. They did not dare to be locked by Xingtian's whereabouts and position. Let himself die faster, Xing Tian will not give them a chance to survive, as long as they meet, Xing Tian will definitely kill them!

"It's difficult. It's very difficult for us to take action right now. Unless we really don't care about everything that is exposed, unless we can have the power to come back from the dead, otherwise we can only endure it. In time, we have not been locked down by the lunatic Xingtian. When this madness reacts, we are afraid that we will die."

"Escape? You want to escape without a fight. You know how much trouble your actions will cause you. No matter how dangerous the situation is, we must persist until the end. This is our mission. We cannot give up everything. Xing Tian wants to kill us, and we just want to kill him, maybe we should work together to give him a fatal blow, let him know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!"

"Don’t forget, Taiping Road has never escaped without a fight. This time is our task. We cannot escape without a fight. Moreover, Xing Tian is not strong enough to allow us to escape without a fight. Qiang, with so many people surrounded, do you think he can really retreat? I know what you are afraid of, what are you worried about, don’t care about the reaction of the empire, don’t care about the reaction of the emperor, we dare to confuse him With the power of power, there is no fear of the siege of the Emperor and the Empire!"

These Taipingdao **** really have assassins, and they have the confidence to retreat. They dare to take the world and ignore the existence of all people. It can be seen how well they are prepared before coming to the imperial capital. Perhaps Taipingdao is better than people. The emperor, even more sinister and crazier than the wealthy family imagined. Before everything started, they were fully prepared and prepared for the worst. No matter what choice Xing Tian made, they There are enough coping methods!

"But we can't hide for too long under Xingtian's crazy full blow. After all, this is Xingtian's killing domain. Our power can be hidden for a while, but not for a lifetime. Over time, our supernatural powers will disappear and we will be Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, realized that he would be locked in the killing realm. At that time, we would never have the chance to retreat. I know you have treasures from the martial arts, but Xing Tian’s killing avenue is not a display. Don’t believe in treasures too much. Don’t underestimate the power of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic. He is much stronger and more terrifying than we thought!"

Yes! From Xingtian’s performance, everyone in Taipingdao knew that Xingtian’s strength was beyond their imagination. If it hadn’t been for Xingtian’s energy to focus on those ignorant and stupid family members and sects, I’m afraid they would count. It is protected by magical powers, and it is difficult to avoid the lock in the killing field, after all, the killing field is too terrifying.

"Now we have no choice. If we can't complete the task, don't talk about the punishment of the sect, will the emperor, the family and the empire let us go? If I guess correctly, the emperor is now closed, the emperor We are ready to stay. At this time, if we are timid and retreat, it will only make the emperor, make the empire and the family more crazy, and even more painful to us. At this time, we cannot retreat. One step is forever!"

"We must come to the emperor to have a deterrent, not to let the emperor, let the empire, the aristocratic family and other sects underestimate the existence of our peace road, once the power of deceit, we have no choice. Make every effort to confuse these ignorant and stupid bastards, let them explode their ultimate power, let them use their own life force to destroy Xingtian, let their madness deter all foreign enemies, deter the empire, for ourselves, and create peace. opportunity!"

Although some people are unwilling and unwilling, but at this point, they really have no choice. Like Xing Tian, ​​they can't retreat. One step back is an abyss, that is, death without life. They are all caught in a dilemma. Place.

At this time, Xing Tian was also the same. It was calculated by Taipingdao people like this. Xingtian had never thought about it. The bewitching power of Taipingdao completely ruined Xingtian's calculations. Xingtian had to face a more dangerous environment and had to face it. For this terrible human calamity, but I have lost control of this human calamity, and the power of human calamity has been infinitely weakened. It is impossible to use the power of human caliber to induce Earth robbery. This is impossible, because the **** of peace. The sentient beings in the imperial capital were completely frightened and uneasy, and dared not act any more.


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