God of Destruction

Chapter 4001: Jiejie Road

Chapter Four Thousand and One

"Oh! It's not that the power of those family members is weak, but Xing Tian is too strong, and the deceiving power of Taiping Dao is too terrible. Their minds are controlled by the deceiving power of Taiping Dao. When they are impacted by external forces, they face the threat of death from Xing Tian. At the same time, their instincts resurrected and their minds recovered, and at the moment of recovery, their minds would lose their minds involuntarily. If it were normal, this mind's loss would not be a big deal, but it was just a momentary gaffe, but they are now in war. , They are trapped in Xingtian’s killing realm. For them, loss of mind is death, and the power of the realm will instantly destroy all of them!"

When talking about this, the powerful family member sighed involuntarily. He didn't want to see such a situation, but he couldn't change it. This is the general trend of the world, and no one can change it. When the power of mankind appears, Anyone who wants to change will be dragged into the catastrophe. He does not want to die, so naturally he will not change. The matter of self-sacrificing and saving others will not appear to him, and these people are not worth saving. They chose this All the consequences must be endured.

"Xing Tian is indeed very strong, but it is not him that decides all of this, but the **** of the Taipingdao. If the **** of the Taipingdao are willing to let go, everything will end. As long as they take the power of bewitching, many colleagues will naturally wake up. , There will be no change in mind. It is a pity that the **** of Taipingdao will not do this at all. They have long been determined to interfere with everything, to live and die with Xingtian, not knowing what secrets Xingtian has in him, it is worth them so crazy!"

"Yes, the **** of Taipingdao are not helping Xingtian, but harming Xingtian. They are trying to interfere with Xingtian's human robbery and want to break Xingtian's own secret. They are crazy and they have made such a crazy move. , What does Taipingdao want to do, even if they don’t care about family or blood relationship, they shouldn’t make such a crazy move at this time to forge an unending feud with a reincarnated lunatic like Xing Tian?”

"No one knows what Taipingdao thinks. They have always been crazy and arrogant. They must have their reasons and their calculations when they attack Xingtian at this time. It's just that we can't see through it. There is no good thing they have never been. What I can't do, let alone in the presence of so many powerful people, provoke the power of bewitching, to launch a fatal blow to Xing Tian, ​​keep watching, I believe that as long as the peace road does not give up, then we will have a chance to understand Their true thoughts."

"Yes, let's keep watching and don't care about what happened. Whether it is Xingtian or the **** of Taipingdao, what danger they have has nothing to do with us. All we have to do is to watch the battle quietly and explore what's in them. Secretly, if Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, can start slower, we can see the original power of Taiping Dao."

"Huh! Don't be delusional, Taipingdao won't give us this opportunity, and Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, won't give us this opportunity. Xing Tian won't joke about his life, and he won't feel that he is strong and show mercy in such a battle. Among them, he didn't dare to do this, and he couldn't do it, and his avenue of killing also needed killing to strengthen the origin, but I can understand one thing, the **** of the peace road is crazy at this time, I am afraid it is obstructed. He didn’t want Xing Tian to go further, so they made such a crazy decision and made such a big noise!"

"How is this possible? Just for the sake of hindering the Tao, recklessly, recklessly, using the power of deceit to forcibly control the life and death of many fellow Dao and Xingtian, this is too much, is Taipingdao really necessary to do this? Xingtian Is it so terrible to make the **** of peace road so cautious and pay such a big price?"

"I don't know? Perhaps it is in Taipingdao's heart, but only from Xingtian's performance, he is worth doing this, worth paying such a high price, if Taipingdao can really do this, this pay It’s not a big deal at all. The power of Killing Dao in Xing Tian's body is obviously able to restrain the power of bewitching. Before Xing Tian grows up, it is reasonable to pay a high price to destroy him and eliminate his own threat."

"Perhaps Taipingdao understands Xingtian's threat to his family, so he made such a big move. Only this one explanation can tell everything, and it can be worthy of being an enemy of Taipingdao and the entire emperor, and even the whole The world is an enemy. You must know that after this battle, they offended all the forces participating in the war, and they have caused endless trouble!"

"Forget it, don't think so much. It doesn't matter if Xingtian's avenue of killing is really capable of restraining the deceitful power of Taipingdao, it is also a direction for us. We can test it if we have the opportunity in the future. Xingtian's changes will give We have provided a new direction, which is enough. As for everything else, we will gradually learn about it. However, I hope that Taipingdao can show more strength and enable us to learn more about their power. We must know that working with such a group of lunatics, we are all carrying too many burdens, and no one knows what actions these lunatics will do in the next moment!"

Regarding Taiping Dao, these aristocratic families in the imperial capital were wary of it, and they were all afraid of it. Even if these aristocratic families cooperated with Taiping Dao, they had made countless preparations secretly, and they were all worried that they would be defeated by Taiping Dao. Used by the bastards, they will be controlled by others and put themselves and the family behind them in crisis.

"Dear fellow daoists, do you think Xingtian’s killing realm might awaken everyone? Will it let the fellow fellows wake up, turn around and kill the **** of Taipingdao, and turn the whole situation? If this happens? , Maybe it will be more beneficial to us and will enable us to truly see the power of the Peace Path!"

"No, it's impossible? Although this may exist, Xing Tian can't do it. His own strength is too weak, and his strength determines everything. If Xing Tian's strength can be improved, all of this may be achieved, and now He can’t do it, we don’t have to have such illusions, and the most important thing is that we can’t rely on others and place our hopes on others. This in itself is irresponsible to our own life. When you have this in your heart Thoughts, when you have such thoughts, it is the beginning of your own degeneration, which will lead you to destruction and death step by step!"

"Kill, let Xing Tian kill as much as you want. This price is nothing for the entire imperial capital family. The crazier Xing Tian is, the better. The same is true for the **** of Taipingdao. We just take a step back and we can see Such a wonderful matchup is a great thing for us. All we have to do is to watch and wait!"

auzw.com" I’m afraid that things are not that simple. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has destiny. When Tian’s destiny is added, anything can happen. No force can trap him. Peace. If Xingtian’s **** hits Xingtian’s destiny, it will only increase Xingtian’s strength and make Xingtian stronger and more terrifying. This is balance!"

"Destiny! This is indeed a big problem, but the **** of Taipingdao dare to do this, presumably they are already prepared to deal with it. Compared with the big sects like Taipingdao, our background is still far behind. Maybe they really have it. The way to break the destiny, no matter what the result is, we have no harm, and no matter how bad the situation is, there will be some emperors who will be against it. This is the imperial capital. It is impossible for the emperor and the emperor to watch the situation go out of control and watch the emperor face the threat of destruction. !"

Repeated changes, no matter whether it is a family or a sect, they will no longer intervene in this, even if their own people rush into the battlefield, even if they die, but these families and sects can bear it. After coming down, because the situation exceeded their imagination, at this time they were unwilling to continue to pay. They were waiting for the reaction of the Emperor, and the reaction of the empire!

People outside these battlefields can wait, but Xing Tian in the game can’t wait. The appearance of Taipingdao and the appearance of bewitching power are things that he did not expect, even if he is now madly erupting, he can use killing The power of the domain continuously kills those who are depressed, but the loss of its own is also great, time does not wait for others, and there is not much time left for oneself!

"I can't let all this go on any longer. The power of Earth Tribulation is impossible. The power of Human Tribulation has changed under the influence of external forces. Now I can only grab as many resources as possible and kill! If you can’t kill the heavens, the ground, and the common people, and achieve the path to Consummation, then strive for the greatest advantage. If you drag on, even if you can win, it will be a miserable victory. It will also give the hidden enemy more opportunities to calculate yourself. In the midst of the catastrophe, any negligence will put your life in danger!"

At this time, Xing Tian's heart could not help but feel a little lost. If he had the city of thunder punishment in his hands, there would not be so many problems at all. Once the city of thunder punishment came out, no matter how many enemies would be destroyed by thunder punishment, it is a pity that now Lei The City of Punishment has disappeared, it has been integrated into the new source of treasure, it is impossible to appear no matter how you think, and now I have to face so many enemies!

Leading to the origin of the road is coming! This is Xing Tian’s idea and Xing Tian’s method to overcome all crises. As long as he can induce the origin of the Killing Dao to come, no matter how many enemies there are in his domain, he will be emptied by the Dao of Origins, will be turned into his own origin, and he will become himself. The nourishment of Slaughter Avenue, and this is also the most suitable choice for you. It will not reveal more of your own secrets, will not let the enemy see everything about yourself, and will be able to deter all enemies!

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian understands that his time is running out. When he cleared the surrounding enemies, Xing Tian's thoughts turned, and the Devouring Dao recovered instantly. Everything that was left after the death of many enemies turned into their own nutrients, and they were crazy. The earth poured into Xing Tian’s body. Under the guidance of Xing Tian’s Slaughter Avenue, and his own Slaughter Yuan Tire’s guidance, it continuously communicated with the origin of the world, resonating with the Slaughter Avenue, and led the Slaughter Avenue down yesterday. The world!

The heart moved at will, the origin of the killing avenue changed under the guidance of Xing Tian. The whole killing field was filled with a strong murderous aura, and this murderous aura gradually condensed into a series of killing runes as it diffused, flying in the domain, and when When such killing runes continued to appear, the entire killing field changed, became weird and terrifying, as if some power came to life, and the enemies trapped in the field trembled at it. , A thought of fear came to mind.

"Damn, how could this be? How could there be fear in my heart, how could I be frightened by a little'ant', and how can these **** under our control also have a heart of fear, and how is this fear? It will bite us back!" When such a situation occurs, the people of Taiping Road could not help but scream for it. They are in a crisis. They never thought that the puppets they controlled would have fear in their hearts. And this fear will spread to his soul!

This is the power of the source, this is the horror of the source of the source, even if the power of the source has not fully arrived, but everyone in the Xingtian killing domain will feel the impact from the void, from the power of the terrible source Suppression is exactly the same. Only when the people of Taipingdao are affected by this kind of shock will they face such a terrible situation.

If it weren’t for the knot that they controlled hadn’t recovered themselves, and could not fully explode the negative power deep in their hearts, just this one backlash would have killed them, thousands and thousands of negatives. Power backlash, no matter how firm their minds were, they couldn't bear such a shock, their minds would collapse, and their souls would shatter.

At this time, the **** of the Taiping Dao wanted to stop and give up their control over those people, but it was too late. When the power of killing came, when the power of the source road came, everything was too much. It's too late, the origin of Slaughter Avenue has firmly locked everything, so that they can't collect their own power of bewitching, and can only withstand this terrible impact silently!

This is retribution, this is the cycle of cause and effect. If they did not control these family children, these sects, they would not have to endure this terrible impact, and their own souls and souls would not have to endure such terrifying power. Now They must accept that who made them make such a crazy move before, they are using these people as cannon fodder, naturally they have to bear this cause and effect, and they have to accept this terrible killing impact, and all this is just the beginning.


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