God of Destruction

Chapter 4002: Humane insights

Chapter Four thousand and Two

"This is the coming of Origin Avenue. Xing Tian, ​​a madman, is taking in the origin road. How dare he do this? Isn't he afraid that he will be assimilated by Origin Avenue? Someone soon discovered the key to the problem, but it was useless to find out. They could not prevent the main road from coming down. When the main road came completely, the whole area of ​​killing would be the real place of death, and the life and death of all creatures was in Xingtian. in a moment!

"Run, run away, don't care about the life and death of those puppets, don't pay attention to the madman Xingtian, our action has failed, this **** is really crazy, he really wants to drag us to the end!" Those peaceful **** between each other They were screaming frantically, warning others, wanting to escape from Xingtian’s killing realm. Unfortunately, although their ideas were good, the reality was extremely cruel. They could not tear Xingtian’s killing realm. Now Xingtian’s Under the blessing of the Origin Avenue, the killing field became extremely powerful and extremely tough. It was not something they could shake, they were completely in desperation!

If the action fails, they want to escape from the killing field. I can only say that these people are too naive. Xingtian will not give them such a chance. When they choose to be an enemy of Xingtian, their destiny is doomed. They have a ray of life when they lead the main road, but Xing Tian is too crazy to give them any chance to turn over. If they don’t move, they must kill with one blow, and they must kill all enemies, because only then can they be able to. Only by frightening the enemy can those greedy people in the dark dare not rashly persuade, and then can they create a more favorable environment for themselves so that they can have time to grow!

"It's too late, it's too late now, we all underestimated this lunatic, his madness is not the little bit we thought, but the incomparable horror, there is nothing for this lunatic that he dare not do. Yes, when he is facing a crisis, he never thinks of any compromise. All he will do is to counterattack desperately, and even die together. Now we have no chance to leave. The killing field has locked up all our vitality. Even the sect is too arrogant and self-righteous. The world has changed. It is no longer the world we imagined, nor the world the sect thinks!” When death is about to come, someone finally I understand, I feel the changes in this world, and I feel the changes in the catastrophe. Unfortunately, everything is too late. If they understand earlier, they still have a silver lining. Now they are dead and dead!

"No, I don't believe it. No matter how powerful this lunatic is, it is impossible to trap all of us. We still have a chance. Those puppets are our chance. As long as we sacrifice these puppets, we can make a **** road!" Someone yelled frantically, venting the fear and anxiety in their hearts, but his actions couldn't cause any waves at all. Now the puppet in his mouth has already lost control, hoping to use this puppet to kill himself. , Can only say that he is too naive!

"There is no chance. Don't waste our efforts. With that time and energy, we still think about how to keep our soul and soul. We can reincarnate without being frightened, and even the last bit of life will disappear!" Although this was a kind word, his companions did not approve it. They had been affected by the breath of the catastrophe, and their minds had been completely confused, and they would not listen to his opinion at all. When facing death , The spirit of these people has collapsed!

Yes! At this moment, each of these peaceful jerks had a mental breakdown. Their previous arrogance came from the sect. They always believed that there was a sect as their support, and they would not be in any danger, even if they faced it. The same is true for Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, and now when the sect behind them cannot protect their own safety, their spirits suddenly collapsed. The reason for this shocking change is that one is that their will is not firm enough, and the other is that they are too Relying on the sect, when their bewitching power lost its power, cracks appeared in their hearts, and even the terrible situation like this happened!

At this time, not only were these peaceful **** frightened, many outside forces were also shocked by Xingtian’s madness. They all knew that Xingtian was crazy, but they didn’t expect that Xingtian would be so crazy that they would take it. Risking their own lives and taking the main road to come down, this is completely a gambling on their lives. This choice makes it difficult for them to accept one by one. In their opinion, this is completely unnecessary. As long as they take a small step back, all the crisis will disappear. , It's not worth the effort!

For the major forces watching the battle, they think so, because they are a group of old **** who always put their own interests first, but Xing Tian is different from them, Xing Tian will not compromise, because in Xing Tian’s view, he himself If you compromise one step, there will be a second step, and then it will be endless. Your own will and beliefs will gradually be buried in this compromise, and your own path will be ruined in this compromise. It is unacceptable to Xingtian.

"It's crazy to lead the origin of the Slaughter Avenue to come. It is crazy to the extreme. The Slaughter Avenue descends. Who can survive the killing, not to mention the battlefield, even the entire emperor will face a terrible crisis. If one is not careful, the entire emperor Will face a crazy death disaster, countless creatures will be destroyed by the origin of the killing. This madman is really unscrupulous, and he really does not put all living beings in the eyes of the world, killing the sky, killing the earth, killing the common people, his killing avenue is really infinite. Now we are in trouble, the Emperor is in trouble, the entire empire is in trouble, this lunatic has brought us endless disasters!"

"Now we have to look at the reaction of the emperor. We can only rely on the emperor. Other than that, we have no other choice. Even if death comes, we can only passively accept it, and no one should act rashly!" As soon as this sentence fell, everyone was eclipsed by it. They all fixed their gazes on each other's face, and they were shocked by the order!

"Don’t have any luck. The situation has reached this point. We have no choice. I also want to survive. I don’t want to face death. But the situation forces us to do this because I don’t know if this is true. Conspiracy, is it a trap that the **** peace road dug for us? At this time, we can't think too much about how careful we are!"

"Damn, if we knew the situation would be like this a long time ago, we should stop the lunatic Xingtian, we should stop those family members, and now it's fine, we can't do anything, if we knew that the **** of the peace road were so unreliable, we would not We should cooperate with them, so we will not be so passive and caught in this dilemma!"


"Hmph, if we can predict the future, we won't let ourselves face so many crises. What's the use of saying this? Everything has happened. We can only accept and resolve, not complain. The mind is still thinking about how to withstand the next crisis and how to keep ourselves as best as we can. As long as we are still alive, everything is possible. We can let go of everything else. We are the root of everything! "

"Yes, now it's up to the emperor to do, to see how the empire does. The imperial capital's defense formation is in their hands. At this time, the only thing that can protect everyone is the defense formation, no matter how much the human emperor has in his mind. At this time, he must stand up, because he is the Emperor of Humanity, he is the lord of the empire, he cannot bear the cause and effect and responsibility of the imperial capital! Wait, we don’t need to be nervous, it’s useless, everything depends on the Emperor. How he chooses depends on whether he is willing to risk the loss of our hearts and put us to death, or is willing to win the hearts of the people and resist the disaster caused by the lunatic Xing Tian!"

How to choose? For the Emperor, there is no choice at all. The human heart is everything in the empire. No matter how dangerous the situation is, there is only one way for the Emperor to go, and that is to open up the imperial capital's defensive array with all his strength, inspire the power of humanity, and resist the source of killing. The impact of the arrival on the imperial capital, as for those **** who are on the battlefield, their dead and alive emperors will not ignore it. All these are caused by these bastards. They are responsible for their actions. This is the price they should pay. !

What about Xingtian? The emperor would not care. For such a **** who made a big deal with a disagreement, a madness that caused such a terrible disaster, his life and death, the emperor would naturally not pay attention to him, and there is no need to pay attention to such a lunatic. Is it terrible, or don't have anything to do with it, if you are not careful, you will pit yourself!

What about Taiping Road? Naturally, they were directly ignored. For the Emperor, the **** of the Peace Road are the most hateful. This situation has changed and changed, and they have attracted them. If they hadn't forced Xingtian to this point, how could it be? When this happens, it is time for them to pay the price and it is also time for them to suffer the backlash of cause and effect.

There was a loud noise, and the entire emperor was trembling. Rays of light rose from all sides of the imperial capital. In the end, the rays of light converged in the sky above the imperial capital to form a powerful mask. The defensive array of the imperial capital was fully opened. The emperor directly controls all the defenses of the imperial capital, and the entire imperial capital’s every move is in the influence of the emperor. The humane force has given the emperor a strong denial, allowing the emperor to feel the existence of humanity in this change. Feel the power of humanity.

"This is the power of humanity, this is the power of Human Sovereign. If I can fully grasp the humanity, I have everything, and any threat is vulnerable to the power of humanity. Humanity is the strongest!" When you feel the power of humanity Later, this was the most direct response of the emperor. The power of humanity surpassed his imagination. Especially at this time, when Xing Tian took the main source road and descended, the power of humanity responded instinctively. The power of humanity was powerful. Filled in the mind of the emperor!

Fully grasp the power of humanity? This is really impossible. Not to mention that the Emperor is just a puppet. Even if he is a real Emperor, it is impossible to fully grasp the power of humanity. The power of humanity is difficult to be fully grasped. It can only control 50%. No matter how much it is, it is impossible, because humanity is not the way of heaven, it is not the real way, humanity is all living beings, no one, no force, can completely control humanity and control the power of humanity!

When he relies on the power of the humane array to control the power of humanity, the emperor clearly feels his own strength and can master everything in the imperial capital, and even if he moves his mind, he can destroy any family in the imperial capital, no matter what How powerful and terrifying the other party is, and how vulnerable it is to the power of humanity, this is the power of humanity. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and tricks are vulnerable. As long as you have the strongest power, the rebellion is just a joke. If your humane power can spread throughout the entire empire, why should you fear the family and the sect.

Of course, this is just his own imagination. The Emperor knew that he couldn't do it now. What he can control is only the imperial capital, and this power is only temporary. After all, the source of the consumption of the imperial capital defense is too terrifying. Even if the empire has accumulated endless years, it can't be such a crazy waste.

In fact, at this time, the emperor entered into a misunderstanding. The control of the empire is not the same as the control of the imperial capital. It needs the power of the humane array. The control of the emperor of the empire is the control of the world and the heart of the people. If the sentient beings in the empire have the hearts of the empire, then the human emperor will be able to control the entire world and the general trend of the empire. On the contrary, the human emperor will naturally not be able to control the empire, let alone humanity, but the human emperor is not aware of this.

As a human emperor, you must not improve your own combat power, nor do you use the power of formations to master the empire and humanity, but through the human heart. But now the sentient beings in the empire do not recognize the empire very much, the power of the family and the sect They are constantly eroding the empire, which has caused the Emperor to be unable to control the empire and control the general trend of the world. If the Emperor wants to reverse the universe and regain control of the world, he must first control the hearts of the people and be recognized by the empire. This takes time. , This is not a moment, one or two things can be done, if it weren’t for the emperor to use the cracking of the earth to seal the frontiers to re-draw the empire’s generals, the empire would be more dangerous now, and his control over the empire would be weaker. All this is not the emperor, but the loss of luck in the endless years of the empire, the loss of people's hearts, the incompetence of the royal family, the turbulence of people's hearts, the greed of the family and the sect!


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