God of Destruction

Chapter 4003: Is there anyone in the festival?

Is there anyone in Chapter Four Thousand and Three?

The human emperor now has less than half of the empire’s fortune. The world now seems to belong to the empire and the human emperor. In fact, this is all an illusion. The empire is really controlled by those wealthy families and sects. With concerted efforts, the Emperor of Humanity has long been overthrown, the empire has long since been shattered, and the Emperor of Humanity may not have appeared at all!

If the emperor wants to regain control of the world, if he wants to be worthy of the name, he must first control the imperial luck and the empire’s human heart. This is his weakness. The patriarch of the wealthy family has seen this, so they can endure and wait, because They all understand that the emperor cannot sit idly by. The emperor must stand up to stop all this and prevent the sentient beings in the emperor from being affected by this war, otherwise the emperor will be affected by the hearts of the world. If this is the case, no matter how much you pay The price of these wealthy families with strange ideas will also be willing to accept, but it is a pity that the emperor and the empire will not give them such an opportunity.

When the defense was turned on, the boundless killing intent was blocked by the power of humanity, unable to affect everyone in the imperial capital through the defensive array, and the emergence of such a situation made all the sentient beings in the imperial capital breathe a sigh of relief. When the avenue descended, all the sentient beings in the imperial capital felt the threat of death and were shocked by the terrifying murderous aura. Countless creatures are scolding Xingtian and aristocratic families because they caused all this. As for the **** of Taipingdao, not many people scolded them. They only scolded the family and the disciples of the sect. Ordinary people are not. You will know that they are behind them!

When the imperial capital's defense formation was opened, Xing Tian also immediately noticed this change. Xing Tian sighed secretly. Originally Xing Tian wanted to take this opportunity to kill the Quartet and a group of disciples of the family, not only for himself Concentrating enough of the origin of the killing, you can even eliminate the bad breath in your heart. The most important thing is to make yourself soar into the sky, but now the hope is shattered. Although Xing Tian also thought of being affected by the imperial capital humanity formation, Xing Tian didn't expect Human Emperor to be so decisive, and he made a choice in an instant without giving himself a chance.

No matter what he did, Xing Tian knew that he had already had a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity with aristocratic families and sects, and it was no longer possible to resolve it. It was precisely because of this that Xing Tian had such crazy thoughts, and this time he took the original source road and descended. Only able to destroy these enemies who besieged oneself, can no longer encroach on the many wealthy families and sects in the imperial capital, because it is impossible for oneself to return to the imperial capital, not because he dare not return to the imperial capital, but the emperor. I won't give myself this opportunity, this time I have done things too terribly, so that the emperor dare not take the slightest care.

Revenge? This is impossible. At least the current situation does not allow him to do this. The Emperor will not give himself this opportunity, even the wealthy family, and the power of those sects will not allow him to do so, once he wants to enter the imperial capital. During this period, they will definitely suffer their crazy counterattack, and at this time, under such circumstances, Xing Tian is unwilling to see such a thing happen, and he is unwilling to bear such a terrible impact and face this terrible danger. !

Retreat all over? No, when the emperor and the empire, the aristocratic family and the sect are all vigilant and resentful, their path to return to the imperial capital has been cut off. It is impossible for him to enter the imperial capital again, and it is impossible to seek revenge from those enemies. Xuehen, this is the general trend. In the face of the general trend, this little strength of oneself is not worth mentioning. If you have to force it, you will only plunge yourself into a desperate situation. The various forces in the imperial capital can't wait to deprive themselves. But the grievances of the wealthy family broke out in an all-round way, and even the emperor could not stop their frantic counterattack. At that time, one can imagine his situation!

"Killing is coming, destroying the sky and destroying the land, killing! Killing! Killing!" After understanding his own situation, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, the killing avenue descended and merged with his own killing field, and endless killing intent broke out in an instant, the whole killing All the creatures in the domain, without even the opportunity to resist, are locked in the Slaughter Avenue. The Slaughter Power instantly completes the harvest above the soul. Yes, it is the harvest above the soul. The power of Slaughter Avenue does it directly. It is used on the souls of these creatures, so that they don't even have a chance to breathe, they are directly obliterated by the power of killing, and their souls are directly destroyed!

When the soul is shattered, all living beings lose their vitality, and their origin is also swallowed by the killing realm and turned into nourishment, nourishing Xingtian’s killing avenue, condensing a huge killing origin for Xingtian, and making Xingtian’s own breath instantly rise. Get up, let Xing Tian feel the growth of his own killing origin and the increase of the killing avenue!

"Damn it, how is this possible? It wiped out all vitality in an instant, even those **** of Taipingdao have no ability to resist. This is Xingtian's killing avenue, is this Xingtian's killer? The killing avenue comes, and you can kill instantly. All living creatures can erase the lives of all living creatures from their souls!" When Xing Tianshun killed all enemies, the people who had been watching coldly were shocked. Such terrible power made them feel threatened.

Xing Tian can complete the obliteration of so many creatures in an instant, then it has the ability to threaten their lives, and the ordinary creatures in the imperial capital are even more terrified. If it were not for the existence of a large defensive array and the protection of a light shield, I would be afraid They also have to pay a heavy price at this moment and pay their own lives. After all, they don't think they have the power to fight against Xingtian Slaughter Avenue, and don't think they can survive such a terrifying Slaughter Avenue!

"Crazy, really crazy. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has used such a big hand. Once such magical powers are released, why not be shocked? That force is not afraid. The major forces participating in this war, and Many sects are dumbfounded. They provoke a madman with terrifying strength for themselves. They and the power behind them will face a huge impact!"

"You've seen it all. This is the horror of the original source road. When Xingtian takes the original source road and descends, even those of us are unable to fight it. The power of the original source road is beyond our imagination. This time it is aimed at those ignorant. People, and next time if we face this kind of power, can we resist the obliteration of the avenue of killing, can we keep the power of the avenue of killing out of our own soul, and ensure that our soul is not affected by the terrible Killing Avenue destroyed?"

Hearing this, many family leaders sighed and shook their heads. They couldn't do it, and they didn't have the confidence to do it, because at that moment, the power of Xing Tian violent was really terrifying. It was so terrible that they couldn't calm down their minds until now, so that they had to be afraid of it.


"We can't do it, we can't do this. The power of this killing avenue is beyond our imagination and beyond our ability to bear. Unless we can join forces with the emperor and control the imperial capital's defense formation, Otherwise, there is no hope at all. Such terrible power can destroy all of us and everything about us!"

"Yeah! We can't do it. In the face of such a powerful force, we have nothing to do with each other. The only thing we can rely on is the imperial capital's defense formation. Without the imperial capital's defense formation, we would all be Xing Tian. This madman’s slaughter avenue was slaughtered, this time we must unite and let the emperor give us a statement. Even if this **** cannot be destroyed, he must be blocked from the imperial capital and he will never be allowed to enter. Imperial Capital!"

"I don't think there is anything terrible. This is obviously Xingtian's assassin. It's impossible for him to pay the price for the introduction of the Origin Avenue. Moreover, it is impossible for such assassination to be used again and again, everyone. There is no need to be so nervous. In my opinion, we don’t need to. Even if we unite, do you think Human Emperor will agree? Impossible, Human Emperor will not give up Xingtian such a thug so easily. The more Xing Tian is so crazy, Human Emperor will The more he feels at ease, because he does not have to worry that Xing Tian will cooperate with us and cause harm to his empire. Compared with the empire, our aristocratic families are not worth mentioning!"

There is some truth to this. If it’s just Human Sovereign himself, this is indeed possible, but Human Sovereign is not just himself, he has so many powers around him, it is impossible for him to ignore the thoughts of those around him. It’s impossible for Xing Tian to disperse the united forces around him. The human heart cannot be lost. If the human heart loses the human heart, everything will be lost. The human heart is one of his most fundamental powers. This is the human heart. Weakness.

"Wait, let's see how the madman Xingtian chooses, how he will react after slaughtering so many of his colleagues, whether he dared to enter the imperial capital alone, or dare to face the anger of the entire imperial capital without any consideration, as long as he Dare to come, it’s not too late for us to make a decision. It’s too early to say anything now, because we can’t let us make the decision, but Xingtian, a lunatic, has the initiative. He is the most important thing. If he doesn’t come, we will do it. No amount of preparation is wasted!"

Enter the imperial capital? No, this is not what Xing Tian has to do now. When so many creatures have been slaughtered, when so many people’s power has been swallowed, when his human robbery is over, Xing Tian can clearly feel the changes in his own origin. When he is in a critical period, he needs to practice in retreat, stabilize his realm, and master his own skyrocketing power, instead of stepping into the quagmire of the imperial capital, fighting against the wealthy families and sects, and wasting his time.

Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn’t have too much time wasting on these people, even if he has a deep hatred with them, but Xing Tian can still tell what he should do at this time. If he doesn’t even have the patience, Xing Tian It will not go to the present, it will not have the power it is today, and it will not have such an amazing harvest.

There are tens of thousands of creatures, and each of them has a powerful source. So many forces are pouring into themselves, even if their own devouring avenue runs at full capacity, they want to fully integrate them into themselves in a short time. , Turning into its own origin, this is not an easy task, it takes time, and the evolution of Xing Tian's own killing avenue also takes time.

When the Killing Domain destroyed all living beings, a powerful force poured into Xingtian’s Soul Consciousness Sea. It was the power of the Origin Brand of the Killing Dao. This was the backlash against itself after the Dao of Slaughter came down. If the soul of Xingtian Unable to withstand the impact of the original branding power of Slaughter Avenue, Xingtian's soul will be destroyed by Slaughter, and he will become a Slave of Slaughter, a puppet who only knows about Slaughter, no more freedom, nothing!

"Swallow the Avenue and give me suppression!" When faced with the impact of the Brand of Killing Origin, Xing Tian's first reaction was to mobilize the power of the Devour Avenue and use the most direct method to suppress this force and buy time for himself. You must know this Time was Xingtian’s weakest. Whether it was because he swallowed that huge source in this battle, the changes in his own killing avenue, or even the end of human calamity, it had a huge impact on Xingtian and made Xingtian bear. Under tremendous pressure.

If at this time, someone stepped forward and someone desperately launched an attack on Xingtian, maybe they really have a chance to successfully kill Xingtian. After all, this time is when Xingtian was weakest. It is a pity that the previous crazy killings made everyone do it. Everyone was horrified by Xingtian’s terrifying avenue of killing. No one dared, and no one was willing to risk their lives. At the end of this war, they would attack Xingtian again, and Qiaqia was their ignorance. Their timidity gave Xing Tian another opportunity, giving Xing Tian breathing time, and allowing Xing Tian to survive the immediate crisis.

For Xing Tian, ​​although he was under tremendous impact, he could not have the slightest weakness or retreat. The more at this time, the more he must be tough. Only in this way can he be able to deter all foreign enemies and let the other party. Retreat and dare not regenerate the incident, and buy enough time for himself to digest everything.

"Is there anyone? Who else wants to fight with me, stand up, my Xingtian is here, if you have the ability, stand up to fight with me, and you will die with me, you are not trying to take my luck, I Come on, I’m waiting for you, is there anyone else to fight?” Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice, and as his words fell, the terrible fighting spirit surged again and turned into a cloud rushing into the sky. Zhu, pressed over the entire imperial capital, as if trying to excite the many forces in the imperial capital, forcing them to stand up and fight against him, that fighting spirit brought a huge impact to all the creatures in the imperial capital!


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