God of Destruction

Chapter 4004: Provocation

The fourth thousand and fourth chapter provocation

"Arrogant! This **** dares to be so arrogant, dare to continue to provoke, what does he want, what does he want? Isn't he killing enough? Does he want to end the lives of everyone in our family? He wants to be immortal with all our wealthy families Is it?" When they heard Xing Tian's crazy provocation, many powerful experts in the family couldn't help but yelled. They were all deeply disgusted by Xing Tian's words, causing endless anger in their hearts!

The anger turned to anger, but they really made these people attack Xingtian alone, and have a life-and-death duel with Xingtian. None of them had such courage and confidence. They were all shocked by the madness before Xingtian, and their hearts were extremely incomparable. Fear, no one dared to share life and death with Xing Tian at this time, and Qiaqia was their timidity, and gave Xing Tian a chance to breathe!

"Enough, shut up for Lao Tzu, anyone can speak big words, if you have the ability, you will fight Xingtian to life and death, but do you dare? Shut up if you dare not, stop arguing, all we have to do now is just sit and watch However, if anyone encourages other people to give Xingtian a head, don’t blame me for being so cruel. No one wants to be calculated by others. The **** of peace is just an exception. If you want to challenge everyone’s bottom line, do your best. Give it a try and see if you can survive!"

When these words fell, the many noisy people immediately shut up, they dare not talk any more, dare not to encourage others! Yes, what these **** did before was not only to vent their own anger, but also to agitate other people and use their lives to test Xingtian’s reality. It’s a pity that their plan failed. People scolded them. They all understood that they were not a lunatic like Xing Tian, ​​nor did they have the strength of Xing Tian. Xing Tian could provoke everyone and retreat, but they couldn’t do it. Once they did, they would be with all the families. An enemy of a wealthy family means an enemy of the sect, and even annoys the emperor, and provokes extinction for himself and the family behind him!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! I still look up to you shameless bastards, you will only hide in the dark, and you don't have the guts to fight with me for life and death. My Xingtian despises you bastards, this time the cause and effect will not disappear because of this. , Our business is endless, today you have the protection of the guardian formation, I have nothing to say, and next time you will not be so lucky!"

Although he is a little weak, Xing Tian is still high-profile in the Shihui, still disdainfully snorting to the many powerful in the imperial capital, as if he is despising the weakness of the other party, staying in the battlefield for a few breaths, seeing that there is no real When people stand up and divide life and death with themselves, Xing Tian's heart can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Everything has calmed down. In a short time, no one will stand up against him because these **** can't see their weakness. .

No matter how favorable the situation is to him, Xing Tian still dare not take it lightly. After all, this is related to his own life and death. You can't be careless. You must know that in such a situation, he misses a little bit. What is waiting for him is Death, the more dangerous the situation, the more confident he must be, and the more rude and rude he must be. After a cold snort, Xing Tian scanned the surroundings again. When he saw that no one appeared, Xing Tian thought about it. Mobilizing the power of his own great avenue, he quickly left the battlefield and left the sky above the imperial capital directly, leaving the imperial capital without returning to his residence in the imperial capital!

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, no matter whether the emperor will act on himself or what thoughts in the hearts of the wealthy family, at this time, Xing Tian must be prudent and must be careful not to return to the emperor is the most correct Choose, no matter what the enemy thinks, he can no longer be in a dangerous place, and the emperor is in danger. Now those **** can't see through their own reality, but after a long time, Xing Tian can't guarantee that the enemy will not see through himself. The true situation!

"Go, this **** has finally gone, we finally don't have to worry about this bastard's troubles!" When seeing Xing Tian leave directly, the emperor couldn't help but sighed in relief and muttered to him. All of Xing Tian’s actions are challenging his own bottom line and the empire’s bottom line. If it hadn’t been for the terrifying power that Xing Tian had caused by the arrival of the Killing Avenue before Xing Tian, ​​the ancestors of the royal family would have been tempted to take a big shot. , After all, Xing Tian did too much.

Compared with the ease of the emperor, the empress sighed secretly. Xing Tian’s departure meant that her plan had failed, she could no longer win over Xing Tian, ​​and she could no longer get a big boost for herself, and she understood more in her heart. Xing Tian’s departure this time was also a break with the royal family. The two parties could no longer have any cooperation, and the transaction was also difficult, because the royal family and the emperor did not show enough sincerity, nor did they show their due ability. Everything disappointed Xing Tian!

Such a terrifying strong man left in this way. For the empire, this is a huge loss for the human emperor. The human emperor still has no such idea, but the empress sighs for it. This is the fan of the authorities, and the bystanders are clear. The human emperor is in the game, affected by the overall situation, it is normal to not see this problem for a while, who made Xing Tian make the emperor so troubled.

"Your Majesty, the imperial capital is indeed quiet after Xing Tian is gone, but you have also lost a big help. This time his departure means his break with the empire. It will be difficult for us to recruit him. Fortunately, a peaceful **** is the key. He did not choose to help Xing Tian at all times, but took a big shot against Xing Tian, ​​making it impossible for Xing Tian to cooperate with Taipingdao, otherwise the pressure on the empire would be greater. You must know that Xing Tian has great prestige above the border. disregard!"

When he heard the empress empress’s words, the human emperor’s expression changed again. This is indeed a fact. Although Xingtian’s actions have passed this time, his blow to the wealthy family is real, and it will Recognized by the poor disciples in the border, this time he and the empire did not make a move to win over Xing Tian, ​​and some generals would be dissatisfied!

"Oh! This is the cruel reality. We can't satisfy everyone in the world. As the emperor, I have to think about the overall situation. Although the wealthy family is the cancer of the empire, but now we can't kill them. After such a disturbance, all our previous plans have disappeared. At this time, the empire can no longer attack the wealthy family, or even the sect easily, or it will touch their nerves and make the situation out of control. The important thing is that Taipingdao is so crazy now that it dares to be an enemy of the world. It seems that they really can't wait to jump out and become an enemy of the empire!"


Speaking of Taipingdao, the emperor’s eyes showed endless anger and murderous intent. Although Taipingdao helped the empire clear out a large number of disciples from aristocratic families, their actions touched the bottom line of the empire and also touched the bottom line of the emperor. The power of bewitching makes the emperor vigilant, and makes all the forces in the world vigilant. Everyone is thinking about what peace is doing?

What does Taipingdao want to do? No one knows that their madness makes all the forces fear and uneasy. Whether it is the forces within the empire or the forces of the alien race, they are all frightened by the madness of Taipingdao. Even the power of the human race has nothing to worry about. It is conceivable for other alien races. Such existence is a great threat to all forces in the entire world. Everyone has the idea of ​​destroying it, but the power of Taipingdao is too strong to let everyone Had to give up.

After endless years, Taiping Dao is still among the three avenues. It can be seen how terrifying its background is. It is not that simple to destroy such a power in one fell swoop. Such a power must have a terrible source of treasure. Suppress the great education's luck, otherwise the Peace Road cannot be so arrogant, so crazy, so unscrupulous!

Just like Xing Tian, ​​no one dares to attack Taiping Dao at this time. In contrast, Taiping Dao is more dangerous than Xing Tian. Xing Tian’s power is above the bright side and everyone can see it, but Taiping Dao Hardly anyone knows how powerful it is. No one knows how powerful the foundation of the Taiping Dao is and how ferocious it is before the sect is destroyed!

Of course, this battle is not without gains for all the forces. At least they saw in Xing Tian's body that the Slaughter Avenue can limit the power of bewitching. This makes many forces have to study the Slaughter Avenue and cultivate the killing. Dao disciples, you must know that this is the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and this great catastrophe is very cruel. No one knows whether he will face the peace road in the future, so every force has to plan for the worst.

Slaughter Avenue needs to slaughter sentient beings, and cultivating the disciples of Slaughter Avenue will inevitably increase unnecessary killings. This has been even more terrifying for the Great Tribulation. Although everyone knows in their hearts that if they do this by themselves, it will affect the big The change of Jie, but many forces have no choice, the situation makes them have to cultivate disciples who practice the killing avenue.

Compared with the changes of other sects and wealthy families, Taipingdao is extremely angry. They never thought that the foolproof shot would be the result. Not only did they not kill Xingtian, but took away Xingtian's luck, on the contrary. Their own power of deceiving has exposed the problem, how can such a change make them not angry, but all this has happened, they can't do it if they want to make up, they are really immortal with Xingtian!

"Damn, I said don’t act rashly. We don’t need to take risks. Even if Xing Tian has the great Avenue of Stars, but we don’t need to fight, after all, Xing Tian has the blood of our Taiping Dao, but you don’t listen. Now, the Great Dao inheritance has not been obtained, but the defects of the power of deceit have been exposed. If the person who should be killed is so easy to be killed, this world disaster will not be so terrible. What do you think we are going to do now?"

"What should I do? What else can I do? Since I am immortal, I will try my best to hang Xingtian and give him no chance to fight back. Even if he pays a high price, he must be destroyed as quickly as possible. The inheritance in his body is just the luck. We can't let go. Don't try to ease the relationship. It is impossible. No matter how we hide it, we can't ensure that Xing Tian doesn't know that all of this is driven by us behind the scenes. There are many people and many forces who want to see us and Xingtian come to a life-and-death duel, and they all want to use Xingtian to contain us!"

"Yes, now we have no choice. No matter how much we pay, we must destroy Xing Tian as quickly as possible, and take the opportunity of Xing Tian. Just the inheritance of Tongtian River Water God is amazing enough. The inheritance of Xing Tian is enough. As you can imagine, the inheritance of the stars, we are bound to win, no matter who we face, this is the case."

"You sound pretty good, but it's not easy to kill Xingtian. Do you think that Xingtian is so easy to kill under your luck? Don't you have any consciousness after this failure? If you want to kill Xingtian with the shelter of heaven and earth, it's difficult! Difficult! Difficult! Unless you are willing to use Taipingdao's luck to kill Xingtian's great fortune, and what will happen to Taipingdao, you know in your heart, Qi Fortune is related to the survival of Taipingdao."

"Qiyun backlash? You are worried about the Qiyun backlash. You think too much. This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Even those who should be robbed can't backlash our peace path. We have the great treasure of the great path to suppress Qi luck. A Xing Tian wants to shake the luck of Taiping Dao. This is really ridiculous. You think too much. This is not something that can happen!"

"Hmph, as you said, this is the Great Tribulation. Nothing is impossible in the Great Tribulation. Don’t forget that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has cultivated a way of killing, and is crazy enough to dare to lead the killing. The **** who descends on the road, you say that such a lunatic is impossible. Are you too self-righteous? Now he has not found us, but it will not take long before we will face the crazy counterattack of this lunatic. Our enemies will guide this Crazy!"

Taipingdao has countless enemies. After this storm, even if Xingtian doesn’t know who his enemy is, someone will guide him, someone will tell him, and someone will even set all branches of Taipingdao. Tell Xing Tian one by one, so that Xing Tian can madly launch a devastating attack on Taiping Dao. As soon as Xing Tian takes action, Taiping Dao’s troubles will come, and he needs to allocate energy to face Xing Tian’s counterattack. It will be dispersed, and once the power is dispersed, the hidden enemy will inevitably launch an attack!


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