God of Destruction

Chapter 4005: Avenue of Stars

Chapter Four Thousand and Five Avenue of Stars

"Stop talking about ridiculous reasons, I think you just don’t want to give up Xingtian as a blood relative, but you have to understand that the sect is important and inheritance is important. Now it is impossible for you to resolve your grievances. Xingtian is not an ordinary person, he is reincarnated. A strong man of reincarnation, a strong man who has regained the power of the previous life. With this kind of existence, do you think he will recognize our peace? Are you good?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, the person continued: "It's impossible. When you abandon their mother and child, everything is a foregone conclusion. A strong reincarnation will not accept such a result and give up all ridiculous fantasies. , No matter how high the price is paid, we must do this. The inheritance of the Star Avenue is related to the life and death of our entire sect and whether our sect can transcend the shackles of the world. I don’t think anyone wants to destroy this world together. No one wants to be trapped in this world. Let's take action. This is our only choice. Before others notice everything, kill Xingtian, take away his luck and take away his chance. , Seize the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars!"

Hit people without slapping their faces, curse people without revealing shortcomings! There are also constant disputes in the Taipingdao. Such words can be said. It can be seen that there are multiple contradictions between them, and it can be seen how fierce the struggle for interests is, but it is true that Xing Tian cannot identify with his patrilineal bloodline, because I have never received their help in the process of growing up. The most important thing is that my bloodline has been completely transformed now. Whether it is the deity or the clone, it is no longer controlled by the bloodline, and the cause and effect are also changed with the bloodline. Dissipated. At this time, Xing Tian would naturally not care about the blood relationship of Taiping Dao. If he had to talk about cause and effect, there was only hatred between the two sides, the endless hatred, and he dared to kill himself in the midst of the robbery. Enemies, Xing Tian will not let go, no matter what status they have, this is not a reason to calculate themselves!

"Enough, just shut me up. What do you want to do, do you want to rebel? Xingtian's affairs cannot be changed. The avenue of stars on his body is our power to detach from the world. No matter what, we have to get it. Now the God of Tongtian River The avenue of stars on the **** body, we can’t get it, this **** locks his soul tightly and does not give us a chance to seize it, so we can only attack Xingtian, no matter what his status, as long as he blocks our path to detachment, then They are all enemies, immortal enemies. I hope you all know this. Don’t use emotions, wait for people, and leave us few opportunities. Now we have a deal with the imperial family, but the deal is not reliable. And after this time, the transaction will inevitably end, so now we can only rely on our own strength, this time we have to do our best to take down Xing Tian with lightning speed, who can take Xing Tian and take him The Avenue of Stars, perfecting our own Avenue, can connect to the highest chaos, that is the next Sovereign, success or failure depends on your own efforts!"

The Avenue of Stars, what effect does the Avenue of Stars on Xingtian have on Taiping Dao? It really only allows them to transcend the world, but only transcendence. They need to be so mad. There is obviously a better way and a softer way. To use this most direct and overbearing method of plunder, if there is no hidden reason, it is really incredible!

What secret is hidden in the Avenue of Stars? Why Xing Tian, ​​who masters the Avenue of Stars, didn't notice it, but these **** on the Taiping Dao were so crazy that they would never stop until they reached their goals! Perhaps the reason for this is only known by the Taipingdao themselves, or even by the old guy on the Taipingdao. Others don't understand and don't know the secret hidden in it!

It’s a pity that now with the changes in the Great Tribulation, with the passage of time, no matter which power, no matter what kind of descender it is, cannot contact the Supreme Chaos World, they don’t know what happened, if Someone who can really transcend the world and break free from the shackles of the power of this world will be able to perceive the amazing changes that have taken place outside the realm battlefield world. Many realm battlefield worlds are slowly moving, and as the world moves, it was originally The connection between the world and the supreme chaotic world is naturally severed, and this is not a realm battlefield world is moving, almost all realm battlefield worlds are moving, their moving trajectory is even more shocking, many realm battlefield worlds As if there is a tacit understanding, it is slowly forming a star array, a terrifying star array, a star array that can communicate for a long time!

Whether the change in the realm battlefield is the world itself, or the influence of external forces, or the impact of the return of many chaos gods and demons, unfortunately no one knows now, and many civilizations in the supreme chaotic world have not cared about the realm battlefield. The change of the world, because in the eyes of those in power in the supreme civilization, the battlefield world of the realm is not worth mentioning. Even if the chaos gods and demons return, this is not their era, nor can it affect the general situation of the world, nor the supreme civilization.

Speaking of which, the ones who worry most about the realm battlefield world are only those outside the supreme chaos world. They are worried that the changes in the realm battlefield world will bring crisis to themselves, will ruin the Tianjiao who enters the realm battlefield world, and let their own sects appear. The terrible situation of the dynasty, after all, if a force has a dynasty, it is likely to be destroyed, especially in the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. The fall of Tianjiao means the weakening of the sect's air luck, and the weakened sect will definitely appear. crisis!

The controversy over the Taipingdao quickly ended. In front of the ancestors, even if someone was dissatisfied, they could only endure it. No one could challenge the dignity of the ancestors, but this time the incident caused many people in Taipingdao. After the shock, let them see another piece of heaven and earth, and make them vigilant in their hearts, especially the inheritance of stars in Xing Tian, ​​so pay more attention.

Is there no celestial heritage in the realm battlefield world? Does anyone build the Avenue of Planets? No, there are, and there are a lot of them, but Taipingdao didn't care about the inheritance of these stars, and instead focused on the inheritance of stars in Xing Tian's hands. What does this mean? If you really believe the words of the ancestors, and can really inherit this inheritance just to detach the world, then you are a fool!

When faced with huge temptations, no one can hold back the greed in their hearts, especially the people of the Taipingdao, it is even more impossible. The whole Taipingdao has no friendship at all, and there are only naked, naked, and naked benefits. Interests, they can sacrifice everything or ignore all rules. For the people of Peace Road, their own interests are the most important, and everything else can be given up. For their own interests, they can be extremely crazy and extremely vicious. !

In the entire Taipingdao, many people have thoughts in their hearts, but they did not show them. What sect inheritance, what is in charge of the sect, these are all imaginary, the interests are the most real, and the promise to those ancestors No one would take it seriously, and no one would care too much. Even if they really got the celestial inheritance from Xingtian, they would not share it with the sect. They would give it to their ancestors, but practice and go by themselves. Learn the secrets in this Avenue of Stars!

auzw.com People are not for themselves, and the heavens die! The selfish and selfish character is deeply imprinted in the hearts of all Taiping Taoists, not to mention that Taiping Tao is one of the three avenues, but their behavior does not have the slightest temperament of Taoism, but is full of magical atmosphere!

When Taipingdao made a decision once again, and once again made a decision to plunder Xing Tianxia, ​​Xing Tian, ​​who had retired from the imperial capital, felt a deep malice coming from the void, making Xing Tian's mind warn! Although Xing Tian understood that he would suffer the hatred of the enemy and would attract more killing intent before slaughtering and provoking the sentient beings in the imperial capital, the malice this time was extremely deep and made Xing Tian feel the danger. The danger that can threaten your life!

"Damn it, it's a big deal. Someone has a lore to kill me, and even warns my mind. Even if I'm across the void, I can feel the deep killing intent. Don't let me know who is killing me. Heart, otherwise it would be endless!" Xing Tian whispered to himself viciously, his voice full of endless killing intent.

Although there is endless killing intent in his heart, Xing Tian has no time to find the enemy now. The most important thing for Xing Tian is to recover himself first, digest the benefits of this killing, stabilize his state, and wait for his state to stabilize. Come down, after he has digested the gains of this battle, it is not too late to look for the enemy slowly, and Xingtian believes that as long as he digests the gains, he will not be afraid of the threat of the enemy. No matter how strong the enemy is, he has the ability to take it all. Retire!

For others, even if it is a warning, it is difficult to find the presence of the enemy, but Xing Tian has no such worries. Killing Dao is very familiar with killing intent. As long as the enemy's killing intent is constant, he can follow it. Killing intent, go to the door, no matter how deep the other party hides, you can find it, and then destroy it!

Isn’t it clear that the magical power of the Slaughter Avenue is clear? When they made such a crazy decision, didn't they think that Xing Tian could use the Killing Avenue to find the door? No, they are clear in their hearts, but the Taipingdao people are too arrogant, too arrogant, and too self-righteous. They didn't put Xing Tian in their eyes. In their opinion, if Xing Tian really had to follow the killing intent to come, On the contrary, this is a good thing for Tianda, and Xingtian can be destroyed directly, so there is no need to waste energy to find it.

Before Xingtian did not save the calamity, it was indeed not worth mentioning. Compared with a big power like Taipingdao, that was the existence of ants, but after the catastrophe, Xingtian was already different. When Xingtian digested everything. Later, the strength will undergo a qualitative transformation. At that time, it may not be possible to directly shake the Taipingdao, but there is definitely the power to shake the foundation of the Taipingdao. After all, Xingtian is not a fool. He knows that he is invincible. He has to fight the enemy head-on and hide. Xingtian in secret is the most terrifying killer!

Being spotted by a lunatic who practiced killing and devouring the avenue, no matter how many people there are in Taipingdao, it is not enough for Xingtian to kill. Perhaps Xingtian could not kill the most powerful of Taipingdao, but Xingtian could sweep their disciples. Taiping Dao, one of the three avenues, naturally has huge disciples, and they are the targets of Xing Tian.

If Xing Tian swept away their disciples, the Taiping Dao’s luck would inevitably be weakened to the extreme, and it would shake the foundation of the Taiping Dao. If the foundation of a sect was shaken, it would not be far from destruction. People are not Xingtian, they can continuously grow themselves and strengthen themselves with the help of killing. After all, they are not practicing on the avenue of killing. They cannot do the crazy act of killing and fighting. It can be said that as long as Xingtian is given enough time, there is nothing at all. Fearing all enemies, what can restrict Xingtian is time and oneself. For Xingtian, oneself is the greatest resistance to practice.

"Huh, you want to catch my whereabouts, you are too arrogant!" Soon Xing Tian noticed that the power of heaven is corroding to him, it is obvious that someone is using the heaven to calculate his whereabouts, if Xing Tian does not save If the catastrophe is too great, the other party will find a trace, but now Xingtian has passed the catastrophe, his aura has changed, and the essence of Xingtian is also changing. Under such circumstances, Xingtian has to cover his breath and cover it up. Tianji couldn't be easier!

With a heartbeat, the power of the Devouring Avenue burst out instantly, covering the aura of the Slaughter Avenue, and enveloping itself in the Devouring Realm. Anyone and any force who wished to use the heavenly secret to calculate their whereabouts could only be in vain. In vain, the power of the domain that swallows the avenue is enough to swallow all the power that attempts to target oneself.

It is a pity that Xing Tian does not dare to fully explode the power of the avenue. After all, the origin of his own devouring is too much. Once the power of consuming the avenue is fully exploded, he will not be able to suppress the huge origin in himself, and it will definitely cause itself. The huge impact has plunged oneself into a huge crisis, and traumatized the realm and Dao perception that has been so hard to improve. It is really worthless if the origin of the Dao is damaged due to carelessness.

Carefully gather up his own breath, carefully control his own strength, as far as possible to protect himself from external forces, from external forces, and then Xing Tian silently sneaked out of the imperial capital, looking for a remote place to start digesting For his own gains, Xing Tian believes that no one would think that he would hide outside of the imperial capital. The safest thing is black under the lamp. No matter how much the other party searches for his whereabouts, he will never believe that he is not far away from the imperial capital. After all, he is. Everyone in the Imperial Capital is offended to death!


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