God of Destruction

Chapter 4006: Occult

Chapter Four thousand and Six

This time of hiding, Xing Tian has an inexplicable feeling in his heart. This is his last opportunity to hide. Then he will face a real disaster. The catastrophe will start from himself and pull away in this world, regardless of It is a foreign race or the many forces of the empire, they will madly rush to themselves, and the killing will be staged again, and the killing that will be staged again is not comparable to the previous small fights. The killing is again, that is the real catastrophe. The killing can never stop.

In this last bit of time, I must completely perfect my Slaughter Avenue, and I must also completely perfect the Devouring Avenue, truly condensing the Primordial Body of the Chaos Gods and Demons, and truly mastering the original rules of Slaughter and Devouring Avenue. Only then can he continue to swallow the enemy's essence in the next killing, and continue to grow rapidly with the help of the killing.

I don’t know if it’s my own illusion, or that the world is really undergoing drastic changes. Xing Tian’s instinct can sense that the stars in the void are undergoing abnormal changes. This world of battlefield in the realm seems to have been subjected to an inexplicable force of stars. It is moving bit by bit, and this change gives Xing Tian a very strange feeling, as if the power of the stars is undergoing inexplicable changes, and there is a slight faintness between himself and the power of the stars that are changing. contact.

"What's going on? Is it really just an illusion, but why can I instinctively make me think that this is a fact? As a descendant of the highest chaotic world, how can I have such a feeling with this world, if it is the deity, This may be fair. After all, the deity holds the Three Thousand Dao, even if the inner world is undergoing transformation, but the mark of the Three Thousand Dao is still deeply imprinted in the soul of the deity, but why can this clone of myself be able to With this kind of induction, what is happening in the void, and what is the connection between the power of the stars?"

At this time, Xing Tian didn’t have time to think too much. Time was too tight. He couldn’t waste time on the power of the stars that had little to do with his own practice, and he didn’t have the mind to care about the changes in the stars. What is urgent to do is to digest this huge source of oneself, thoroughly improve one's own two great powers, and master the great rules.

Only when you truly control the avenue of swallowing and killing, the power of these two avenues rules, can you gain an advantage in the next great calamity and have more powerful power to fight against the enemy, otherwise, when the disaster is comprehensive The power of the outbreak, when endless enemies rush to him, it will be the end of his life. This is not the result Xing Tian wants to see, but it is also a result Xing Tian cannot accept, no matter how big the stars are hidden in the void Now I can’t distract myself and understand it. Perhaps this is the world and the disaster that this world has given me, deliberately guiding myself to a dead end!

Dao practice cannot be distracted. Excessive distraction will only outweigh the gains. It will only miss the opportunity and lose the fundamentals. Once you lose all of your fundamentals, the so-called practice will come to an end. At the end, it would be impossible to look back at that time, because I missed too many opportunities and lost everything.

If you can’t even master your own fundamental avenue, no matter how much power you have, what’s the use? No matter how much power you have, it’s just illusory. If you lose the fundamental avenue, no matter how much power you have, it’s just a fur and you can’t really integrate into yourself. It is impossible to complete the transformation and evolution of oneself unless there is a great opportunity and great understanding, which can break out of desperation, can merge all the great roads and all powers into one, and can walk out a new road. And this is even more difficult, because this is the combination of chance, understanding, luck, and heavenly secrets, and this is almost impossible.

Why does the deity Xingtian make a choice? Why separate the various avenues of his own perception, so as to gather strength and concentrate on breakthroughs. If the deity also uses energy on the three thousand avenues to advance together, it will be a battle for himself Disaster, because of this world, this world cannot give Xing Tian so much time. Obviously, there is an inner world and a world tree clone that can be used to perceive the world's great road and understand the three thousand great roads. Why waste time and energy for the deity? Above a thousand avenues, it is better to focus on your own fundamental avenue. This is one of the reasons why Xing Tianben respects the real body of the chaos **** and demon!

Time is too short for Xing Tian. There is not so much time for him to enlighten and practice. Therefore, Xing Tian must make a choice on the path of practice, whether it is the deity or the clone. Dadao sensed himself at this moment, but Xing Tian didn't want to walk the Avenue of Stars, so he could only give up this sudden opportunity.

When Xing Tian gave up the Avenue of Stars, there was a moment of relaxation in his heart, even if it was a little bit of loss, but this is a decision that must be made. He has no time to waste on the Avenue of Stars. You must give up no matter how great the chances are on the Dao Dao, and how to choose Xingtian or not is a matter of priority.

Gathering his mind, Xing Tian gradually entered the state of cultivation, and as Xing Tian began to practice, his breath completely disappeared in the world, all his breath was covered up, no matter how the enemy deduced the secret, no matter how much energy was spent to find Xing Tian’s traces were nothing. Everyone thought that Xing Tian would return to the border gate because there was no need to worry about the pressure of many sects and aristocratic families, but there was no trace of Xing Tian in the border gate. It was not just that Xing Tian’s whereabouts could not be found. Then, when everyone couldn't find Xing Tian and wanted to hit his mother's idea, they soon discovered that Xing Tian's mother had also disappeared without a trace!

Such an astonishing change shocked all the forces and everyone, and was able to converge one’s energy to such a terrible level. What a supernatural power, what a mighty power, Xing Tian was a powerhouse of reincarnation, and he took it back. The background of the previous life, to be able to do this, is still barely acceptable to everyone, but why his mother can do this, this makes everyone have to pay attention!

Did the empire take the initiative and help it hide the secret? This was the first thought of everyone, but soon all the forces knew through their own power in the empire that the empire did not take action, and the royal family did not take action, because it is not worth it. Even if Xing Tian is strong and powerful, it is not worth it. The empire and the royal family paid such a high price to cover up the secrets with the empire's luck.

auzw.comFor today’s empire, luck is very important, let alone the mother of Xing Tian, ​​even if it is a close relative of the royal family, it’s impossible, and it’s not worth wasting the empire’s luck to cover up the secrets. A piece of luck is very important to the empire, and it cannot be wasted!

It wasn't the Empire who did it, but who did it? This is not something that ordinary people can do, and it is not something that ordinary forces can accomplish. Even the many wealthy families in the empire do not have such power. Only the top sects who stand on the top of the world can do this. Can it be said that the existence of Taipingdao is Taipingdao. The **** of Taipingdao are attacking Xingtian on the surface, but they are actually covering their whereabouts. They secretly captured Xingtian's mother?

Soon many forces turned their attention to Taiping Dao. If Taiping Dao is allowed to control Xingtian, master Xingtian’s avenue of killing, and improve their power of bewitching, this is a great threat to all the major forces, and it is also The result that everyone cannot accept, if such a situation really emerges, then many forces must make a decision, a decision to fight the Taiping Road in advance!

It is too difficult to get news from Taipingdao. No matter how much energy the various forces use, they cannot get news on Taipingdao. If the only news is to deny, the people of Taipingdao do not admit everyone’s accusations, but No one wants to believe in Taipingdao, but there is no definite evidence now. It is not good for everyone to directly fight on Taipingdao. After all, once a war starts, it is an endless battle. At that time, it was not a duel between one or two forces, but the whole world. Life and death duel, not only will there be war within the empire, but also foreign races outside the empire will also take advantage of the opportunity, and the catastrophe will completely erupt. No power is willing to accept this responsibility and carry this heavy responsibility, because the fruit is too big.

"Damn Taipingdao, it is clearly that they attacked and deliberately deceived us. They took the opportunity to take the mother of Xingtian, but they shirked the responsibility, took the imperial capital as an excuse. These **** are too much. It's worth knowing that the Tongtian River Water God was taken by them like this. If they didn't deliberately confuse the other party, how could they be captured by the Taiping Dao with the power of the Tongtian River Water God, but now these **** are completely pushed!"

"What do you say Taipingdao want to do? First, they took the water **** of Tongtian River, then attacked Xingtian, and finally took the mother of Xingtian silently. What do they want to do? What calculations do they have? The big secret, or is there a big secret in his mother, or even a big secret in Tongtianhe Water God? It is definitely not a simple thing to make Taipingdao so crazy and so desperate. There must be something we don’t know about. secret?"

"Yeah, there must be secrets that we don't know about. It's just that the **** of the Peace Road hide too deeply, we can't find them at all, but one thing may be certain, this secret must be related to detachment, otherwise these lunatics will not It’s so crazy, it’s not like this one after another and hit us by surprise."

The secret of detachment is extremely important to everyone. As long as it is related to detachment, it can make all forces go crazy. No one wants to detach from the world, get out of the world, leave this realm of battlefield world, and enter the highest chaos. world.

"It is related to detachment. Perhaps we should inform them and let them take the initiative. Even if the peace road is crazy, we may compromise in the face of the pressure of our ancestors! But in this way, all the benefits have nothing to do with us. As soon as the ancestor makes a move, we can only stand aside, the secret of detachment, the ancestor will not share with us!"

Selfishness! Everyone has a selfish mind. When facing the big secret of detachment, everyone has to be cautious and have to plan for the worst. No one is willing to give up the secret of detachment, and no one wants to let others control their own destiny. The fear that that person is his ancestor is no exception, because there is never family affection on the road to detachment. In the face of detachment, everything can be abandoned. In the eyes of his ancestors, these juniors are not worth mentioning, just That's all the tools you can use!

The people thought for a long time before they sighed: "We still don’t want to inform our ancestors about this matter. After all, we don’t have any evidence, just speculation. If it’s true, it’s okay to say that the ancestors will not blame us. We have a little reward, but things are not the case, the consequences are unimaginable, not to mention that the ancestors will be angry and will blame us, it should not be disturbed by the ancestors in this way, after all, the ancestors are the core strength of our school!"

Although this is very beautiful, but in fact they are just playing with language. Everyone does not want to tell their ancestors this secret in their hearts, and then they are kicked out of the game. It’s just that you can’t say that on the face of it. If that ignorant and stupid **** tells his ancestors everything, his trouble will be great, and he may be killed directly by his ancestors. After all, detachment is more important than everything. Facing detachment, his ancestors can do anything and sacrifice. A little'ant' of oneself, to warn others, this is a trivial matter that cannot be more common, and it is also a normal choice!

No one would risk his life, be able to become the powerhouse of the sect, no one is a fool, and they would not leave such a handle to the enemy, they would plan for the worst in anything. Will think in the worst direction.

"Okay, it's so decided, let's not tell our ancestors, don't alarm them, wait for us to find out all the news, wait for us to truly grasp the secrets of peace, and then notify the ancestors to take action after we have the evidence. Put pressure on Taipingdao and force Taipingdao to surrender this secret, so it will be good to us and our ancestors!"

This is human heart, this is human nature! In the face of interests, no one can be selfless and able to sacrifice themselves. Everyone will only choose the side that is good for them first. Even if doing so is not good for the sect, they will not care and will continue to do it because their own interests are important. For everything, especially in the midst of the catastrophe, everyone naturally has no choice. To sacrifice oneself for others, sacrifice the ego, and complete the ego, this will not appear in the spiritual practitioners, no one will be so crazy and stupid!


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