God of Destruction

Chapter 4007: Worry

Chapter Four Thousand and Seventh Worries

When the day changes, people are also changing. The first thing everyone needs to do in the great calamity is to protect themselves, that is, to ensure that their own interests are not harmed, because everyone understands that there will never be kindness in the great disaster. Someone chooses to be kind, and death is bound to be waiting for him. No matter how much luck you have, you will be wiped out bit by bit by the catastrophe. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is a cruel elimination. If you don't want to be eliminated, you can only eliminate it. Others, kindness will only make oneself die faster!

Similarly, when the great catastrophe of the sun and the earth comes, the law of heaven and earth will become extremely powerful, which can bring huge opportunities to all living beings. Although behind this opportunity is destruction, this is the era when chance and death coexist. If you want to live, only With a cruel heart, he can only devote himself to this cruel killing, into this great cleansing of the world.

The Xingtian Emperor and his party opened a new chapter of The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. When the Emperor wanted to use the help of rectifying the world and grasping the fortune of the world, a series of terrifying news passed from the border to the imperial capital. The enemy appeared, and the foreign race finally could not bear it Live, and began to attack the empire. Although the generals at the border are eager to conquer the border, but this time the aliens came so aggressively, they had to be cautious and had to ask the empire for help to prevent the aliens from breaking through the border defenses and breaking their desires. .

The sky has changed. This time it really changed. When the alien race launched a full-scale attack, all the strong people understood that the greatest crisis had emerged. If the empire could not withstand this wave of attacks, the human civilization would be destroyed by the alien race. When the empire disappears, the entire human race will be shattered, and the lord of humanity will completely move over. Once such a situation occurs, the entire human race will be devastated, and many ancestors of the major forces will also be backlashed by humanity and luck. , There is no chance for detachment.

"Damn it, how come the alien races come so fast? According to our estimation, they can't make all preparations in such a short time. It seems that we all underestimated the madness of alien races and their determination. These **** want They are much smarter than we thought. They weren’t prepared, and the empire was so prepared. They chose to attack at this time. They just saw through the chaos inside the empire. Xingtian, a lunatic, is really horrible. His madness has brought this catastrophe ahead of schedule. Those who should be robbed, this is the power of those who should be robbed, and the **** of the peaceful way should die!"

"Yeah, everything is beyond our grasp. The **** of Taipingdao obviously don't want to cooperate with us. It seems that they have other ideas. If it weren't for these **** to attack Xingtian and provoke Dadao, how could this happen? Now the consequences of this change have to be carried by the entire human race. With the power of the empire today, it is impossible to withstand this crazy attack. Once the border is broken, the empire will never have a chance to stand up again, and the human race will completely lose the opportunity! "

For such a situation, naturally there is a solution. If the ancestors of each family take action to suppress all forces, give the empire a chance to breathe, so that the empire can have no internal worries, even if there is a terrible foreign enemy of a foreign race, the empire has enough power. There is enough time to grind to death the alien race, but is it really so easy to suppress all forces? Do all forces really listen to the words of the ancestors?

I’m afraid it’s not necessarily. Under the temptation of interest, ancestors and restrictions are just empty words, no one will take it as the same thing. The most important thing is that many people only see short-term benefits and do not consider the general humanitarian situation at all. For the human race, what they pursue is only their own interests, their own survival, the life and death of others, and the survival of the human race are not in their consideration at all.

As long as the empire still exists for a day, all forces do not have to worry that foreign races will impact themselves. Even if the empire falls, some people will resist the attacks of foreign races. Those who desire to take the world will inevitably. Stand up, so for many small and medium-sized forces, they will not consider the righteousness of the human race at all, but will only value their own interests!

These ancestors of the human race really care about the righteousness of the human race. In fact, they care about their own interests. If they have nothing to do with humanity and luck, they will not care about this shocking change, but now they all Affected by the luck of the human race, they had to pay attention to the sudden attack of the foreign race, but they had the oath first and could not do it at all. This battle for human luck can only be fought by the juniors, and they can only do it in a hurry. And doing nothing. At this time, many human race ancestors were a little bit remorseful. They had long known that human race disputes would cause such a shock. They really shouldn't make an oath.

"Our younger generations are afraid that they can't count on them anymore. They think they are doing very secretively, but they don't know that their every move is under our control. They are hiding things from us. It can be seen that they all have it. Selfishness is already unreliable, and now we are bound by the oath, unable to take action, this time the human race is in big trouble!"

"Oh! We are still too arrogant, too self-righteous. The endless years have made us lose our vigilance. We always look at everything with a high eye. But we didn't expect our younger generation to have ambitions. Now we can only ask for the emperor. You can hold on. Humanity and luck can sustain this world. I hope that those ignorant and stupid **** don’t rush to launch a rebellion, and don’t let the morality of humanity plummet and collapse directly. Then the Lord of Humanity will definitely move to a foreign race, we Will be affected by it!"

"Perhaps we should really have a good talk with those juniors, let them understand the dangers of things, let them know the cruel situation, so that these ignorant juniors can stop, can hold the overall situation, so that the situation can be stabilized!"

"It's useless. The greed of the human heart cannot be stopped. When they are greedy, everything is no longer in our grasp. They all deliberately refer to the way of transcendence. How can we believe our words? No matter how good it is, we will not win their trust. Now we can only wait, waiting for the **** of the alien race to enter the empire and waiting for the final battle!"

auzw.com"Perhaps we can contact Taipingdao. Those descendants of Taipingdao are different, and they obviously have their own ideas and arrangements. If we can convince Taipingdao, maybe we can still Turning the situation over, you can grasp the general situation, prevent the situation from falling apart, and make things uncontrollable. The power of peace is very powerful!"

"Peace Road!" Soon someone shook his head and said disapprovingly: "It's impossible. Those crazy people on the Peace Road are even more uncontrollable. They obviously have their own plans and don't want to cooperate with us. Under this situation, you feel peaceful. The Taoist society is willing to accept our suggestions and will be willing to give up their own plans? Even if we pay a huge price, we may not be able to get the results we want. Instead of looking for a tiger for skin, it is better to wait and see the changes."

"Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian, ​​can we get in touch? Although this **** is crazy, but he has the same goal as us, all for transcendence, and this **** is the reincarnation of the ancient strong, and there may be what we don’t have in him. Knowing the secret, cooperating with him, maybe it will be more beneficial to us, so that we can grasp the general trend!"

"Xing Tian, ​​this really seems to be a good choice, but we are not suitable for working with him. This lunatic practice is the avenue of killing, focusing on killing. The more chaotic the world, the better it is for him, and we fundamentally Unable to control him, after all, he was once a strong man. The most important thing is that once we cooperate with him, our situation will be more embarrassing. If we are not careful, we will become lonely and completely abandoned by those younger generations!"

"There is something to offer, we really don't have so many choices at this time. If we want to extend the life of today's empire, do we still have someone we can cooperate with? Don't say the emperor, the **** of the royal family are crazier than us. And they can’t believe us. They shouldn’t have that pledge at the beginning. As soon as the pledge was made, those capable **** all became independent. They had forgotten the original agreement. They all threw us aside and put us aside. Treat it as an abandoned child!"

Resentment. At this time, resentment was born in the hearts of these ancestors. Taipingdao, the royal family, and the ancestors of other big sects. After they made the oath, they all acted on their own, becoming a party. Power did not continue to cooperate with many ancestors at all. It can be said that the ancestors of the small and medium forces have been abandoned, and they have become abandoned children. Now they are beginning to worry about their own safety and worry that they will be in this catastrophe. Becoming an abandoned child will be shielded from detachment!

"Everyone, I have a question. If this human race collapses and humanity shifts to the master, is it just that we people are backlashed by the luck? Then **** bastards, are they not affected? Even if they are from a great sect. They come from forces, but they are also a member of the human race. How can they get rid of the influence of humanity and luck? Are we too eager? We don’t need to be the first bird. The sky is falling and there are high-ranking people. We can see those bastards. Let’s talk about the reaction!"

"Oh! Your idea is very good, but it is not realistic at all, because reality is not as simple as you think. Those **** dare to go crazy with this, dare to ignore us, and ignore the unity of human race. It can be seen that they are prepared for it even if it is a humanitarian collapse. They must have a way to escape the backlash of luck. After all, they are all powerful forces with secrets and backgrounds that we don't know. This is why I want to win Xing Tian, ​​who has secret methods we urgently need."

"Actually, things are not as dangerous as everyone thinks. No matter how bad the situation is, it can go so bad. The emperor is not a fool, and the royal family is not a fool. They can't be unprepared. We should just wait and see what happens, no matter what we choose. , Under unknown circumstances, it’s not a good thing. Perhaps the emperor and the emperor have the ability to stop all of this. Even if it is urgent, the emperor is the most anxious. They are the biggest bearers of luck, even if they have secret methods, but the emperor Will you be willing to let those ancestors get out?"

Yes, the Emperor is not reconciled. After the Emperor understands the calculations of his ancestors, he has already begun to arrange everything and prepare to be independent. Like the descendants of these ancestors, he is not willing to be used by his ancestors. They made the same choice as their descendants, but now because of a different position, these ancestors who were betrayed by their descendants thought of the Emperor.

Regarding Xing Tianze, he has not changed in the unexpected world, and has not cared about the reactions of the major forces. Today, Xing Tian is frantically condensing his own origin, frantically purifying his own origin power, and constantly tempering that swallowed. The origin of Devouring Dao is extremely powerful, but the power of origin from Devouring Dao needs to be tempered, otherwise it will affect the purity of its own origin. The origin of every living being’s practice has its own essence. , Xing Tian wants to absorb the origin of all the killings, and must eliminate this essence, and this requires time and energy.

The power of Slaughter Avenue and Devouring Avenue are alternately changing. Xing Tian uses the two avenues to continuously refine the huge gains, and his own power is rapidly increasing. With the increase of Xing Tian’s power, the origin is perfected. , His own avenue has gradually begun a new transformation, and the Yuantai of Slaughter Avenue and Devouring Avenue finally took another step, and this step out made Xing Tian breathe a sigh of relief. This step is the difference between heaven and earth, this step has been taken. Xing Tian really had to go beyond his own limitations and entered a new realm, the realm of Chaos Gods and Demons. Dao Yuanbao was perfect, and Xing Tian’s phantom body became a true Chaos Gods and Demons clone. Heaven and earth are limited, not limited by cause and effect, all cause and effect will be turned into their own nutrients.

Step by step, before the transformation was truly completed, Xing Tian still didn’t know the power of the Chaos God and Demon, but after he really took this step, Xing Tian understood his own power and that the power of the Chaos God and Demon was just his own. Compared with the deity, there is still a bigger gap between the avatar of the gods and demon. Unlike the deity, although the real body of the chaos **** and demon is condensed, it is not so easy to be bred from the original treasure of the Dao. Without the greatest power of its own, only the treasure that carries the origin of its own avenue can the Chaos God and Demon be able to master the power of its own avenue rules, and will not be backlashed by its own avenue or the world. The original treasure is its second. life.

It’s not that Xing Tian doesn’t want to nurture the great treasure of the Dao’s origin, but that he has no time and no background. Compared with the deity, the clone can’t find the most precious treasure of the origin. The only treasure is the sword of the world in his hand. It is attached to its own avenue, whether it is the avenue of killing or the avenue of swallowing, it is not attached. Because this treasure is not pure!


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