God of Destruction

Chapter 4010: Festival determination

The fourth thousand and tenth chapter determination

Giving up the transformation, Xing Tian doesn’t know when he wants to change next time. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Once the opportunity is missed, the price of wanting to change is too heavy, not even that opportunity at all. Can continue to transform, Xing Tian doesn’t know if his hidden dangers will be integrated into the transformation, bringing unknowable changes to his transformation, and once the changes occur, it’s even more difficult for him to remove the hidden dangers. , It's not easy!

In an instant, Xing Tian also fell into a difficult choice situation, but time is not waiting for others, Xing Tian does not have much time to think, he must make a choice quickly, otherwise he has not waited for his decision. The hidden dangers of oneself will lose control, will be integrated into oneself, let oneself bear more trouble.

"Is this God's will or a catastrophe? Why do I have to face such a dilemma at this time? Is it a hindrance from heaven and earth, or a disaster condensed by my own practice? Forget it, I can't hesitate anymore, I can't think too much. It has already happened. Since the power of the star gods and demons is eroding myself, what else do I have to hesitate? Although the opportunity for transformation is important, I am the source of everything. My foundation cannot be shaken, and there cannot be the slightest slip. Burn it, the blood of my origin will burn everything for me!" Xingtian soon made a choice. Although transformation is important, his own foundation is more important. You cannot give up the purity of your foundation for temporary improvement. Leaving this terrible hidden danger, every ancient **** and devil must not be underestimated, and their methods must not be careless. No matter how big the price is, they must ensure their own safety!

With Xing Tian’s deep drink, the blood of the original source of the chaotic **** and demon body that had just been condensed was burning frantically, using the blood of the original source to burn all of his own external forces. I have to say that Xing Tian is crazy enough, and this is the most Directly, the fastest way to solve its own hidden dangers, the burning of the original blood, no matter how powerful the back hand of the stars, the gods and demons, will be burned, unless the power of the stars can affect the original blood of Xingtian, which is impossible. of.

When the blood of the origin burns, the power of the stars can no longer corrode Xingtian's body and cannot cause harm to Xingtian. The burning of the blood of the origin directly cuts off the connection between the hidden dangers within himself and the outside world. Time waits for no one, and Xingtian does not want to waste time. , I don’t want to let myself be upset again, and I don’t want any accidents to happen again. When the power of the stars gods and demons is cut off, Xing Tian’s soul also burns with fire powder, Xing Tian is burning his own spirit and destroying it with spiritual fire The brand that was deeply imprinted on his own soul, under the burning of the spiritual fire, the power of the brand was erased bit by bit.

As the branding power was refined by Xingtian’s spiritual fire, the insights of the avenue of stars came to his heart. In this brand, Xing Tian accepted the origin of the stars of the gods and demons, and accepted the avenue left in the origin. This sentiment has given Xing Tian a deeper understanding on the Avenue of Stars. If this behavior is not too dangerous, Xing Tian really hopes that he can have more original imprints that can be refined, so that he can feel it on the Avenue. Go one step further.

Although Xingtian got a bit of benefit when refining his own hidden dangers, he also lost a chance. His own transformation was interrupted by the burning of the blood of the source and the burning of the spiritual fire, and his previous perceptions were also due to this. Interruption, and wanting to reconnect with this sentiment, continue to transform, need opportunity, time, and accumulation.

"Damn, do I continue to understand the avenue, continue to continue the transformation of the avenue, or directly manifest itself and break away from the limitations of this original birth?" After quickly cleaning up his own hidden dangers, Xing Tian faces a new choice, if At this time, if you give up the practice, the help that Dao Yuantai gave to yourself will end, and you will succeed in turning into a chaos **** and demon, and truly master the power of the chaos **** and demon, but since then your potential will inevitably be damaged, because you don’t have it. Bring the Dao Yuan fetus to the extreme!

Will his whereabouts be exposed to the induction of heaven and earth, and the induction of the stars, gods and demons because of this shocking change? If you are exposed, you are committing suicide if you continue to stay and practice. Neither the heavens, the earth, nor the stars will let you go, and you will not let yourself continue to condense the origin of the Great Dao and continue to perfect the true body of the chaos gods and devils.

You must know that Xing Tian can collude with the origin of chaos, the laws of heaven and earth, and quickly accumulate the origin of the Dao at the time of the birth of Dao Yuan. If you give up the cultivation base and directly manifest it, it means that your potential will be affected. It would take a long time to make up for all of this, but this was a catastrophe, and Xing Tian didn't have so much time to waste.

"No, I can't give up anymore. In order to preserve my foundation, I had to give up the transformation. If I let go because of timidity and fear this time, I'm afraid that my great heart will be affected. It will inevitably leave an indelible mark, which will leave one's own soul with flaws. In normal times, there is nothing, and it has no effect on oneself. When faced with transformation, when facing the torture of the soul, this flaw will be It will become its own disaster!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, and continued to gather his mind to comprehend the Dao, to condense the origin of the Dao, little by little, to continue the transformation of his Dao, and his origin was perfect. When Xing Tian made such a decision, the soul The flaw in the above disappeared, but at this moment, new disasters followed.

People robbery! Just as Xing Tian thought, Heaven and Earth will not give him the opportunity to continue to practice, and he will not allow him to continue to improve himself. When Xing Tian notices the changes in the stars, when Xing Tian reconnects to the main road, in the Taoist Temple of Taiping Road, Those old guys noticed the changes in the stars, and sensed the direction in which the stars fell, and that direction pointed directly at Xingtian!


"The projection of the power of stars, is there anyone in this world who can take in the power of the Avenue of Stars, or is there a new powerhouse appearing?" For these peaceful old guys, they did not suspect that Xing Tian was taking over. Attracting the origin of the stars, because they all know that Xing Tian walked on the Avenue of Killing. One walked so far on the Avenue of Killing, and could lead the Avenue of Killing to come. Naturally, they would not give up the Avenue of Killing to build the Avenue of Planets. They never thought that this would be the power of the stars, gods and demons, who wanted to seize the Xingtian and return to this world!

"No matter who, as long as he has mastered the Avenue of Stars and can attract the power of the stars, this is what we must seize. Xing Tian, ​​we can't give up, nor can we give up where the stars are directed, and we old guys can't take action. , Let the little guys below take action, this time they don’t fail again. The defeat of the imperial capital last time has brought us huge troubles. In any case, they can’t fail again this time, and they can’t provoke a bigger one. Trouble, although our Taipingdao strength is not weak, it can't be the enemy of the whole world. We also have enemies. They have not taken action yet. They are still worried about the change of human luck, but if we challenge their bottom line, the consequences It's unthinkable!"

"Yeah, we can't cause big trouble anymore. If we can, we can even give up cooperating with those aristocratic families, give up the cover up of the secrets, let these aristocratic families be the dead ghosts, let them fight with the empire, and attract everyone's attention!"

"No, now is not the time. Things have not yet reached this point. They have not yet reached the point of giving up those families. They are our big killers. We must not give up them as a last resort. Only at critical moments can we be able to give up. Give up these bastards, use them to attract the attention of all the forces, and give up our losses now!"

"Do you say that these wealthy families have the possibility of success? Are they worthy of our full help? I know that many people think that these wealthy families are just pawns, but if they have the hope of success, we will not be worth the loss if we give them up. They succeeded in the end, and our plan failed again, and the consequences would be unimaginable! I don't think we can put all our hopes on the Avenue of Stars, we have to plan for the worst!"

"No, we can't be distracted like this, and can't think about more things. The Avenue of Stars is our only one. We can truly seize the opportunity to transcend the world only if we devote ourselves to it. I am afraid that the gain is not worth the loss. Even if those aristocratic families can succeed in seizing the throne, can set foot on the pinnacle of the human race, and become the new emperor, what about it, is it really beneficial to us? Will they really treat us as their own people? Don’t think that we are the only ones who are calculating those bastards, they are also calculating us, they can’t be unaware of our thoughts!"

"Yes! It is impossible for those aristocrats to know nothing about us. If they dare to find us to cooperate, they must have the means to counter us. Cooperating with them is only a cooperation of interests. They are not worthy of trust and not worth our efforts. A huge price, all we can rely on is ourselves, and no one else is worthy of our trust."

"But at this time we will arrange for someone to take action again, I'm afraid that there will be no results. After all, the previous battle in the capital city alarmed those bastards. They were all staring at us frantically. As long as we shot, it would be difficult to escape their sight. But they discovered our plan and discovered the secret of the Avenue of Stars, and the consequences would be unimaginable. I think we still bear it for a while, wait until the limelight passes, wait until the foreign races and the empire are completely warned, or they will act rashly. It will expose our own plans, will only make more people aware of the changes in the Avenue of Stars, and will only make things uncontrollable!"

"Brother, the Avenue of Stars can really free us from the shackles of this world, and can it really free us from the current predicament? If the words of Tongtian River Water God are true, where does Xingtian's Avenue of Stars come from? The Tongtian River Water God was before the secret realm was opened. Could it be said that he had received the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars, but if he had a complete inheritance of the Avenue of Stars, how could he continue to set foot on the desperate dead end of the Avenue of Killing?"

"Huh, a dead end? In your eyes, this may be a dead end, but in the eyes of a lunatic Xingtian, it is not necessarily the case. We can't use common sense to infer this lunatic. Opportunity cannot be lost. Loss will never come again. Even if there is a little hope, we cannot. Give up, even if someone is staring at us, as long as we pay a little price, we can still arrange for people to take action, let them search the heaven and earth, let them find the new avenue of stars inheritance, at this point, we cannot have anything Hesitate! You should know that time waits for no one. If we can't complete the plan before the return of the Chaos Gods and Demons, there is only a dead end waiting for us!"

Nothing is more terrifying than death. For these old guys, they are most afraid of death. Others don’t know the horror of Chaos Gods and Demons. They know it all because they have seen Chaos Gods and Demons in the secret world. The power of horror, none of them have the confidence to be able to fight, and they have no confidence to face the pressure of the Chaos Gods and Demons!

"Where the world will go, we don’t know, we don’t know, but we have to plan for the worst, do our best, and while other forces have not noticed the problem, we have to speed up. , We can’t hide the news of Tongtian River Water God for long. This time the Avenue of Stars suddenly appeared, I am afraid that some old guys will be aware of it. We can’t help but prevent it. Once Kundan also participates in the fight, our chance I'm afraid it will be even more slim!"

Speaking of this, the old man from Taipingdao sighed again: "Oh, I don't know why. After losing my hand in the first battle of the Imperial Capital, I always feel that a crisis is slowly coming to us. I feel that our situation is very serious. It's dangerous. Perhaps this time we not only shocked all the forces in the empire, but also shocked the forces of foreign races. Regarding the many forces in the empire that are the same as the human race, they can still be restrained under the righteousness of the human race. , But the alien race will not have such an idea. Perhaps this time the border change, the alien race did not come for the empire, but for our peace. If this is the case, our trouble will be big, maybe It won’t be long before a full-scale war will begin. Once such a situation occurs, we are afraid that we will face the siege of foreign races alone. The peaceful road may disappear in this catastrophe! If we don’t want to be besieged by the enemy, just There is only one choice, to seize the Avenue of Stars in Xing Tian's hands as quickly as possible to get this life!"

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