God of Destruction

Chapter 4011: Godhead

The Godhead of Chapter 4011

"Brother, do you think we can really master the godhead of the stars, gods and demons, really master the laws of stars, and the inheritance of the avenue of stars in Xingtian's body can really resonate with the godhead. We must know that we have failed countless times. I have used them all, but there is no power to inspire the Godhead. I don't think we can pin everything on the Godhead. We have to make other plans and make another way out. After all, the power of the Godhead is too strong!"

Godhead, there is a godhead of ancient gods and demons in the Taipingdao. If this news spreads, the Taipingdao will be destroyed directly. No one can resist this temptation. Even Xingtian can’t resist it. There are hidden dangers in the godhead, but the hidden dangers are not inevitable. Once you have enough to refine it, you can master the rules of the great way in the godhead, and you can become a powerhouse at the peak of the world in one fell swoop, and even return to the highest. After the chaotic world, you can also become a strong one.

No one can resist the power of rules. As long as it is a practitioner, no one does not want to control the power of the rules, and the godhead is a shortcut to the power of rules. Taipingdao holds a star godhead, although he does not know that this **** or devil has How powerful, but this Godhead is the hope of all the old guys in Taipingdao. They all yearn to get the inheritance of the Godhead, get the rules of the Star Avenue in the Godhead, and can use the power of the Godhead to surpass the world and get rid of the world!

"Retreat? No, we can't have this kind of thought. If we don't even have this confidence, we still talk about detachment. No matter how strong the power of the Godhead, we must master it. As the great calamity is coming too fast today, Many things are impossible for us to unfold, so we only have to try our best, act, don't think too much, focus all our strength on this!"

Where did the godhead of Taipingdao come from, what is going on with this star godhead? Taipingdao has this kind of background, don't other sects? If there are many gods in this realm of battlefield world, does this mean that the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth will be more cruel, more terrifying, and even more terrifying, and no one can stop a war?

There are such big secrets hidden in the battlefield world of this realm. Why are all the forces in the Supreme Chaos World unaware and ignorant? Such treasures are very important even in the Supreme Chaos World. The strong men of all major civilizations in the Supreme Chaos World also have a lot of temptations, but why don't they care at all?

Secret! The reason is very simple. Everything is due to the existence of the secrets. The secrets in the realm battlefield world are hidden, leaving the major forces in the highest chaos world ignorant. The most important thing is that every force that finds such a treasure is good. No matter the characters, they will be hidden carefully and not known to outsiders, because such treasures will bring endless temptations. If one is not careful, they will be spotted by others and attacked by enemies. Therefore, the treasures like Godhead In other words, no outsider knows, even the disciples of the various forces in the Supreme Chaos World will not tell the sect after they know this secret, because no one wants to let others know this secret, and they will not want to be known by others. People fight together, even if it is the sect behind oneself.

Human nature is selfish. This is the principle of nature and cannot be changed. A truly impartial person cannot become a practitioner, nor can it survive in the world of spiritual practice. The world of spiritual practice is a world of cannibalism, a world of the weak and the strong. What everyone pursues is power. For eternity, no one will be foolish enough to share their own interests with others and increase their opponents.

A world, a world that has existed for a long time, and a world that once had a chaotic world. If there were no secrets in it, no one would believe it. Since the opening of the secret world, since the various forces have obtained many benefits from the secret world, This world has undergone essential changes. The ancient breath is constantly eroding this world, the will of the world is also changing, the entire world is developing in an unknown direction, and the changes in the world have also accelerated the changes in the Great Tribulation!

No matter how secret the attack on Taipingdao is, it is difficult to escape the eyes of those who care about it. Not long after the attack on Taipingdao, all parties noticed and started a new round of surveillance and search on Taipingdao. Those who have found the Taipingdao want to know what bad things these **** of the Taipingdao want to do, are they targeting themselves? It can be said that since the First World War in the capital, all the forces have been frightened by the madness of the Taipingdao. People who are worried that Taipingdao will confuse themselves will launch attacks on themselves. After all, everything can happen in the catastrophe. There is nothing that the **** of Taipingdao can do to survive. They dare to do any bad things, even with They don't care if the world is the enemy!

When the people of Taipingdao acted, Xingtian’s deity immediately felt the warning from the heart, and the crisis was coming to him step by step. I don’t know how much time I can practice, I don’t know if I can still practice. How long to hide, once an enemy discovers his existence, a great battle will be inevitable. Xing Tian is impossible to let the enemy leave alive, so his identity will not only be exposed, but he will even become the enemy of the entire world!

"Damn, this world really doesn't want me to have the opportunity to change. This catastrophe is one wave after another. Is it possible that I have to go through the three calamities of the day and the earth like the clone. Before, it was the heaven and the stars in the void. The power of power is about to usher in a new calamity soon, but I don’t know whether it is a human calamity or an earth robbery. Fortunately, the earth robbery has two great treasures in hand, which can cover the secrets of heaven and protect myself. It's different. No matter how good Ren Jie has his guardian formation, it will be ruined one day!"

No matter how worried the deity Xingtian is, it will not help, because all of this is not controlled by Xingtian. Instead of wasting time to think about countermeasures, it is better to speed up his own practice, absorb more of the source, and accelerate his own accumulation, even if not. To be able to complete a new round of transformation and evolution, you must also add a strong accumulation to yourself, so that you can have a stronger heritage!

Compared with the deity’s worries, Xingtian avatar was also secretly sighing. After the first battle in the capital city, the whole world was plunged into madness. The flames of war were burning to the empire and the border was urgent. As Xingtian who practiced the killing avenue, the best at this moment The choice is to leave the center of the empire, return to the border, fight with that alien race, accumulate more killing sources, and devour more enemies.

What is going on at the border checkpoint at this moment? Although Xing Tian hasn't gone back there, he has some speculations. The various forces have already arrived at the border checkpoint. They have already laid nets there, waiting for him to throw himself into the net, otherwise he is so rich. Murderous intentions will not appear, and there will not be so many enemies falling on itself continuously from the void.

auzw.com flinches, or is it hard to shake? After shook his head slightly, Xing Tian naturally decided to shake it hard. His own way of practice is to go against the sky. If you don’t even have the courage to face the enemy, you still talk about going against the sky and about the practice, even if you are at the border. There are countless enemies who are calculating oneself, and oneself can't shrink back, because this retreat is breaking one's own fighting will.

"Come on, let this storm come harder, let me see how many people want to kill me, let me see if they really don’t fear death, let me use their blood and their lives. Watering my avenue of killing, using their essence to grow the avenue, I swallow the avenue, and use all of their heritage to condense the treasure of my origin avenue!"

At this moment, Xing Tian had endless killing intent and endless evil thoughts in his heart. He wanted to use all the enemies in the border to condense his original treasure of the Great Dao, and he needed to use killing and plunder to complete his final accumulation. Pass, condense the original treasure that carries the avenue of killing and swallowing, and this clone of oneself is truly complete and has a solid foundation!

And just when Xingtian's killing intent moved, his breath also leaked out. The terrible murderous intent made everyone in the Imperial Capital feel fear and all the forces felt fear. There can be such a terrible in this world. Only Xingtian is killing intent! ]

"Damn it, how could Xingtian this lunatic be outside the imperial capital? What did those stupid **** have done? Even Xingtian’s whereabouts were not grasped, so that this lunatic was hidden outside the imperial capital. Now this lunatic has finally recovered his strength and told us Initiating provocations, we are in great trouble now, and being targeted by this madman, no one should think about getting better!"

"Crazy, really crazy enough, who would have thought that this madman would hide outside of the imperial capital, but no one has found him for so long, it’s dark under the lights, this madman is really terrifying, you should know once his whereabouts are leaked. Outside the imperial capital, there are ten deaths and no life. This lunatic really doesn't take his life seriously. He is really crazy to the extreme!"

"What's the use of saying so much now? If we have to be a solution to the problem, this lunatic has been staring at it outside the imperial capital. Who can not be afraid, who is not afraid, who can guarantee that this lunatic will rush in? The imperial capital comes to a crazy killing. Don’t think that the emperor and the empire can deter him, dare to be outside the imperial capital, dare to use the dark method to avoid the catastrophe, you can imagine how crazy this lunatic is, how terrifying, kill him. It is not impossible to enter the imperial capital!"

"Asshole, I just said why I couldn't find him at the border. He didn't go to the border at all. He has always been outside the imperial capital. But the **** in the imperial capital are so stupid that they can't even control their own door. What are they stupid? To what extent, how slack is the wealthy family? It doesn't matter if they want to die, but don't make the situation so terrible!"

"Retaliation, now Xing Tian, ​​the lunatic is going to retaliate against the **** who used to attack him, otherwise he would not provoke the opponent so madly, and this time he is really fearless, even the emperor does not take it seriously. , Even the face of the imperial capital is not given, naked, naked, and naked to challenge the enemies in those imperial capitals!"

"It's over, this situation is about to collapse. Now the empire has external troubles, and now there is the big internal worry of Xingtian. If one is not careful, it will collapse directly, and the whole humanity will collapse. Those **** in the capital are really damn, they actually made it. Such a big trouble not only pits myself to death, but also pits us people!"

Endless resentment appeared in the empire, countless people were scolding, and countless people were shocked by Xingtian's madness. Xingtian challenged at this time. It was clear that he wanted to fall into the trap, and he clearly wanted to take advantage of the fire, but on the contrary Everyone has nothing to do with him. Who makes Xingtian this madman's aura too terrifying, even for just a moment, everyone can clearly feel how terrifying Xingtian’s killing avenue is, ten more powerful than the previous imperial battle. Times!

At this moment, all the big families in the imperial capital are also afraid, especially those families who have repeatedly attacked Xingtian. They are really trembling and afraid, for fear that the lunatic Xingtian will enter the imperial capital in the next moment. Coming to their family, facing such a madman, they really have no confidence to fight against one, and can stop the killing of this madman!

"Go into the palace and see the Emperor of Humanity. This matter must be resolved by the Emperor of Humanity, and the empire must be resolved. We can't hesitate any longer, otherwise the lunatic Xingtian will enter the imperial capital. The consequences will be unimaginable!"

Soon many wealthy families who had enemies with Xing Tian went to the palace one after another, mobilized to meet people and agitate the ministers of the empire. They were afraid that they would suffer a devastating blow later. After all, Xing Tian is a lunatic. It is not impossible for a madman who can do anything to attack the imperial capital.

Soon the imperial palace was shocked by the many wealthy family leaders who came to the palace. In order to protect themselves and protect the family, these **** also did their best. They mobilized all the power that could be mobilized, only to be the emperor, let The empire reacted earlier and resisted Xing Tian outside the imperial capital earlier, so as not to let this madman enter the imperial capital!

Unfortunately, these **** never thought that Xing Tian did not have the idea of ​​attacking the imperial capital, nor did he have the idea of ​​going to the imperial capital to avenge Xueren. Revenge can be done at any time. He has no secret to attack the imperial capital at this time, under such circumstances. If you are the enemy of the Emperor and the entire empire, you will have too much pressure to do so. Xing Tian will not do things that are not good for you stupidly, or even ruin his life. It's just that the wealthy family didn't know Xing Tian's thoughts. Who made Xing Tian behave too crazy, dare to explode his own breath outside the imperial capital, dare to challenge them outside the imperial capital!

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