God of Destruction

Chapter 4012: No taboos

The fourth thousand and twelfth chapters without taboos

"Madman, what does this madman want to do? In his eyes, the emperor is so unbearable, is the empire so unworthy? He really wants to have a life-and-death confrontation with the empire?" When he received such a big impact At that time, the emperor was furious and hated Xing Tian to the extreme. All his previous thoughts were turned into nothingness!

"Your Majesty, things are not what you think. Xing Tian is not ignoring your existence or the existence of the empire, but directly challenging the dignity of the wealthy family. It's just that he didn't think that this place was in the imperial capital, and he would contact those wealthy families. The **** are greedy for life and fear of death, and they dare not fight Xingtian head-on. All the pressure is on you, on the empire's head, and they can sit on the sidelines. Don’t look at those **** who look embarrassed now. But in fact, as long as the empire solves the problem, they will not lose at all. The real loss is only you and the empire. These wealthy families are the most assholes. They can provoke right and wrong, but are unwilling to resolve right and wrong, but take all responsibility. Push it on you, the empire!"

This is the conspiracy of the wealthy family, is it their conscious calculation? No, that's not the case. The wealthy family didn't expect all of this. Even if this time they could use the power of the Emperor and the Empire to drive Xing Tian away, but the cause and effect will not be eliminated. Xing Tian made a close, an endless duel of life and death.

"Forget it, don't worry about these bastards, this matter can't be delayed. The longer the delay, the greater the impact on the dignity of the empire. This is the imperial capital. In any case, Xingtian, a lunatic, cannot be allowed to attack the imperial capital, even if it is just a failure. For the empire, it cannot withstand this blow. Even a place like the empire has been impacted. The blow to the hearts of the people is conceivable. I am afraid that the situation at the border will be more dangerous, and those alien races will be even more crazy!" When he got here, the emperor couldn't help but sighed. The emperor himself was so embarrassed that he couldn't control a little Xing Tian.

"Your Majesty, this matter can be big or small. I don't know who you plan to let go to negotiate with Xingtian. If you are a disciple of the family, it is better not to go, so as not to cause Xingtian this madman's murderous intent, and for others the two countries are at war. If you don’t cut your orders, it’s not necessarily true for fanatics like Xingtian. Once such a situation occurs, not to mention that the dignity of the empire will be damaged and the entire empire will not be able to accept it. And this is very dangerous for the empire!"

At this time, the empire did not dare to act rashly, and was unwilling to see the emergence of civil strife. The most important thing for the empire was how to quell the border crisis and how to suppress the impact of foreign races. If at this time war with Xingtian, regardless of victory or defeat, the empire Will suffer huge losses, there will be endless troubles, and even one accident will directly collapse!

"Oh! This matter is very tricky. I don’t worry when others go. I can only let you go there in person. Anyway, you are connected to Xingtian on several fronts, and this lunatic also has royal blood on him. No matter how crazy it is, it is impossible to take a big shot at you, and he will also talk to you. As long as he is willing to retreat, it is worth paying a little price. At this time, the empire cannot be chaotic!"

For the Human Emperor, he didn’t believe the ministers in the empire at all, because the Human Emperor didn’t know if they had any insidious thoughts in their minds, and wondered if these **** would frame the empire at this critical moment. After all, the ministers all have selfish intentions. , They all have power behind them. Once there are lunatics who want to provoke the battle between the Empire and Xingtian, they will inevitably shatter the negotiation with Xingtian!

Thinking about it, only the queen can trust the human emperor, and only the queen will not betray herself or the empire. Even people in the royal family are not worthy of trust. After all, not all royals will be with themselves. This man has one heart.

Time waits for no one. The Emperor did not dare to delay time, did not dare to hesitate, and soon the Empress Empress left the palace with a group of people, and went straight to the location of Xingtian, but at this time Xingtian did not leave quickly and became a queen. When Empress appeared outside the imperial capital with a group of people, Xing Tian's heart was also a little puzzled, and he didn't understand why Empress Empress had come.

Of course, one thing Xing Tian is certain. The other party is here to see him, and Xing Tian is very familiar with the aura of the queen empress. Although he does not know why the other party came, Xing Tian did not back down and did not evade, but stayed in the original place. Waiting for the other party to appear, Xing Tian also wanted to know what the Emperor wanted to do and what he wanted from him!

Xing Tian never thought about whether this would be a trap, a conspiracy, because it was impossible, the emperor could not do it, the royal family could not do it, and the empire could never do it, gamble with the queen’s life. It is gambling with the empire's luck. Once something goes wrong, neither the emperor nor the empire can afford that huge loss!

Soon Xing Tian saw the empress empress again, and the guards behind her. Each of these people had a strong aura. They seemed to be the direct power of the royal family. They came from the empress guards, and among these people On the body, Xing Tian felt nervous and uneasy, they were afraid of themselves, afraid that they would hurt the empress in front of them!

Xing Tian didn’t care too much about the reaction of the guards. Who made everything he did before was too crazy. Even the emperor had to be cautious, let alone these guards, if something happened to the empress. , Their fate was miserable, and they couldn't bear the consequences, so these guards were watching Xing Tian's every move carefully, for fear that Xing Tian would make a big move in the next moment and would attack the empress.

"It's been a long time. I don't know why the Empress Empress brought so many people to me this time. If it is the previous transaction, then nothing needs to be said, everything has passed!" Without waiting for Empress Empress to speak, Xing Tian took the lead. Said, and in his words, full of dissatisfaction with the emperor, dissatisfaction with the empire, this dissatisfaction did not hide!


When she saw Xing Tian’s reaction, Empress Empress sighed secretly. With just these words, Empress Empress understood that the relationship between the imperial family and Xing Tian had been completely concluded, and there was no friendship between the two sides. In other words, even the exchange of interests is very difficult, because Xing Tian no longer believes in the emperor, and no longer believes in the royal family!

Regarding such a result, although the empress empress sighs and is not reconciled, this is a fact, a fact that cannot be changed. As long as a strong person like Xing Tian makes up his mind, he will never regret it and want to get Xing Tian’s approval. Regardless of the emperor, the empire has to pay countless times the price, and the price Qiaqia is unbearable by the empire and the emperor!

Taking a deep breath, the empress empress smiled and said: "Xing Tian, ​​since you ask in such a straightforward manner, I will open up and say, this time it is for the family. The empire can't bear the civil strife now. The emperor does not want to see the war between you and the family. Even if you have that endless cause and effect between you, the emperor and the empire hope you can put it down for the time being, and wait for the crisis of the empire to pass. No matter how big the conflict, the empire will not intervene, and the royal family will not intervene. Now I hope you can look at the righteousness of the human race, don’t ruin the luck of the human race, destroy the luck of the empire, and give it to foreign races outside there. Create a chance to seriously hurt the empire and cause chaos in the border of the empire!"

Hearing this, Xing Tian was shocked, but Xing Tian quickly reacted and understood what was going on. It seems that the leak of his previous breath has brought tremendous pressure to the wealthy families in the imperial capital. It caused a huge shock to them, making them think that they were desperate to launch a war of revenge.

Although Xing Tian didn't have such a plan in his heart, the opportunity must not be missed. Xing Tian won't let this great opportunity go in vain, so Xing Tian coldly snorted and said, "Hehe! It's ridiculous. There is no human righteousness in the eyes of those bastards, but now you have to It is ridiculous to let me as a scattered person take care of the overall situation. Why should Xingtian bear such a responsibility?"

Yes! Why should Xingtian bear such responsibility? Is it just because of Xingtian's background? It’s just that Xing Tian has no human restraints. Xing Tian is no longer the human body, but the **** and demon body. The human righteousness is not worth mentioning to Xing Tian, ​​and there is no need to care about it. , There must be an end day!

"You can just say what you want. As long as it is not too excessive, the Empire will not refuse. You have to understand that this is not a trivial matter. Even if you don't care about the Human Race or the Empire in your heart, your identity is not It will change. You don’t need to do everything right at this time and under this situation. It’s not a good thing for anyone! You have to start a war desperately, even if you can succeed, is it worth it? Don’t you know how terrible the huge cause and effect is afterwards?"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently: "Ha ha ha! Let me put it down for the time being, but you have to give me an explanation in the previous battle, right? I am in the imperial capital, but I am under the impact of many forces. , Siege, as the emperor of man, as the lord of the empire, you can't say nothing, don't explain anything, I'm not very demanding!"

Not afraid of Xingtian’s request, I’m afraid that Xingtian must be determined to fight against the family. The most important thing is that Xingtian’s request is not too outrageous. The imperial capital is originally the territory of the imperial family, and the emperor will naturally bear the responsibility. Part of it is to give Xing Tian a statement, this is necessary, and as long as he can appease the lunatic Xing Tian and let him let go of the killing heart for the time being, it is worth paying a little price, not to mention the price is nothing.

explain! In fact, when the empress empress left the palace, the emperor had already made arrangements. No matter what Xingtian requested, he had to give Xingtian an explanation in the previous battle, and this confession was nothing to the emperor. Major events, even pros and cons, to confess the **** of the Taiping Dao, there is no pressure on the emperor, and the aristocratic families are the same, even the other sects in the imperial capital are like this, and this matter even if the emperor does not say , Many people will tell Xing Tian.

"This is natural. The empire will not even refuse this request. I just don’t know if you have other requirements. If you are willing to give up your hatred, the empire or the wealthy family are willing to give you an explanation, even to you. Part of the compensation, after all, there is no eternal hatred in this world, and the behavior of those people does not represent the entire wealthy family!"

Seeing that Xing Tian speaks so easily, Empress Empress couldn't help but want to test Xing Tian's thoughts, and see if she can pay a little profit to resolve the cause and effect of Xing Tian and the wealthy family. After all, at this time the empire cannot bear the consequences of civil strife!

"Resolve the cause and effect, so I don’t need to talk about it. I Xingtian still doesn’t appreciate that little benefit. No one can count me without paying the price. If they dare to attack me, there must be death accuracy. This time I can look at the royal family. For the sake of face, look at the righteousness of the human race, let go of hatred for the time being, but it is impossible to resolve that. I and them are endless. If we want to resolve it, only one party will fall completely. There is no other way!" When he said this, Xing Tian's killing intent was boiling again, as if he wanted to kill if there was a disagreement, making the guards behind the empress be frightened and uneasy!

Madman, really a big lunatic, Xingtian, this **** really has no taboos, dare to be so crazy under such circumstances, he did not take the identity of the queen empress seriously in his heart, did not take the empire seriously, If the queen empress really angered this lunatic, he would really make a big move, without any consideration at all!

Faced with such a terrible impact of Xing Tian’s killing intent, although the Empress Empress didn’t have any expression on her face, her heart was tumbling. She really understood how terrifying Xing Tian’s madness was, and understood the so-called human righteousness and the so-called empire. What is the place in this lunatic's heart? To this lunatic, no empire or human righteousness is worth mentioning. As for the royal bloodline, it is even more a joke. He didn't take his birth seriously in his heart. For a reincarnation powerhouse, a lunatic who has taken back the memories of his previous life, what? The origins are all imaginary, and only his own interests are the most important. It is impossible to let this madman let go of cause and effect, because this madman walks on the road of killing. Without cause and effect, he can be crazy. Killing sentient beings, if there is cause and effect, then there is no taboo!

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