God of Destruction

Chapter 4013: Festival killing

The fourth thousand and thirteenth chapter is killing intent

When faced with Xing Tian, ​​who had no taboo, the empress sighed involuntarily, and persuaded Xing Tian to let go. This cause and effect is impossible. This lunatic's heart of killing is really too heavy. If it is not his identity, it is not that he has no intentions. , I’m afraid that these words will arouse the crazy killing of this lunatic. At this time, I have to persuade Xing Tian, ​​that is, I don’t know how to advance or retreat, it will make everything more uncontrollable, and I will accept it when I see it. There is no need to die for those damned The wealthy family provokes the lunatic Xingtian, and causes unnecessary trouble for himself and the empire.

Xingtian is destroyed? No, this kind of thought has never appeared in the empress’s heart. For a lunatic like Xing Tian, ​​this kind of thought is not the best. Otherwise, if he fails, the consequences will be unimaginable. Like those wealthy families, they will be driven to despair. Perhaps the empire is stronger than the wealthy family, but today the situation in the empire is very dangerous.

The Queen Empress sighed and said, "Well, since you insist on doing so, it is up to you to decide. Your cause and effect, hatred, the empire does not want to intervene. If it were not for the dangerous situation at the borders of the empire, the human race could no longer have civil strife, nor the empire Will intervene in all of this, no one can tell what will happen in the future, we are very satisfied that you can take care of the overall situation!"

For the Empress Empress, it is not easy for Xing Tian to stop for the time being, and her goal has been achieved. There is no need to make extravagant branches for herself and cause unnecessary cause and effect troubles for the empire. The cause and effect of the wealthy family and Xing Tian They ended up on their own. It was not that they were not committed to the empire, but that Xing Tian refused to let go. As a result, no matter how unwilling to be reconciled to the wealthy family, there is nothing to say. They and the empire have done their best and have done it. Everything you can do.

Although she did not solve everything satisfactorily, the Empress Empress was still very satisfied with her party. At least Xing Tian gave herself, given the Emperor, gave the empire a face, and did not break the empire. This is a great fortune in misfortune. As for Other problems will be solved slowly in the future, and now I can go back and give everyone an explanation!

Regarding Xing Tian’s madness, the Queen Empress was also jealous. After a few words with Xing Tian, ​​she hurriedly left. After all, facing a lunatic like Xing Tian, ​​such a lunatic, she was under too much pressure. To achieve the goal, leaving early is a good thing for yourself and the empire, so as not to have accidents and make things happen.

Seeing the empress empress leaving in a hurry and seeing the nervous expressions of the guards, Xing Tian shook his head again, feeling deeply moved. Although the appearance of empress empress this time was an accident, he also benefited from it, at least right. With a clear understanding of a big battle, I can be sure that he will be the **** who will be calculated in the end!

Taipingdao, the name Xingtian is no longer alive, but Xingtian did not expect that the other party would be so crazy and would be so anxious to start with him. The most important thing is that in this confession, the empire has determined that the God of Tongtian River has fallen. Taipingdao's hand was taken by Taipingdao. As for life and death, the empire did not know. After all, the power of Taipingdao was extremely powerful, and the empire had taken care of it. It did not dare to over-explore, lest it cause a crazy counterattack from Taipingdao.

Xing Tian is crazy, and Taipingdao is also very crazy. It can be said that they do everything without taboos, without fear or awe. After knowing the determination, Xing Tian shook his head gently, although he wanted to be with Taipingdao. Zhan, I want to save the water **** of Tongtian River, but Xing Tian has self-knowledge. It can be one of the three avenues of Taipingdao. It is absolutely powerful and definitely not something he can deal with now. If he has to do it at this time, Not only could he not save people, but he would also ruin his own life. The most important thing was that after Xing Tian knew everything about Taipingdao, he also found the source of the crazy killing intent to himself. Taipingdao is constantly on the way. Surging crazy killing intent to myself!

Is there something in your body that can attract Taipingdao, can make Taipingdao so crazy, so unabashedly release such crazy killing intent? Xing Tian couldn't figure it out, so he had to reluctantly give an explanation, that is, the inheritance, the inheritance of the killing avenue on his body, and the inheritance of the secret world recognized by the bastard.

Explanation? No, Xing Tian didn’t have such thoughts in his mind. Since he is an enemy, he doesn’t need to explain. Fighting is the best way. In this cruel world, he can’t make any concessions. If you take the first opportunity, you will be pressed by the enemy to give in step by step, and eventually you will only retreat to a desperate situation, and you will never have a chance to stand up.

"Forget it, let the Taipingdao things go for the time being. I'll go to the frontier first. With the help of the empire war, I will accumulate my own strength and foundation, and wait for myself to go further and after I transform again, then I will end up with the **** of Taipingdao. It’s not too late for cause and effect. If you rush to the opponent’s turf, you are ruining yourself!” After thinking of this, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, and his aura once again converged in his mind, and all the forces had not done it yet. Before reacting, they left quietly from the outskirts of didu. Although many forces in didu were watching Xingtian, after Xingtian condensed their breath, they could no longer lock on Xingtian's whereabouts and could only watch. Xing Tian disappeared without a trace!

"Asshole, let this madman escape our sight again. I have to say that this madman is beyond our imagination in hiding his whereabouts. It is very difficult to take him down. Unless we can dispatch all of them, we can lay the net and let There is no escape for this lunatic, but this is also impossible. We dare not do this, nor can we do it. We can't afford the serious consequences. After all, we are not only the enemy of Xingtian!"

"Forget it, since the Queen Empress can persuade this madman and let him stop for the time being, this is also a blessing in our misfortune. At least we have an accurate time. No matter how hidden this madman is, his ultimate goal is Sure, he will go to the border, and he will use the battle at the border to accumulate himself. The killing avenue is his biggest weakness. Where there is killing, there is war, there will be the figure of this lunatic, our people We are still at the border. It won’t take long before Xingtian’s whereabouts will be exposed. We don’t need to be too impatient. We are anxious. The alien race is even more impatient. Wait, see what the alien race reacts and see if this lunatic can Avoid the killings of the alien race!"


For Xing Tian, ​​a slightly sensible powerhouse will understand his ultimate goal, but the forces behind these powerhouses can really achieve their wishes and be able to strangle Xing Tian in the border. I am afraid that they even have the breath of Xing Tian. They couldn't lock it, and what to use to hang Xingtian and kill with a knife depends on whether the knife is profitable.

With Xing Tian’s departure, many wealthy families in didu breathed a sigh of relief. The crisis has finally been resolved temporarily. As for what will happen in the future, that is another question. For them, as long as they have some breathing time, they can Find a way to resolve it. If it is impossible, you can also unite with the aliens and hang the lunatic Xingtian together. As for the so-called righteousness, they don’t have it in their hearts. They don’t care about cooperating with aliens, because they have no human care in their hearts, and they have only their own interests !

All forces in didu can clearly see Xingtian’s thoughts, and Taipingdao is no exception. After confirming Xingtian’s whereabouts, the power of Taipingdao moved again, and another group of people madly walked out of the nest of Taipingdao. Heading to the border, in order to be foolproof and to kill Xingtian, Taipingdao also made a big move this time and arranged a lot of manpower for every important border town of the empire, because they did not want to miss any more and did not want Xingtian to escape again. Own control.

Some people are happy and some are worried. The movement of the Taipingdao makes other forces of the people irritable. They all understand what the Taipingdao wants to do. This is completely aimed at Xingtian. It is good to say that the Taipingdao can succeed, but the problem is not. It's too big, but if Taipingdao fails, it will directly anger the lunatic, and it will make the situation out of control and make the internal chaos uneasy.

The empress empress was able to use justice to serve Xing Tian and let Xing Tian stop, but once Taiping Dao made her move, the problem would be serious. Xing Tian could not stop again. A crazy killing would inevitably be staged outside the border. Civil strife will also make alien races more crazy, put more pressure on the empire, and greatly impact the luck of the race.

"Asshole, these lunatics in Taiping Road don’t know what to let go. No matter what they think and what calculations they have, at this time they really shouldn’t continue to provoke the lunatic Xingtian, and shouldn’t cause everyone a huge trouble. If something big happens, the **** of Taiping Road can pay all the responsibilities. They are challenging our bottom line!"

"So what? Under such circumstances, do we dare to completely turn our faces and part ways with these lunatics of Taipingdao? No, we dare not do this. No matter how arrogant and overbearing Taipingdao, we are all members of the human power. , We can’t lack their power. After all, this is a catastrophe, and we have to face the impact of all foreign races.”

"Yeah, you said you were talking about righteousness again. It is precisely because you have repeatedly considered righteousness that this makes the madman of Taipingdao so arrogant and domineering, so that we don't put us in the eyes. In fact, we should have taken action long ago. A lesson for the bastards, otherwise they wouldn’t know what convergence is, or what is enough to stop. We can’t just let it go, or things will become more cruel and uncontrollable, which will put pressure on us. Double!"

"Oh! Do you think I am willing to make such a choice? I can't do anything about it. Who will let these lunatics of Peace Road master the powerful power and the power of bewitching? This power does not have much effect on us, but it can As far as the main forces are concerned, this is a huge threat and an unbearable threat. They will inevitably make a counterattack. Once the war is over, the entire human civilization will face a life-and-death crisis and will face the enemy's crazy counterattack."

"Arrange people to warn the **** of the peace road so that they can stop at their own pace. We don't want to see the emergence of wars. At least internal wars cannot occur. No matter how much hatred they have with the lunatic Xingtian, how much cause and effect they have, they cannot affect the human race. The internal stability and unity should not allow foreign races to read jokes. If peaceful lunatics have to provoke and test our bottom line, then give them a heavy blow and let them call violence!"

When the situation reached this point, when the luck of the human race was under tremendous pressure, other forces in the realm battlefield world finally couldn't bear it, and had to warn these lunatics in Taipingdao and let them stop.

Close hand? No, the number of lunatics in the Peace Road will not do this. No matter how much pressure and horror they face, these lunatics will go forward bravely and recklessly launch wars. War is their root and they are the masters. No matter how powerful Xing Tian depends on the human race, he is only one person and cannot be compared with them!

When the various forces warned the Taipingdao, the powerful people of Taipingdao did not take it in their minds. In their opinion, no matter how crazy these madmen clamor, it is just bluffing and will be fruitless. , There must be a result, it must be his own final victory, no matter how big the background Xing Tian has, he cannot fight Taipingdao. For the Avenue of Stars on Xing Tian's body, they can pay all the price, and they can hang Xing Tian at all costs. No one can stop them from taking the Stars Inheritance. Regardless of the power, Taiping Dao will pay it with all its strength.

"Haha, it's really interesting. These **** of Taipingdao have no scruples. They have increased their killing intent without sacrificing themselves. Their power has appeared in the border. It seems that they have also hidden a huge amount in the border of the empire. Strength, I want to strangle me in the border, but that’s good, I can also take advantage of the border to explore the reality of the Taiping Dao, see what power they have, dare to be at this time, under this situation, and I am coming to an endless life-and-death duel. What confidence do they have to fight with me!" Sensing the storm at the border, the killing intent in Xing Tian's heart is boiling again. When Xing Tian condenses the real body of Gods and Demons, when Xing Tian gathers If the Slaughter Avenue has no fetus, the power of the Slaughter Avenue will affect Xing Tian all the time, and Xing Tian’s mental fluctuations will also make the Slaughter Avenue ups and downs. This is the horror of the Slaughter Avenue. This is the horror of the Slaughter Avenue. People who are not determined enough. Will only fall into the slave of the killing, will only be eroded by the power of the killing!

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