God of Destruction

Chapter 4014: Festival

Chapter Four Thousand and Fourteenth

The Slaughter Avenue can only grow up and mature during the killing. The Slaughter Avenue is a **** road. There is no mercy along the way. There is only killing. Xing Tian knows that, his enemy It is also clear that although those enemies understand that once the plan fails, once the siege fails, it will only bring huge gains to Xingtian, allowing him to go further on the road of killing, but under the lure of interests, those Greedy people can’t refuse, so there are countless calculations in the border, and there are countless enemies waiting for Xingtian to appear, whether it is human or alien, there are countless This is the situation Xing Tian faces.

People robbery! This is the power of human calamity. Whether it is Xingtian’s deity or clone, you must face it. Human calamity cannot be ended once or twice. The practice of Slaughter Avenue is accompanied by endless human calamity and chaos. The same is true for the Avenue of Gods and Demons, and it is precisely this way, whether it is the deity or the clone, Xing Tian is facing a huge threat at this time.

The deity was targeted by Taiping Dao. Although the deity was not completely exposed, it is not easy for Taiping Dao to find the deity. After all, the deity is protected and sheltered by the great treasure of the Dao, but the clone is different. After the aura of the clone broke out, people from all forces locked the border, and they all determined that the border was the place Xingtian must go, especially the northern land where Moro was located, which was even more terrifying, even the king of the north. Was shocked by this series of changes.

As the king of the north, although Moreau did not really control the entire north in his own hands, he has already mastered the general situation. Everything in the north can hardly escape his eyeliner. He is deeply aware that he is in his northern realm. How many enemies are there who understand what a terrible war will erupt once Xing Tian returns to the north, and what a terrible **** storm will be triggered!

"Oh! I hope Xing Tian can be more sensible, understand how dangerous the land of the north is today, and retreat in the face of difficulties, and choose other frontiers, otherwise even the king of the north will not guarantee his safety. There are so many enemies that have sneaked into the northern land, so many that make me the king of the north feel uneasy and fearful!" When he said this, Moreau shook his head involuntarily, with endless emotion in his heart. Endless sorrow, if it is said that the most stressful one in the border, it is naturally he, the king of the north, he, the first king of the border, it can be said that he has too many enemies here.

reason? Retire in trouble? No, this has never appeared in Xingtian's body. When practicing the Great Way of Killing, how could it be possible to retreat because of the large number of enemies and the dangers. If you don’t even see the enemy, you are scared to retreat without a frontal fight, that’s not rational , It’s not called retreat in the face of difficulties, but cowardice, which will make one's own killing avenue collapse directly. The killing avenue has never retreated, and there is no fear of war. Even if you die, you must die on the road of killing, on the road of charging. It is the real avenue of killing!

"Here, it won’t take long for Xingtian, a lunatic, to appear in the north. No matter how much he does, he can’t completely hide his aura. I can be sure that Xingtian’s lunatic is really heading north. We will soon enter the north. We must take full action and thoroughly monitor Morrow’s every move. Xing Tian does not appear in the north. As soon as he appears, he will see Morrow as soon as possible. As long as we monitor Morrow, You must be able to find the lunatic Xing Tian!"

Those enemies who really mastered the secret of the calculation were all madly deducing the secret of the secret, and their targets were placed on Moro, the king of the north. They all believed that Xing Tian must see Moro, if there is Moro's. By helping each other, Xing Tian can be a lot easier in the northern land, and can also have more room for return, so in their hearts they looked for Moreau!

Moreau is very clear about the behavior of the enemies lurking in the north. Although he knew he was being targeted by these bastards, Moreau could not react at all, and could not take action against these **** because of a but If you make a big shot at them, it will immediately intensify the madness of these bastards, and the entire north will fall into chaos, and your army will inevitably be restrained by them. At that time, he will no longer be able to resist the impact of foreign races. Withstand the barbarian's iron cavalry impact.

Moreau really wanted to contact Xing Tian to stop Xing Tian from coming, but he was powerless, because Moreau couldn't contact Xing Tian at all. No matter how impatient his heart was, he couldn't change the changes in the northern land. The crazy actions of those **** can't stop the pressure of the aliens. You must know that the power of the north is not only facing internal chaos, but also facing the crazy oppression of the barbarian cavalry. The huge barbarian cavalry once again returned to the north. Besides, Moro had to pay attention to it!

Xing Tian is very clear about his own situation, because every time he takes a step north, Xing Tian can feel that the murderous intent he faces is increasing, and the pressure he is under is increasing, which means that the land of the north is full of endless murderous intent. , Full of endless danger, he is stepping into the trap set by the enemy step by step.

It can be said that for today’s Xingtian, every step forward is a sharpening of his own soul, a test of his will, such a terrifying impact, such a terrible pressure, not everyone can bear, and Xingtian’s clone But he didn't shrink back, and he still went north firmly, every step was so firm and crazy.

Is the danger scary? This is relatively speaking. From Xingtian's point of view, danger is also an opportunity. His path of cultivation has never been smooth sailing. His path of cultivation has always been accompanied by blood and rain. No matter how dangerous and terrible the road ahead is, it will be all. It’s just that the test of one’s own practice is an opportunity for one’s own path of practice. When you step through the dangerous danger, you will reap a huge source of origin and the accumulation of the source of the great path. There should be no fear on this great path. The heart should face up to the difficulties, cut out a **** road of its own from that endless battle, and pave its own road with the enemy's corpses!

With Xing Tian's continuous advancement, the heavens and the earth are constantly changing, and the atmosphere of the Great Tribulation is becoming more and more intense. The entire world is enveloped by the terrible Tribulation Qi, countless creatures are affected by the Tribulation Qi, and the entire world changes. It becomes weird and irritable, countless conflicts are breaking out in this world, whether it is a foreign race or a human race, such small conflicts are endless. This is not anyone, any force can stop it. This is the general trend of the world. In the face of the general situation of the world, no one party can stop it, because they all know that this power is terrible and understand the horror of the great catastrophe.


"Either Xingtian does not appear. As long as he appears, it means the official outbreak of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. There is no longer any power that can stop the evolution of the Great Tribulation. All forces must face a more terrifying pressure, the ancient gods. The impact of the demon, any force that has entered the world of the secret realm knows that the ultimate black hand of this world catastrophe is not Xingtian, but the ancient gods and demons. It is the will of the world, and Xingtian is just the person who should be robbed, the person who promotes the catastrophe! "

"Yes, although everyone does not want to see the premature outbreak of the Great Tribulation, but the original vows restricted everyone, no one can stop all of this, and it is not only the will of the world, but also our companions. With that alien race, it can be said that all forces are silently driving the outbreak of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and pushing the arrival of the storm. This is something that no one can stop. In the face of the general trend of the world, anyone who tries to block will be caught by the wheels of the times. Crush it!"

"You said that Xingtian, a lunatic, would really enter the northern land and really meet Moro. I always think this is a bit unreliable. Although Xingtian is crazy, madness does not mean he is ignorant. What is the northern land? The situation, I think Xing Tian is clear, how could he ignorantly jump into this trap, and even if he really will go to the north, he will definitely meet Moreau, Moreau does have a strong army, But does Xingtian need Morrow's asylum?"

"Oh! This is not something you and I can decide. This is the decision of the sect. We can only follow orders. Whether right or wrong, we must obey the arrangements of the sect. We must stare at Moreau and his barracks. No matter how "confused" you are, you can't change yourself, or you should understand how terrible the consequences of failure are!"

Those lurking people who are truly in the northern land can clearly feel the changes in the northern land today, they can feel the terrible killing intent in the air, they can also feel Moreau’s anger, and the northern army. But they cannot change their anger, they can only follow orders, because in the eyes of the martial arts, they are just pawns.

Time flies, Xing Tian finally appeared in the northern land. When Xing Tian stepped into the northern land, a terrible killing intent fell on Xing Tian frantically. The entire northern land seemed to be a huge In the Land of Killing, endless killing intent is concentrated in the sky above the north, and the target of this killing intent is himself. In just a moment, Xing Tian can feel how amazing his enemies are in the entire northern land. It seems that the entire human race is Almost all the forces arranged manpower to besiege themselves.

"Haha! These **** really look up to me, and they actually laid out this kind of netting. It seems that they really have the determination to never die with me. Such a terrible lineup is indeed prohibitive. It is a pity that Xingtian has never believed in fate. I always have the determination to live toward death, so let me see if you can bring me death, and see if I fell first, or if you fell first, Moreau, I won’t go there. We meet outside the border, meet in the barbarian battlefield!"

At this moment, Xing Tian did not feel the breath of his mother. He could not perceive the breath of his mother in the entire northern land. Originally, Xing Tian entered the northern land not only to have an endless **** battle with the enemy, but also to see On the side of my mother, I learned more about Taipingdao from my mother. After all, I have the blood of Taipingdao!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian's ideas fell through. His mother had already left the Northern Lands. Will her mother be in danger or be tricked by the enemy? Xingtian didn’t think it would happen. Xingtian believed in his mother’s power and Moro’s integrity. If his mother really had an accident in the north, Morrow would notify him as soon as possible. It’s impossible to do nothing, Morrow. Not a stupid person, nor a perfidious person, this situation shows that his mother took the initiative to leave.

"It doesn’t matter if I leave, after all, this border is very dangerous. When a war breaks out, no one can guarantee my own safety. Without my mother’s concern, I can let go of a battle and fight the enemy without any consideration. In this **** battle, I condense the treasure of my own origin avenue in this killing, carrying my slaughter avenue. I hope this great catastrophe will not let me fail, and hope that those **** enemies will not let me down and can give me enough nutrients. !"

When he said this, a cruel look gradually appeared on Xing Tian’s face. After shook his head gently, Xing Tian muttered to himself: "Come on, let us come to the battlefield to fight for life and death, I Xing Tian is waiting for your arrival in the battlefield!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian raised his head and glanced at the barracks of Na Moro, and then strode out of the border, towards the barbaric territory. At this time, Xing Tian's heart had already let go of everything and became extremely incomparable. Calm, extremely calm, and equally terrifying, Xing Tian without concern is the most terrifying, and the most dangerous.

"Appeared, the breath of the **** Xing Tian appeared, **** it, how could this lunatic not be in the north, how could he appear in the territory of the barbarians, why didn't he come to see Moreau, what is going on? "When everyone discovered that Xing Tian's breath appeared among the alien races, they were all shocked, crazy about it, and angry about it.

Yes, when Xing Tian didn’t care about it, he entered directly into the barbarian’s territory, directly exploding his own breath, and directly challenged all enemies. This is Xing Tian, ​​this is his madness, this is his. adhere to.

When Xing Tian was so crazy and so arrogantly challenging the enemy, all the forces were shocked. They did not expect such a shocking change. Whether it was a human or a foreign race, they never thought that Xingtian would dare to be there. Under this circumstance, they challenged all their forces and provoke everyone so naked, "naked", and "naked" so that they can truly see what is going to be mad and what is called death. Xingtian is the true nature of madness and death. representative.

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