God of Destruction

Chapter 4015: Fear

Chapter 4015 Fear

I am here, I am here waiting for you! This is what Xing Tian meant, to provoke all enemies so unscrupulously, he did not hide his intentions at all, and didn't care if he would be besieged by the enemy, as if life and death were really worthless.

"Damn it, is this a trap? This **** shouldn't be so stupid no matter how crazy, so ignorantly provoking everything, even if the ancestors dare not do this, I think there must be a big problem here, this **** He must have laid a net of heaven and earth waiting for us to be arrested, so he dared to be so crazy, even this **** colluded with alien races!" After shock, those people of Human Race could not help but think that this is a The big conspiracy.

The human race in the northern border suspected that Xingtian had a conspiracy, and even colluded with foreign enemies. The barbarians and other alien races also thought it was a conspiracy, but they felt that this was a trap deliberately set by Xingtian and the human race to deliberately Entice them to throw themselves into the net, otherwise Xing Tian will not be so crazy that he will not enter their territory alone, and he dares to exude his own breath so unscrupulously and challenge all enemies. If such unusual behavior is not a problem, Even if they were killed, they would not believe that such a crazy trap made the barbarians angry!

"Damn the human race, always playing this kind of shameful deeds, always playing us like fools, do they think we will be deceived in this way? It would be too stupid for us to be tricked by such an obvious conspiracy. I really thought that if we made a little movement in the imperial capital, and then came outside of this border to provoke, we would bump into the trap they arranged. It was so ridiculous. They thought we didn't know how many powerful enemies there are in the north? "

"Yeah, these **** human races are always so self-righteous. They always think we are stupid. After being deceived the first time, they will not repent and will always be deceived by them. How could we be fooled again by such an obvious trap? Just wait and see what tricks those **** can play, and see how they end up!"

"Yes, we just didn't make a move, we just missed the trick. See what these **** do. They sneaked into so many masters in the north for a short time. They really knew nothing about us and didn't even notice. Even the **** Morro remained silent, as if he knew nothing about the masters in his northern land. How could we not know such an obvious conspiracy? I wonder if they can continue to consume it like this!"

"Hmph, ignorant human race, if Moreau made a big move before and had a head-on contest with those masters in the border, maybe their conspiracy could still succeed, but now they want to plot against us, this is simply a dream, Moreau What is the relationship between that **** and Xing Tian, ​​does he think we don’t know at all? This **** can become the king of the north, but Xing Tian is a lunatic holding it in one hand. Without the full assistance of Xing Tian, ​​it will be based on Moro’s point. Power also wanted to be the king of the north. There was such a friendship between them, but at this moment Moreau had no reaction at all. Who would believe the provocation of Xingtian, a lunatic, if anyone stepped into the trap again, it would be true. Stupid!"

Good guy, the Human Race regards Xingtian’s provocation as a trap, and the barbarians do the same. They don’t believe that there is no conspiracy behind Xingtian’s crazy provocation. They are unwilling to act rashly, and are unwilling to step into the other party’s arrangements. In the trap, after all, there is only one life, no one wants to risk his life.

Xing Tian would not believe that his actions not only did not cause the enemy's siege, but also made the enemy vigilant, did not dare to act rashly, and regarded his provocation as a trap, but this is reality. People have become extremely vigilant and cautious, and they dare not take it lightly, in case one accidentally ends up dying!

"What does Xing Tian want to do? At this time, to make such a move, he really has to challenge all enemies, or he has set up a trap and is waiting for those enemies to jump in one by one. If this is a trap, I'm afraid It's hard to achieve what you want. Those **** are not good to deceive. Just look at the reactions of these **** and you know what they think!" When understanding the reaction of the forces in the border, Moreau, the king of the north, couldn't help it. He sighed secretly, and was a little surprised at Xing Tian's actions, a little bit puzzled, and a little disapproving. In his opinion, he really had to fight the enemy to life and death, and he didn't need to be so direct. At this time, under such circumstances , No one dares to accept such a straightforward invitation!

"Forget it, let Xingtian go. Since he wants to do this, he must have his own reasons. As a strong reincarnation, he has a lot of things in his heart. There is no need for someone like me to worry about it. If someone can threaten Xingtian's safety, the situation will not become so weird. If the time is prolonged, Xingtian might give up by himself!"

give up? Xing Tian would not do this anticlimactic thing, although after he provoked, he did not get the enemy's response, and even the entire border became strange and peaceful, whether it was a barbarian, or various forces in the human race, or even the one who always wanted to be right. The peace roads that hurt the killer were also temporarily converged, as if they did not see their own provocations!

"Damn, what do these **** want to do, do they even have the courage to go out of the city, or are there any circumstances that I don't know?" After waiting for a long time, I haven't seen anyone stand up to respond, and there is no strong When the enemy came to siege himself, Xing Tian couldn't help but be puzzled. This situation exceeded Xing Tian's imagination!

auzw.com For Xing Tian, ​​he never thought that someone would doubt his determination or his will to fight, but in the midst of the tribulation, the enemy became extremely vigilant and cautious. As long as you don’t understand Xing Tian’s purpose, you will not dare to act rashly, because if you fail, you will lose your life. No one doubts Xing Tian’s power or Xing Tian’s cruelty!

Time passed bit by bit, and three days passed in a blink of an eye. During the three days, Xing Tian did not feel any threat. The entire border was peaceful, and there was no barbarian army nearby. The movement, as if not seeing himself, as if there was no army in the barracks, everything was so strange.

Xing Tian also carefully inspected the barbarian army. There is a strong energy and blood in the barracks, with hundreds of thousands of army aura, but these **** have turned a blind eye to their provocations. This result makes Xing Tian think Suspicious, Xing Tian wanted to come and kill him, but he finally gave up the idea. It is one thing to challenge the enemy outside the border, and it is another thing to take the initiative to kill the door. Outside the border, even if there is an army. During the siege, Xing Tian was also confident that he could blaze a trail of blood and retreat all over his body, but he took the initiative to kill the enemy camp, which was killing himself. Xing Tian did not have the confidence to be able to kill ten thousand enemies, or even hundreds of thousands. The army, the iron cavalry is killing the encirclement, you must know that the military camp is dangerous!

"What are these **** thinking, are they really so careful, so careful, not even dare to respond to my own challenge, dare not to have a life and death confrontation with me, they want to determine whether I am One person, this is not a difficult thing, but why are they so slow?" Xing Tian shook his head gently, thinking, but Xing Tian still couldn't figure it out, and he didn't understand why these enemies were. After all, Xing Tian didn't know what these people were thinking. Thoughts.

For the enemy, the more confident Xing Tian was and the more single he was, the more it showed that there was a big problem. From the perspective of all forces in the human race, if Xing Tian did not collude with the barbarians, he was in the barbarian army. Not far away, why the barbarians turned a blind eye to him, and there was no sign of besieging him. This clearly shows that there is a big problem. It is clear that they want to pit them to death, as long as they move and step into the area where Xingtian is located , Will be besieged by barbarians!

In the view of the barbarians, Xing Tian went to this border alone, and not far away from his army. This clearly shows that there are problems and traps. No matter how strong a person is, he dare not directly challenge a number. An army of one hundred thousand, unless that person is crazy, regardless of his own life and death, but Xing Tian is crazy, but he is not a fool who has given up his life. In their view, this clearly means that he is deliberately tempting his army to move forward, and then take advantage of himself. When the army was dispatched, let the king of the north, the army of Moreau, who was in the important town over there, find a chance to attack, and let his army suffer a devastating blow.

Three days later, Xing Tian’s challenge did not receive a single response. At this time, Xing Tian was also a little anxious. Things were so weird that Xing Tian couldn’t help but ponder over what went wrong. When Xing Tian thought about it carefully, soon Just discover the problem, understand the worry and fear of those enemies, and understand the fear in their hearts.

"Haha! It's ridiculous, a large army and all the forces will be scared by me alone. This spread out is really funny, conspiracies and traps, they are really open-minded, they dare to think about everything. If I really had a conspiracy, I wouldn’t do it so unbearably that they could be seen through by ignorant people like them. It’s just that these **** have not dared to go to war. This situation will be a bit difficult. If the time is dragged on for too long, it will be bad for me. It is very unfavorable. After all, over time, these enemies will not be able to bear it and will send troops to test. Once such a situation occurs, their situation will be dangerous. At that time, the enemy will inevitably be fully prepared and want to It's very difficult to retreat all over, these **** won't give me this opportunity!"

Soon Xing Tian saw his own hidden dangers, and saw the dangers of the situation. The longer he dragged on, the more disadvantaged he was, the greater the pressure he would have to bear, and the risk he would fall into In a desperate situation.

"No, I can't wait like this aimlessly. Since these **** don't dare to go to war, then I will force them to go to war. They are not afraid that I will have conspiracies and tricks. They are afraid that I will lay a net here and dare not start the war lightly. I will break the deadlock and go straight into the depths of the barbarians to see how calm and steady the barbarian army is!"

Time waits for no one. There is really not much time left for Xing Tian. He didn't want to waste his own time, so with a thought, Xing Tian strode away from the spot, headed into the depths of the barbarians, and jumped directly past the barbarian army. Defensively, it goes directly into the enemy’s interior. Unless these savages are really good-tempered and can stay with the world, but the savages cannot do this. For them, they have never compromised. When the killing precepts are started, it will not take long for the barbarians to move. When the barbarians move, the power of the human race will naturally move. Opportunities may appear at that time!

"Time waits for no one. Since these mixed collectors dare not take action, I will force them to take action. If they dare not participate in the war, I will force them to join the war. I will see how much benefit I can get back in the end and what trouble it will bring to the enemy. This time I will target the savages to see how long they can endure, and see if they can let me into the rear!"

After talking about this, Xing Tian shook his head slightly. Such a determination Xing Tian has, but he understands what consequences he will bring if he does this, and what a terrible situation he will fall into. If you are not careful, you will really die, you will really fall into the heavy siege of barbarians, but now Xing Tian has no other way, unless Xing Tian is willing to stop here, is willing to give up the previous plan, give up this killing, give up on this Motivated by the Great Tribulation!

Passivity is not a result Xing Tian is willing to accept. It means danger behind it, it means unknown, it means that everything is not in his control, in the midst of this terrible crisis, if he cannot take the initiative to attack , Can’t take the initiative to grasp the general trend. For practitioners like themselves who are walking the road against the sky, it is a dead end. Waiting will only lead to destruction, and only waiting until death. Only if you go forward courageously, and only take the initiative, can you get from there. In the crisis, there is a **** road, a road that belongs to the sky, and perhaps I will fall on this road to the sky, but I will never fall in the waiting, and will not be eroded by the general trend of the world. A little bit of destruction, even if you die, you have to die vigorously, you are just a clone, even if it is death, there will not be too much loss, if it is successful, it will be endless gain!

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