God of Destruction

Chapter 4016: Save land

The fourth thousand and sixteenth chapter is killing intent

When Xing Tian entered the desert and continued to deepen into the territory of the barbarians, the yellow sand around him gave people a feeling of incomparable killing. In this yellow sand, Xing Tian felt the endless murderous intent. There are endless horrors hidden under the yellow sand. This is not a general murder, not a murder created by creatures, but a murder created by nature. The world has its own murder, and the same is true in today’s yellow sand. With endless vitality, and behind this vitality, there is endless killing intent. Walking on this piece of yellow sand, Xing Tian can feel the terrible murderous intent from under the yellow sand, even if he is practicing the killing avenue. I was shocked at this kind of innate murderous intent. If this kind of murderous aura can be absorbed by myself and turned into my own nutrients, my own killing avenue will be more perfect and further!

The idea is good, but the reality is extremely cruel. Xing Tian is not stupid enough to hit the endless murderous idea under the yellow sand. This is a natural murderous intent. In this murderous intent, there is the power of heaven and earth. At this time, this Under the circumstances, I can feel the murderous intent in the yellow sand so clearly, and the innate murderous intent. If there is no problem in this, Xing Tian would not believe it. This is definitely the temptation of the will of heaven and earth. If you are at this time If you act boldly and swallow the murderous intent under this yellow sand, you are afraid that the origin of your killing avenue will be affected by the heaven and earth avenue, and the origin of your killing avenue will be eroded.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. The more you are at this time, the more you have to be cautious, and you can't be sloppy. Even if all this is just your own guess, Xing Tian is willing to believe it. After all, the road he has taken is very The danger and danger are hidden in the whole world and everything. Although he needs to kill most now to cultivate his own source of killing, he needs murder to strengthen his source, but Xing Tian is still wary of this sudden murder.

No matter how terrifying and huge the murderous intent under this yellow sand is, Xing Tian is unmoved, and he still faces everything calmly, facing this world of yellow sand rolling, facing the force that is constantly eroding himself. , Yes, the murderous intent under the yellow sand is constantly eroding Xing Tian, ​​constantly pouring into Xing Tian's body, as if to merge with Xing Tian.

The killing intent of the earth, the dragon and the snake, walked on the yellow sand step by step, Xing Tian gradually felt the crisis, and he repeatedly and repeatedly refused to absorb the killing intent under the yellow sand, which finally caused this land to suffer. Anger, a terrible force is gathering under the yellow sand. This force makes Xing Tian feel the threat of death. This is the anger of heaven and earth. This is the hidden danger that he has been worried about. There is no free lunch in the world. There will be gains, and gaining for nothing is hidden danger after all!

"Earth killing intent, it seems that my earth robbery is finally coming. Come on, let this killing intent come more violently, let me see what is hidden under this yellow sand, innate killing intent is stronger, but endless Over the years, I don’t know how many creatures have been swallowed in this piece of yellow sand, so let me take a look at what is buried under this yellow sand, let me take a look at the power of this wrath of heaven and earth!" Xing Tian's eyes showed a ray of madness. Xing Tian was not afraid of this disaster. On the contrary, he was very much looking forward to its outbreak, expecting this yellow sand to set off a terrible storm, a storm sweeping the world.

He is calculating the enemy, and why this piece of heaven and earth is not calculating himself, ever since he practiced the avenue of killing, and since he fell into the eyes of the will of heaven and earth, Xing Tian knew that his every move would cause turmoil in the heaven and earth, and it would cause great turmoil. Crisis, and now I may be stepping into the trap of heaven and earth step by step.

The yellow sand is rolling and murderous. In such a situation, under such a weird atmosphere, how dare Xing Tian take it lightly, how dare to ignore the terrible yellow sand, and what crisis this world has arranged for himself, Xing Tian is thinking, Heaven and earth rise, earth dragon turns over? No, Xing Tian shook his head lightly. The matter should not have reached this point, and even if the earth dragon turned over, he would never want to cause harm to himself. After all, no matter how powerful the world is, Xing Tian could not be held back, and it broke out at this time. The earth dragon turned over, and it was a bit of a masterpiece, after all, he had not reached the end of the mountains and rivers, and had not fallen into the crisis of death!

While Xing Tian was thinking about it, the powerful humans in the frontier were shocked by Xing Tian’s actions, and the barbarians were also shocked. No one thought that Xing Tian would make such a choice and would not retreat and continue to The barbarian went deep into the barbarian territory, single-handedly entered the barbarian's area, and directly went deep into the barbarian territory.

"Damn, what exactly does this madman want to do? Does he know what he is doing? At this time, in this situation, entering the depths of the barbarian realm, this is not self-defeating, once he is besieged by the barbarian army, No matter how powerful the lunatic Xing Tian is, he cannot change the current situation of the world."

"I don’t know, no one can know what this madman is thinking. Maybe he didn’t take everything before him too seriously in his heart, or maybe this is still a trick to lure us into deep conspiracy, as long as we don’t give up. The greed in our hearts, as long as we want to seize the inheritance and opportunities in Xing Tian's hands, we must follow him!"

"Hey! It's really embarrassing. It's not easy to compete with this madman. Let's leave him alone for the time being. Let's see how other people choose. There will always be people who can't help but send troops and try. , We must be able to see Xing Tian’s true thoughts clearly, we can find his flaws, and we can put him to death!"

Putting hope on others is a big failure. I don’t even have the courage to be confident, and I don’t even have the confidence to fight to the death. I also want to take advantage of Xing Tian and benefit from Xing Tian. I can only say that these people are too much. Self-righteous, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, the catastrophe is full of dangers, and opportunities are changing rapidly. When you see opportunities, you must go forward and give up your life, be cautious, and wait for others to take action. This will only make yourself move step by step. The abyss, toward destruction!

There are too many human forces, and all forces are gathered in the northern land. Although they are covering their whereabouts, how can so many forces and so many powerful people gather here to do comprehensively? How could it be unknown, not to mention Moro, the king of the north, the earth snake is very clear about their situation, that is, their fellows are aware of each other’s whereabouts and their existence, this time Hope to rest on other people can only be said to be a big joke, because too many people have such illusions and want to reap the benefits of the fisherman.


The human race is watching and waiting, but the barbarians can’t afford to wait and cannot ignore Xingtian’s depth. When Xingtian deepens, they blow up the pot, and everyone is terrified. Although they suspect that Xingtian has a conspiracy, They even knew the terrible consequences of letting Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, go deep into his own territory.

"What does the lunatic Xingtian want to do? Does he really have to fight us for life and death? Otherwise, how could he be so crazy, single-handedly hit the depths of our territory, he is not afraid of being blocked by us and besieged by our army, he What are he thinking about, what kind of conspiracy and tricks are hidden behind him, and how should we celebrate?"

"What is the reaction of those **** strong human races? What are the forces in the northern border doing? Are they also taking action? If they have a problem, it means that Xingtian must have a conspiracy in this bastard. If these **** did not I am afraid that we are all too cautious, and we have missed the opportunity to kill Xingtian in vain. Before this **** had no help at all!"

"Well, no matter what the matter is, no matter what this madman wants to do, we can't allow him to advance freely in the territory. If we let this madman target our tribe, you all know how dangerous the consequences are, even if we don’t For our own consideration, we must also consider for the tribe’s young and old. This time we must stop this bastard, and even if we can’t besiege him, we must drive him out of the grassland so as not to let him threaten our rear."

There are green states and grasslands in the desert. If Xingtian is really allowed to find the tribe’s living area, it will be a devastating blow to the entire tribe. No one thinks that Xingtian, a lunatic, will be soft-hearted and will let go of their tribe. Nowadays, the strong men in the tribe are all gathered at the border. This moment is the weakest time of the tribe. Once something happens, it is absolutely devastating.

"But I'm afraid this is a conspiracy. Once we divide our troops and return to the aid, the human race in the border will leave the city and kill us by surprise. You must know that there are countless strong people in the human race today. Following the army, under the division of the army, we are dead and without life, and there is no resistance at all. I do not agree with this decision. Either the whole army will retreat and strangle the lunatic Xingtian with all strength, or notify the rear to be prepared and let The royal family supports us and asks them to besieged Xingtian asshole. In short, we can't divide our troops, which is a dead end!"

silence! The barbarians present were silent for a moment. At this moment, they were all very embarrassed and did not know how to choose. Even if the whole army retreated, this was a big problem. The human army would not let them leave easily. Exposing flaws will inevitably lead to crazy pursuits by the human army. You must know that once the human race is determined to fight to the death, they are powerless to fight. It can be said that they are really in a dilemma now, and they really don't know how to choose!

"Report, Moro's army in the border gate did not move, nor did the strong from all sides, the whole border gate was extremely calm!" Soon the spies arranged by the tribe in the human border gate made a return, These barbarians know the situation at the border, but this result is also beyond their imagination, making them unbelievable.

How could this be? The Terran is really crazy, and it is really possible that Ping Xingtian, a lunatic, can threaten the rear of our army and force us to retreat. What do they want to do, what does Xingtian lunatic want to do? In such a short period of time, what conspiracy they arranged , Is it possible that we were wrong from beginning to end, the human race in the border has no connection with Xingtian? But this also doesn't make sense. Moreau and Xing Tian have a life and death relationship, how could he watch Xing Tian take risks alone?

When they didn’t know the human race’s reaction, the barbarians were eager to know and could make a choice, but now that they knew the human race’s reaction, the whole person was even more puzzled, and they didn’t know what the human race wanted to do, Xingtian, this lunatic What do you want!

"Time waits for no one. We don’t have so much time to think and guess what Xingtian this lunatic wants to do, what Human Race wants to do, we can’t give up our brothers and sisters, give up our parents, children, and withdraw our troops. The army will retreat tonight. With the cover of night and withdrawing to the tribe, Xingtian, a lunatic, should not be given a chance to attack the tribe’s residence in any case. Even if we suffer some losses, we will not hesitate to take the tribe first!"

Being forced to withdraw by Xing Tian alone is a big irony. It is a huge blow to the entire barbarian army. They all know that with such a decision, the military will inevitably shake, and then they want to gather the army’s fighting will. , It is not an easy task, retreating without a fight, this kind of shame makes everyone feel more pressure.

Perhaps this is the enemy's conspiracy, this is the calculation of the human race, they can force us to retreat with the lunatic Xing Tian, ​​so that the human race in the border can take a breath, and can give the **** More time more time Come to gather more troops so that the human race can have more reinforcements. Once they have the reinforcements, their action this time will be completely failed. If they want to threaten the human border, the price they need to pay will be even more terrifying. It’s just that one of their tribes can’t do it. Even if they gather more tribes, they can’t do it. Human races are fighting for time and buying time for their reinforcements. Xingtian, a lunatic, dares to take risks like this. Maybe he With the ability to retreat all over, he has the ability to ignore the siege of the army.

As a human race, he has been in charge of the humanitarian situation for endless years, and has countless treasures. Xingtian, a lunatic, has a treasure body that can retreat all over his body. It is not a big deal, and even if it is a siege, there is room for the treasure, completely You can advance and retreat from the beginning, unless the ancestors take the initiative to block the void, or just rely on the power of the army, it is impossible to limit the lunatic Xingtian and limit the power of the space treasure!

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