God of Destruction

Chapter 4021: Festival Avenue Call

The 4th and 21st Chapter Call of the Avenue

The kingdom of death is like a secret world. It becomes a world of its own. When it wants to appear in the world, it instinctively isolates all external forces and prevents the erosion of external forces. All the creatures in the yellow sand will be trapped in the kingdom of death until Someone can break through the blockade of the kingdom of death and break the void, and now the kingdom of death has not yet emerged. Even if everyone deliberately breaks through the void, they can’t find the right direction. The entire land of yellow sand has become a terrible labyrinth. The creatures are trapped in it, and at this time all the creatures in the yellow sand also feel the temptation from the kingdom of death, feel the temptation of the great road in the kingdom of death, and every creature feels the temptation from death in their hearts. The call of the kingdom, this is the call of the great road!

Facing the call of the avenue, no creature can resist this temptation. The avenue is supreme. When there is the opportunity to contact the avenue inheritance, who will give up, no one will be so stupid. At this time, even if their ancestors show up to stop it, it will not There will be people who follow orders, the avenue is more important than everything, and they can abandon everything for the avenue. This is the charm of the avenue and this is the weakness of all beings!

"The Avenue Summoning, it seems that I underestimated the inheritance of this land of yellow sand. I'm afraid it is another strange place where ancient gods and demons are buried. The origin of the death road is summoned. It seems that there is a death **** and monster buried here. I don’t know what this **** and demon left behind, how many ancient origins and the essence of the road of death are retained under this yellow sand?” When I felt the call of the road in the kingdom of death, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. Faced with this situation, Xing Tian also sighed in his heart. How terrifying is the temptation of the avenue, Xing Tian knew clearly in his heart, when the temptation of the avenue, all the creatures in the entire yellow sand land They will be crazy about it, and they will do everything to inherit it.

At this time, Xing Tian also had a faint worry in his heart. At this time, when he was about to save the calamity, there were ancient gods and demons inheriting the present world, and it was the inheritance of death gods and demons. Without a black hand, Xing Tian would not believe it. The only explanation is that he has been targeted by the will of heaven and earth again, and this time the other party really has to put himself to death, without any reservations, innate murder, and the power of disaster. , The power of human calamity, and coupled with the inheritance of the imminent ancient gods and demons, all the powers merged together to form a terrible death lore, and I was trapped here.

When feeling the change of the yellow sand, Xing Tian's first thought was to leave through the air, even if it was to temporarily abandon the transformation of his own avenue, abandon the perfection of the killing avenue, but also to avoid this terrible lore, but Xingtian found himself soon It is inevitable, the entire land of yellow sand is shrouded in a terrifying force, and this force connects the heaven and the earth, and it is impossible to break it with one's own strength. Although his strength has increased a lot, it is compared with the whole world. Not worth mentioning at all.

"It's a big handwriting, and a perfect scheming. It seems that my transformation has already made the will of heaven and earth intolerable. The Slaughter Avenue has threatened the survival of the will of heaven and earth, making it feel threatened. So at this time, this situation He laid such a net, he wanted to completely kill himself in the yellow sand, and cut off all his vitality." In an instant, Xing Tian finally understood the situation and understood how dangerous the environment he was now in. How terrible!

"What is the power of Slaughter Avenue, it is worth the price of the will of heaven and earth, and you must kill yourself, what secrets are hidden in the complete Slaughter Avenue? You must know that this is the only way for your own deity to practice Chaos Destruction Avenue. Does Slaughter Avenue also have Terrible power?" Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head when he thought of this. Although he had already walked a long way on the killing avenue, his killing avenue was not completely perfected, and it was not complete. Under this situation, he simply I can't guess what the hidden power is after the Slaughter Avenue is completed, and I don't understand what the will of heaven and earth is afraid of!

"Using the Avenue of Death as the bait to lure all creatures into the game, to lure yourself into the game, the Avenue of Slaughter and the Avenue of Death are closely related. The will of heaven and earth can't stand this temptation. Everything is under its control. Don’t know that everything will really go as it wishes? Can an existence that violates the rules really master the entire world, the world?"

Faced with such a bad situation, Xing Tian's heart seemed to be crushed by a huge boulder, and he was a little out of breath. It can be said that the pressure Xing Tian faced this time was too great. The Dao made Xing Tian himself a little unbearable, no Knowing why, Xing Tian's heart always has a kind of anxiety, as if he had overlooked something, as if he might be lost at any time, but how carefully Xing Tian investigated, he still couldn't find the problem. Xing Tian is more vigilant and uneasy!

In the middle of the game, you can't help it! When this step is reached, I cannot help myself. I have lost the initiative. The will of heaven and earth is controlling everything and is constantly exerting pressure on myself, whether it is the barbarian iron cavalry or the powerhouse of all human forces. In the end, they will all become their own enemies, and they will be immortal with themselves. This is a situation that they must face and cannot be changed. No matter what preparations they make, they will not be able to change the overall situation!

At this time, Xing Tian couldn’t help reflecting on himself. He went all the way to the north, whether what he did was obedience to his heart, or was affected by the will of heaven and earth, and was affected by the atmosphere of the catastrophe, allowing himself to step into such a dangerous place. Without knowing it, when I perceive the danger of the problem, everything is irretrievable. I have to face it all?

"Haha! It's this time, what's the use of thinking so much, even if all this is like my worst thoughts, so what? Everything has become a foregone conclusion. If you want to break the game, you need to use your own strength to fight. A **** road. When you set foot on this avenue against the sky, you should understand that there is no future. You can only use your own strength to create your own avenue to the sky. In this practice, no one can help yourself, and you can rely on it. There is only one's own power!"

Yes, all external forces in practice are unreliable. The most reliable is only one's own strength, one's own Dao, and the Dao of Slaughter. Even if Xing Tian has the intention to give up, can he really give up? If you don’t advance, you will retreat. For the average person, it’s no big deal to take a step back. There will be a chance to recover in the future. But for Xingtian, retreat means death. The way of going against the sky never retreats, only keep moving forward. When you stop, that is when your life ends!


Shaking his head gently, Xing Tian quickly made up his mind, no longer hesitating, and strode in the direction of the original call. No matter what dangers ahead, he must face it. This is his own way and this is his own. road!

A land of yellow sand like a maze can blind all senses, even if Xing Tian’s soul is strong, he cannot break through the shackles of this mysterious force. Xing Tian can only move forward along the induction. As for all surrounding Xing Tian, ​​it is difficult to grasp. Because the environment around him is changing every moment. As Xingtian who has learned about the Three Thousand Great Dao, he naturally knows that the change in the surrounding environment is not an illusion, but the evolution of the Dao. This is a realm of Dao, and the other is the **** of death. The supreme realm of demonic evolution.

Pulling the land of yellow sand directly into his own domain, it can be seen how terrifying and terrifying the ruins left by this death **** and demon. Although it just passed by, Xing Tian can understand. I feel the terrible power of death around me. This is the country of the dead. This is the place of death. You can't feel a trace of life here. Not only that, the source of death is constantly wiping out the vitality of oneself. , As if this land of death is going to destroy everything.

"In such a land of death, weak strength is sin. It is difficult for a weak person to resist the erosion of the origin of death, and cannot withstand the erosion of death. There is only one end, that is, the death of the body and the disappearance of the soul. Swallowed, turned into the nutrient of the dead country, I don’t know how the barbarians in the Yellow Sands face such a threat. They have a huge number, but there are no strong individuals, and how many people can fight against the erosion of death. To survive, I hope that they will not suffer heavy casualties, otherwise the power of this dead kingdom will be stronger, and the dangers they face will be even more terrifying!"

In contrast, Xing Tian believes that the strong human races can survive and resist the erosion of death. After all, they all possess powerful combat power, while the barbarian Qiaqia has no such ability. If the barbarian Qiaqia is complete The annihilation of the army here is not necessarily a good thing for myself or the world, but I cannot change it!

Xing Tian thought a little bit more. How could the will of heaven and earth leave such hidden dangers? Since he can pull the barbarian cavalry into the game, this barbarian cavalry naturally has the ability to resist the erosion of death. When he feels the erosion of the origin of death, the barbarian The leader gave an order, and the entire army of barbarians condensed into a battle formation, and everyone gathered into a powerful army formation. When the huge army formation came out, the powerful force of vitality and blood would resist the origin of death. At the same time, the battle formation It is also devouring the origin of death, strengthening the power of the battlefield, and strengthening the power of the barbarians. With the blessing of the battlefield, the barbarian army has no fear of death erosion. On the contrary, this death origin has become the nourishment of the barbarians. Let them continuously use the power of the battlefield to strengthen themselves!

This is the blessing and convenience given by the will of heaven and earth to the barbarians. In order to completely cut off Xingtian’s vitality, I have to say that the will of heaven and earth has really achieved the extreme, thinking of everything, and using all the power he can control to give Xingtian More crises make Xing Tian face a more terrible impact. If Xing Tian despise the barbarian cavalry, once he fights against this, the consequences will be unimaginable. Even if Xing Tian has the means to reach the sky, he will inevitably endure great opportunities if he misses the opportunity. Trauma.

The people trapped in the land of yellow sand lost contact with the outside world because of the mysterious power blocking them. For Moro in the border, he didn't care about the life and death of those people, although he also noticed the barbaric territory. The change, feeling a breath of death from the land of yellow sand, but Moreau did not take the initiative to take the initiative, but continued to wait and see.

Compared with Moro’s calmness, all the forces in the empire became a mess. In an instant, all the strong men on their side in the northern land lost contact. How could this not make them uneasy? They are all worried. Is this a conspiracy of the empire, a conspiracy of Moreau, or is it a conspiracy of Moreau and Xingtian to slay his own manpower in the north? The lunatic Xingtian can do anything, and the Emperor is not reliable. In order to be able to weaken their power, it is normal to use Xingtian's hand to slay them. These many forces are normal. After all, their existence affects the power of the empire!

"Get into action, let everyone act for me, understand the changes in the north as quickly as possible. I want to know what happened in the north. I want to know whether our people are dead or alive. Is the lunatic Xingtian real? Collusion with Moreau, I hope Moreau will not do this, otherwise I will not blame me for being cruel, what about the king of the north, as long as he dares to collude with Xingtian, the emperor and the empire can't keep him safe, no one can be at peace with me Tao is the enemy!"

In an instant, the ancestors of Taipingdao were angry when they lost their connection with the north. You must know that Xing Tian has the inheritance of the Avenue of Stars that they value. No matter what, if this time, Moreau really has to intervene in Taipingdao. The enmity between Xingtian and Taipingdao will not endure. They will use the craziest means to destroy Morrow, and use Morrow, the king of the north, to deter all enemies, whether it is an empire or even a force. , Can't stop their revenge!

Crazy, Taipingdao is not a good person. They are also a group of madmen, a group of madmen who don’t care about them. When someone stops their plan, no matter who the other party is, they will crush it desperately. They dared to be in the imperial capital before. It can be said that all the forces in the imperial capital have been completely disregarded. This time, if the North really makes a big deal, they will not have any care, even if it is with the empire and the emperor. Do not hesitate.

Benefits are more important than everything. For their own detachment, no human righteousness, human luck, or humanity will be regarded as the same thing by these lunatics of peace. They have only themselves in their hearts, and their own interests are above all else. For everything, when the interests of race conflict with their own interests, they will only sacrifice the interests of the race instead of sacrificing their own interests to fulfill the righteousness of the race. This is peace. It can be said that there is no righteousness or race in their eyes.

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