God of Destruction

Chapter 4022: Trouble

Chapter 4th and 22nd Trouble

Benefits come first, Taipingdao’s crazy actions immediately aroused the vigilance of other parties, and when they knew Taiping’s ideas, all parties could not help but become vigilant, and they were worried that an uncontrollable change occurred in the north. , Worrying that Moreau, the king of the north, will swell to the point of madness, and will become enemies of all their forces. If such a situation occurs, the consequences will be really unthinkable, and this is unacceptable and unbearable for them. People are willing to see the strength of the North, and the strength of the North will become a hidden danger for them and will have an impact on their plans.

"Chaos, our plans have been disrupted. When the lunatic Xingtian was born, we were step by step destroyed by this **** to destroy all plans. The panic in the north shocked everyone. If we still can’t be as fast as possible After completing the control of the imperial dragon veins, all efforts will be turned into nothingness, and then we will never have a chance to stand up."

When they were shocked by the madness of the Taipingdao, when they knew the changes in the north, the careerists in the imperial capital were all shocked. If it is normal, they should cheer for it, be pleased for it, and the northern chaos It will attract everyone’s attention and reduce the pressure on them, but now things are on the contrary, they are under too much pressure, the north is in chaos, and things really have to go in that terrible direction, when Moreau really has to join forces with Xingtian At that time, their so-called plan did not have much chance of success. It should be known that Moreau, the king of the north, controlled an army of iron-blooded lions.

"Yeah, our plan has really been broken. These lunatics in Taipingdao are too crazy. It is really unreliable to cooperate with them. Don't look at our agreement with them, but everyone understands that the agreement can't bind each other at all. These lunatics are really crazy. Our plan will inevitably be leaked. At that time, we will all be the targets of the empire, and there will be no possibility of turning over again."

"I knew that these **** of Peace Road were so crazy, they shouldn't cooperate with them. Such a group of lunatics, who have no integrity at all, made a mess for a trivial matter. It is said that Xing Tian went north because of the persecution of these lunatics, if not They are madly doing such a big thing in the imperial capital. How can there be the current situation? These lunatics are the objects we should be most careful about. Their existence is our greatest threat!"

"Everyone, when things have reached this point, we have to prepare for the worst and prepare for the worst. Peace Road is crazy, and this is a situation that we did not expect. Under this situation, we can no longer treat the past We can’t be a **** in Taipingdao’s plan, and we can’t be sold by these bastards. Once Taipingdao is really crazy to make a big shot at the king of the north, in order to calm the wrath of the empire, Taipingdao Will betray us."

"Do you want to give up our plan? Do you know how much we will lose by doing this? Let go at this time, and all our previous investment will be turned into nothingness, and our endless efforts will be completely finished!"

"No matter how great the loss is, it is nothing. Compared with the survival of the family, compared with the life and death of you, it is not worth mentioning. If we don't even have the ability to survive, we will talk about gains, plans, and contributions. We have only gained something. This time we must make the worst plan. We must resolve our own dilemma. We must not be mastered by Taipingdao’s weakness and become a **** in the hands of Taipingdao. Let it go. There is no big deal, at most it is just a loss. A little luck!"

"A little luck? It's easy for you to say. Is this a little luck? That is most of the luck of our own family. Letting go means that we have completely failed in this battle and lost all opportunities. , There is no chance of a comeback again. Are you willing to suffer such a heavy loss? Can you accept the consequences?"

"What if you are not reconciled? Do you think we can fight against the general trend, against the empire? Don't pin your hopes on the promise of peace. For those lunatics, the so-called promise is not worth mentioning, trust them , It is equivalent to putting our lives in the hands of these lunatics. We will all be caught in the most terrible crisis. Now we still have time to erase all the tails and all hidden dangers, or wait for the peace road to respond. When we come over, we really gain and lose all opportunities, we really have to become pawns in the opponent's hands, there is no possibility of turning over again, and we are in danger of being destroyed at any time."

"Abandoning the plan, the price we paid is too great, it is better to compromise, we first free ourselves from this plan, let others take this responsibility, if the peace road can continue to remain sinking, guarantee the promise, We will continue. If these lunatics repent, we will not suffer too much. Someone will block all these guilt for us!"

"A compromise, it sounds very good, but no one wants to participate in such a thing. Those who are willing to participate are afraid that we can't believe it. Unless someone is willing to sacrifice themselves and their family, but who can be so stupid? It is impossible to succeed. We will either do our best to pay, continue to plan, speed up, or give up and let ourselves be picked out of this crisis. If we want to go the middle way and have this or that fantasy in our hearts, we will only die. Even worse!"

"Everyone, when things have reached this point, we have no choice. Although the previous plan was good, but with the change of the situation, our plan also has problems of this kind, and now it is us who make the change, no matter what everyone thinks. Whatever we think and how we look at it, the first thing we need to protect ourselves is that we cannot even guarantee our own safety. What are our ideals and what we will gain. We must plan for the worst and free ourselves and our family from this crisis. , Give up the plan!"

"I agree. We will clean up our hands first and withdraw our people from the plan bit by bit. Now Taiping Road has not violated its promise. We have enough time to clean up the hidden dangers, etc. We retreat from this crisis without worrying about the threats of these lunatics. No matter whether the previous plan is successful or whether the dragon veins of the empire can be cut, it is nothing to us, and we have withdrawn. There will always be people involved. Don’t think that our plan is so secretive. No matter how secretive it is, people will be aware of it. When we withdraw, someone will naturally step in."

auzw.com When these words fell, everyone’s eyes brightened. Yes, they can leave the stage, but over time, everything they did before will gradually be affected. Some caring people have noticed that for today’s empire, there are too many caring people. There are a lot of powers staring at them. If these people have to know everyone’s plan before, they’re afraid they won’t be able to help it. Take over everything, and this becomes one of the best guys!

Although there are still some people who are reluctant and unwilling to let go, they know that they can’t fight against everyone and can only remain silent. They all understand in their hearts that at this time, under this situation, they have no choice. When it's not arrogant, an impulse will kill one's life and ruin the survival of the family.

Many people are frantically investigating everything about Moreau, to see if the other party really has to join forces with Xingtian to create the great upheaval in the north, but after deep investigation, they find that things are not what they thought. The change has nothing to do with Moreau, because the king of the north is still in the north, and his army has no signs of mobilization. Everything shows that the change in the north has nothing to do with him, but Xingtian is related to it. They all chased Xingtian and lost their traces!

Xing Tian really had such a powerful force, could he be able to kill all the enemies who chased him? And still in the territory of the barbarians? This is incredible and crazy! For everyone, the first reaction is impossible, and the second reaction is whether the lunatic Xing Tian betrayed the racial civilization, betrayed the human race, and colluded with the barbarians. You must know that there are many people in the human race. Doing this, and one more penalty day is nothing!

No, it's impossible. Even if there are barbarians, even if Xing Tian is prepared, it is impossible to kill everyone at once. Something must have happened. But everyone disappeared in the direction of the barbarians. What happened there can’t be understood by your own guesses, but it’s also difficult to continue arranging people to investigate. It is necessary to know that their power in the north is almost completely wiped out. Under such circumstances, there are still manpower there. Adjustable!

Mystery? Could it be that a new secret realm appeared in the north, and the lunatic Xingtian discovered its existence, and suddenly dragged everyone into the secret realm, entering the secret realm, and naturally all contact with the outside world was interrupted?

Soon everyone thought of the secret realm again. The emergence of the secret realm is no longer uncommon, and there are also powerful secret realms in the north, with the secret realm world inherited from the ancient gods and demons. If there is a new secret realm born, this is also true. It made sense, but everyone didn't feel the change of heaven and earth, and didn't feel the terrifying breath of the secret world.

Order Moreau, the king of the north, to explore everything? I'm afraid this is unrealistic. They are not the King of Humans and cannot command the King of the North, and even if they are the King of Humans, they may not be able to command Moreau. After all, Moreau has a strong army under him, the most important thing. It is Morrow who guards the north. The first responsibility is to guard against barbarians' assaults, not to investigate the lives and lives of all unrelated people. If the north is breached by the barbarians because of their orders, no one can bear the consequences, and no one can bear the consequences. With this karma, Human Sovereign would not do it stupidly and let himself face terrible threats.

"Damn it, how could things be like this? Is it possible to do nothing, ignore everything, and ignore this shocking change in the north? But if so many people are folded in the north, let's not talk about the impact on their own luck, just The subordinates will not agree. If the minds of the subordinates are turbulent, the consequences will be unimaginable, and no one can bear such consequences!"

For all the forces, no one wants to see the turmoil of their own subordinates. At this time, in the midst of this great disaster, once the turmoil of the people will inevitably reduce their own luck, it will inevitably affect them greatly. For their own safety, no one wants to plunge themselves into an inexplicable crisis, into the threat of death!

Human Sovereign, many forces soon thought of Human Sovereign again, and they came up with the idea of ​​Human Sovereign. If it is just one force, even if they are not reconciled, they will have no alternative, but now it is not a family in the north. The forces, but all the forces. Under this circumstance, if everyone joins forces to exert pressure on the Emperor and the Empire, there will be unexpected gains. You will receive the help of the Emperor and the Empire, and you can quickly understand the changes in the north!

Soon all the forces worked together, and what was placed in front of the emperor was a heavy request. In order to achieve the goal, these forces were also shameless. Each of them put themselves in the north and said it was so perfect. So understanding the righteousness, when they knew that the north was in trouble, when they knew that the barbarians threatened the stability of the north, they went to help in spite of the danger of their own lives, and now these people have disappeared silently in the north, they begged the Emperor. , Asked the empire to help, so that the king of the north can make a move to find out their whereabouts and find out what crisis is happening in the north!

Shameless! When he saw the shameless behavior of the various forces, the Emperor was very annoyed. As to why the people of those forces appeared in the north and why they lost contact, the Emperor was very clear. They were all chasing Xingtian and lost their tracks. They asked for everything. Now these **** put the responsibility on the empire. They want to make themselves the emperor and make the empire take responsibility for their actions. This is too arrogant, too self-righteous, and too unreasonable. Regard the empire, not the emperor himself!

Although there is endless anger in his heart, the emperor cannot refuse. He understands that all this is one time, but in the face of such a strong pressure, the emperor has to consider the consequences of rejection. Once the **** have found an excuse, yes. The empire will also be in big trouble, and now is not the time to care about these bastards.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, the emperor still gave orders to Moreau, the king of the north, to understand the previous changes in the north, to find the whereabouts of those who have lost track, and also to look for the whereabouts of Xingtian. , Regarding Xing Tian, ​​the Emperor Human was really helpless. This man who should be robbed was too difficult to deal with. Even if he left the imperial capital, he still brought such a big trouble to himself and the empire!

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