God of Destruction

Chapter 4023: Anger

Chapter 4th and 23rd Anger

"Asshole, how dare these **** **** dare to do this? What does he think of me as the king of the north, and what does he regard as the empire? In their eyes, the empire exists for them? The situation in the north is so tense now. I can still get people out to find those **** bastards, what do they do to me if they die or alive!" When receiving the order from the Emperor, Moreau, the king of the north, was greatly furious, and was shameless at all forces. Anger, but also angry at the emperor's retreat.

As the lord of the empire, he was kidnapped by a group of shameless villains. Using the great righteousness of the empire to give a slogan to his guardian of the frontier, this ridiculous decree, how dangerous the situation in the northern border is, would the emperor not know? , Once the fall of the North will cause much trauma to the entire empire, doesn't the emperor know? It really hurts the country because of this private matter. At that time, the emperor's affairs will be even more unbearable, and the situation of the empire will be even more out of control! Of course, the king of the north who guarded the border, the king of the cracking soil and the king of the north would also bear the backlash of humane karma, and all charges would be borne by him.

Even the King of Humans also hinted at Moreau’s decree, but this still couldn’t resolve the anger in Moreau’s heart, and it still couldn’t change his view of the King of Humans. He knew what the various forces were thinking, but he had to Indulge the other party, knowing that behind all this is the fact that all the forces are too greedy, and must go to chase and kill the genius to cause this to happen, but the emperor turned a blind eye, pretending to be ignorant, and issued orders to embarrass his own north. King of.

If it is said that when he was crowned king by the emperor, Moreau still had a sense of gratitude and gratitude to the emperor and the empire in his heart, and after seeing this order, all the kindness disappeared, Moreau No matter how magnanimous it is, it’s impossible to accept such a result. It’s impossible to compensate yourself and your family for this little bit of kindness, and even ruin the lives of the soldiers who followed you. After carrying this terrible evil result, there is no possibility of turning over again. He will become the biggest fool in the human race, and that huge cause and effect is enough to crush everything.

"Forget it, let them make a fuss. I just don’t know anything. I only arrange one or two people to go out and find a little bit. I can’t put my own life and death out of this order and the life and death of the army. It’s no big deal for me to die alone, but I can’t let the soldiers who follow me do the same, and can’t let the people in the border pass threaten their lives. This is my duty. The border security is more important than everything. Any private matter can be thrown away. One side!" After reading the letter, Moreau sighed lightly, and silently closed the letter. Although he took the order, it was not that there was no room for it and no effort to work. This was Moreau's response. The strategy, no matter what happens in the barbaric territory, has nothing to do with him, and there is no need to arrange manpower to die, and he cannot ignore the lives of his men.

After thinking about everything, Moreau's whole person is much easier. For such things, he has a lot of rejection in his heart, but he can't turn back and can only behave, but this method can only be applied right now. Time is all things, when the major forces react, they are afraid that their situation will be much more dangerous, these **** will continue to exert their strength on themselves, but at that time they will not face themselves, but Xingtian, no one can Calculating Xingtian without paying the price, all the forces dared to chase Xingtian so madly, one can imagine how tragic revenge Xingtian will give them after the reaction.

Regarding the disappearance of those bastards, Moreau also had some guesses in his heart, and he also knew that an astonishing change must have occurred in the barbaric territory, but Moreau did not want to participate. Although he was ambitious, he understood his abilities better. I also know that if you are too greedy, you will only ruin your future and kill your own life. The territory of barbarians is not so easy to enter. For Xingtian and the powerful from all sides, they can ignore it. , You can be unscrupulous, but Moreau, the king of the north, can’t do it. As the king of the north, he carries a huge human luck. If he strikes out because of his temporary greed, he will only die if he fails. The most important thing is to destroy the soul once it is known by the barbarians, it will inevitably be left behind at all costs. Destroying Moreau is tantamount to breaking the defense of the north, and Moreau will not take such risks.

Soon a small team set off from the border to explore the barbarian territory, and this small team is the seeker arranged by Moreau, but this small team is all Morrow's **** men, they all understand Moreau Naturally, he didn’t work hard, and he wandered around the fringe area where he came into contact with the barbarians, and then immediately collected the team and returned to the city as soon as it got dark. Such a move would naturally yield nothing, and Moro did. No gain is needed!

One day, two days, and three days have passed bit by bit, but Moreau still couldn't find a clue, and still couldn't give the King of Humans and all the forces a satisfactory answer, whether the King of Humans or the major forces. , Are all annoyed by it, the King of People is angry that the king of the north that he has made is so shameless to himself, so yin and yang, he doesn't take his orders seriously, just sends a small team to search, even if it is No matter how urgent the northern border, he shouldn't ignore the empire's orders so much. Moreau's move also made the emperor feel helpless. He also saw the contempt of the emperor and the empire!

Although the other parties understand that Moro is a bit unable to contribute, they are helpless with Moro. It is not that Moro can't do anything, but that the border can't transfer too many people. Otherwise, the dangerous consequences of the border will be unimaginable. For his own sake, Moro naturally reported all this to the empire. Under this circumstance, no one can accuse Moro. Whoever dares to accuse must bear the consequences and bear the consequences of the border failure. No one or any force dares to do this!

When Moreau puts everything on the surface, even if the various forces hate him to bite his teeth and dare not act rashly, at this time an accidental situation will be out of control, and no one knows what Moreau will do. Such a reaction, once Moro was forced to Xingtian’s side, or even to the barbarians’ side, their fun would be great, and they would have a lot of fun to push against the human border guards. This reputation is undesirable, and the emperor did not dare to do so. But after doing it, there is no chance to stand up again!

When many forces were angry, even more terrifying results occurred in the desert. Endless murderous aura permeated the yellow sand. The entire desert became terrifying. The confidence of some people was shaken, even the Israeli army. The defensive barbarians were also a little impatient, and the crazy changes under the yellow sand made them feel a strong crisis.

How to do? If you continue to move on, I am afraid that I will fall into the yellow sand first without reaching the place of summoning. Once I fall, there is only a dead end. No one will stop to help. After all, the murder in the yellow sand, then The terrible breath of death is increasing, and everyone’s path is completely cut off. Under the harsh environment of death and killing secrets, there is only a dead end left, and for a companion who has little to do with him. Putting them in danger, no matter how united the barbarians are, they will not do it. This is a cruel knockout, and whoever can't hold it will only die.


"Leader, we can't go on like this anymore. If we move forward so slowly, it won't take long for the terrible breath of death and murder in the rear to envelop our entire army. At that time, our army could not withstand this terrible erosion. , We must speed up, even if we give up the use of the military formation to refine the body, we will not hesitate!" Feeling the strong crisis in the rear, as a tribe's sacrifice, we have to stand up and tell the leader his worries and choices.

Speeding up means that the army will give up the huge benefits that are about to be obtained. If all the army can be upgraded by one level when entering the Summoning Land, it will be a huge benefit to the entire tribe and the entire army, and it will allow them to have more The power of self-preservation, but right now they have to make the choice to give up, after all, death will be entangled all of them after all!

"Okay, it's so decided. When notified, the army will go all out, and get away from the terrible breath of death and murderous intent behind you at the fastest speed, and cut off those who violate the order!" At this dangerous moment, there is no mercy to say. A slight mistake will let everyone be buried. As a tribe leader, this is naturally not allowed.

After the barbarian’s iron cavalry received the order, although some people were unwilling to reconcile, they knew that the opportunity to improve their strength was in front of them, but they had to give up. This is difficult for those people to understand and accept, but no matter what How unwilling they were in their hearts, but no one stood up to oppose it. The authority of the leader is above all else, and if they oppose the leader, they will deny themselves the tribe.

In fact, the most important thing at this time is the threat to life. If you stand up against the leader, you will inevitably be abandoned in this yellow sand. In such a Jedi, no one has the confidence to survive, and they will pay back with the army. There is a ray of life, and there is only a dead end to leave the large army. Under such circumstances, who dares to stand up for opposition!

There is no objection. The barbarian army is advancing quickly. Under the threat of death, everyone bursts out of their own potential and rushes forward frantically. If it is not for fear of the erosion of death, I am afraid that the entire formation will be fought. Chaos, under such extreme pressure, everyone understands that they can’t be left behind. Once left behind, no one will wait for themselves.

When the barbarians rushed, Xing Tian had already come to the edge of the summoning. At this moment, Xing Tian had seen a tower spire slowly rising from the ground, and the power to summon himself came from this pagoda, although only Only saw a spire, but Xing Tian still had an endless impact. On this spire, Xing Tian felt a strong breath of death. This is not an ordinary building, but a treasure, a treasure of origin, and a treasure of death. !

"Is this the original treasure of the ancient death gods and devil? To be able to keep his own original treasure so complete, it seems that the means of this death **** and devil is also through the sky, not at all weaker than the ancient gods and monsters I have encountered before. It’s just that now an ancient **** and demon’s secret realm has been born again. What does this world’s will want to do? It really has nothing to do with it, and releases all the power of the ancient gods and demon that suppressed in this realm battlefield world?" At the spire of the tower in front of him, Xing Tian couldn't help thinking in his heart, but the information Xing Tian knew was still too little to determine the true intention of the will of heaven and earth!

"No, this is not a treasure tower, this is a huge city, a real city of death?" Xing Tian was shocked by everything in front of him soon, and directly overturned his previous thoughts. This is indeed not a pagoda. The source of the treasure, but a giant city, a city of death, this pagoda is only the center of the city of death.

At this time, as the spire of the tower continues to rise, gradually more buildings are rising from the yellow sand around it. This situation makes Xing Tian think of the city for a moment, because Xing Tian has already obtained two such cities. The source of the treasure is the treasure, so when such a situation appeared, Xing Tian's first reaction was to think of the City of Death.

"Why are these ancient gods and demons willing to use buildings like cities as their original treasures? What do they think? Could it be said that in that era, in that world, everyone liked the original treasures like cities?" Xing Tian is muttering to the rising building. There is an instinct that makes Xing Tian feel that if he can figure out this problem, he may be able to learn more about the ancient gods and demons era, and even have a certain understanding of the ancient gods and demons. Understand!

What caused the ancient gods and demons to use the city as the original treasure to carry their own avenues. If this is the original treasure of the innate companion, Xing Tian would not believe it, because it is too coincidental, just he encountered three similarities Xingtian would not believe it if there was no reason for this. From this perspective, Xingtian has made new discoveries. Perhaps the ancient gods and demons were not as rich as they thought, nor were they born as soon as they were born. They will be accompanied by the Primordial Treasures. Their Primordial Treasures are all made by themselves, so each piece of the Primordial Treasures has their mark, leaving behind their resurrection, and they will all be their return from the long river of time. Important force.

When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head and calmed down his excitement. Although he might have guessed a little bit of the key, many things cannot be done by guessing. More data and more information are needed to rely on. , And this is Xingtian now without blood.

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