God of Destruction

Chapter 4024: City of the Dead

The fourth thousand and twenty-fourth chapter of the city of death

The entire city of death is actually under the yellow sand. This land of yellow sand is not caused by the natural environment at all, but because the city of death under the yellow sand has such a terrifying source and treasure hidden under the earth. How can there be life? A piece of yellow sand is only in line with the influence of the city of death, and such a huge city sinks under the yellow sand, and no one notices it in the endless years. This is also a big problem. Although barbarians are not a great civilization, they also have the existence of the most powerful. Even they can hide the power, which shows how powerful the city of death is under the yellow sand!

Bureau! This is a bureau aimed at himself. Xing Tian can be sure of this. Otherwise, how could this land of yellow sand suddenly change? This city of death would suddenly appear, blocking his escape route and blocking it. My own perception can make my own sense of consciousness unable to detect everything around it, obviously this is the suppressing effect of the City of Death.

"It seems that the moment I stepped into the land of yellow sand, I fell into this city of death. If I were still on the edge of the land of yellow sand, I might have escaped from the outside of the city of death. It’s too late now. Everything has become a foregone conclusion. The original power of the City of Death has blocked all the void, unless the City of Death is completely present, and someone gets its approval, gets its inheritance, and unlocks the seal. Strength, otherwise it’s not an easy task to break this blockade. Perhaps the inheritance here is also a bait. It’s just a trap used by the death gods to restore themselves. Returning from the long river of time and space, the source required is amazing. , Only plundering is the fastest, and there is no killing that comes from the source of death!"

Yes, there is no source of death that came from killing. The City of Death is buried under the yellow sand for endless years. No one knows how many sources of death it has absorbed, just judging from its immediate performance, this is definitely not a minority. At this time It's impossible to try to break the void seal of the city of death just by relying on his own strength!

At this moment, Xing Tian's heart still has a crazier guess. Perhaps at the time of the void blockade, the outer wall of the time-space city has already risen, and the defensive power is fully opened. Only this kind of power can bring his own **** Consciousness is suppressed, preventing him from exploring the distance, unable to find some useful information in advance. It can be said that Xing Tian can only see everything with his own naked eyes. It can only be a fantasy to explore with spiritual knowledge. To any information.

Forbidden God, Xingtian suspects that there is the power of the rules of the Forbidden God in the city of death, and even once the city of death is fully raised, if you use the spirit to probe, you will be directly swallowed by the city of death. After all, this is The ultimate treasure of an ancient **** and demon, and it is the ultimate treasure of death, the ultimate source of this kind is the most terrible. You don't know what magical powers it has, what power it has, let alone whether there are artifacts in this ultimate treasure Exist, whether there are remnants of ancient gods and demons.

Remnant souls, this is the easiest way to return and the most reliable method. If this death **** demon leaves a remnant soul, even a strong man who is not careful about standing on the top of this world will suffer a big loss. , There is also the possibility of being seized. After all, it is the remnant soul of the ancient gods and demon, an ancient **** and demon who has mastered the road of death. Such existence, even if only a little power remains, is enough to cause devastating damage to anyone For such an existence, it is the most correct to maintain sufficient vigilance!

Without spiritual knowledge, Xing Tian was unwilling to risk his life, he did not rush to explore the situation in the city of death, and he did not search for more information and resources. In Xing Tian’s view, endless years have passed, here I am afraid that the remaining information is already incomplete, and even the remaining information is more likely to contain traps. If one is not careful, it will be calculated. No matter how good the second resource is, it is not as important as your own life. At this time, you cannot Be eager to do things, but you should carefully observe everything, know everything to your heart, and it will not be too late to make a move, not to mention that there are savages in this city of death, and there are those human races who are chasing themselves crazy. There is absolutely no need to take risks with them in their own right.

If this is really a trap, Xing Tian believes that whether it is a barbarian cavalry, or people from all forces of the human race who chased him, they will be attracted here. This tower of death is the core of the original treasure, and it is also the place where the summoning is. , There is no reason that those people will not be able to get here, unless they encounter an irresistible danger on the way!

Is there no danger in this city of death? Yes, it must be dangerous, but the problem will not be too big, at least in Xingtian’s view, as long as it can withstand the erosion of death, as long as one’s mind does not collapse, and is not greedy, and delusional to search for treasures and resources to escape the call Guided by, there will definitely be no worries about life. The ancient gods and demons cannot only have killing. If it is only killing, there are completely better ways. They seem to be many, but compared with the army at the border It is not worth mentioning that if there is a full-scale racial confrontation, there will be a terrible killing outside the border.

Time is passing bit by bit, Xing Tian is also carefully looking at the tower of death in front of him, feeling the strong road of death in the tower of death, just a little bit of time, let Xing Tian be on the road of death The above is a great harvest. This is just to watch the origin brand on the pagoda outside the tower of death. If you can enter it and feel the fluctuations of the origin of the road of death, you will have greater gains, even being able to be on the road of death Come out of a way.

What a death **** and demon, what an ancient **** and demon, just watching the mark of the avenue of the tower of death can get such a harvest, one can imagine how terrifying this city of death is, someone really has mastered this treasure, I am afraid that it is far stronger than the city of thunder punishment that I once owned. The origin of the city of thunder punishment has been lost in the endless years, but this city of death has not. The endless years under the yellow sand make it Swallowed too much death, too much vitality, has already restored its due strength!

"You have to be careful! This city of death may really have artifacts, or the remnants of ancient gods and demons, or else it cannot have such power, it cannot have such a strong source of power, heaven and earth. What exactly the will wants to do, even such a treasure is released. It really can't suppress these original treasures that are sealed in the boundary battlefield world, as well as the many secrets, or is it deliberate to completely let go of everything, to be different from the past Everything for the last duel?"

Xing Tian was thinking, once things have something to do with the will of heaven and earth, it is definitely not simple. It is absolutely not simple to allow the will of heaven and earth to use such a big hand, there must be secrets that he does not know, and there must be terrible conspiracies.


With a loud bang, this tower of death finally completely exposed the ground, ninety-nine eighty-one layers, meaning great perfection, each layer of the pagoda embodies the powerful true meaning of death, condensing the terrible mark of death road , But Xing Tian was greatly shocked that this pagoda was different from what he thought. Generally, the higher the top level, the stronger the pagoda, while this pagoda is the topmost and the most introductory Death Avenue. The following is the most powerful true meaning.

"Weird, really weird, such a weird layout, what is it for? Does it mean that it does not want people to understand the avenue of this one, or is this also a big test, testing the ability of the visitors to perceive the road of death? This is really the case. The layout of this ancient **** and demon is to seize homes. There must be the remnants of the ancient **** and demon in this tower of death. As for the inheritance, it is just a joke. An ancient **** and demon never thinks about itself. Will his inheritance be lost, but the first choice is my own survival, how can I return from the long river of time!"

Although Xing Tian saw some useful information, if Xing Tian was really allowed to choose, would he give up this opportunity, and would give up his grasp of the Avenue of Death? No, Xing Tian can't do it. Xing Tian also has seven emotions and six desires, and he also has a greedy heart. Such a big temptation is before his eyes, and such an opportunity is before his eyes. If he really has to give up, he will definitely regret it in the future. Lost, the loss will never come, even if this is a conspiracy, but the inheritance here, the death road here is real, for the practitioners, this is enough, the death road is the pursuit of the practitioner!

coming! Just when Xing Tian sighed, a strange breath came from not far away. It was the power of vitality. Someone finally walked here and finally came to this place of calling. Judging from the blood, Xing Tian could feel The opponent is strong, but this is not one or two people, but a group of people, and a group of people came here under the union.

The enemy, this is his enemy, Xing Tian glanced at him indifferently, and then showed a sneer on his face. In this sneer, he was full of endless killing intent. To the enemy, Xing Tian would never be merciful or merciless, if The enemy dared to take action first. Xing Tian didn’t know that he would destroy these enemies before everything began. Even if it might increase the power of this city of death, he would not hesitate to do so. A group of enemies who don’t know how to advance or retreat, staying on him is huge. Hidden dangers.

"It's Xingtian, the lunatic in front of Xingtian, he really got one step earlier than us, maybe he really knows the secret here, and arrived in front of us!" Someone among the crowd immediately felt the breath of Xingtian. When the terrible killing intent on Xing Tian's body was able to have such a terrifying killing intent, only Xing Tian himself was in the entire land of yellow sand.

"Yeah, that terrible murderous aura is only possessed by this lunatic in this land of yellow sand. The Avenue of Slaughter is really amazing, and it can shock our minds. If it is not a last resort, we can't do it first, even if it is No matter how this madman wants to irritate us, as long as he doesn’t do anything first, we will never do anything. This is not a good place. If we are not careful, everyone will be killed. We can be summoned, and other people can also. The barbarians are even better. Put safety first!"

Taking safety as the top priority, this reason is so powerful. These people are also very good at making excuses for themselves. At this time, they did not use any racial justice, but the most practical reason. Nothing is more important than their own lives. In this weird place, in this unknown place, everything must be focused on its own safety, and everything else can be put down for the time being!

"Agree, this was originally our agreement. No one can make a big shot without a last resort. Xingtian is a lunatic not easy to kill, and now in this weird place, we have to be more cautious. Although good, no matter how good the benefits are, your own life is not as important as your own life. If you lose your life, everything is over!"

After a short pause and re-warning, these people moved forward again, and for a moment they came to the tower of death. When they first saw the tower, they were shocked. The terrible meaning of death made them all All of them are shocked, inheritance, there must be the inheritance of Origin Avenue, and it is the powerful Death Avenue that attacks.

After losing their minds, they soon woke up, knowing that there is still a mortal enemy in front of them, Xing Tian is looking at them coldly, as if he will take a big shot at them next moment, and put them to death. Such an enemy is there. Who can not be afraid, who can not fear, if they continue to lose consciousness like this, I am afraid they will fall here forever in the next moment.

"It turns out to be fellow Xingtian, we are also humans, don’t be nervous, we are not here to chase you, we are here for the war between humans and barbarians, we are reinforcements from the north, we are preparing to sneak into the barbaric territory After listening to the news, I didn't expect to be brought here by this sudden change. We are not hostile to you!"

Seeing Xing Tian’s cold eyes, these people’s heads had to brace themselves for an explanation. Although this explanation sounds good, anyone with a little bit of mind knows it’s fake, and no one will be stupid. To come to the north for reinforcements, unless these people are soldiers of the empire, there is obviously no military temperament in these people!

When he heard these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but sneered in his heart. Such falsehoods could be spoken. It seems that these **** are really shameless, but this is good, he doesn't need to care about them for the time being. In the earth, no matter how careful you are, you don’t think it too much. Before you really understand everything, you should not make a big shot, so as not to die too many people, and let the remnant soul of the ancient gods and demons resurrect and return to this place. Heaven and Earth, once this happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

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