God of Destruction

Chapter 4026: Festival waiting

Chapter 4th and 26th Waiting

After some careful thinking, everyone finally made a choice, but at this time a lot of time has passed, and the gap between them and Xing Tian is widening. Time is very important to anyone, and here The same is true. Fortunately, compared with other people who have not yet appeared, they are also ahead, and can also be one step ahead of others, so soon there is silence under the tower of death, and everyone is immersed in the perception of the avenue. in!

Dao perception lies in contention. Although everyone does not know what the final test is, one thing they believe is that the struggle for the treasure of origin is definitely not just a struggle for power, but also the perception of the origin of the road. This is the origin of the road of death. , Naturally, there must be enough sense of the origin of Death Avenue, otherwise even if you can finally defeat Xingtian in confrontation, you will not be recognized by the Primordial Treasure, and not being recognized by the Primordial Treasure also means that all competitions are meaningless. .

Enlightenment of the Dao of Origin is also an important part of capturing this treasure of origin. Anyone with a little bit of mind will not despise it. This is why there was the appearance of the short words before. If there is no huge benefit, how can those people do it? Making such a promise, it's hard to say whether they can achieve their wishes if they are just one step late!

One family? Xing Tian was one step ahead, aware of the secrets on the Tower of Death, and one step ahead, seizing the opportunity on the road to insights. One step faster means faster steps. Not to mention that these people who just reached an agreement cannot compare with Xing Tian. Not to mention those who haven't appeared yet, and is this situation really what heaven and earth will want to see?

No, the situation cannot be like this, and the will of heaven and earth cannot give Xingtian such an opportunity to lay such traps in order to bury Xingtian in one fell swoop. How can Xingtian get more benefits? All this is just the beginning, and even this is just the beginning. It's just a prelude. The city of death has not really completely risen from the yellow sand. Now everyone sees only a little area of ​​the city of death, and the true power of the city of death has not been fully revealed.

When will the power of the City of Death be revealed? Only when the entire city appears, will the power of the entire City of Death be fully exploded. At that time, everyone will not be so relaxed. They will truly face death. Pick up death.

Time is running out! The more he perceives the original imprint on the tower of death, the more urgency in Xing Tian's heart, the more he can feel the changes in the city of death. Although Xing Tian's soul and consciousness cannot sense everything in the entire city of death, he is facing the present This tower of death can still be sensed by Xing Tian. The power of the tower of death is increasing little by little, as if the origin of this pagoda is recovering over time. In a short period of time, death The power of the tower has increased several times!

Yes! When Xing Tian first came into contact with the Tower of Death, to this day, the original power of the Tower of Death has increased several times. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for Xing Tian to believe that all this is true. After all, in such a short time. , The power of this tower of death has increased too fast, and Xing Tian is horrified and worried about it!

"It's terrible. The source accumulation of this city of death is too terrifying. In just such a small amount of time, the source of the tower of death will be increased several times. If it is allowed to grow like this, it will not take long for the entire building to die. The power of the city will reach its strongest period. Under that situation, everyone will face true death and cannot wait any longer. Even if it is dangerous, you must test the Tower of Death. Virtual reality, explore the fundamental power of this city of death!"

With a thought, Xing Tian’s killing intent quickly increased, and his killing intent quickly condensed into a sword of killing, with a terrifying force directly blasting on the tower of death. Xing Tian’s attack instantly shook death with a powerful attack. The defense of the tower, a terrible storm took shape in an instant, sweeping towards Xing Tian and the rest of the human race!

"Asshole, Xing Tian, ​​what do you want to do? Do you want to start a war?" After being interrupted by this sudden change, some grumpy people couldn't help but yell at Xing Tian. This is a typical example of wanting to cross the river and crossing the bridge. After understanding the roots of the Avenue of Death, you must destroy the Tower of Death in front of you, destroy the brand of the Avenue on the Tower of Death, and destroy their perception of the Avenue, so that you can Cut everyone's way of life!

Before Xingtian could answer, someone shook his head and said, "Shut up, Daoist Xingtian is not such a person. He naturally has other ideas if he does this. If he really wants to deal with us, he won't wait until now. This is to test the reality of the Tower of Death, to prepare for the next attack, it is not intended to prevent us from understanding the road!"

Does anyone believe this? No, even the speaker didn’t believe it, but he had to say that, who made Xingtian’s strength too terrifying, as a last resort, he didn’t want to turn his face with Xingtian, at least not at this time, because they were not Xingtian at all. Once an opponent turns his face, it is tantamount to self-destruction and self-destruction.

Of course, there is a little fantasy in these people's hearts. I hope that everything is just like this. Xing Tian is testing the reality of the pagoda in front of him. If this is the case, it would be a good thing for them. It is better for someone to test than to end in person. , And they don't have such a powerful force as Xing Tian, ​​able to shake the defense of the pagoda, unless they all take out their own cards, and these are all used to save their lives, how could it be spent on this useless effort.

Yes, for these people, testing the virtual reality of the pagoda and the effect of turbulent liver will only affect their own enlightenment. In their hearts, they have never thought about rushing, because they believe that as long as the time is up, this The pagoda will naturally open, there is no need to waste your time and energy, consume your own source, and let yourself suffer unnecessary losses!

The pagoda will naturally open as soon as time is up. This is indeed true, but people like them have not thought about how powerful the pagoda will be at that time. They really didn’t notice the changes in the pagoda or the changes in front of them. Is the power of the tower of death growing? Is it really beneficial for them to delay for a longer period of time?


It’s not that these people had never thought of it, nor they hadn’t noticed it, but they all had a fortunate mentality in their minds, believing that the enhancement of the source of the tower of death in front of them is beneficial to the inheritance of the Dao, and it is beneficial to the original treasure that was nurtured, so they They didn't think so, and they didn't even think that they were already in the original treasure.

"Wrong, I still think wrong, this tower of death may be the core of the city of death, but it is not this pagoda that opens the city of death, but there is another secret, which requires a key, and this key is not there at all. Your own hands are not in the hands of these **** in front of you, but in the hands of other people, maybe those **** of other human forces, or maybe in the hands of barbarians, no matter how much you understand the true meaning of the death road, this The pagoda can't be opened, it's wasted effort!"

When Xingtian shot the tower of death, he immediately got a message from the tower of death. Without the key, it was impossible to use brute force to smash the defense of the tower of death. Power can't do it, even the power of these **** can't do it. Only when the key appears can it open the Tower of Death.

conspiracy! For a moment, Xing Tian thought of a conspiracy. If there was no conspiracy, Xing Tian would not believe it. He was the first to appear in the yellow sand and was the first to be summoned, but he did not see the existence of the key along the way. And these people who followed did not have the key. The first person did not have the key. The key to unlock was naturally in the hands of the last person. In this way, in order to fight for the key, everyone will inevitably have a life and death duel.

"It's a sinister calculation. Before the Tower of Death is opened, we must let all the creatures trapped here have a life and death duel to weaken the power of everyone. It seems that the Tower of Death really has the remnants of the ancient gods and demons. , This ancient **** and demon really avoided the changes of the world, avoided the catastrophe of the world, and allowed the remnant soul to survive, waiting for the opportunity to return again!"

After seeing Xing Tian’s blow, he stopped thinking and everyone couldn’t help but have some thoughts in their hearts. Some people couldn’t help but ask: "Xingtian Daoist has gained something from this pagoda. I don’t know if I can look at the same thing. A member of the human race tells us one or two, so that we can be a little bit prepared, so as not to have an emergency and fall into a crisis of death!"

At this time, I thought of the Human race. When they wanted to hunt down Xingtian, why didn’t they consider that Xingtian is also the vital power of the Human race. These people are indeed cheeky and do everything for their own benefit. It can even be said that they are shameless. There are only naked, naked, and naked interests in his eyes!

Hearing this, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said: "There is nothing to hide. There is a road imprint on the pagoda in front of you. You must all know and feel it, but it is just a fur, the real inheritance. It’s inside the pagoda, but you need a key to open the pagoda, but I don’t have it in my hand, nor do you have it. Without the key, you can’t enter the pagoda, and you can’t get the original inheritance. Now we are facing such a big problem. Of course , If someone is confident that he can open the door of this pagoda without a key, he can give it a try, maybe someone can do it!"

"This **** is really nasty! You can't open the door of the pagoda, how can we do it? You **** clearly wants to harm us and consume our origin. We are not deceived, but where is the key? , Without the key, can we just watch the opportunity flow away from us in vain?" Everyone sighed involuntarily in their hearts, they were a little reluctant and a little unwilling, but there was no way to change everything.

For these people, they did not doubt Xingtian's words, because such words can't be faked. If someone makes a move, they will naturally be aware of it, and Xingtian doesn't have to do it. After all, Xingtian has enough strength to crush them. Everyone, even directly forced them to use violence to bombard the defense of the pagoda, let them be the dead ghost!

"Friend Xingtian knows where the key is, how should we get the key to open the pagoda!"

"I don’t know, maybe we came a bit too early, we walked too quickly along the way, and didn’t see the prompt about the key at all. I hope that later people can be more careful than us and be able to find the key, otherwise we’re afraid of being trapped. Here!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, sighing in his heart. He was careful and still did not escape the calculation of the other party, did not escape the will of the world and the will to pressure him, so that he fell into In such a dilemma!

Continue to feel the mark of the road on the pagoda and the true meaning of the road of death? No, there is no need. After confirming the true situation of the pagoda, Xing Tian has given up on continuing to understand, but is carefully recovering his own consumption, making the worst plans, gathering strength, and preparing to meet the most terrible crisis, Xing Tian I believe that if there really is a big war, I will definitely become the target of the public, and will be besieged by everyone. Whoever puts his threat level above the bright side, as long as these **** still have ideas about the inheritance of the road, they will definitely not let go. To live by yourself, this is a general trend that cannot be changed.

"Wait, wait until the others arrive together. If they don’t even have the key, our trouble will be great. At that time, we need external help. I hope you have a sufficient position in your respective sects and the sects behind you. I won't give up on you, otherwise, all of us will fall into this world of yellow sand, and we will be completely trapped here to die!"

Even if the situation is a bit dangerous, Xing Tian still did not tell them what he knew, and did not tell these **** that the land of yellow sand is actually the space of the source of the treasure. Now everyone is in the source of the treasure and has been affected by the source of the treasure. The imprisonment of power, without a strong enough opportunity, no one would want to retreat from the tower of death alive!

wait! Hearing Xing Tian’s words, the crowd couldn’t help being stunned. None of them thought that Xing Tian would say such low-key words, would make such a choice, pin their hopes on the people behind, and pin their lives and deaths on them. For others, this is a bit too passive, but they can't think of a good solution for a while, nor can they resolve the current crisis!

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