God of Destruction

Chapter 4027: Junction

Chapter 4th and 27th Convergence

Soon those responsive people immediately realized and their expressions changed drastically. If they don’t have the key, their trouble will be great, but they will be even more troublesome if they have the key. This shows that these people have been affected from beginning to end. People calculate it, and when they enter the land of yellow sand, they fall into the calculation of the other party. This original treasure is not so easy to get, and if one is not careful, it will end up dead, because it is dead here. The world is full of endless breath of death. They are fighting against the breath of death all the time. If they wait until their origin is exhausted, they will really die!

"Damn it, how could this happen? The last time the secret world was opened was not so dangerous. How could there be such a terrible place in this barbarian territory? If this is really a big trap, I don't know how many years there are. Life is dead here, this place will be a great Jedi!" When thinking of this, these people couldn't help but shudder, and each of them showed a trace of fear and anxiety in their eyes. They knew it would be like this. They won't come if they are killed!

regret! It is too late. These people are already in this desperate situation. If they want to survive, they can only count on Xingtian, hoping that Xingtian can break all the traps here and let them escape this desperate situation. Putting hope on Xingtian is quite wrong in itself. You must know that they came after killing Xingtian. Although Xingtian didn’t say anything, Xingtian knew exactly what they thought of them. In this case, everyone still has To survive?

Seeing the performance of the people, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. He valued the xinxing of these people. Just because of this threat, the hearts of these people were upset. Fortunately, they hadn't yelled out loud, and they didn't collapse. Can be considered a little capable.

"When you come, you will be at peace. Don't think so much. It's useless to think too much. We are now in this weird place. You hope that others can bring the key when they arrive, or else you won't be able to unlock the death in front of you. The tower, we will all be gradually eroded by the breath of the Avenue of Death, and we will all be consumed to death by the source of death, and no one can escape!"

Xing Tian is right, thinking too much is useless, even if you know this is a huge trap, what about a dead Jedi, can you escape? If you can't escape, it's better to face it bravely. Only when other people arrive and when the key comes out can they see a ray of life and win that ray of life from this Jedi!

In fact, this is only for those strong men and barbarians of the human race. For Xingtian, although it is dangerous, although it is a dangerous situation, it does not mean that a little bit of death aura can destroy Xingtian and death. The breath will not have much impact on Xingtian, who has condensed the real body of the gods and demons. It will even be swallowed bit by bit by Xingtian’s swallowing avenue, turning it into a nutrient for his own growth, but Xingtian is worried that all this is just the beginning , There are more terrifying calculations behind.

The wait is long. Xing Tian can calmly continue to understand the true meaning of the Avenue of Death on the Tower of Death bit by bit. For those strong human races, many people do not have such a state of mind. Facing the threat of death, let them one by one. It's hard for all of them to calm down. Under such a state, they naturally have no power to understand the true meaning of Dao Dao.

"Everyone, what do you think we should do now? This is almost the Jedi. We have been trapped in it. If it takes a long time, as the lunatic Xing Tian said, we all have a dead end. We must unite if we want to survive. We must survive from death and work together to make a living. We cannot pin all our hopes on the lunatic Xing Tian. After all, he is unreliable, and the hatred between us cannot be resolved!"

"Yes, the hatred is too great to be resolved. Under such circumstances, to pin life and death on the enemy is undoubtedly self-defeating. We must have our own way of getting out of trouble. The problem is that we must be united, but now our number is still too small. When everyone else arrives, we will unite all the viable forces, hoping that those colleagues will not suffer heavy losses in this test, or even if we have the intention to stand on our own Inability to break free!"

"I feel that the situation of those same people is not dangerous. We must know that we have not encountered too much danger along the way, and they must be no exception. The reason why they are late is because they have a chance, maybe with the key related!"

"No, things will not be that simple. If everything is true as the lunatic Xingtian said, even if there is a key, it will not be in the hands of our human race, but will fall into the hands of the barbarians. After all, those **** barbarians can Without leaving the land of yellow sand, they were also trapped in this desperate situation. Behind all of this, there must be a black hand. The key will naturally fall in the hands of the barbarian cavalry. Only in this way can we both live and die. Showdown! Don’t forget that this is the kingdom of death, and it’s full of the breath of death. The original treasure is also the treasure of the Avenue of Death!"

When mentioning the Avenue of Death, everyone was silent. Everything is just as said. This is the kingdom of death. What they are facing is the erosion of death. At this moment, these people are not thinking about interests, but their own safety. Thinking about how to break free from this **** desperate situation and escape this terrible crisis.

Hate, at this moment, these people hate Xingtian and the high-levels of their own sect. If it weren’t for Xingtian, if it wasn’t for Zongmen’s order to chase Xingtian, how could they have fallen into such a terrible desperation? It can be said that these people's minds have been broken, and the negative forces in their hearts are accumulating bit by bit. If the time is long, this negative power will not be vented. There is only a dead end waiting for them. Here, once their minds collapse There is no way to survive!

"Everyone, continue to understand the true meaning of the Avenue of Death. Although this is a bit of a temporary embarrassment, we can support more time with a little more insight, and a minute of time will give you more vitality. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, said this at this time. After some words, maybe he also has calculations for us, in order to break our state of mind, so that we can not continue to understand the true meaning of the Dao, can not compete with him for this original treasure, once we really lose our mind, we really have a little chance No more!"


Calculate! Xing Tian counted them. These people really valued himself. Xing Tian never thought about counting them, because it was not worth it. These people seemed to have a bit of power, but in this terrifying land of death, the threat to Xing Tian had been minimized. , And as time goes by, their power will continue to be weakened, and the threat to Xing Tian is even more non-existent. What Xing Tian wanted to guard against was not them, but the power behind it, the will of heaven and earth, and even the remnants of the ancient gods and demons in this kingdom of death. These forces are worth Xing Tian's care and prevention, while others are not worth it. Mention!

The breath of death is constantly increasing, and the pressure on everyone is constantly increasing. Soon when some people are getting a little impatient, some people finally come to the tower of death, another group of strong humans. Appearing here, when they saw Xing Tian and their colleagues, they were all a little shocked. They all didn't understand how Xing Tian could ignore the existence of these people and let them stand not far away.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, Xing Tian can actually ignore the existence of those bastards. Could it be that they have reached some kind of agreement? If this is the case, our situation would be dangerous. Maybe these **** have already treated us Give and sell!" For these human race powerhouses, their first thought is that they will be betrayed, because they all understand in their hearts that everyone's union is only a union over interests. Once they encounter danger, they will betrayed. The same thing is normal!

"I don't know what this is, but we are not wrong about being careful. We came a bit late, and no one knows what these **** have done. If there is something wrong, we must retreat as soon as possible. We must not be given to by these bastards. I've calculated it!"

Seeing the worries that flashed on the faces of these newcomers, the previous strong human races snorted disdainfully. They knew exactly what these **** were thinking. These **** were actually there. Suspecting them, they actually took precautions against them. If it weren't really terrifying here, they were all determined to teach these **** a lesson!

"Assholes, really a group of ignorant assholes. When is this, they are still doubting us. If we want to count them, what use is they even if they take precautions? If it is not for the sake of the same people, I really want to do it. Teach them a lesson!"

"Enough, don’t say these irrational words. It is normal for them to be guarded against us. Who makes us live peacefully with Xingtian this lunatic? They worry that it is normal for us to have a deal with Xingtian, as long as we Explain clearly, and their worries will be resolved. For us, strengthening our own strength is the most important thing!"

"Haha! We also know that we shouldn't do this, but the anger in our hearts can't come out! Being stimulated by these bastards, don't mention how aggrieved in my heart! These **** are simply too hateful, how can we think so Bad!"

"Well, this is all the negative forces in your hearts that are doing the worship. The more this time, the more we must be calm, and the more we must face calmly, without the slightest carelessness, or if we lose our mind, that is A dead end!"

After calming down the anger in everyone’s hearts, and seeing everyone calm down, these people who came first began to communicate with the people who came later. After all, some of them had a little friendship with them, so soon These first-comers told the latecomers about the crisis here, let them understand how dangerous the situation is now, and let them understand how terrible the crisis everyone is facing. Everyone is now in the same boat. If you want to survive, you can only work together. .

"The key! You got the key to open the pagoda!" Xing Tian asked in a deep voice when he saw those people put down their guard against each other. Time waits for no one. Xing Tian doesn't want to delay too long, because it takes too long. It will increase your own danger, and will only make the kingdom of death stronger. Once the power here exceeds the range that you can bear, I am afraid that I will not escape death!

key! When they heard Xing Tian’s words, those people were shocked and did not understand what Xing Tian was talking about. Obviously, they didn’t have the key to unlock the Tower of Death in their hands. In an instant, everyone’s expressions became extremely solemn, and they were most worried. Eventually happened, the key is not in the hands of the human race, but in the hands of the barbarian cavalry, this is a big trouble!

"Damn it, how could this happen, how could the key fall into the hands of the barbarian!" Someone could not help the anger in his heart and yelled out loudly. His mind has begun to fall a little bit. If he can't adjust it in time, I'm afraid it won't take long It will collapse directly, and it will fall into a real desperate situation of death, truly face death, and go to death!

"Enough, what's so angry, didn't we think about it a long time ago, since the key is not in our hands, in the hands of the savages, we can only give it a shot, the big deal is to die with those bastards, but also to fight for the human race, die Glory!"

"Friend Xingtian, we should have a good talk. The key is not in the hands of our human race, but in the hands of barbarians. It seems that there is power behind this manipulating everything. If we can’t work together, I’m afraid it will The entire army is destroyed. It’s nothing if we die. After all, it can’t affect the general trend of race showdowns, but we can’t let the barbarians get the original treasure here, and we can’t increase the power of the barbarians. That would be huge for the entire human race. Disaster, this is a treasure of the origin of the road of death, once it falls into the hands of the barbarians, it will have a devastating blow to the human race!"

Human righteousness. At this time, the powerful people of these major forces want to use Human righteousness to persuade Xing Tian to cooperate with them. They want to get Xing Tian's help. As long as Xing Tian helps them, they still have a ray of life, and even more. Interests! Benefits are eternal. For these bastards, as long as they are not in a real desperate situation, they will not give up their benefits. Especially now that Xing Tian is in this crisis like them, this makes them even more looking forward to it. Under such a dangerous environment, a person's power is limited. No matter how strong Xing Tian is, he must have a helper to be able to break free from the desperate situation of death. This is the influence of the general situation!

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