God of Destruction

Chapter 4028: Festival war broke out

The 4th and 28th chapter war broke out

Xing Tian snorted disdainfully and said, "Okay, don't use this ridiculous human righteousness to say things. You are not worthy. The key has fallen in the hands of the barbarians. This is indeed a big problem. We can see through the situation and see behind it. Do you think that the strong of the barbarians will not be able to see through, no matter how crazy the barbarians are, how much hatred they have with us, at this time, they must also cooperate with us to open the tower of death, you must know Although their numbers are large, their individual strength is far from being able to resist the erosion of the breath of death. In order to survive, do they have a choice? No one wants to die, we don’t want to face death, and the same goes for the **** barbarians In this way, all problems can be solved as long as the matter is opened up!"

When he said this, Xing Tian's voice was uttered, his expression was also slightly condensed, and he sighed slightly, "Of course, it is not ruled out that these **** will pull us to the end. After all, savages are lunatics, and we should do it in advance. Be prepared to make full preparations so as not to be caught off guard, but once the battle breaks out, I hope you will be unreserved. The time left for us is running out. Every time we delay, the danger we face One more point!"

Let these people have no reservations, this can only be said to be an impossible expectation. These people have calculations in their hearts, and expecting them to use their assassins, which is tantamount to killing them, after all. This crisis has just begun.

Xing Tian was also very clear about what these **** were thinking, so his expression changed again, and he said in a deep voice, "I don't want to know what you think, no matter what you think, but I want to tell you one thing, don't expect I will save you. Life and death are all within your thoughts. You are in your hands. If you don’t have enough strength and want to preserve your strength, then wait for death. This is war, not a trifle, it’s better to rely on people. Yourselves, all you can rely on is yourself! If you want to survive this crisis, fight to the death and break your way out of desperation!"

When Xingtian's words fell, everyone's expressions changed drastically. They were all shocked by Xingtian's words. Before, they had indeed thought of counting Xingtian, and wanted Xingtian to do them. To fend off the disaster, but now their expectations have come to nothing, Xing Tian didn't give them the opportunity to hold their thighs, and directly cut off their thoughts!

war! This is a result that many people do not want to see, but they all understand that it is difficult for barbarians to collude. It is unrealistic to expect barbarians to directly hand over the keys in their hands. In the end, there will be a battle. There will be deaths and injuries, and no one thinks they can retreat all over, but it is really impossible for them to accept Xingtian’s threat. Under this situation, they are all in their moods, and they are all swearing secretly. Xing Tian is a lunatic.

Feeling the more and more intense breath of death, Xing Tian understood that it was not far from the full explosion of this city of death, and those damned barbarians might have already arrived, perhaps they had already arrived, but stayed in the dark. I was silently observing the every move of myself and these human race powerhouses, and I was figuring out whether I could fight head-on!

Being able to avoid Xingtian’s telepathy, and able to avoid Xingtian’s divine eyes, it can be seen that the barbarian’s methods are not as unbearable as everyone thinks. The barbarian has a great set of methods that can cover his own energy and make the enemy in a short time. Nei couldn't perceive their existence, and now these savages are doing this, they are making the final preparations!

"Boss, we can't wait any longer. Our jirou can no longer withstand the erosion of the breath of death. Even with the help of the army, the lack of strength is still unchangeable. Since the human **** are already here, we don't need it. Another waste of time, taking advantage of these **** are not fully prepared, just by surprise, hit them by surprise!"

"Look again, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to the survival of everyone. We can't be careless. We can hide our breath and avoid the sight of the human race, but you think these **** human race powerhouses will have no treasure in their hands, they If you dare to step into the land of yellow sand, you must have your own assassin. We can't act rashly, lest one accidentally fall into the trap of these **** and let the army be besieged and killed by these bastards!"

Xingtian and the strong humans are guarding against the barbarians’ sneak attacks, and the barbarians do not dare to take it lightly. They must be careful not to give the enemy the slightest chance to fight back. Once they fall into the opponent’s calculations, the fun will be great. , The price paid is also terrifying, and there is even the possibility of the entire army being destroyed, causing everyone to fall in this land of death!

"The enemy may have arrived, and they have not come forward for a long time. I am afraid that they are also embarrassed and want to hit us by surprise. These **** barbarians are really sinister!" Suddenly, Xing Tian's thoughts moved and felt When there was a hint of murderous intent, this murderous intent was flashed by. If Xing Tian hadn't practiced the killing avenue, he would not have noticed the appearance of this murderous intent at all. This hint of murderous intent made Xing Tian involuntarily vigilant, suspecting that the barbarian army had already arrival!

Covering the secrets, there are treasures that cover the secrets on the barbarian army. They have appeared around and are preparing to kill the killers! When thinking of this, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with a ray of danger, and the breath of killing was condensing frantically. For these **** of the human race, Xing Tian did not dare to count on them. It is good for these **** not to fall into trouble when they are in danger. It’s just a joke to be able to work together. Don’t look at their amazing combat power, but they really have to fight against the barbarian army. There is really no hope of victory. Who makes everyone selfish and has their own ideas. !

Send a warning to everyone, telling them that the enemy has appeared? No, Xing Tian gave up this idea. For these strong human races, Xing Tian has long since held up any hope, and never thought that they would be able to make a favorable move. It would be good for these **** to not drag themselves down, and count on them. Being a helper is just a fantasy, a huge fantasy!

Preemptive strikes, you can't wait for the enemy to attack first, then the consequences will be uncontrollable! Kill, with a thought, Xing Tian's murderous intent broke out, and he directly pressed the void that he felt. A sword light cut through the void and directly blasted on the area, and the powerful attack instantly tore apart. Everything makes the entire void tremble!

auzw.com Just when Xingtian broke out, the strong human races were shocked one by one. They thought Xingtian was going to attack themselves, so they could not help but yelled: "Damn, Xingtian is a lunatic What is this, what does he want? Is this a demonstration to us? Is it forcing us to yield to him? Forcing us to agree with this lunatic's opinion!"

In the midst of this curse, Xingtian’s sword light soon plundered their heads and blasted behind them. Soon a powerful aura burst out behind them, and the barbarian’s iron cavalry appeared, directly Behind them, the powerful qi and blood gathered together like a pillar of qi and blood, covering the erosion of the breath of death and hiding the secret of heaven!

"It's barbarians, these **** appeared silently behind us!" When they saw this, these human race powerhouses all gasped. If Xing Tian hadn't taken the initiative, they would have broken the barbarian's protection. , When the opponent launches an attack first, they will really suffer heavy casualties, and they will be beaten to pieces.

"What are you waiting for, before you kill these **** barbarians, they don't even want to live in peace with us and kill!" A series of roars rang out among the strong humans, when they saw this situation , No matter how patient they can endure, they can’t accept this result. If they had a glimmer of illusion in their minds that they could solve the key problem peacefully, now they are completely dead. These **** barbarians never thought about going to All humans cooperate.

At this time, no matter how much calculation you have in your mind, you must also face this sudden battle. Although they are passively fighting one by one, they dare not stand by and watch the tiger fight and wait for the punishment. As a result of losing both to the savages, if they did so, it would be tantamount to denying themselves from the human race and the group.

Everyone in the Terran did not expect that the war would suddenly break out, and the barbarians also did not expect that this crazy battle began without much preparation on both sides. All this was led by Xing Tian, ​​although this was not what Xing Tian wanted. I saw it, but when he had no choice, Xing Tian could only do this. Who made the barbarians come with malicious intent!

A series of attacks furiously blasted towards the barbarian army, but unfortunately under the barbarian army, these many attacks did not break the defense, and did not really hurt the barbarian army that formed the army. After all, the people of the human race With different minds, they didn’t try their best, and they were still doing the act of preserving their strength. It was their selfishness that made Xing Tian’s first opportunity created so hard to be wasted in vain, causing everyone to miss out on the barbaric. Human opportunity!

"Damn, I know these **** can't believe it. Even if the situation has reached this point, even if the savages have already been killed, they are still using their own small calculations to preserve their strength, deliberately trying to take the greatest advantage. What a group of ignorant and stupid bastards, they just want to die!" Seeing these people's actions to death, Xing Tian didn't even mention how annoyed he was. He could have killed the Quartet and destroyed the barbarian army in one fell swoop, but now I can only watch the chance pass by for nothing, and watch the barbarian escape a mortal killing.

Is all this God's will or man-made? Xing Tian didn’t know, and he didn’t have time to think about all of this. Because the war had begun and there was a group of pigs facing friends, Xing Tian couldn’t complete the enemy’s defenses on his own. Unless Xing Tian ignored his own safety and fully exploded his own potential, the same was true. It is impossible. Xing Tian will not pin his life and death on these shameless fellow humans. No one knows whether these **** will kill him in turn!

In this case, let alone Xing Tian couldn’t believe in them, even these **** couldn’t believe in themselves. If Xing Tian was seriously injured, they would definitely not be able to withstand the temptation and would kill Xing Tian desperately, even if he would. Facing the strangulation of the barbarian army, they can't help but do so, because their hearts are too greedy!

"Shameless human race, I know they can't believe it. They have discovered our whereabouts tomorrow morning but deliberately pretended to be ignorant. When we relax our vigilance, then suddenly attack, these **** are really sinister!" Xingtian was caught off guard. , The barbarian’s many powerful men were furious, especially the leader of this army, he was even more angry. As soon as he said that he wanted to observe first, the next moment these human races launched an attack and directly beat themselves s face!

"The leader is the inheritance pagoda. As long as we destroy these **** human races, we will be able to get all the inheritance here. We have the key, and we have the opportunity. Even if these **** find us, it will be a waste of not breaking our defense. Strength, when their origin is exhausted, it is their time to die!" The barbarian said fiercely at the sacrifice, and his expression was as hideous as he was, but it is useless to say no matter how good it is, everything is just fantasy!

"Enough, is it useful to say so much? If you want to kill these bastards, it is daydreaming. These **** were not consumed by us, but we fell under the erosion of death first. When there is no war, we can use With the strength of the army to resist the erosion of the breath of death, and the war, many people are unable to sustain it. They all have to be distracted to resist the erosion of the breath of death. Over time, we will fall first, not these damned ones. Human race!"

Terrans are trapped in the land of yellow sand. Those trapped in this city of death are the strong, and the weak are not qualified to participate in the hunt for Xingtian. Under the same circumstances, the Terrans are more insistent than the barbarians. Longer time, it can withstand the stronger death aura erosion. Prolonged warfare is very beneficial to the human race. Many strong humans in the human race want the barbarians to just defend and not fight back, so they can completely kill this barbaric bit by bit. The people's army, let them have no chance to come back, they were completely resolved, so time is on the side of the human race, which is very detrimental to the barbarians. Delaying time will only make the barbarians die more miserably and die more. Come on, this is the biggest weakness of the barbarian cavalry!


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