God of Destruction

Chapter 4029: Festival of the Dead (1)

The fourth thousand and twenty-ninth chapter dead battle (1)

"War, let your life fight, tell all the soldiers, this time we have no way out. We will either destroy the entire army or kill the enemy, open the pagoda, seize the inheritance, life and death are only between their thoughts!" The barbarian leader looked one. Cohesion, Shen Sheng said to his own sacrifice, and he told the truth. At this time, there is no room for relaxation between the two sides. When the war is together, there is no end to death. If one side does not fall, the war will not end! Of course, everything is not absolute, and there is another possibility. The tower of death is opened in front of you. In order to seize the inheritance, everyone will naturally give up fighting the enemy!

Let's die! When pushed to a desperate situation, this barbarian cavalry had to work hard. Beware of the belief in life and death, the entire army of barbarians became extraordinary, and there was a terrible murderous aura in them, and the murderous aura was full of death. Although their number and strength have not changed, their condensed army has the meaning of endless iron and blood, with terrible fighting intent, and the whole army is united into one, giving people endless oppression!

"Damn, what happened, how did these **** barbarians change like this in an instant, what do they want, can it be said that this is their back hand, this is their assassin, they want to share life and death with us directly? When seeing the changes in the barbarians in front of them, many powerful human races became wary of them, and they began to worry about their own safety. If this group of lunatics broke out, the consequences would be really disastrous. The dead souls disappeared in this battle, and the evil spirit of that terrible army formation made their hearts tremble and made them fearful!

A group of barbarians who regard death as home, and they are able to work together, the human race is distracted, and each has selfishness. In this case, the two armies will fight against each other, the result is naturally predictable, even if it is a human race. The personal strength of these strong men is strong, but in such a large-scale war, their strength cannot be used.

Retire! Some people couldn't help but gave birth to the idea of ​​retreating, but at first glance everyone around them looked solemn, they had to give up this idea, because their retreat would immediately become the target of the public, and they would become the scapegoat for the collapse of the entire war. But if they collapsed, even if they could escape the barbarians, they could not escape death. They had to take responsibility for this failure!

"Asshole, Xingtian is a lunatic who caused trouble. If this lunatic didn't take the lead and directly force the barbarians to fight to the death, how could we be caught in such a terrible crisis? Xingtian, the lunatic would be responsible for all this!" Soon these **** put the blame on Xingtian again, thinking that all this was caused by Xingtian. They forgot that if there was no Xingtian, the barbarian army hidden behind them would directly kill them all in one raid. They are really dead and dead, and no one should want to survive the barbarian raid, because they can't fight the barbarian army!

"My fellow daoists, you can't let these **** barbarians continue. If their aura is raised to the extreme, we will not be able to resist the terrible cavalry charge. We must destroy their army and not let them continue to gather their fighting spirit. !" At this time someone finally couldn't help standing up and organizing manpower against the barbarian's impact.

Regarding all of this, Xing Tian just kept silent. All these people asked for themselves. It was their selfishness that caused this terrible disaster. If these **** could cooperate with themselves before, they would never give the barbarians such a chance. , But now everything has happened, the momentum of the entire human race has fallen into crisis, and everyone has fallen into the barbarian's terrible army's fighting will oppress, and this is just the beginning, but wait for the barbarian's fighting will When it condenses and becomes a physical beast, the impact everyone faces will be even more terrifying, and even the gathering of fighting spirit will directly bring them death!

"Convergence, all the comrades converge according to the original team, and fight back with all their strength. In any case, these **** barbarians cannot be allowed to continue. I don't want to die and give all my strength to Lao Tzu!" At this time, everyone felt very heavy and regretted. , I knew that such a panic would happen, I shouldn't have deliberately drag Xingtian's hind legs before, and shouldn't give these **** barbarians a chance to resist. Now everyone is dumbfounded, they have become fools, and they were caught off guard by the enemy!

This is war, not trifling! It’s a pity that these strong human races only understand this now, but it’s just a bit too late now. The barbarians have reacted quickly and counter-attack them. The current situation is beneficial to the barbarians, and the barbarians have mastered the general situation. The aura became weak, and in this case, they could only do their best!

"Huh! I think of counterattack now. It's too late. This time I missed it and completely ruined all the opportunities. War is not a trifle. If you miss the first opportunity, you will need to pay ten times or a hundred times the price if you want to redeem it. And you **** can Can you bear the price? Can you not collapse under the impact of the barbarians?" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. Such a situation is not what he wants to see, but he cannot stop it. The occurrence of this is destiny, this is the general trend.

All this is man-made, or providence! It’s half right, half God’s will to manipulate everything, half the human **** are asking for themselves. They are too self-righteous and arrogant. They forget what war is and treat it as a trifle. They don’t pay, who will do it. At the price, everyone is responsible for their actions.

At this time, all human forces deliberately threw Xing Tian aside, ignoring Xing Tian’s existence, let alone greeting Xing Tian. In their hearts, they never regarded Xing Tian as their own, even if they were facing barbarians. This terrible impact, they are still selfish, still not thinking about working together to survive this catastrophe!

In the hearts of these people, they are all looking forward to the death of Xing Tian and the barbarians, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman, can seize the opportunity and inheritance of Xing Tian, ​​and even get the key in the hands of the barbarians. With such a fantasy, these **** made a wrong choice, a fatal choice!

Xing Tian has never trusted these "comrades" of the human race. From the very beginning, Xing Tian knew that these **** were unreliable. Since these people were unwilling to work together with him to survive the catastrophe, he was also happy. One person is better than a group of people. To come easily, you don't need to care about the life and death of others, you can move forward and retreat freely.


If these people knew that in a short period of time, Xing Tian had a certain sense of the true meaning of the Avenue of Death on the Tower of Death, and vaguely grasped the true meaning of the Avenue of Death, then they would not make such a mistake. Deciding to grasp the true meaning of the Great Avenue of Death is equivalent to not fearing the breath of death here, not fearing the erosion of death, and even at a critical moment, Xing Tian can grasp the origin of the Great Avenue here, and can inspire the origin of the Great Avenue to attack the enemy!

The war has begun. Although this is in the plan of the black hand behind the scenes, together with death, it is not only the power that strengthens the origin of this city of death. Xing Tian can also use the opportunity to detect the destination of death and find the hidden place. The dark hand in the dark found the remnants of the ancient gods and demons that may exist in the city of death. Xing Tian believed that the opponent would either not make a move. Once he made the move, he would definitely be aware of it. Even as long as someone dies, the power of death is also To be able to guide Xing Tian to find the origin of the city of death and find the way to break the game, it is not only the key that can open the tower of death and open the inheritance!

opportunity! Xing Tian was waiting for the opportunity. In contrast, Xing Tian didn’t care about the reactions of the various human forces. Xing Tian didn’t care at all. There was cause and effect. These people didn’t regard Xing Tian as a fellow, but as his own family. Xingtian's approval was not obtained, and there would be no cause and effect between the two parties, and the humane force would not be able to force Xingtian to help them.

As long as Xing Tian still stands up to the righteousness of the human race and admits that he is a member of the human race, he must take this humane force into consideration. Nowadays, many human forces have first given up on the human race. It is they who ignored the existence of the human race. No wonder Xing Tian Regardless of their deaths and lives, this is karma, and the punishment they deserve. What's more, Xing Tian and them have never been at fault. There is only hatred. It is not easy for the two parties to make a big deal at this time. !

In the eyes of the people of the human race, the barbarians would either not attack, and they would attack Xingtian first, taking Xingtian as the main target, because it was Xingtian who undermined their plan, and it was Xingtian who forced them out from the dark. Beat Xingtian, then I'm so sorry, but they were wrong, the barbarian army leader is not crazy, what is the use of attacking Xingtian alone, is Xingtian dominating the situation now? No, these human races are not in the control of Xingtian. Attacking Xingtian at this time will only let those human races quickly gather together and become a huge hidden danger for them.

kill! When the human race's many forces blocked the barbarian army and continued to gather the fighting spirit and the momentum, the barbarians did not show mercy and made a big shot. The iron-blooded fighting intent of the army turned into a lion, and it slaughtered everyone directly. The lion's iron-blooded fighting spirit instantly tore through everyone's attack, and there was a lingering wave directly impacting them.

"Damn it, how could this barbarian's power be so powerful? Even though they have a formation blessing, they should not have such a powerful force. What is going on? Why is the barbarian's power so terrifying?" After the blow, someone finally got scared and couldn't help but yelled, venting the anxiety in his heart.

Why is it so? No one knows. Regardless of whether they are from great powers, they are all great, but for the army, their understanding is very limited. They don't know the terrible of an iron-blooded lion. They always have a superior mentality. Come to face a large army, just like they looked down on Morrow, the king of the north, in the frontier. They felt that even if Morrow mastered an iron-blooded lion, he would not be able to threaten his safety, and because of this arrogance, they Paid a heavy price.

With just one blow, the minds of a small group of people were traumatized and wounded by the iron-blooded war spirits gathered by the barbarian army, and this was just the beginning. When the war was fought together, one's own side fell into a disadvantage. After being hit, if this situation cannot be reversed, I am afraid that it will not take long before the power they have gathered will collapse!

"Friend Xingtian, what are you waiting for, why don't you fight back!" At this time, some people thought of Xingtian again, and wanted Xingtian to take responsibility for them, and wanted Xingtian to stand up and resist the barbaric iron-blooded souls. Shock!

Xing Tian is not their nanny, but he doesn’t care about their lives and deaths. All these **** asked for themselves. Xing Tian ignored the words of these stupid people and didn’t care at all. Now when facing danger, he thought of Xing Tian. Before they If you do anything, you think of Xingtian if you are in danger, and if you are good, you can do it yourself. There is such a good thing in this world!

"Damn Xingtian, he dared to ignore us, what he wants to do, he is not afraid that after we fall, he will die or not?" When he saw Xingtian's reaction, everyone couldn't help but yelled and hated each one more. Xing Tian, ​​it's just that they forgot that it was themselves who caused all this, and they were responsible for their actions.

"Wrong, we were wrong again, we were so ignorant that we gave up great power in vain. We can give up Xingtian, regardless of Xingtian's life and death, Xingtian can do the same. We all thought that the barbarian’s first target would be Xingtian. In fact, this is a big mistake for us. Xing Tian is just one person. No matter how strong it is, it is too limited. We are a group of people. No matter how stupid the barbarians are, they know how to choose. This time we are in big trouble. Prepare mentally!"

Is it just the trouble? No, this is not as simple as the trouble. It is a crisis of life and death. The barbarians will not be merciful. When the war is together, the two sides will never die. The barbarians will not let them go. They will not be merciful because of their ignorance! On the contrary, the barbarians will run them directly, taking away their luck.

The human race and the foreign race fight together, and the war is a struggle for luck. If these people are defeated and strangled by barbarians, the human luck will inevitably be damaged. The sects behind them will also be lucky because of this battle. Loss, this is the price of war. The two armies fought, not just people, but not only the opposing chance, but also the luck of the race!

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