God of Destruction

Chapter 4030: Festival of the Dead (2)

Remember [..] in one second!

The fourth thousand and thirtieth chapter dead battle (2)

Be mentally prepared! What psychological preparation? Naturally, psychological preparation for death! When the situation has reached this point, everyone understands how dangerous the danger is, and everyone understands how dangerous their situation is, but whoever blames all this is caused by themselves. At this time, they naturally plan for the worst. You have to pay for your stupidity.

Ask Xingtian for help, confess his fault to Xingtian, so that he can get Xingtian's help? No, no one does this, because they all understand that if something is missed, it will not reappear. Even if they can put down their figure and confess their mistakes to Xingtian, Xingtian will not accept it, nor They will save them, especially in such a dangerous environment, where the self-sacrificing and saving will never happen. If you count on Xingtian's help, it is better to try your best and blaze a trail!

People can’t calculate too much. These **** just calculate too much. They have to calculate everything, and when it’s good for them. Now that’s good, they finally paid a heavy price for their actions and for their own. Stupid and endure this terrible impact, the barbarian’s impact is wave after wave, without stopping, they are not these **** of the human race, they don’t know how to advance and retreat, they don’t know right or wrong, they won’t give the human a breather Miandi, relying on the initiative advantage to directly defeat these powerful people of the human race, directly crush their minds, and let them completely fall into despair!

Death has begun. Although the first to fall is the barbarian warriors. After all, these warriors have limited individual strength. When they are impacted, one accidentally ends up dying, but for the barbarian army, this is the point. Casualties are nothing, and they are all well prepared early. Not to mention that not many people die. No matter how many people fall, no one will be afraid of it. They will worry about it. Fear leads to the defeat of the war.

Compared with the madness of the barbarians, the human side does not have such iron-blooded temperament. When a strong person dies in this impact, some people's minds inevitably shake again. They are afraid, they are afraid, and worried. Following in the footsteps of the dead, they wanted to escape, but here is the place of death, there is no escape, they can only continue to fight hard, and even so, their fighting spirit has not been ignited, and they still have no fight The belief that the enemy will die together!

gap! This is the gap, the gap above the belief, even if the human race is stronger than the barbarians, but they don’t have strong beliefs, and they don’t have the courage to lay down their lives. They all count on their companions to stand up and stop this, but everyone With this kind of mentality, naturally no one will really fight the barbarians in a life and death duel.

Soon a strong individual fell, not because of their lack of strength, but because they did not have the belief in a decisive battle. They were forced to death by the barbarian warriors with their lives, and a group of barbarian warriors ignored their life and death. The ground charged forward, regardless of the safety of their own lives, pulling the enemy to death, even if their individual strength is weak, under such a big environment, they can still pile up enemies that are countless times stronger than themselves. This is a barbarian. The madness, the bravery of the barbarians!

"Damn it, how can these barbarians be so crazy that they don't take their lives seriously, are they really fearless of death, and are they really willing to sacrifice themselves for victory?" Seeing people around them keep falling down, seeing this damned When the barbarian had no intention of retreating at all, someone couldn't help but scream, and was frightened by the barbarian's madness.

At this time, some people finally remembered Xingtian’s words. It’s better to rely on yourself than on people. No one can rely on here. If you want to survive, you can only make a **** path by yourself. Unfortunately, they have lost the opportunity now. Long ago unable to contact each other, the barbarian army completely separated these powerful human races. Although the barbarians paid a heavy price for this, killing and wounding a large number of soldiers, the price they paid in exchange for a strategic advantage.

Xingtian, what is Xingtian doing at this time? Why didn't he stand up? Very simple, Xing Tian was diving, and even the enemies of the barbarians didn’t take him seriously. Why did he jump out to find trouble? When the barbarians and the strong human races were greatly harmed, it would not be impossible for him to take the final advantage. late!

Yes, the barbarians did not pay much attention to Xing Tian, ​​and their idea is very simple. Xing Tian is just a person, and it is an existence repelled by all aspects of the human race. It can be left to the final solution. There is no need to take action at this time and give other humans. People have the opportunity to inflict heavy damage on their army. You must know that even if it is a preemptive strike, the barbarian army will suffer heavy losses. If these forces are given enough time to adjust, they will pay a greater price, and even lose both.

"We can't go on like this anymore. If we are still doing something like this, we really don't have a chance to survive. Fellow Daoists, don't save your strength anymore, and use the skills of housekeeping. If we don't use the killer, maybe we really don't have a chance. There is a chance, we must concentrate our efforts to make a **** road in this encirclement!" Faced with increasing pressure, many powerful humans in the human race felt the threat of death and had to make this choice!

"Kill! Strangle with all your strength, don't give these human races a chance to reunite!" When detecting the changes in the human race, the leader of the barbarian army immediately ordered to stop everything. The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. The barbarian can have the upper hand and can The power to suppress the human race is because the strong men of the human race underestimate them and give them a chance to attack, but once the human race is ready, their trouble will be greater, and the price they have to pay will be even more terrifying!

Stop, the barbarian army wants to prevent the confluence of the many powerful humans, and there is only one choice, and that is to fight to death, that is, to fight to the death of the enemy, but it becomes very difficult to do this. Many powerful humans have been wary and no longer It was as ignorant as before, was caught off guard by them, and was instantly strangled by that crazy suicide attack!


To pile up the enemy with human lives is the only option for the barbarians. For them, there is only one way to go. If they pile up these strong men of the undead, they will be in desperation, because as time goes by , The erosion power of this land of death is also increasing frantically, especially with the beginning of the war, as people continue to die, the breath of this land of death becomes more terrifying, and the entire land of death seems to be alive. , Giving people a heavy feeling.

With so many people dead, Xing Tian, ​​who has been observing all the time, still has no clue to find the destination of this death. There is no way to start with the dead person and find the key point. This result makes Xing Tian frowned involuntarily, the enemy It is more terrifying than I thought, and the layout is more insidious. The power of so many dead people is absorbed by the tower of death in front of me. It seems that the key to my search is the tower of death, but I can instinctively convince Xing Tian that he sees that it is not The truth!

Compared with what he saw, Xing Tian believed in his own telepathy, and the Tower of Death was not so easy to start. Especially at this time, if he assaulted the Tower of Death, it would only attract more people’s attention. It even attracted the murderous intent of the barbarians, so Xing Tian was still waiting, and continued to be patient.

Patience is painful. Every minute of time is a temper for Xing Tian, ​​a temper above the soul, and as time goes by, Xing Tian also has a sense of urgency in his heart, as if something bad is about to come. The same, but when Xing Tian looked up carefully, he found nothing. This result made Xing Tian even more uneasy.

What force can threaten your safety? Xing Tian kept thinking while waiting, but from the current situation, the only thing that could threaten him was the black hand who manipulated everything, but Xing Tian didn't think that this force could really threaten his safety. There must be something. Forgotten by myself, but I can't remember it!

What was forgotten by Xingtian? Naturally it was his deity. At this time, the deity Xingtian was already facing great danger. Another wave of Taipingdao enemies had already found the retreat of the deity Xingtian with the help of heavenly secrets. Fortunately, Xingtian was fully prepared before Xingtian. Engraving the enemies of the peace road still can't find the true body of the deity, but there are limits to everything, even if your own formation is more powerful, over time, the enemies of the peace road will also be aware of it!

For Xing Tian, ​​the real crisis is not the barbarian in front of him, nor the city of death he is in, nor the black hand hiding in the dark, but the Taipingdao, his deity, if the deity is caught by the Taipingdao If the enemy is found, Xing Tian really has to face a life-and-death duel. Regardless of Xing Tian's accumulation of incomparable strength, but Xing Tian's deity is unable to exert this accumulated power, so the situation of the deity is naturally very dangerous!

In this critical situation, why didn't Xing Tian deity notify the clone and call the clone to come back to help and resist this possible death crisis? There is only one reason. Xingtian deity does not want to affect the clone, and does not want to be led by the nose by the enemy. At this time, if the clone is called back, it will only make the enemy happy, and will only break the chance of the clone.

Of course, the Xingtian deity also knows that this is the calculation of the will of heaven and earth. At this time, even if you notify the clone, it will not be of much use. It will only plunge the clone into a more terrible disaster. The overall situation of the will of heaven and earth will definitely not have loopholes for yourself. , The so-called loopholes are all calculating their own biggest killer. If you want to survive, you can only find a way out!

Death continued to play out, and the breath of the entire city of death became more terrifying and even more terrifying. At this time, everyone did not notice that the Tower of Death had already undergone a slight change, and a trace of death was condensed on the mark of death. Scarlet, and the entire city of death has many buildings that hadn't been seen before. The entire city of death is recovering. With the help of the death of many creatures, this killing of humans and barbarians has given it a chance to recover.

At this moment, the strangeness of the Yellow Sand Land was finally discovered by the soldiers in the north. Such a strange place was immediately shocked to the entire north. As the king of the north, Moreau was also shocked by this anomaly, it was terrifying. His breath of death made him faintly uneasy. The breath of death was pure, but the land of yellow sand was still shrouded in mysterious power. It was impossible to find out. No matter what kind of soldiers were arranged, he could not enter the original yellow sand. place.

The secret realm, is it the secret realm present, but this is clearly different from the secret realm world. This is originally the land of yellow sand in the barbaric territory, and the yellow sand on the outside is still there, but inside is shrouded by the mysterious power. In fact, everyone understands It was the breath of death, but the breath of death was too weird, too pure, and unbelievable.

Although the missing persons from all parties were not found, after such a discovery, Moreau directly attributed the disappearance of those people to the land of yellow sands, notified the empire of everything here, and let the empire arrange everything. In other words, no matter what changes have taken place in the land of yellow sand, as long as it does not threaten the safety of its own north, there is no need to pay a heavy price to explore, carefully sail the ship for thousands of years, maybe this is a trap laid by barbarians. Waiting for Feng to jump in on his own initiative!

When there was news from the north, the various forces acted immediately. Although they did not know what it was, they could have made the various forces think that there must be a big secret in the changes in this land of yellow sand, so another group of powerful men came. Going to the north, and this time they ignored Moro, King of the North, and did not have any communication with him. They rushed directly to the land of yellow sand to see what happened there and what power could make Morro the King of the North. Can't probe!

Moreau’s background was insufficient, he couldn’t see through the land of yellow sand covered by the power of death, but there was a strong background among all forces, with all kinds of treasures and magical powers, and soon someone finally saw through the land of yellow sand. Inside, I saw the city of death, which is an extremely majestic giant city, and this giant city appeared in the land of yellow sand, appeared in the region of barbarians, this giant city hidden in the mist gave They brought a huge impact and shocked everyone. How did this huge city appear, no one knows whether it came from ancient times or from the hands of barbarians. If it is the former, everyone still Don’t worry too much, but the consequences will be great for the empire. The barbarian’s front will be directed towards the north, and the entire northern land will be under the threat of the barbarian, and a huge city can be moved here silently. It can be seen how terrifying the power of the barbarian!


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