God of Destruction

Chapter 4031: Festival turmoil is coming

The 4th and 31st chapter turmoil arrives

"A giant city, a giant city shrouded in death, barbarians, these **** actually got such a terrifying giant city outside the border, what do they want to do, do they really want to launch a full-scale attack on the empire?" When he was in the giant city, he couldn't help being stunned by the shock in his heart, and when his words fell, everyone was shocked!

A huge city appeared silently in the land of yellow sand, in the barbaric territory not far from the border. If all this is really the barbarian's masterpiece, the empire is in great trouble, Morrow's. The trouble is big, and the giant cities that can be transferred to the void are undoubtedly the treasures. Each such giant city has terrible power and is difficult to destroy.

How to do? When looking through the giant city behind the mist, everyone's heart is thinking about countermeasures. Under this situation, if their disciples really fall into it, it is impossible for them to retreat completely. They have the ability to see through the mist. In the giant city, there is no power to destroy the barrier of the fog, no power to break through the defense of the giant city, and go in to rescue his disciples!

"The breath of death is too strong, such a terrible source of death breath, it can be seen that this giant city has condensed endless death, whether it is the handwriting of a barbarian or not, its appearance will completely break the peace of the entire world, and its appearance will Set off another **** storm, tell the sect to prepare, prepare for the worst, the time of turmoil is coming!"

Yes, the turmoil is coming. The appearance of this huge city casts a shadow on everyone’s hearts. Although those who see through the fog did not explain anything carefully, they did not say that this is a treasure of origin. But everyone knows what it is like for a terrible giant city of death to appear outside the border. Such a situation is a natural disaster for everyone.

This giant city of death is related to the barbarians, that is, the barbarians can't bear to launch a full-scale war, to share life and death with the empire, and life and death with the human race! If the giant city of death has nothing to do with the barbarians, and such a giant city appears in the barbaric territory, the barbarians will not sit idly by. Once they take control of the giant city, they will fight against the human race. Completely gain the upper hand, change the unfavorable side of the barbarian, so that the barbarian can advance and retreat freely!

The news was quickly passed back to the major gates and the empire. Soon all the major forces in the empire understood that such a great change had taken place in the border. A terrible city of death appeared in the barbaric territory, and its appearance It really threatened the safety of the empire and the safety of the human race. Such a terrifying treasure of origin, once it falls into the hands of the enemy, it is a great trouble and a great disaster. No one wants to see such a situation. When it happened, all the forces had the idea of ​​this city of death in the next moment, and they all wanted to take this city of death in their own hands!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. This is a treasure of origin, and it is a treasure of death. The price to be paid to seize such a treasure is conceivable. The most important thing is that this treasure of origin is in In the territory of the barbarian, if you want to win the treasure, you must first have a duel with the barbarian, and the price of such a duel is imaginable.

The empire, everyone thought of the empire again, and they wanted the empire to come forward to suppress the barbarians and give them opportunities for these many forces to fight for the supreme treasure, and this time they just spoke, they were directly rejected by the human emperor. It is also very important. The Empire cannot give up this opportunity, and the Empire has no reason to give up.

In every race, there will be traitors, and the secret is a secret only if one person knows it. When the number of people is large, any secret will be known. Soon the barbarians also learned that such an abnormal situation had occurred in their home. , I also know that a powerful treasure of origin has appeared, and the barbarians also acted quickly, not only the barbarians, but other alien races are also in action. Everyone has only one purpose. The city of death that appears in the yellow sand land, seize this piece Origin City!

conspiracy! Will there be a conspiracy behind this? Many powerful men have also thought about it, but unfortunately, no one has found the answer. For them, no matter whether there is a conspiracy behind it, they must face it, even if it is to launch an all-out war, this treasure of origin cannot fall into it. In the hands of the human race, once the human race obtains this treasure, its own luck will surely increase, and it will be extremely difficult to seize the position of humanity from the human race. This time the barbarians are fully mobilized, and other alien races have also taken action. .

It was only a short time, and soon the human race was in a hurry at the border. All border troops were facing the pressure of the foreign race. Facing the impact of the foreign race, in order to make people unable to devote themselves to the treasure, the foreign race launched an army to oppress the human race. , The oppressive empire had to be distracted and had to ensure the safety of the border, so the situation in the north would change!

The power of the empire was restrained, but the alien race still underestimated the internal struggle of the human race. When there was such a huge interest temptation, all forces in the empire directly ignored the border crisis and directly invested their energy. Above this treasure in the north, as for the life and death of the soldiers and the people of the border, they did not care at all. They only had one goal to seize the treasure of origin. As for the life and death of the empire, it had nothing to do with them, because in their opinion It is the responsibility of the empire!

The forces from all sides came to the north in a short time, making the entire north boil again. A huge city of death appeared in the barbaric territory outside the border. The impact on the entire north is conceivable, and the hearts of the people are once again. Turbulent, if Moro hadn't been comforting the people all the time, the north would only become an empty city in a short time.

Facing the terrible turmoil in the north, Moreau also had a sullen face, not to mention the influence of the various forces on his own territory, just the unknown city of death, it is enough to annoy Moreau. , What a threat it is for such a huge city to appear outside the border, if you distract yourself, maybe the border will fall in the next moment!


"Who on earth made such a big movement? Do barbarians really have such ability? To be able to refine such a powerful source of treasure, if they really have such a treasure in their hands, why bother? It's not a barbarian who crushes the entire northern land. Whose conspiracy is this? What does he want to do?"

What do you want? Naturally, I want to return from the long river of time and space. Although Moreau is the king of the north, there are too many secrets hidden in this world, which he does not know. The will of heaven and earth is calculating Xingtian, using the power of death to destroy Xingtian , And as a **** and demon, how can you not have your own calculations? In this contest, who can laugh to the end, everything depends on his own power!

Seeing the rays of light rising in the distance, watching the endless explosion flames, Moro's mood was extremely heavy. It was an attack by many forces. They tried to tear the fog outside the Yellow Sand Land and break open. All defenses, rushing into the city of death, they shouted slogans loudly, fighting for the human race, but in fact, they all have selfish intentions, and they all want to seize this treasure of origin, and master this treasure of origin. Take advantage in the upcoming life and death duel!

"Damn human bastards, you dare to invade the territory of my barbarians. This is the treasure of our barbarians. It doesn't allow you outsiders to get involved. If you think about it, leave quickly, otherwise it will be a whole war!" When the strong human race spared no effort to attack the defense of the city of death, a roar came from a distance, and the strong barbarian finally appeared, and they made such a big movement still alarmed these bastards.

These savages of the barbarians did not have too much words. They directly threatened the strong men of the human race with a full-scale war. If these strong men are soldiers of the empire, they may hesitate. Unfortunately, this is due to the strong forces from all sides. For them, there has never been an empire in their hearts, and there is no human righteousness in their hearts. What they have in their hearts is only interest. Threatening them with an all-out war is just a joke. No one regards it as the same thing. Disdainfully ignored the other party!

"Asshole, these **** human races are really crazy, they want to start a full-scale war!" Seeing the ignorance of the human race, the barbarian powerhouse is not to mention how angry and irritated, but all this can't help them, and they can't help them to decide. No one will concede in the face of interests, especially this extremely powerful source of treasure, which is even more exciting!

There was a frantic attack outside, and everyone in the city of death also felt a dignified breath, felt the fluctuations from the source of death, the terrible breath radiated madly from the tower of death, making the entire city of death become Even more terrifying, some weak barbarian warriors had not had time to react, before they had time to pull the enemy to death, they were directly eroded by death, directly swallowed by death, and fell forever in this land of death!

"The sky has changed. This city of death is changing, and the origin is fluctuating rapidly. It seems that someone has discovered the existence of the city of death, and they are madly attacking the city of death, and their attack caused the city of death. This may be his own opportunity to find the core of the City of Death!” When he felt the changes in the City of Death, Xing Tian’s first reaction was not **** the enemy in front of him, but how to find the core of the City of Death. .

At this time, Xing Tian did not notice his own changes, and did not find that when the city of death was violently fluctuating, his own killing avenue was also changing. Under such a terrible war, under such terrible casualties, Xingtian’s killing avenue was also changing. Infected with the breath of death, and also affected by the breath of death, changes are taking place. It is a pity that Xing Tian’s mind is now used to sense the core of the city of death, ignoring his own changes, because Xing Tian has never thought about himself. The body of the gods and demons will be affected by the breath of death, and will change under this influence, so there will be huge hidden dangers!

Because of the shielding of the City of Death, under the cover of the Avenue of the Origin of Death, Xing Tian’s own killing tribulations were not revealed. If Xing Tian was outside at this time, he would immediately feel the terrible thunder tribulation above the void, and induction. When I went to the Earth Tribulation under the earth, I felt the terrifying power of human calamity from all directions. The power of the three calamities of heaven, earth and man was fully condensed at this moment, only waiting for Xingtian to appear, giving Xingtian a fatal blow, and this power does not know why , Even the many powerful outsiders did not feel that everything was covered under the manipulation of the black hand of the will of heaven and earth!

For the will of heaven and earth, these powerful men who came are just pawns, all made up for the purpose of killing Xingtian. When they blast through the fog, they will find that things are not as beautiful as they thought, and there is no fog. Cover up, Xingtian’s great calamity will come, and under the three tribulations, if Xingtian has the ability to reach the sky, he will die, at least from the perspective of the will of heaven and earth, as to how many of these powerful people can survive. , It depends on their luck.

It is a pity that these strong men outside, these crazy strong men do not know that they are heading towards destruction, are marching on the road to death, and they are attacking the fog frantically, looking forward to the fog’s dispersal, whether it is The strong human race, the strong barbarian, and the other strong aliens, they don't know that this is a game, a **** game!

The strong human race originally hoped to break the defenses of the fog before the enemy reacted, rush into the city of death, and seize the treasure of origin, but now they finally recognize the situation. It is difficult to break the fog just by relying on their strength. It is necessary to unite the power of the barbarians, and only the power of the people can do it, because they perceive that this city of death is in harmony with the dragon veins under the earth, and endless origins are continuously supplying this city of death. , It is impossible to break the mist without strong enough power. Using time to grind it will only bring endless troubles and endless cause and effect for yourself.

To kill the origin of the city of death is to kill the dragon veins of the earth. Although the moment is in the midst of the tribulation of heaven and earth, in principle, everyone is not afraid of cause and effect. As long as they can escape from this world, all cause and effect will disappear, but no one wants to touch this. Cause and effect, because no one knows the consequences of doing this, whether it will let the earth dragon turn over, and whether it will break the earth.

The strong men of the human race discovered the problem, and the later barbarians and other alien races gradually realized the problem. This underground dragon vein is related to the barbarian’s luck. The barbarian dare not madly consume the origin of the city of death and it is broken. With their own underground dragon veins, Human Race can wait at this time, but they can't wait any longer!

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