God of Destruction

Chapter 4033: Ending

Remember [..] in one second!

The fourth thousand and thirty-third chapter is dead

Will the space be crushed by this power? No, this is impossible. Although this force can do this, the people who control them will not allow this to happen. If a space collapse occurs, it will cause devastating damage to the entire world. They These people have to endure endless karma, and even the method used by the will of heaven and earth to calculate Xingtian, the power of the three calamities of the people on that day will not fall on Xingtian’s head, but will hit these people’s heads. Without a point of control, these people are not qualified to say anything about tearing the fog defense, breaking into the city of death, and breaking the defense is not an explosion, but penetration.

Out of control? Such a situation will never happen to these people. They are all fully prepared. They have made so much preparation before. Why? It is to prevent the power from losing control, and to prevent enemies from calculating themselves in secret and breaking their plans. On top of such an attack, they have a perfect backstop. Even if someone sneaks, this power will not explode directly, but Will give the enemy a fatal counterattack, and will not collapse the entire space!

Time is passing bit by bit, and everyone’s looks are getting more and more solemn. The closer the time for the final attack, the more pressure these people will endure. Each one of them seems to be pressed by the mountains, above their hearts. Being pressed by the boulder made them a little breathless, as if they were fighting with a world on their backs at this moment!

"Shoot!" A low voice resounded throughout the world. In an instant, as this voice fell, three powerful attacks broke out. The three powers turned into three dragons and directly impacted the mist, directly piercing the mist. His defense blasted fiercely on the city of death, and the entire land was shaking in an instant, and the entire giant city was shaking.

Although the defense of the mist is good, it is still vulnerable to this terrible force. The devastating attack erupted directly on the City of Death, and a terrible roar sounded, and at this time everyone's eyes were fixed on Looking at the city of death in front of me, I saw that the three major forces directly shook the entire shock of death, and cracks gradually appeared on the walls of the city. That is because the defense of the city of death could not bear this. Caused by a terrible shock!

"Hey! This is terrible. Such a terrifying power did not destroy the outer defenses of this city of death. How could this be possible? Even the power of the fog was penetrated in an instant, but the power of this city wall blocked the three forces. Impact, what secret is hidden in this city of death, it deserves such a terrible defense!" At this time, the three parties gasped involuntarily. They were all shocked by the results before them. The power of everyone did not succeed!

"Damn it, how could this be? I wasted an attack and damaged the dragon veins in vain. This time we are in big trouble. For those who are strong in human race and other races, they don't care about the ending, but for us it is. It is endless causal karma. If we knew that these **** would not use our full strength, we should give a little more strength, and it would be better than the ending like this. We couldn't directly break through the defense and rush into the city of death!" Complaining, remorse, but this is just to talk about it. Why didn’t they do it before? It’s not that they are multiplying. They think that the power of the tripartite will definitely be able to overcome the crisis. It can only be said that the barbarians overestimate their abilities. Underestimated the defense of the City of Death!

"Don't talk about these useless things. Now everything is over. No matter how much we talk about it, we can't change the facts. What we have to do is how to resolve this crisis and how to make the plan continue. This failure will make the human race return. There are other civilized powerhouses who are suspicious and doubt our intentions. If they can't resolve their doubts, and then want to unite everyone to attack, it is just a joke. This failure will deal a big blow to our credit!"

"But it's no wonder that we, it's also the **** who saved their strength, they didn't use their full strength, otherwise there would be no such result, they have any reason to doubt us, it should be we questioned them! "

"Enough, at this time you are still so naive, who do you think you are, do you really think we can do whatever we want, and do you think the strong on these two sides will not see through our abilities? Whether we do our best, they will Don’t you know, even we don’t have the right to attack others. We must know that we first asked the other side to attack together. Now we have not done it. What qualifications do we have to blame others? It is to resolve the grievances in the opponent's heart, otherwise this so-called assault can only end in failure, and this time of failure, it is very difficult for us to preserve the loss of ethnic luck, once the luck of ethnic civilization is lost , All of us have to bear huge karma!"

Karma! This blow did cause a great earthquake, which has a huge cause and effect for everyone, but compared to the human race and other races, the cause and effect is very small, because they are invited by the barbarians to take action, so Most of the cause and effect are concentrated on the barbarians, and the karma they bear is limited. This is also the case. At this time, the strong men of the human race and other races did not directly attack the barbarians, but looked at them with suspicious eyes. .

Those who can stand here are all strong. Whether everyone has done their best, they can see through it at a glance. They did not do their best, and the barbarians do the same. As the invited objects, they don’t do their best and are willing, because they have something in their hearts. Worry, but what the barbarians want to do, they keep asking everyone to pay for it, but they don’t work hard. If there is no explanation, they will bear the anger of the human race and the strong of other races, and they have to pay for it. A heavy price!

If it weren’t for the delicate situation, the human race, or the powerhouses of other races, they wouldn’t use this suspicious gaze at all. Instead, they would take a big shot directly and teach the barbarians a profound lesson, letting them know what the fate of calculating people is. What, let them know what the end of the big talk is, instead of waiting quietly for the barbarian's explanation!

auzw.com Explain, is it still clear at this time? It’s not clear at all. No one is a fool. They understand each other’s defensiveness. If it’s normal, the barbarians don’t need to care about all of this. They don’t need to care about the gazes and doubts of these people, but they can’t. I have to give everyone an explanation, otherwise this matter is endless!

"Next time all the causes and effects, this is our only way to solve the problem. Otherwise, we can't pass this level. Once even the strong people of other races are on the side of the human race, our situation is very dangerous. , The next moment we are in danger of the entire army being destroyed, and we cannot let this happen anyway!

The price, this price is a bit heavy, but many barbarians understand in their hearts that this is a consequence that must be borne. Whoever makes their calculations problematic, who makes them fail to do their best and not tear the defense of the city of death, this is what they must No one can change the cause and effect and the consequences that must be borne, otherwise the anger of these two forces cannot be calmed!

"Everyone, this time our plan was wrong. Don't worry, we will fully bear the consequences this time. I swear to the sky on behalf of everyone that we will bear all the cause and effect this time, and we will bear some karma!" When the sound of the barbarian fell, a thunderbolt exploded in the void. This was to answer the barbarian's oath. After this thunder exploded, the strong men of the human race and other races felt a moment of relaxation. , That is the result of the exhaustion of cause and effect, and for the barbarians, they have a solemn face. At this moment, they all feel a heaviness on their bodies, and it is another cause and effect!

"What should we do? What should we do now?" After all the causality on our bodies was gone, the many strong men of the human race looked at each other, and there was a trace of impatience in each other's eyes. They came for the city of death, but This time the failure caught them a little bit by surprise, and some arrangements were in vain. At this time, they must think of another way!

"Wait, we wait for the barbarians' reaction. Although they have explained the failure this time, they are absolutely unwilling to give up like this. They will definitely invite us to take action again. Next time we have to be prepared because of this. It’s the last chance. Whether it’s a barbarian or **** of other races, they will be cautious. Everyone will add a bit of strength, but we don’t know if the result will fail again. After all, we still haven’t discovered this blow. The hole card of the City of Death!"

The strength of the City of Death made the people sigh involuntarily. The combination of the three forces did not penetrate the defense of the City of Death, let alone reach the defense limit of the City of Death. This is very unfavorable for everyone, but the City of Death The stronger the stronger, the more people want to seize it. Such a treasure is even more difficult to give up!

When the human race, barbarians, and other racial powerhouses were thinking about countermeasures, those in the City of Death were also shocked. This terrible impact broke their war. When they felt the terrible impact from the outside world, whether it was The barbarian army, or the powerhouses on all sides of the human race, felt the urgent crisis. They all understood that once the defense of the City of Death was broken, they would never have the opportunity to get involved in this treasure, or even the heritage here. In this situation, what else do they have to fight to the end? Even the barbarians don't have the spirit of giving up their lives before!

At this time, Xing Tian’s face was also extremely gloomy. From the perspective of Human Race and Barbarians, Xing Tian also felt the crisis and the oppression from the outside world, but they all thought wrong. At that moment, Xing Tian felt a strong feeling. The breath of death is enveloping himself, and this breath of death does not come from the city of death, let alone the creatures from the outside world, but from the void. When the city of death trembles, Xing Tian’s heart feels that it comes from The threat of the void, that is the aura of Heaven's punishment, that is the aura of destruction, as if one would be destroyed in an instant!

"Damn, I knew this was a trap, a trap aimed at me. I didn't expect the other party to calculate so insidiously that they would not give me a chance to turn over. This is to kill me with one blow. I am I can’t be more familiar with it, and I will never feel wrong. It seems that I still ignored the madness of the consciousness of heaven and earth. This time he was a real killer. The three catastrophes of heaven, earth and man were all sent together. It was a consciousness of heaven and earth. Vicious scheming, this is not giving me a way to survive!"

Xing Tian knew very well that when the three calamities of heaven, earth and man came together, what a horror the punishment would be, not to mention the presence of so many people in the city of death, which would greatly increase the power of his own punishment, even the outside world. Those **** in the world will also become the pawns for the consciousness of heaven and earth to destroy themselves. In the face of such a lore, how can Xingtian feel not heavy.

This is a desperate situation. The real desperate situation almost made Xing Tian unable to see any vitality. The reason why the Heavenly Punishment triggered by the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Humans has not fallen is because of the cover of the City of Death, but every minute of this cover drags on The power of punishment will be stronger, and your chance of survival will be even smaller. It was originally a lore, and if it drags on, it will really be dead!

Survival from death, this is Xingtian’s only choice, and to be able to do this, no, more precisely, there is such a possibility, only the tower of death in front of him, only the tower of death, the core of the city of death , No matter what vicious calculations are in this tower of death, he has no choice. Even if there is really the remnant soul of the death **** and devil here, Xing Tian must face it. After all, facing the remnant soul of the **** and devil who has died countless years, It's better than facing the Heavenly Punishment triggered by the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Human!

Can I keep hiding? Xing Tian knew that this was impossible, and the reason for making this choice was to buy himself enough time to prepare, so that he would not have to face the lore of Tianpu in a hurry, and obtain that ray of life for himself.

If the barbarians and the powerful humans in the City of Death could all die in the Tower of Death, their power of the Three Calamities of Heaven, Earth and Humans would be weakened a bit, so that they still have the ability to resist. On the contrary, Xing Tian I can’t see any vitality. The punishment of so many people is conceivable. What's more, Xing Tian still doesn’t know what traps the city of death has laid by the will of Heaven and Earth waiting for him, but Xing Tian believes that all this is just At first, all I saw was a little fur. This would not be the power of the will of heaven and earth. There must be power that I didn’t see through. In any case, I couldn’t have any carelessness. Otherwise, I would really die. The end of lifelessness!


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