God of Destruction

Chapter 4034: Day of death opens

Remember [..] in one second!

The fourth thousand and thirty-fourth chapter death opens

"The Avenue of Death may be my turning point. I can't wait any longer. Barbarians and human races are deadly enemies. It is difficult for them to live together peacefully. Even in danger, the barbarians will not necessarily compromise. I need Open the door of the Tower of Death by yourself, and the only way is the Avenue of Death!" In an instant, Xing Tian made a crazy decision to open the Tower of Death with his own perception of Death Avenue. This is a gambling. Bet that there really exists the remnant soul of the ancient gods and demons in this tower of death, and there is really a remnant soul of the ancient gods and demons controlling everything in the city of death. As long as you show a strong enough perception of the death road, this remnant soul will definitely I couldn't bear it, and led him into the tower to seize his body so that he could return to the world!

Taking his own life as a bet, this is Xingtian, this is Xingtian’s unique madness. When others face desperation, there is endless fear and panic in their hearts, and Xingtian can find the direction of breakthrough, even if this seems to be a dead end. However, Xing Tian is still willing to give it a go, and is willing to live from the dead, to smash his own blood path from the endless crisis!

"Come on, death origin is condensed!" Time waits for no one, Xing Tian doesn't have so much time to waste. With a deep cry, a force of death origin condenses in his body, and the endless source of death is swallowed by Xing Tian , Transformed into the seeds of the death road, condensed in his body, just a few breaths, Xing Tian condensed his own death road, so that there is an additional road source in his own **** and demon body Power.

Without waiting for everyone to wake up, Xing Tian quickly rushed to the Tower of Death, and shouted: "Open it to me!" With Xing Tian's roar, a pure source of Death Avenue was injected into the Tower of Death from Xing Tian's hands!

"I'm crazy, Xingtian is crazy. I want to forcefully break the tower without the key?" When I saw Xingtian's actions, whether it was a human or a barbarian, the first reaction was that Xingtian was crazy and was The pressure is overwhelming. Otherwise, how could he make such an irrational act? This shows that he is killing himself, and he wants to break the tower without the key.

But soon these people were slapped by everything in front of them. Without the key, it didn’t mean that the Tower of Death could not be opened. When Xingtian’s essence of the Avenue of Death was injected into the Tower of Death, a dark light came from the Tower of Death. The top of the tower of death appeared, and the tower of death was moved by Xingtian’s power of the origin of death, and the brand on the tower of death bloomed!

"Damn it, how could this happen? Xing Tian obviously didn't have the key, how could he cause the Tower of Death to move? Could it be that the Tower of Death is not a key to open!" A strong man of the human race couldn't help but lose his voice, his eyes were full of shock, he I don't understand why this happened, not only he didn't understand, but everyone didn't understand.

"Impossible, the key is in our body. How could Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, open the Tower of Death? What is going on? Why can Xing Tian's origin be able to collude with the Tower of Death!" The barbarian who holds the key to open the key is also silent at this moment. , Was also shocked by all this, couldn't believe his eyes, and began to doubt whether the key in his hand was real!

"Stop him, you can't let this madman open the tower of death!" Soon the barbarians reacted. If Xing Tian succeeds, their previous efforts will be wasted, and the keys in their hands will become useless. They cannot Accepted.

With a roar, a series of attacks went frantically towards Xingtian. At this time, all the barbarians no longer paid attention to the strong men of the human race, but concentrated their firepower to kill Xingtian in one fell swoop and annihilated the **** Xingtian. madman.

For the crazy attacks of the barbarians, changes flashed across the faces of the people of the human race. They finally did not take action to stop all of this. For them, they also couldn't accept such a result. They couldn't see Xingtian, the lunatic, open the death. Tower, this is selfishness. At this critical moment, these human race powerhouses are thinking of their own interests, and they have not started from the overall situation of the human race. For them, they don't want to see the action of Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, succeed.

At this time, Xing Tian ignored the stupid **** of the human race and didn't care about their betrayal. In fact, in Xing Tian's opinion, the crazier the barbarian, the safer he is. As long as the remnant soul in the tower of death has thoughts about him , You will surely get yourself out of this crisis, and you will be able to pull yourself into the tower of death at a critical moment. The stronger the threat from the outside world, the greater the chance of Xing Tian's success, and the remnant soul of that ancient **** and demon will rush to save Xing Tian!

Everything was just as Xing Tian guessed. Just as the terrible attacks were about to hit Xing Tian’s body, a ray of light flashed, and then Xing Tian’s body disappeared in front of everyone, Xing Tian was received by the original power of the Tower of Death. Attracted away, the crazy attack of the barbarian directly failed, and one after another attack hit the tower of death severely, without stopping Xing Tian at all.

"Asshole, how could this be? Where did the lunatic Xingtian go?" After losing the target for an instant, the barbarians who hit the sky couldn't help but roar with endless anger, and they were suddenly caught by this again. The change was caught off guard, and felt a strong anxiety in Xing Tian's disappearance.

"Go in, the lunatic Xing Tian actually broke into the Tower of Death, how did he do it, why did the Tower of Death appear such a change, can it be said that everything we think of between us is fake, the Tower of Death? It’s not as difficult to get in as we thought. It doesn’t require a key to open it? Let’s try it too. If we can break into the Tower of Death, there is no need to go down with these **** barbarians. Let them take the key to see for themselves. !"


When such an abnormal change occurred, many powerful humans in the human race also had new ideas in their hearts. They did not want to continue the war. After being shocked, the barbarians had to make changes. Now the lunatic Xingtian has entered. After the Tower of Death, if they continue to fight with other strong human races, the benefits will only be taken away by Xing Tian.

"Open the Tower of Death, in any case, you can't let the lunatic Xingtian take the lead. As for the other human races, let them go for the time being!" The opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come. When faced with such a huge temptation, the barbarian will also Favorable arrangements had to be made, and the determination to fight to the end with the strong human race had to be given up, and everything should be inherited.

Hesitate? No, the barbarians won't hesitate at this time. Xing Tian has already taken a step ahead and is already ahead of them. If he hesitates at this time, it would be a waste of time! I saw that a golden light rose from the barbarians and flew to the top of the tower of death. This is the key, the key to unlock the tower of death. When the golden light falls on the top of the tower of death, the entire death The tower shivered for a while, and the earth shook for it. Everyone felt a huge force emanating from the tower of death. The tower of death opened, and the barbarians finally opened the tower of inheritance!

"Quick, rush in!" When the Tower of Death was opened, the various forces of the Human Race did not care about fighting with the barbarians. No race war was as important as their own interests. The figures rushed towards the Tower of Death madly. It was crazy at this moment, only the inheritance in the Tower of Death was left in their eyes, and everything else was put down.

This is not only the case of the human race, but also the barbarians. Under the temptation of interest, no one can resist. Moreover, the barbarians have the key to unlock. The moment they open the tower of death, the entire army of barbarians is transformed into As a whole, rushing to the tower of death quickly, if it is considered for its integrity, the barbarians are naturally stronger than the humans. Their team spirit is very strong, but it is because they are too strong in team consciousness that they fell in this action. , Was seized by the Terran people.

Of course, the barbarians are not given for nothing. They are also behind the human race for an instant, and they can’t change the general trend in an instant. At least this is the case now. After all, Xing Tian has already been one step ahead of everyone, even if other strong humans are one step ahead. In this way, the opening of the Tower of Death did not fluctuate much for the barbarians, and the army was still moving forward and backward!

When all the human races and barbarians in the city of death rushed into the tower of death, they did not realize that when they rushed into the tower of death, the entire city of death changed again, and there were bursts of changes. The earthquake shook, and buildings rose from the ground. The opening of the Tower of Death was not only as simple as inheritance, but also opened up the original blockade of the entire city of death. The entire city of death began to fully recover, and the entire city of death will usher in New life.

When the city of death was fully recovered, the external situation changed more earth-shaking. There were waves of earthquakes, the whole earth's dragon veins were trembling, and the earth dragon was turning over. The full recovery of the city of death required huge power. The dragon veins of the earth are the best tonic, and the city of death is frantically devouring the origin of the earth and restoring itself.

When the city of death was fully recovered, the walls of the city of death changed. Dark gold rays of light were surging, and roads of imprints were shining powerfully. The breath of the entire city of death has undergone earth-shaking changes. , Although the fog has not completely disappeared, it has not been restored, because the city of death no longer needs fog to cover the secrets. The defense of the city of death has been fully opened. It is not one thing to break the defense of the city of death from the outside world. An easy thing.

He miscalculated, the consciousness of heaven and earth was miscalculated. Although his calculations were good, he underestimated Xing Tian. When Xing Tian frantically condensed the origins of the Avenue of Death and inspired the Tower of Death with the pure origins of the Avenue of Death, all his calculations fell to nothing. Now, at this time, external forces want to break through the tower of death, let Xingtian’s three calamities of heaven, earth and man explode, and make the breath of the city of death aggravate Xingtian’s catastrophe. This has all failed, and Xingtian’s three catastrophes are still Covered by the tower of death.

This is the first line of life. Xingtian used his own madness to seize this line of life. Of course, this does not mean that Xingtian’s disaster is over. It can only be said that Xingtian’s current crisis has been pushed back. If Xingtian doesn’t Being able to strengthen one's own strength in the Tower of Death, unable to make one's own foundation stronger, unable to withstand the strangulation of the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Man, is still inevitable to die. Test, this cannot be eliminated.

"Damn it, how could it be like this? The power of the City of Death is increasing. It is devouring the earth's dragon veins and strengthening itself. There are really people in the City of Death. They opened the source of the City of Death and let this terrifying treasure recover!"

When seeing this happen, even the stupid people understand that there really are people in the city of death, and these **** have opened the origin of the city of death, maybe they are accepting the inheritance of the city of death, how can this situation Don’t let them get angry, how can you keep them from losing, once this treasure falls into the hands of other people, once someone really masters this treasure, they will never have the opportunity to seize such a powerful treasure. They will not let go, even their own disciples will not hand it over. Naturally they are not reconciled to such a result!

"Damn it, these barbarians are all caused. If it weren't for their stupid preservation of strength, how could they be one step behind? If we are behind this step, we will completely eliminate the opportunity with this treasure. We must teach the barbarians a lesson. They know the consequences of doing something wrong and they have to pay a huge price for it. This is their punishment for teasing us!"

At this moment, whether it is the human race or the powerhouses of other races, they all directly put the blame on the barbarians. They all think it is the stupidity and bad things of the barbarians. They all instinctively forget that they have not done it all. Fully, if they are willing to use their full strength, things will also be different, but any wise beings are the same. When a mistake occurs, their first reaction is to shirk responsibility, and the barbarians have also admitted the mistake before, so this consequence depends on They come to bear.

At this time, whether the human race or other races, they instinctively forgot that the barbarians had already assumed all cause and effect before, and they had agreed to the other party’s decision. There was no cause and effect at all. The failure of this time cannot push everything. In the barbarian, the barbarian cannot bear everything. Truth, there is no truth in the face of interests. When everyone’s eyes are red and angry, all truths are false, strength is everything, and only strength can determine everything, and now the human race is good. , Other races don’t want to make sense


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