God of Destruction

Chapter 4035: Threat

Chapter 4035 Threats

The wild words of these shameless people were heard by the strong barbarian one by one. For these shameless words, many barbarians were angry. Although they knew that these **** are shameless, they did not expect that the other side would turn their faces. So soon, it didn't take long before these **** didn't recognize people, so they overturned all previous promises.

"Enough, what do you **** want to do, this is the territory of my barbarians, and you must not forget that the previous cause and effect have been cleared, if you want to be entangled again, then you have to bear the condemnation, or you will be all by yourself Carrying all the previous causes and effects?" An angry voice resounded through the world, and the barbarians no longer tolerate these bastards.

At this time, the barbarians have seen through these **** guys, and toleration will only make these **** crazier, not knowing how to advance or retreat. Rather than retreat, it is better to turn their faces directly. It is a big deal to start a full-scale war in advance, but the cause and effect of this war is not on the barbarians. , But in the human race and these shameless other races, then the barbarians can get rid of the karma of heaven and earth!

"Asshole, you know what you are talking about, you barbarians are arrogant enough to dare to be an enemy to all of us, do you barbarians want to start the race war in advance? You have to bear all the causality caused by the race war!" Facing the anger of the barbarian, the strong of the human race directly refuted, and directly pushed all the responsibility on the barbarian.

"Hahaha! It's ridiculous, what do you think you are, can represent the human race, and race wars are no big deal, I barbarians are never afraid of wars, as for causal karma, this is not your sole decision , Karma Karma will fall on whom, you know that you want to fight, I barbarians naturally dare to fight with you, even if it is genocide, my barbarians will fight to death, come on, let Let me see your courage!"

Crazy, domineering, the barbarians this time showed an extremely madness and an extremely domineering aura. For them, when the situation has reached this point, they are irresistible. Why not let them go, even if they are defeated, there is no big deal. , Humans, and other races will have to endure the endless cause and effect and karma that caused the race war!

"Damn, this madman is not afraid of race wars or genocide. Barbarians are lunatics. We can't argue with them. Let them go for the time being. We will write down everything today, and we will end up with them in the future. Time!" Not everyone in the human race has the determination to fight to the death. When seeing the crazy decision of the barbarian, some people in the human race can't help but persuade everyone not to act rashly, not to start a race war, and let them bear the day. Great causal karma!

"Yeah! We can't care about these lunatics. The cause and effect cannot be resolved. When we end up with them in the future, we won't get this opportunity. The barbarians don't want to succeed, and this place belongs to the barbarians. Geographically, such a shocking change is also a huge burden for them. I would like to see how they face the next big change!"

After being threatened by barbarians, no matter the human race or people of other races, they have to give in, because they dare not bear the terrible karma. It’s just that everyone has to say something on their faces. They detonated a race war, and no one had the guts, and the cause and effect were so great that they could crush them all!

"The villains, really are a group of cowardly villains, it is a big mistake to cooperate with these bastards!" When they saw the reaction of the human race and other races, the barbarians yelled at them one by one. They saw through these people. Knowing that these **** dare not bear that terrible karma, and dare not really let go of them.

"Forget it, don't worry about these bastards. We can't be mad at it. The most important thing for us now is how to get rid of the current crisis. If the city of death is allowed to swallow the origin of the earth so madly, it will not take long. This earth dragon vein It will be swallowed up, this area really becomes a place of death, there is no more vitality, and the luck of our savages will be damaged as a result, we must prevent this from happening, and prevent the destruction of the earth dragon veins! "

prevent? What can be used to stop them, can they shake the devouring force of the city of death with their power, and can they cut the connection between the city of death and the dragon veins of the earth? This is impossible. They don't have such strength. If they really have such strength and supernatural powers, they won't be so anxious, and there won't be the previous joint attack.

"There is no way, this is almost a dead end. We can't change all of this. The entanglement between the earth dragon veins and the city of death is too terrible. It is not something we can cut. Unless it is the ancestors who take action, otherwise, we can only wait and see Watching the news of this earth dragon vein, watching the death city devour the origin of the dragon vein bit by bit."

"The ancestors~! No, the ancestors don’t know how to make a move. They were able to make a move a long time ago. The absolute certainty at the time limited the ancestors’ power. If the race war does not start, the ancestors cannot intervene. Fighting can't hinder the development of the situation. This is an oath that cannot be violated. We can't take the initiative to detonate a race war. The cause and effect is not that we can afford it. All the previous actions only created pressure on the human race!"

"What should we do? We can't just watch an earth dragon vein die like this. We can't afford such a loss, and we can't afford the city of death to fall into the grasp of other people. If we barbarians are hard to say, It will not pose a threat to the race. If it is a human race, this is a nail in our hearts!"

"Wait! We only have to wait now. No matter how much we do, we just have to wait. I know that everyone doesn’t want to suffer the terrible consequences, but we really have no choice now. It is even more irritating to these **** in front of us. It really irritates them to an explosion. It is not a good thing for us. We are not ready for a full-scale war, and no one is willing to accept the result of genocide without a last resort!"


Wait, although the barbarians are unwilling, but they understand that the current situation is really beyond their control. All they can do is to wait quietly, waiting for the end of the city of death, no matter what changes happen in the city of death , But in the end there will be a result, whether the result is good or bad, they can only wait!

Time is passing bit by bit, and there is a dead silence outside the city of death. After the barbarians are silent, the human race and other races can only be silent. They don't want to be stared at by these mad barbarians. No one wants to lose both sides with the savages, so they have nothing but silence and dare not continue to stimulate these lunatics.

At this time, the City of Death is also constantly changing. The fog gradually dissipates as time passes, and the City of Death gradually appears in front of everyone. At this moment, the City of Death has amazing changes, and the endless avenues are imprinted. The city of death is shining, and the marks of the road of death bring a huge light to this giant city, making everyone feel the momentum of this giant city, and feel the terrible impact from this ancient source of treasure .

recovery! The city of death is recovering, the real recovery, everyone can clearly feel that the breath of the city of death is constantly rising, the origin of the city of death is constantly growing, while the breath of the earth is constantly weakening. This is the result of the devouring of the dragon veins of the earth, but everyone can't prevent this from happening.

Tao, the breath of the Avenue of Death is permeating this world. For many people, this is a terrible pressure and a terrible impact. For those who practice the Avenue of Death, this is a great opportunity. Feel the fluctuation of the origin of the Avenue of Death in the City of Death, and feel the origin power of the Avenue of Death, and you can continuously improve your perception of the Avenue!

For the barbarians, as well as the powerhouses of other races, they are deeply attracted by the death city in front of them, but for the many powerhouses of the human race, this is not the case. Although they guessed that Xingtian and his own sect disappeared The people have entered the City of Death, but this is just a guess. When the overall situation cannot be changed, they are still searching for news about Xing Tian and Zongmen disciples. They need to determine the whereabouts of Xing Tian. Only by confirming this can they be able to answer Prepare for the next action!

When all the forces search for the traces of Xing Tian and other lost humans, even the hidden information will be dug up. It didn’t take long for all the human forces to determine the disappearance of Xing Tian and other humans. They have all entered the land of yellow sand, to be precise in the current city of death. The land of yellow sand is now shrouded by the city of death, and they might really be inside!

"Everyone, the situation is now clear. Xing Tian and our disciples who disappeared from all sides are in the City of Death. If our disciples seize control of the City of Death, it would be better to say that if Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, succeeds, the consequences will be unimaginable. What surprised us even more was that a large army of barbarians disappeared in the city of death. We had to guard against this, and we had to prepare for the worst. It was beyond our imagination. We had to prepare in advance. Being caught off guard by the enemy, you can't let yourself fall into a crisis. After all, this is no small matter!"

Yes, this is indeed not a trivial matter. A powerful and mysterious death origin treasure, but also a terrifying city of death. How can the gains and losses of such a treasure be a trivial matter, let alone their forces, but the major races , Even the empire didn’t dare to treat it as a trivial matter. Now the empire is fully mobilizing all its forces and wants to seize this treasure. If this treasure falls into the hands of the empire and the royal family, think again Changing dynasties is not an easy task. The empire’s luck will be completely suppressed, and no power is willing to face such a threat.

"It's strange to say that, don't you think that Xingtian, a lunatic, has a mysterious connection with the ancient heritage? Every time the ancient heritage appears, you can always see his shadow. Do you think that Xingtian, a man who deserves to be robbed, really deserves so much attention from the world? Will give him such a great opportunity again and again. If this time is the opportunity given to this lunatic by heaven and earth, I am afraid that all our calculations will fail. This treasure of the origin of death will definitely fall into the hands of this lunatic. , The Avenue of Death, this is the power of the real horror. Coupled with that lunatic’s avenue of killing, one can imagine how terrifying and terrifying his success is!"

"Yeah, Avenue of Death, if this lunatic gets the inheritance of the avenue of death and the treasure of the origin of death, we will all face a terrible crisis. Our little actions will attract the crazy revenge of this lunatic. Maybe now he I don't know, but the empire will tell him that if this lunatic succeeds, all of us will be in big trouble!"

"Oh, when the situation is in this situation, even if we know what is going on, we cannot change it at all. We can't even enter the City of Death. We have no power to change the situation or stop all of this. We can only hope for Xingtian now. The lunatics who fail and return can only hope that those disciples can earn some breath and seize this original treasure. Even if they fail to succeed, they will not be able to let the enemy succeed. I believe that over time, the defenses of this city of death will inevitably disappear. !"

"Haha, it is ridiculous to pin your hopes on the disappearance of the defenses of the City of Death. You are joking about your own life. Not to mention that it will not disappear. Even if it is true, we will definitely be able to. Have you seized this treasure of origin from the hands of many enemies? Do you think that when the defense disappears, will someone grasp this treasure?"

"Yes, we can't pin all our hopes on the unknown. Even if we can't take the initiative, we can't be too passive. We need a stronger force. We need the full assistance of the sect to gather more strength. It’s really beyond our imagination. The heavy treasure has to fall into the hands of the enemy. Before the enemy has fully grasped it, we must also forcibly deprive it. When the heavy treasure is moved, it is also our only chance when the enemy is weakest. The strength of our side is not enough to complete this plan. We need cooperation and comprehensive cooperation. Only the strength of all our forces can overwhelm all enemies and be able to have the last laugh and avoid death threats. At this time, we There can be no more disputes. We must work together with all our strength. Only in this way can we have the gleam of life. Everyone should think about it!"


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