God of Destruction

Chapter 4036: Anger

Chapter 4th and 36th

For practitioners, seizing opportunities for others is not a big deal. It can be said that every practitioner is covered with blood, killing others and stealing treasures. It is normal for practitioners. The current situation It is very unfavorable to them. Under this situation, they will naturally not take care of their skin. Everything is based on their own interests. Killing and winning the treasure is also an inevitable result. It depends on whether they can succeed and whether they can achieve their wishes. Their respective good luck!

Time waits for no one. Everyone understands that there is not much time left for them. They can’t help thinking too much. At the next moment, everyone will reach a consensus and work together to deal with the next. And everyone is secretly communicating with themselves. The sect of sect, requesting more powerful power to come, although these people are the most powerful among the sects, but there are not only their hands in the sect, but also some hidden personnel. After all, every one The sects all have great backgrounds. Before the sects were unwilling to let more powerful people be born, because they were afraid of letting other forces know about themselves, but now everything is different. Such a treasure of the origin of death is born, so they can't help but not be moved. They don't go to war!

Soon, all the major forces of the entire human race have taken action one after another. One after another strong men came out of the sect. When so many strong men appeared, the human emperor's mood was conceivable, heavy and incomparable. Heavy, although the human emperor knew that all the major sects had hidden powers, but they never thought that they were so hidden and had such a terrible background. That powerful person made the emperor's heart chill and made him the emperor. Feel the great crisis.

"The status of the emperor, the emperor, is such a big joke, these sects secretly hide such terrible power, if these **** are determined to overthrow the empire, I'm afraid it will not be difficult, and these **** have been delayed. Do it, it seems that the background of the royal family is beyond my imagination. For the sect, I don’t know its background. It’s good to say, but as a human emperor, I don’t even know my own strength. This is a natural joke, this man The emperor is extremely ridiculous!"

At this time, the emperor's mood is very low, and he also has endless resentment towards his ancestors. He is just a **** of his ancestors, just ants. This result makes him unacceptable and unbearable. , Human Sovereign is the lord of humanity, how can he be so angry, how can he be someone else's pawn!

"Strength, I need strength, I need to condense my strength, not only personal strength improvement, but also a true iron-blooded master who can fight for me in the world's invincible army. Only in this way can I die in this Strive for a ray of life in the game of the lore, otherwise this catastrophe will be my death!" Now, the emperor finally sees everything clearly, understands how dangerous his throne is, and understands the royal family behind him. Not only can you not become your own strength, but you are more likely to be a betrayer. All you want to live on is yourself!

Strength, Human Sovereign urgently needs a powerful force once again, and this time he once again increased his training of the army, if he had already had a good branch army in his hand before, and now he is urgent Earth hopes to increase their strength and enable them to be reborn in the shortest possible time and become an iron-blooded master who can truly dominate the course of a war. This requires huge resources and strong support.

But all of this is in a hurry. The Emperor has no choice but to control the overall situation. Although he is eager to get the city of death, he deeply understands that this is impossible. It is difficult for this treasure to fall into the empire. In the hands, all forces will not give the empire this opportunity. Even if the empire gets it, it will pay a heavy price, and it will not even fall into the hands of its own emperor. The royal ancestors behind him will not allow themselves. Swallow this treasure.

When all the forces in the empire made big moves, and as the emperor, as the supreme of the royal family, he did not know what arrangements the royal family made. He did not believe that the royal family would ignore this precious treasure. The only explanation was that he was excluded. In the plan, he was not regarded by the royal ancestors at all, but the emperor was helpless.

The forces of all parties once again gathered to the north. As the king of the north, Moreau also felt the endless pressure. If the army in his hand has a strong combat power, he will be afraid of such a shock. , You must know that the power gathered by the various forces has exceeded the range that he, the king of the north, can bear. If these **** want to subvert the north, it is easy to be forced into the north by such a group of powerful people, Moreau His heart was also full of anger, but he, like the Emperor, couldn't change this general trend, couldn't change everything in front of him, he could only watch those **** rampant in the north!

The pressure on Human Sovereign is still small, and the most pressure is still Moro in the game. Facing the ever-increasing forces of all parties, Moro's mood has become extremely heavy, and the major forces of the human race have gathered so crazy. Power, this has seriously affected the'calm' in the north, and the situation has been continuously deteriorating. Any carelessness will trigger a race war, triggering the final battle between the human race and the barbarians. For these bastards, they can leave afterwards. , You can no longer care about the barbarian's impact, but Moreau, the king of the north, can't do it. In the end, the barbarian's anger will be borne by him.

"Assholes, they are all **** assholes, don't they think about it at all in their hearts, in their eyes the sentient beings in the north are all ants, are they not worth mentioning?" Moreau roared angrily, venting The dissatisfaction in my heart is not only dissatisfaction with the major forces, but also dissatisfaction with the empire. In such a situation, the empire did not come forward to stop it, and did not give himself the king of the north an confession. This result made Moreau unable to bear. .

"Master, this is the reality. Whoever makes our strength not strong enough to fight against the major forces, without sufficient strength, we must endure this evil spirit. Let them be arrogant first, as revealed from the city of death. The breath that comes out is definitely not an ordinary treasure. Anyone who wants to get him has to pay a heavy price. We just wait and see what happens. No matter who it is, we will pay for it. As long as we don’t participate, we won’t suffer. Too much influence, even if the barbarians are crazy, they dare not start a full-scale war at this time, the cause and effect are not everyone can bear!"

Hearing the words of his men, Moreau sighed and said: "Why don't I know this, but you should understand that we can't pin all our hopes on the mercy of our enemies. For us, these **** are enemies. They have never shown good intentions to us. The most important thing is that we have nowhere to go!"

Yes! Today Morrow has no way to retreat. As the king of the north, he has to take on the responsibilities of the north, and people from other forces don’t need to care about this. This is Morrow’s greatest weakness, becoming the queen of the north. He was firmly nailed to the north, and he was connected to the north with his luck, and there was no way to retreat, and even the empire was no longer his retreat!


It is indeed the desire of many great generals to crack the soil and confine the territory. Even if the territory is the king, they have to shoulder their due responsibilities, and this responsibility is extremely heavy. Before becoming the king of the north, Moreau did not know what he was a king. How heavy the responsibility is, but now he deeply understands the weight of this responsibility, especially in such a special period, in such a terrible world and earth disaster, how terrible the pressure in the entire north is, if not for this pressure Heavy, Moro will not ignore the temptation of the city of death!

There is such a powerful iron-blooded master in the north, but Moreau dare not have a little greed for the nearby city of death, because he is under too much pressure, dare not be distracted, dare not let his subordinates The army was dispersed to prevent being caught off guard by the enemy, and the entire north fell into the hands of the enemy. Once this happened, he could not bear the terrible consequences!

"I hope Xing Tian can succeed and capture this city of death before all enemies. If the city of death falls into his hands, there will be no threat to the north. No matter how crazy the barbarians are, they will not dare to act rashly. Enough time to prepare everything, to deal with all the dangers that are about to happen, to be able to have a little more life in this catastrophe!" Moreau muttered to himself in his heart, hoping that Xingtian could achieve his wish and be able to Take the initiative in this shocking change.

What is the situation of Xingtian at this time? When entering the Tower of Death, when the barbarians also opened the Tower of Death, Xingtian’s situation is not as good as imagined. The opening of the Tower of Death gives Xingtian the first opportunity. The gradual loss was not because Xing Tian didn't work hard, but as soon as Xing Tian entered the Tower of Death, he fell into the suppression of the ancient gods and demons in the Tower of Death.

Seizure, the remnant soul of this ancient **** and demon does have plans to seize Xingtian, so entering the Tower of Death on Xingtianyi is not a test or inheritance, but the suppression of the remnant soul of the ancient **** and demon. If it weren't for Xingtian's killing avenue to be incomparably powerful, or if it weren't for the power of the killing avenue that could threaten the life of the remnant soul, Xingtian would be seized directly at this moment.

"Damn, this city of death really has the remnants of the death gods and demons as I thought. It has been waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the opportunity to rebirth!" In the face of this terrible suppression, Xing Tian's There was endless killing intent in my heart. Although all this was in my expectation, such a situation was very unfavorable for Xing Tian. If I can't get rid of the current predicament quickly, I can't get rid of the suppression of the remnant soul of the death **** If you get away, you will lose the opportunity and this opportunity.

When Xing Tian came into contact with the Tower of Death, Xing Tian felt a hint of opportunity in his heart, and when Xing Tian really entered the Tower of Death, the induction became even stronger. There is an opportunity for her own transformation and her own. The opportunity to get rid of the terrible threat of the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Human, but this opportunity does not belong to oneself!

Xing Tian was right in thinking. The opportunity here does not belong to him alone. All the creatures who enter the Tower of Death have this opportunity. In fact, when everyone feels the call, they are likely to get this opportunity, and now Xingtian was trapped, and other people did not have such a burden. Therefore, in this battle, Xingtian was first down. It can be said that although Xingtian’s madness freed himself from the crisis of the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Human, it also allowed himself to face it. More pressure.

What is the chance? Xing Tian is not clear, but in the City of Death, this opportunity must be related to the Avenue of Death. Perhaps the opportunity is the City of Death. It is this treasure of origin that I am in, but it is not easy to get it now. .

"Time is pressing. I don’t have so much time to waste. I can’t hide anymore. Now there are no outsiders. The only thing that really suppresses myself is the remnant soul of the death **** and demon. I can explode power without thinking about it. With a deep thirst, a sword light burst out from Xing Tian. This is the only treasure in Xing Tian's hands. It slashed out with a single sword and directly slashed the force of death on his body, directly slashing this force. Destroy it.

"Hey, the sword of the world, the treasure of the origin of the power of the world, interesting, this is really a great opportunity, I did not expect that a junior can sacrifice the power of the world, it seems that this is my chance, my death The chance for gods and demons to return to heaven and earth!"

When seeing Xingtian’s sword cut out, and when he felt the power of the world contained in Xingtian’s blow, the remnant soul of the death **** hidden in the tower of death became excited, if it hadn’t been there yet. Restore the strength of the heyday. If he is not still shackles, Xing Tian will now directly bear his seizure. It can be said that the power of the world exposed by Xing Tian excited the remnant soul of the death **** and let him see himself Opportunity for rebirth.

The power of the world is a great temptation for any remnant soul of a **** and demon. With the power of the world, one can repair the remnant soul of oneself and re-condensate his true body of the **** and demon. Xingtian’s current body of the **** and demon. Although it is also a good choice, Xingtian’s body of gods and demons is condensed with the avenue of killing and devouring, and it is branded by the avenue of killing and devouring. Even if it is successful, it will take a huge amount of time to master this body. A bit of transforming the origin of the body of the gods and demons, but if the real body is recondensed with the power of the world, everything will not have so many problems. The body of the gods and demons condensed by the power of the world will completely fit its own path, although It's not as good as my real body in ancient times, but it won't have the slightest hidden danger!


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