God of Destruction

Chapter 4037: Kingdom of God

Source of "Crazy God Xing Tian":

Chapter 4037: Kingdom of God

"I want to imprison me Xingtian, it's a daydream. Even if you are the Chaos God and Demon, you can't do it. Turn on me, and the Slaughter God and Demon will appear in real life, and the blood will slaughter the world!" Xing Tian roared again, and the murderous spirit exploded again, endless The murderous aura was condensed on the sword of the origin, fearlessly slashing into the void, slashing into the space that confines oneself.

If the remnant soul of the death **** and demon possesses the true and complete power of the gods and devil, the power of the great power, no matter how much Xing Tian erupts, it can easily suppress Xing Tian, ​​but now he is only a remnant soul, when Xing Tian is fully exploded At that time, his power was unable to confine Xingtian. Under the crazy slash of Slaughter Avenue and the blessing of the Primordial Treasure, this space of imprisoning Xingtian was directly torn apart, and the power of Slaughter Avenue directly followed that space. The power cuts away at the remnant soul of the death **** and demon.

Nothing was done. When he did it, Xing Tian used ten percent of his power to fight the enemy in a real life-and-death duel. At this moment, Xing Tian had no reservations. The power of Killing Dao made a full attack and hit the opponent at once. Unprepared, the terrifying power of the killing avenue directly slashed on the remnant soul of the death **** and demon, and dealt a heavy blow to the opponent!

"Ah!" The remnant soul of the death **** demon let out a scream. Under Xingtian's attack, his remnant soul was severely injured. The power of the killing avenue was eroding his broken soul, making this death **** Demon Remnant Soul was terrified and angry at it. In his own domain, he was hit back by a junior and was caught off guard. This was a shame, a great shame.

"Damn junior, I must kill you!" At this time, the remnant soul of the death **** and demon became murderous against Xingtian. It was no longer the same as before and only wanted to take advantage of Xingtian, the sword of the world, and even the home. Xingtian's body.

To kill Xingtian is not an easy task. It is impossible to just hide in the dark. If you want to kill Xingtian, the remnant soul of the death **** must confront Xingtian head-on, and come to a real life and death. The duel, otherwise just using the power of the domain, it would be impossible to put Xing Tian to death, after all, Xing Tian had also fully erupted.

"Oh! Without the original treasure that carries its own avenue, it is impossible to kill the enemy. No matter how good this original sword is, it cannot be fully integrated with the slaughter avenue, and the full power of the slaughter avenue cannot be exploded, otherwise the blow can be directly Slashing the opponent’s soul can directly inflict heavy damage on the enemy, and a remnant soul can’t withstand the impact of all my killing avenues!” At this time, Xing Tian also felt his own shortcomings. For the real strong, he carried his own avenue. The source of the treasure is very important. Without such a treasure in hand, it will not have a big impact in ordinary battles, but in the real life and death duel, this will be a big problem, and it will be its own biggest weakness. Bring a huge impact to yourself!

At this moment, Xing Tian desperately wanted to condense his own ultimate treasure of the Killing Dao. Even at this moment, Xing Tian had the heart to directly transform the original source of the Killing Dao into the real source of the Killing Dao. However, Xing Tian gave up this idea. The price paid is too great, and it is not worth the loss for myself.

After tearing open the space, Xing Tian finally got rid of the predicament and finally entered the space of the Tower of Death. It was just that everything in front of him shocked Xing Tian. This is not a space, but a world. Yes, Xing Tian is on one side at the moment. In the small world, the Tower of Death actually has a small world. No wonder he will be instantly imprisoned by the remnant soul of the death **** and demon. The other party also has the power of the world, even if it is only a weak small world, but it is also the world. force!

"What a chaotic **** and demon, such a powerful method, the Tower of Death is also a world, a world where truly dead, and a world of yellow sand!" Yes, this is a world, a world of yellow sand with no vitality. In this world, Xing Tian couldn't feel any vitality, there was just a strong breath of death here.

Unfortunately, the origin of this world is a bit weak! No, to be more precise, it is very weak. I don't know if it is because of the weakening of this small world caused by the remnant soul of the death **** and demon, or because of the impact of the previous Xingtian, because of the endless years of obliteration.

After a while, Xing Tian shook his head gently and sighed: "It's troublesome. In such a small world, the power of his own great power has been suppressed, but the savages and **** are much more relaxed. They have lived in the land of yellow sand for a long time. , Has a certain degree of adaptation to this small world, but not at all for others. Those **** of the human race hope their luck is better, otherwise they will fight against the barbarian army here. It is really hard to have the hope of victory. For them Once in the face of battle, there will be a crisis of death, perhaps this is why the barbarians got to open the tower of death!"

The endless yellow sand obscures the sky and the sun. In this world, even Xing Tian can’t sense the secret or the direction, as if there is no secret in this world, without other vitality, the whole world is death. This is a world of death!

auzw.com No! More precisely, this is a kingdom of death! For an instant, Xing Tian realized that this is not a tower of death at all. The tower of death is just an external manifestation. This is truly a kingdom of God, a **** of death, but this kingdom of God has been broken and has been Without the original prosperity, it is precisely this way that the kingdom of God would appear so strange.

Even the kingdom of death is alive and alive. Now I am not aware of the vitality. There are only two possibilities. One is that the kingdom of death is truly ruined and no vitality is restored, and the other is that the kingdom of death is not alive. It is not really opened, it is sealed, and it will only be opened under certain conditions, and it will be reactivated.

"Damn it, no matter what the situation is, it's not a good thing for me. The power of this **** world will continue to erode my body, even the true body of the gods and demons can't stand such an abolishment!" Xing Tian wrinkled. Brows, there was endless shock in my heart, I still underestimated the remnant soul of the death **** and demon, even if the opponent received his own counterattack, but the game set by the opponent was not so easy to break, and fell into the kingdom of God. In the middle, even if it is the broken kingdom of God, it is not that one's current power can break open. The power of the kingdom of God, especially the kingdom of the ancient gods and demons, even if there is only a trace of the origin, it is enough to suppress oneself.

"A conspiracy, this is a conspiracy. The emergence of the City of Death is essentially a conspiracy, a conspiracy set by the remnant soul of this ancient **** and demon for his resurrection. Any creature that enters the City of Death will be calculated to die. The Tower of Death is a broken kingdom of God, and the City of Death is the original treasure of the **** and demon of death. If you are caught in such a dead end, if you want to get out of trouble, you will have to pay a heavy price, even yourself. Fortunately, I first injured the remnant soul of this death **** and demon. Otherwise, the pressure I face will be greater, the danger I face will be even more terrifying and cruel!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian shook his head slightly and sighed: "Time, there is not much time left for me. If I wait for the remnant soul of the death **** and demon to recover, it will be my death period. There is no resistance in the kingdom of God. Power, unless I can condense the original treasure of the Slaughter Avenue that truly belongs to me, and be able to tear this kingdom of God with the supreme slaughter power!"

Only the divine power can fight against the divine power to tear apart the kingdom of God. Although Xing Tian has the body of a **** and a devil, he also has a complete killing avenue, but he did not condense his own ultimate treasure of the killing avenue, even if Xingtian has one The Primordial Treasure is in hand, but can't exert all the power, naturally it can't resist the pressure of the kingdom of God.

Xing Tian now understands his own situation, and what are those strong human races and barbarians doing? They enter the Tower of Death, and what kind of crisis they face when they enter this kingdom of God. Xing Tian does not know the situation of the barbarians. What would it look like, but Xing Tian guessed that the strong men of the human race would inevitably be suppressed by the kingdom of death, or even be swallowed up by the power of the kingdom of death, because they did not have the kingdom of death. breath.

Relatively speaking, the situation of the barbarians is much better. The Kingdom of Death will suppress them less, because they have always lived in the land of yellow sand, and they have a breath of death, even if there is only a trace. , It can also allow them to avoid the coercion of the kingdom of death, and enable them to have greater mobility. The kingdom of God is different from the city of death. The kingdom of God will have a good impression of any creature with the breath of death, god, and devil. Not to be suppressed by the kingdom of God!

Treasure? No, what Xing Tian thinks now is not to seize the treasure, but how to get out of the kingdom of death, just to leave the kingdom of death, Xing Tian must face the remnant soul of the **** of death, only to kill the death The remnant soul of the gods and demons can have the chance to leave the kingdom of God. It only cuts through the remnants of the gods and demons of death. I am afraid that the kingdom of God will also collapse. The power of the collapse of the kingdom of God will make all the creatures in the entire kingdom of God. Being obliterated, no matter how strong you have supernatural powers, you can't withstand the backlash of the collapse of the kingdom of God. Even the kingdom of God is broken, it is not something Xingtian can resist.

"Damn it, how could you fall into such a desperate situation? In order to meet such a small'ant' like me, the will of heaven and earth used such a method. Is it worth it? It would be a little bit to kill me with such a method. Mention the masterpiece!" Xing Tian had some doubts in the calculation of the will of heaven and earth. Although he walked against the sky, he still had no ability to threaten the will of heaven and earth. Why did the other party arrange such a lore? Is he wrong? What, and what was the insight of the fate in my heart before, in this lore, do I really have a chance?

The will of heaven and earth will not overestimate Xingtian. It is Xingtian who underestimated his own power. The avenue of defying the sky is not as simple as he thought, and the avenue of killing Xingtian walks is not so simple, killing the heavens, the earth, and the common people. It is true that after Xing Tian completes this feat, Xing Tian's killing avenue is completed, and Xing Tian condenses the essence of the killing avenue. It can really threaten the will of the world, shake the foundation of this world, and even break the balance of this world.

Even though this world is in the midst of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and it is the final tribulation of the world, the Will of Heaven and Earth is still unwilling to see people such as Xing Tian appear against the sky. Seeing the Great Way of Defying Heaven appears, Xing Tian will appear greatly. Weaken the vitality of the will of heaven and earth, so that this world really can't see any vitality, so it must kill Xingtian before Xingtian really grows up. The previous failures repeatedly make the will of heaven and earth can only set up this lore, no Give Xing Tian a little bit of life.

One by one, Xing Tian is being forced to desperate step by step. Facing this terrible lore, Xing Tian's eyes show a trace of madness. He really has no choice. Although he feels reluctant, Xing Tian The craziest decision is still to be made, to explode the only original treasure in his hand, and only in this way can he break the game, be able to get rid of the crisis of his own death, and be able to make himself a **** path from death.

Abandon a treasure of origin, a treasure of origin with endless potential, in exchange for his own vitality, even if there is only a little vitality, Xing Tian is willing to give it a go. Who will let himself really run out of time? In Xing Tian's view, this Fang Shen Although the kingdom is broken, it is definitely not to the point where there is no vitality. It is sealed, but once the seal is unlocked, you really have no ability to resist anymore, no matter what kind of experience the kingdom of God has experienced. Tribulation, Xing Tian believed that there must be terrible power hidden in this kingdom of God, but now the remnant soul of the death **** has not awakened them.

"You are not longing for the sword of this world, then I will give it to you, cut it for me, and the world will be shattered!" With a deep cry, the original treasure in Xingtian's hand flew out instantly, plunged directly into the yellow sand, and directed towards it. The land of the kingdom of God went deep, and at the moment the Primordial Treasure entered the earth, the brand of the Primordial Supreme Treasure began to shatter, and Xing Tian was exploding this Primordial Treasure!

In an instant, a power of destruction of the world was forming frantically, erupting in the depths of this kingdom of God, the power of destruction of the world appeared, causing this broken kingdom of God to begin to tremble, facing the power of destruction of the world , The power of the kingdom of God is also unable to resist, the whole world is in fear, and rays of light are constantly rising from all parts of the kingdom of God, the remnant soul of the death **** in the kingdom of death is roaring, he still underestimates Xingtian He did not expect that Xing Tian would be so vicious, he would directly explode the original treasure in his hand, and directly provoke the power of world destruction. Qiaqia, the power of world destruction, is the biggest nemesis of the kingdom of God. In the face of the power of world destruction, the kingdom of God The origin is breaking down bit by bit.

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