God of Destruction

Chapter 4041: Saving calculation

Chapter Four Thousand and 41st Calculations

When Xingtian leaves, how can the remnant soul of the death **** and demon be willing? Even if he has to let go, he will have to take the last fight and give Xingtian a lesson. After all, good money is hard to give up, especially Xingtian is so condensed. People in the real body of the acquired gods and demons are very rare in this world. Even if Xingtian is now pushing the remnant soul of the death gods and demons into nowhere to go, the death gods and demons still have a crazy thought in his heart, and they still fight Want to seize the penalty day.

People don't do it for themselves, the heavens will die! The same is true for the death gods and demons, the great opportunity is right in front of them, and I really have to let go like this, it is too stupid, even if this opportunity is accompanied by great dangers, but no one can abandon this opportunity, like those who are deep in the kingdom of death. The human race powerhouse is the same as the barbaric powerhouse. They can't abandon their immediate interests, holding on to that glimmer of illusion, and now the same is true for the remnant soul of the death **** and demon, he still believes that Xing Tian's soul is definitely the weakest.

Although he heard the roar of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian was not a fool and did not stop. The killing sword in his hand still exudes terrible murderous intent, still staring at the origin of death and demon, he can launch a fatal blow at any time. .

Under Xing Tian’s gaze, a crack was opened in the barrier of the Kingdom of Death. A spatial channel appeared above Xing Tian. Feeling the breath of the spatial channel, Xing Tian’s eyes flashed with doubt, which indeed led to death. The space channel of the city, Xing Tian couldn’t figure out how the remnant soul of the death **** and demon could control the power of the kingdom of God so accurately, and could just open a space channel for a single person to leave the kingdom of God. Could it be that he was wrong, in this **** The kingdom is not a remnant soul, but the complete soul of the death **** and demon, capable of completely controlling all the mighty powers of the death **** and devil.

But this is somewhat unreasonable. If the soul of the death **** and demon is intact, how could he have an impact on the kingdom of God, a complete ancient **** and demon soul, the control of the kingdom of God is not as simple as ordinary people think, everything in the kingdom of God Under his control, even if this kingdom of God is a bit incomplete, it can still blast out terrifying power and still be able to strangle all invading enemies. The kingdom of God is the core power of an ancient **** and demon, and it is also his ultimate support. .

"Something is wrong, something is really wrong. Is this a problem with the kingdom of God or a problem with the death gods and monsters themselves? How could it give me such a weird feeling? Could it be that the ancient gods and gods still have secrets that I don't know, every ancient **** The demon possesses more powerful talents and supernatural powers, and can still master the origin brand of the great avenue even in the fall?"

Xing Tian is at a loss as to all this. Don’t look at himself, he has also received some information from ancient gods and devils. He also condenses the true body of gods and devils, but Xing Tian is still far behind the real innate gods and devils. , At least Xing Tian doesn’t know how powerful the innate gods and demons are, and how terrifying the cards are. Now Xing Tian also condenses the real body of the gods and demons, but he does not fully control his own power, and even does not grasp the rules of his own great power. This is the essential difference between the acquired gods and demons and the innate gods and demons!

"Enough, Xing Tian, ​​what do you **** do? I have agreed to your request and opened the channel. Why are you still reluctant to leave? Could you **** be teasing me, deliberately consuming my origin!" Seeing that Xing Tian had no intention of leaving, the Remnant Soul of the Death Demon roared angrily, as if being provoked by Xing Tian's actions.

Opening a space channel requires the source of consumption. A long time is also a huge burden for the death gods and demons. It is also a huge burden for the kingdom of God. Opening a space channel for a long time is a great damage to any kingdom of God. What's more, the burden of the broken kingdom of the **** of death will be even greater, but now it is just a few breaths, is the **** of death worthy of such anger?

"Damn it, could it be said that this lunatic has noticed that something has failed and he saw through my calculations?" The Death God and Demon's remnant soul was muttering in his heart. If his calculations are seen through, it will be difficult for the lunatic Xingtian to be calculated. Enraged this lunatic, made the situation worse, and made his own situation more dangerous, but he really had to give up this opportunity, and the death gods and spirits were reluctant to give up, so in the end he decided to continue, even if there is a ten thousandth You have to give it a go!

Death is not the end, even if your remnant soul is really shattered and dying here, it will only delay your return from time and space. If you succeed, you will be able to seize the opportunity. In this case, death Naturally, the gods and demons want to fight with all their strength to create a great road for themselves, so that they can take the lead in this era!

"You can't back down at this time. If you don't get tough, it will only make Xingtian, a lunatic, be suspicious. I have to continue!" When thinking about this, the remnant soul of the death demon continued to roar in anger: "Hurry up, if you don't act anymore. , We only have war. Don’t think I’m afraid of you. Even if you have the ability to threaten me, it doesn’t mean you can end everything about me. I can pull you to death. This is my world and my kingdom of God. You are just an outsider!"

Seeing such a crazy reaction from the remnant soul of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. Although he wanted to find out the secret of the death **** and demon, but he didn't want to have another life and death duel with this bastard. I can only give up, nodded and said in a deep voice: "Enough, don't threaten me with these ridiculous words, I just make sure that you **** has no conspiracy, after all, this is your territory, I have to be careful, you But there is no character at all!"

Yes, the death **** demon has no commendable character. In order to complete his recovery, he counted the barbarians and the human race. In those endless years, he didn't know how many human beings were swallowed, no Knowing how many barbarians have swallowed an army, facing such a sinister and vicious bastard, who can be careless, and who is not afraid of being calculated by it!

"Sure enough, this madman is really suspicious of me. Fortunately, I was calm and didn't take the initiative. Otherwise, this madman would really have to see through the plan, but the more shrewd this kid is, the better he will be in the plan. How did the kid die!" The Death God and Demon's Remnant Soul muttered to himself, thinking that he had seen Xing Tian through, and that his plan was even more foolproof!

auzw.com What is the foolproof plan in the disaster, even if it seems that everything is very good, everything is going well, and there is hope of absolute success, but the more so, the more dangerous it is. Just when you think there is a 10% chance, this is the more terrifying, because you are probably already calculated. Either the enemy is calculating you, or the will of heaven and earth is calculating you. At this time, if you don’t know how to stop, waiting for yourself. There is only death, only destruction, and the death gods and demons have forgotten this!

Under the gaze of the death **** and demon, Xing Tian cautiously walked towards the space channel, every step Xing Tian walked extremely carefully, as if he was guarding against the death **** and devil, and in the eyes of the death **** and demon, the more careful Xing Tian, ​​the more They will step into the traps they have laid, and the more they will step into death. Although it takes a lot of origin to support the space channel, the death gods and demons are extremely happy because Xing Tian is stepping into the ones he has laid. In the trap, you will reap victory!

When Xing Tian walked to the middle of the space passage, the expression of the death **** and demon changed. The entire kingdom of death gave out a terrible breath of death. The space passage was instantly closed, and both the exit and the entrance were regarded as death by the death **** and demon. The power of the original source was sealed, and at this moment the remnant soul of the death **** and demon said in a deep voice: "Give me death, death will come, the kingdom of God will be the world!"

In an instant, Xing Tian was enveloped by endless death, and the death source road descended on Xing Tian. The power of the kingdom of death was suppressed on Xing Tian. This time, the death **** and demon really used all their strength, not just the power of the entire kingdom of death. It fell on Xing Tian, ​​and even used the power of the city of death, the treasure of origin. He really wanted to destroy Xing Tian in one fell swoop, wipe out Xing Tian’s soul in one fell swoop, and directly kill Xing Tian Zhen in the space channel, without giving Xing Tian a little bit of turn over. opportunity.

If Xing Tian is in the Kingdom of Death, the Death God and Demon can only mobilize the power of the Kingdom of God to fight against Xing Tian. The most important thing is that he has to prevent Xing Tian’s impact on his Kingdom of God, and when Xing Tian is in the space channel At that time, the death **** and demon did not take care of it anymore, all power was fully utilized, and he spared no effort to kill Xing Tianzhen in the space channel.

"Damn, I know this ancient **** and demon can't believe it, they can't believe it. These **** are thinking about how to return from the long river of time and space all the time, but he was a little too happy, thinking that this would kill me. It’s ridiculous to think that this will kill me. Since you don’t know the time to retreat, I have nothing to keep. The Origin of the Avenue of Death has come. This is the nutrient that I longed for, and it was devoured by me!"

Xing Tian's thoughts moved, his own death avenue was fully opened, and the ultimate treasure of the death avenue appeared in his hands. When the death primordial treasure and the death scepter appeared, the power of the death avenue falling from the void was directly suppressed, and then Xingtian exuded the terrible The swallowing power of the gods was endlessly swallowed, and the origin of the great road drawn down by the death **** and demon at a high price was directly accepted by Xing Tian!

"Asshole, how is this possible? I must be dazzled. How could a junior in such a short time comprehend the complete Death Avenue and condense the original treasure of Death Avenue. This must be an illusion. This **** junior is pulling I enter the illusion!" When seeing this sudden change in front of him, the death **** and demon was a little dumbfounded, unable to accept all of this, and his consciousness became a little trance, thinking that everything he saw now was just an illusion.

Although Xingtian has mastered the avenue of illusion, as the king of the end, this clone does not master the avenue of illusion. Everything the death **** sees is true. The more he cannot accept it, the more he is on the move. Into death, as the death **** and demon, one’s own avenue was taken away. This is absolutely a great shame, and it is definitely an unbearable and unacceptable result. When Xingtian exudes a powerful death force, it means seizing The beginning of Tao, when the two great gods and demons jointly choose the same avenue, when they meet, it is the beginning of the seizure of the Tao. It is an endless war, and only one person can be completely destroyed before it can end!

"No, this is not an illusion. All of this is real. The capture of the Dao has begun. This shows that this lunatic really realized the complete Avenue of Death in a short period of time, and condensed his own ultimate treasure of the Avenue of Death, and all this is unexpected. It’s a mighty enemy I cultivated by myself. It’s really ridiculous. Could it be that this lunatic is the son of luck in this era?” Soon the death **** and devil came to his senses. As an ancient **** and demon, he has also seen many gods When I felt the battle of seizing the way, I naturally understood that I had committed a huge mistake and cultivated myself a real enemy.

remorse! At this time, the death **** and demon had endless regrets. Knowing that this lunatic was so powerful and his perception of the avenue was so terrifying, he should not venture to give this lunatic a chance to understand his own death avenue, and one should not lead this lunatic. In the kingdom of God, oneself would not have such a terrible enemy, and would not fall into this terrible crisis.

As soon as the seizure is opened, there is no retreat. No matter who it is, there is no retreat. This is an endless battle. When the seizure begins, the spirit of death becomes extremely heavy, because he can't feel the vitality, and feel it. Dao Shengli, he is not a fool, and such a shocking change means that he has been calculated from the beginning, and he is a pawn.

"How could this be? If this kid is the child of luck, then when this madman enters the city of death, he will be calculated by the will of heaven and earth, and he will become the chess piece in the hands of the will of heaven and earth, and become the foot of this kid. Shi!" Hate! When I thought of this, the remnant soul of the death **** and demon was in his heart. If time goes back, he will never provoke the lunatic Xingtian again.

Calculate, the death **** and demon are indeed calculated, by the will of heaven and earth, but the will of heaven and earth is not only the death **** and demon, but Xingtian, Xingtian has also fallen into the calculation of the will of heaven and earth from the beginning. , It’s just that Xing Tian has great fortune, great perseverance, can step through the calculations of the will of heaven and earth, and be able to cut a blood path from the death desperate situation, even if it is trapped in the desperate situation, caught in the calculations of the will of heaven and earth, Xing Tian still marched forward bravely, still embarking on a road of his own, stepping on that heavy murderous opportunity, to the present, and treating the death **** and demon as his stepping stone.


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