God of Destruction

Chapter 4042: Fear

Chapter Four Thousand and Forty Two Fear

"The kingdom of God, the treasure of origin, even this little power is delusional to kill me, death god, you are too overestimating your own strength, and you too underestimate my Xingtian, originally I didn't want to do things absolutely You forge an endless feud, and you don't want to cross the road here, but you have to force me to do this, it depends on your luck, open it for me, and end the road!"

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian exudes a strong aura of ending, and the Death Avenue is assimilated by the power of the End Avenue at this moment. No matter how powerful the death avenue is, the death **** will still be unable to stop Xing Tian’s swallowing. To prevent Xingtian's plunder, the endless source of death was swallowed up by Xingtian and turned into a road to the end.

Just when Xing Tianshen showed the aura of ending the Great Dao, Heaven and Earth became angry. If Xing Tian was in the Kingdom of Death and was covered by the treasures of the Kingdom of Death and the City of Death, Dao Tribulation could not come, but now it is different. Xing Tian is in the space channel. In the middle, and coordinated with Xing Tian's conscious eruption, it immediately aroused the anger of heaven and earth, and immediately attracted the power of Daojiao!

With a loud "boom", the entire Kingdom of Death was trembling, and the City of Death was trembling. The terrifying power of the Dao Tribulation was attacking the Kingdom of Death, and it was hitting the Kingdom of Death. At this moment, outside the City of Death, all the creatures were The shock of the horror, the Dao Tribulation came, a terrible dark cloud enveloped the entire City of Death, the endless road pressure fell on the City of Death, and the endless thunder punishment condensed in the void.

"Damn it, what's going on, why did such a change happen in an instant, what has happened in the city of death, which triggered such a terrible punishment? Is it because the city of death is not in the world, or is it someone in the city of death? What an earth-shattering event!" The forces on all sides have once again become extremely solemn, and they are all guessing that no one dares to step forward in the face of such a terrible punishment, and no one mentions breaking the defense of the city of death and rushing into it. The city of death seizes inheritance, seizes the treasure of origin!

If you hit the city of death at this time, you are killing yourself, and you are looking for death. No matter how powerful people are, they don’t have the confidence to face such a terrible punishment. They have not seen it, but it is such a terrifying day. The punishment was the first time. What caused such a terrifying punishment, which had to make them cautious. Many people couldn't help thinking of the ancient gods and demons, and they all felt that it was very likely that the ancient gods and demons were resurrected.

"Everyone, do you think it is possible that the ancient gods and demons are resurrecting? Everything that happened before was only caused by the resurrection of the other party. If a death **** and demons return from the long river of time and space, it is not impossible to trigger the punishment of heaven. Don't forget that ancient gods and demons also descended in the secret world before!"

"It is possible! However, if this is the case, the consequences will be very serious. If all this is caused by the creatures of our world, then there is no big deal, at most it is just a catastrophe, a terrible punishment, but if It is the resurrection of ancient gods and demons. It will be a terrible impact for the entire world and a disaster for all forces. The return of ancient gods and demons means that the world will be reshuffled. We will have one more and more terrifying Enemy!"

"Yes, once the ancient gods and demons return, it will have a terrible impact on the entire world. Maybe the ancestors don’t care, because the ancestors want to transcend the world, but we people can’t ignore it. We will all face the disaster of extinction. The ancient gods and demons are not good people, they will destroy the entire world!"

Destroying the entire world, even if the ancient gods and demons did not return, wouldn't this world be destroyed? Even if this world has survived the Great Tribulation and can be integrated into the Supreme Chaos World, for the primitive creatures of these worlds, they will inevitably face more terrible impacts and terrible threats, and the Supreme Chaos World will also Not good!

prevent! These people do not have this strength at all. Even if someone has it, they will not take action, because this is not a matter for him alone, but a matter for the entire world. He cannot resist it alone, nor can it be done by himself. To face an ancient **** and demon, if it is truly the return of the ancient **** and demon, this **** and demon must be the death **** and demon, and is an enemy of an ancient **** and demon who has mastered the road of death.

"Wait and see, heaven's punishment has already appeared, and it's useless for us to be anxious now. Maybe the power of heaven and earth will destroy this ancient **** and demon without us, so we don't need to worry about it!" It sounds very good and reasonable, but these words did not relax everyone's nervous mood, everyone is still staring at the city of death.

If the ancient gods and demons return, will the other party be unprepared? Will it be counted that the penalty comes? This is impossible. If the other party is prepared and dared to do so, then he must be sure of success. It’s okay without these words. With these words, everyone’s mood will be heavier, more nervous, and more for themselves. Worried about the future.

At this time, no one cared about the original treasure of the city of death, let alone the so-called inheritance, but worried about their own future, worried about this world catastrophe, the original heaven and earth road was cruel enough, and one more one. The ancient gods and demon, it is even more hopeless, and if there is an ancient **** and demon returning, will there be no second or third one?

Wait, the many powerhouses in this city of death can only wait. Waiting again and again has a great influence on their mood, so that the original fighting spirit in their hearts has long been dissipated, but they have not Paying attention to this point, in the midst of the catastrophe, they did not notice their own problems at all. Such continuous trauma to the state of mind is the biggest disadvantage for practitioners.

Repeatedly compromised, and withdrew again and again, even when the real opportunity came, when the final battle appeared, they really could still raise the will to fight, and they would be able to fight a battle forever? It is very difficult. Once they lose their intent to fight and the courage to fight to the death, these people will be completely abolished, and they will all be just a bunch of rubbish.

auzw.com Under everyone’s gaze, Heaven’s Punishment condenses into terrifying power. A beam of light that reaches the sky falls from the void, directly piercing the defenses of the City of Death, and directly falls on the city of Death. In the center, the barriers of the kingdom of death were torn open, and it came directly on Xing Tian's head, directly smashing the spatial channels condensed by the death gods and demons, breaking all the calculations of the death gods and demons!

"Asshole, you lunatic!" Seeing Xingtian's madness, seeing that his original treasure defense was opened, and seeing that his kingdom of God was severely damaged, the remnant soul of the death **** was stupid. He never thought that this would happen. , Will surpass your imagination, will make all your plans disappear, and in the face of absolute strength, you will be vulnerable to all kinds of calculations.

Although Xing Tian himself did not have the power to surpass everything, he did not have the power to break everything, but this does not mean that Xing Tian has no way to fight back, and there is no way to pull the death gods and demons to face the danger together. When Xing Tian provokes himself, everything changes. The power of the Death God and Demon turned into nothingness. In front of the terrible Dao Tribulation, under that terrible punishment, the Death God and Demon's remnant soul trembled. He not only felt angry at Xingtian’s actions, but also more It is the fear of God's punishment.

On the same day, punishment tore through the defenses of the city of death and opened the barriers of the kingdom of death, immediately felt the aura of the remnant soul of the gods of death and the breath of the many creatures in the kingdom of death, at this moment, heaven The power of punishment is increasing again. Within a few breaths, the heavenly punishment above the void is more powerful than that, and this growth does not stop, but continues to grow, rapidly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye I got up, as if I was completely irritated by everything below.

I was dumbfounded. At this moment, the remnant soul of the death **** was dumbfounded. The major forces of the human race and the barbarian army in the kingdom of death were dumbfounded, and all the forces outside the city of death were also dumbfounded. Everyone was suddenly shocked. The shock that came was shocked.

For the creatures in the city of death, they don’t understand why the punishment came in an instant, and they did nothing. Why did the punishment find themselves on this day and drag themselves into the terrible desperation of death. , This made them unwilling to be out of anger, and they were at a loss as to what had happened suddenly, but soon they thought of someone.

"Damn it, what's the matter? I didn't do anything and I would be bombarded by the punishment. It must be the lunatic Xingtian. Only this **** lunatic can provoke such a terrible punishment. This time I really deserve to be damned. The lunatic was killed!"

Soon everyone in the human race pointed the finger at Xingtian, and in their hearts only Xingtian could cause such a terrifying change, and their guess was clearly correct. They were all harmed by Xingtian. They all fell under the terrible punishment of heaven, but all this was not what Xingtian wanted, but the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, who made them too greedy.

For the many forces outside the City of Death, they saw the crazy increase of Heaven's Punishment, and their hearts were pressed against a huge stone. In their hearts, such a terrible Heaven's Punishment was not weakened. After a single blow, they grew at a crazy speed, which made them more sure that there must be an ancient gods and demons returning in the city of death. This is a big trouble!

Yes! Everyone’s troubles are great. This terrible natural punishment appeared in the north and in the barbaric territory. It was a natural disaster for the entire barbarian. Such natural disasters attracted the attention of the barbarians and caused the whole world. The attention of all the most powerful people, the occurrence of such a situation, they have never expected, although to the ancestors, they all know the existence of ancient gods and demons, but they never expected that the other party would be so soon. Return.

Does the vow still work? If you continue to abide by the vows, it will only make the ancient gods and demons cheap and able to quickly return from the long river of time and space, but abandoning the vows will completely disrupt all their plans, disrupt the changes in the entire world, and make everything happen. Change, let everything develop in the unknown direction, and can no longer grasp the overall situation!

"Is this horrible tribulation of heaven and earth really so terrible? Why did a series of changes happen in such a short time, so that everything is separated from the big environment? What is going on? What power is behind all this? Is it the will of heaven and earth, or the ancient gods and demons, or the powerhouses of the supreme chaotic world?"

Many ancestors were meditating, and they were all awakened by this change. Their hearts have also become extremely heavy. Everything is developing in the unknown direction, and the unknown is the most terrifying, and all these changes also come from Yu Xingtian seemed to be extremely troublesome and out of control as long as things got involved in Xingtian's body.

"Perhaps we really had to make a wrong choice. We really shouldn't have made that ridiculous vow at the beginning, and shouldn't give Xing Tian this crazy junior a chance to develop. We should destroy him at the beginning, even if it is to endure the world. His backlash must also kill him, but now everything is too late, this crazy junior has grown up!"

Yes, for these many ancestors, they all thought of Xingtian for the first time, and all attributed everything to Xingtian. They believed that the world will change repeatedly because of Xingtian’s **** response. The man of the robbery was the one who made everything messy, and his existence was a crisis for many ancestors.

It is too late to regret, and everything has happened. At this time, they will regret nothing. What they have to do is how to change the current predicament and how to prevent everything from deteriorating. If the situation deteriorates like this, even if they do No matter how unwilling, they must face the final decisive battle. They may be able to endure it, but the juniors below can’t. solve.

"It seems that we should indulge the **** of Taipingdao and make them completely crazy. Maybe they can help us solve this big problem. Now that they have a murderous intention on Xingtian, we just pretended not to see it and nothing happened. It’s a good thing for us to let the **** of Taipingdao kill the crazy junior Xingtian, no matter which one of them can laugh last in the end, it is a good thing for us. If the **** of the peaceful Tao take action, the crazy junior will also be restricted! "Soon the ancestors of many human races made a decision, and they all tacitly pushed this matter to the head of Taipingdao, and they will complete everything. Regardless of the final result, it is very beneficial to them. In the end, Only Xingtian and Taipingdao suffer!

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