God of Destruction

Chapter 4043: Suspicious

Chapter Four Thousand and Forty-Three

Indulge in Taipingdao, except Xingtian by the hands of Taipingdao. This sounds very good, but it is not easy to do it, because nowadays no one knows the true situation of Xingtian, and even the enemy's situation is not clear. , Just want to win, this can only be said to be a big joke, and the enemy they have to face is the person who should be robbed, this is even more a big joke!

Nowadays, even the will of heaven and earth would have to spend so much energy to kill Xingtian, and they have to arrange such a terrible killing. However, the ancestors of the current human race want to use the power of the peace road to destroy Xingtian. This is really too self-righteous. , I also underestimated Xing Tian, ​​underestimated the will of heaven and earth, if Xing Tian was so easy to kill, he would not survive now.

What is Xing Tian doing now? The King of End of the clone is facing the punishment of heaven, facing this life and death crisis, and what is the situation of the deity? When the clone was targeted by Heaven, Xingtian’s deity was also in danger of death. The deity was discovered by those of Taipingdao. When many Taipingdao searchers discovered that the object they were looking for turned out to be a statue that was gestating. The eyes of these **** revealed endless joy, and there was a trace of madness in that joy.

Chance! Great opportunity! At this time, in their eyes, Xingtian deity is the great opportunity of heaven. Their first thought is not the inheritance that the ancestors wanted, but how to seize the opportunity of Xingtian deity, able to receive such a powerful star, and be able to receive the heaven and earth. Originating, all this shows that Xing Tian is an innate creature, a powerful creature born by nature. If he can seize this opportunity, he can naturally fly into the sky. As for the ancestors, they have long been left behind.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! When faced with this huge temptation, no one can bear it. Especially with such an amazing opportunity, it will make people crazy. At this time, many peaceful people do not want to seize the opportunity first, but how they want to Get rid of your companions, because they are a great threat to yourself.

"Everyone, this is the creature that the ancestors are looking for. This time we have all made great contributions. We must treat this creature that is being conceived carefully, and don't break the plan of the ancestors, otherwise everyone will bear it. The ancestor’s anger, now we are discussing how to ensure the safety of this gestating creature!” As the leader of the team, he took the initiative to preside over the overall situation at this time. It seems that this person is very calm and calm, but There was still a trace of madness in his eyes.

"Oh! According to the captain's opinion, what should we do to be sure of nothing?" No one is a fool. When he hears his captain's words, all the people of the Peace Road immediately have a sense of understanding, knowing that their captain is right. It's greed!

Seeing the reaction of everyone, the person who presided over the overall situation of Tai Ping Dao smiled calmly and said: "I know what you are worried about, and I am afraid that I will take the credit. You are too underestimating my personality. I am not as much as you think. Unbearable!"

"Hmph! What do you have, you are simply an ambitious bastard, saying that you don't want to swallow everything, but you already have such an idea in your heart, and you are now trying to carry out this crazy idea." Although in your heart I have already seen the face of their own captain, but these people did not directly explain all this, but said with a light smile: "Hahaha! It seems that we are too worried. I said that the captain is not such a person, but what does the captain have? Please tell us the plan for our reference. After all, this is not a trivial matter, it is related to everyone's life and death!"

"Oh! You are still so suspicious, but this is the human mind, and it is normal for you to be worried. Then I will tell the truth. I don't think you can rest assured that this is the captain of me. This is no exception. In that case, it’s better for us all to work together to seal this conceived creature with our own magical powers, and then I will bring them back to the sect. In this way, we don’t need to be wary of each other. After all, everyone has magical powers. No one can crack it!"

"Well! This suggestion is too great, there is no problem, can it be said that we are so much more concerned, shouldn't doubt the captain, he really has a clear heart, and he is really not tempted by this opportunity? This is really incredible?" The people of Taipingdao couldn't help being shocked, and they were all a little moved by these words.

These **** don’t know what to think, whether they are arrogant, or think that Xingtian deity is not a threat, and they directly ignore the existence of Xingtian deity and don’t treat Xingtian deity as the same thing, as if in their eyes, Xingtian deity can do anything at hand. Control, there is no threat at all, such a change shocked Xing Tian's heart.

"What do these **** want to do? Are they really confident that they can take me directly, or do these **** deliberately make such crazy temptations in front of me to test my reality?" Xing Tian muttered to himself in his heart , I don’t know if I should take the shot directly, I was caught off guard by hitting these bastards, and I directly used my two great treasures to destroy each other!

"No, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Although I don't know what these **** are going to do, I can't worry at this time. These people are just human robbery. Since I have been targeted by the will of heaven and earth, the crisis will definitely not only be this. One point, let me bear with them first, and see what these **** are going to do, and what insidious calculations they have!"

Don’t be anxious. The more you are at this time, the more you can’t be anxious. Otherwise, you are likely to fall into the other party’s calculations. The most important thing is that Xingtian is not only facing these peaceful bastards, but also hidden in the dark. The will of heaven and earth, for Xing Tian, ​​the will of heaven and earth is his biggest enemy and the most dangerous existence.

While Xingtian was meditating, the Taipingdao people finally made a decision, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, let's just do this. All of us will use magical powers together to seal this creature, so that everyone will not worry and ruin the ancestors. Event!"

Seeing that his subordinates finally agreed, the captain of Taipingdao heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "As the captain, I will impose the seal first. Everyone will supervise it, so I can feel relieved. After me, you will use your magical powers together to seal this creature with all your strength. In this way, no one has to worry about someone having evil thoughts!"


When talking about this, the captain of Taipingdao gave a speech, took a deep breath, and said: "I got the teachings of my ancestors before I acted. When I use the seal of magical powers, it consumes a lot of origin, and it takes time to accumulate. Strength. During this period, my own defenses will be very weak, so everyone must defend me and be alert for sneak attacks by the enemy!"

Although the captain did not say that his own strength will cause everyone's suspicion or even worry, everyone knows the implications of his captain's words, so they nodded and said: "Captain, please rest assured. We will be careful, and you can use your magical powers with confidence, we will never let the enemy have a chance to attack!"

"Okay, I believe you can do it!" When he finished speaking, the Captain of Taipingdao had a strong breath on his body. A huge source of power began to condense on him, and the imprints of magical powers were crazily on him. Condensed on the body, the marks are merging crazily, as if to condense a supreme magical power.

At this moment, those peaceful people suddenly launched attacks one by one, and one after another attack hit the captain directly, so that the captain was hit by the terrifying force without even having a chance to react. On his body, his body was thrown up like rags, and blood arrows fell into the void. This captain was not even directly killed by their combined efforts!

"Hmph, I want to deceive us, I really think we are fools, condense the supreme magical powers to seal this creature, really want you to do this, what chance do we have, to blame, blame yourself for being too stupid, for being an ancestor They serve!" The peaceful disciples sneered disdainfully when they looked at the **** body of their captain, with crazy expressions on their faces.

"Kill!" Before these words completely fell, these **** fought against each other frantically. They attacked their companions frantically. There was only one chance for them, and none of them wanted to. Give up, so only one of them can survive. The reason why they teamed up to kill the captain was that on the one hand, the words of their captain made them unacceptable, and on the other hand, the captain was too strong and they had to kill the captain first.

Benefits make people crazy. Under this huge temptation, these lunatics of Taipingdao really desperately, each of them took out their own assassins, and madly attacked their companions, and soon these people of Taipingdao all fell. Now, there are not many people who can stand, and all of these people who are standing are seriously injured and have heavy breath.

"Hahaha! Taipingdao is really a bunch of lunatics, a bunch of villains, it seems that we are going to choose the cheapest this time!" Suddenly a voice rang, and a group of powerful people appeared in the Taipingdao group. These people are The monitors who have been following the Peace Road in secret. Originally, these **** just wanted to figure out the plan of the Peace Road, but now they are directly taking advantage of the fishermen's profit and found such a great opportunity under the guidance of the Peace Road.

"Damn, we were being followed, how could this be possible!" When seeing such a panic, the standing Taipingdao disciples all had a gloomy face. They couldn't accept the result. They were already very careful when they acted, and they also checked behind them, and didn't notice anyone following them, but this happened!

"Why, are you thinking why you didn't notice our stalking? Your Taipingdao's supernatural powers are indeed very powerful and can prevent the enemy's stalking, but you are too arrogant and never thought that people like us have never followed you!"

"Impossible, you didn't follow us, so how did you find this place? Say, who among us is a betrayer?" The people of Taipingdao immediately thought that there are betrayers among themselves, and that's the **** thing. The betrayer exposed everyone's whereabouts, and only with this kind of explanation, can he explain everything and explain that so many people have not discovered the existence of the enemy, so that these damned **** were caught off guard.

"Ignorance, stupidity, arrogance, you are too ignorant, we did not follow you, and there are no betrayers among you, because you **** are always aloof from beginning to end. You only notice the practitioners and the surrounding environment. But never cared about the weak mortals around you. You didn’t expect that we have been using ordinary mortals to determine your whereabouts. It was the mortals around you that exposed your whereabouts!"

Fanling, cultivators use Fanling to follow these powerhouses of Taipingdao. No one will believe it, but this is the truth. These people of Taipingdao were exposed by the mortal worms and birds around them. As a result, he was surrounded by the enemy at this critical moment, plunged himself into the crisis of death, and completely shattered his plan!

"Damn, I was calculated by a group of ants, but you are too happy to kill!" After understanding the cause of the problem, when they knew that there was no way to survive, each of these Taipingdao disciples exploded with all their power. To bring these **** to death together, the Taipingdao disciples who had just been in their own civil war all at once united and launched an attack on the enemy.

These people were happy too early, and they jumped out too early. Although these disciples of Taipingdao were seriously injured one by one, they were not without the power of a battle. When they were determined to live and die, when they wanted to pull others to death. At this time, terrible lethality can still erupt, and it can still give the enemy a fatal blow. In an instant, these people are directly caught in a crisis of death, and they are directly killed by these crazy Taipingdao disciples by surprise.

Without any temptation, the people of Taipingdao directly launched a suicidal attack. There were bursts of loud noises, and terrible self-detonations were performed madly. Those who had just laughed at Taipingdao were beaten up, and most of them were killed and injured in an instant. They were directly disabled by these lunatics of Taipingdao. Even if a few people were barely able to stand up, all of them were **** and bloodied. They were all severely injured and even lost the ability to fight again.

"Damn peace, they are just a bunch of madmen, a bunch of **** madmen, how dare they do this!" Seeing the results of their own deaths and injuries, those who survived couldn't help but yelled, venting their anger. And unwilling.

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