God of Destruction

Chapter 4044: Festival Secret

Chapter 4404: Secrets

"Haha, is it worth paying such a big price for a treasure you don't know?" Some people muttered to themselves, looking at their dead companions, their hearts are extremely heavy, and the result is really true for them. It was terrible, after all, all of them walked before they died, and everyone who survived was also seriously injured!

No one answered. Everyone quickly fell into silence and felt a deep sorrow. This time they were lucky enough to survive, but will everyone have such luck next time? The most important thing is that their action has offended Taipingdao and has become an enemy of Taipingdao. Once their actions are known by Taipingdao, they will be endlessly chased and killed. No one can escape. The crazy pursuit of peace!

After waking up, everyone’s mood was extremely heavy, and they didn’t know why they were so hot-headed before that they would launch attacks on the people of Taipingdao. Although this opportunity is tempting, if you want to use your life to gamble, it will cost you. It is still something they cannot bear, and it is also something they cannot accept, but all of this has happened.

"Damn it, how could we be obsessed with making such a crazy move before, competing with the lunatics of Peace Road for this unknown opportunity, is it worth it?" Someone was muttering to himself, reflecting on whether his actions were appropriate.

"Don't say it, all of this has already happened. We have no choice. No one has a retreat. Let's clean up everything here, so that the **** on the peace road can't find their goal for the time being! I don't think anyone wants to face peace. Don’t expect that the sect will protect us from the chase of those lunatics. The ruthlessness of the sect, you all understand that the sect will not forge unending cause and effect with the Taipingdao for the sake of the few of us. We have become Abandoned!"

Yes, these people have no retreat at this moment. They are all forced to a desperate situation. They can only rely on themselves if they want to survive. The sect is unreliable. In this great calamity, no sect is willing. For the lives and deaths of a few people to forge feuds with the lunatics of peace, it is not worth it, and the price is not they can bear.

"Yeah, we have nowhere to go. I always feel that there is a problem with our state before, as if it is affected by external forces. I have made this stupid move without knowing it. It is possible for me to be controlled by myself. But all of us are controlled. This is a big problem. Maybe we are caught in a bigger conspiracy!"

People with calm minds immediately perceive the seriousness of the problem and can quickly discover the abnormality of the matter, but they cannot be sure what is going on, who is calculating themselves, and can kill them all in silence. It's been calculated.

"Haha! I didn't expect that there are smart people, but it's too late for you to understand, imprisoned!" Just when everyone was wary, a low voice sounded, and as this voice fell, all survived Those people felt the threat of death, they all felt the breath of death, and they were all imprisoned by a powerful force.

"It's not good, it's the trick!" This is the first thought in everyone's heart. They all desperately want to fight for this imprisoned power, want to get rid of this death threat, but all of their efforts are in vain. It is impossible for the enemy to give them such an opportunity and will not let them escape from here. After all, no one wants to see their secrets being publicized.

"If you want to escape, dream, and leave it to me. If you escape, how can I proceed with my plan? With you ignorant stupid people, my plan can be fulfilled and I can survive this killing. The whole body retreats, can hide in the dark, and take away this great opportunity without being known by anyone!"

"It's you, you didn't even die, all this is your conspiracy?" Soon these imprisoned people found the person who calculated them, and this person is the captain of the Taipingdao, the first to be caught by the Taipingdao people The **** who set fire to kill, all this made them unbelievable and unacceptable, but they saw with their own eyes how the people of Taipingdao set fire to kill each other, and no one could escape under such a terrible attack, but it happened. The other party survived, hiding it from everyone!

"Unexpected? This is nothing. I can only blame you for being stupid. Without you stupid bastards, my plan would not be implemented. You think you are very clever. You use that ridiculous mortal spirit to follow us, but you didn’t expect to be I discovered it the first time. You can hide from other people, but you can't hide from my eyes. Originally I thought it was the ancestors’ calculations, the ancestors’ monitoring of us, and we were not worried about our actions. , But I didn't expect it to be you ignorant bastards!" When he said this, the Captain of Peace Road couldn't help but sneered, with a crazy look on his face.

"Impossible, how could you be aware of our stalking in the first place? This is impossible!" The explanation of Captain Taipingdao shocked these imprisoned people and made them unacceptable. All this The impact on them is too great!

"Impossible. Nothing is impossible. Even the ancestors cannot be trusted. What's more, you stupid bastards. Without your appearance, I would not be able to think of a perfect escape method. With your appearance, I Seeing the hope of getting rid of the Taipingdao, I thought that I would never get rid of the Taipingdao for the rest of my life, but now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

"What, you want to betray the Taipingdao? You are crazy, do you think it is so easy to betray the Taipingdao? You should understand the horror of the Taipingdao, as long as you are still alive, your soul lamp will not go out. Peace Road will find you, even if you take advantage of us, you will not escape death by yourself! Hahaha!"


"I'm dead, I'm already dead, how can Taipingdao chase me down? My soul lamp on Taipingdao has already been extinguished, so don't waste your efforts. Today is the death of all of you, only you are dead. , I can retreat all over!"

"Why? Why do you want to do this? As a strong man of peace, how dare you do it, and you have already made all the preparations, there is only one chance. I don't understand, what exactly do you want to do? It’s just that an opportunity is simply not worth your risk and paying such a heavy price. You say that the soul lamp that you stayed in Taipingdao has been extinguished. This shows that there is already a second soul, and you replace yourself with your own second soul. There is a huge price to be paid to practice the second soul, but you are only for suspended animation. What happened to you that made you so crazy, you can kill us, but I hope to know why and what Things make you so crazy?"

"Hahaha! You still want to be a ghost, or you want to leave a message to inform Taipingdao, or the sect behind you, I tell you not to daydream, you can't do it, it has already been I have put down the ban and will not leave any information. Only the information I keep is left, but you want to know why, I can tell you, this matter has been in my heart for countless years, and its existence I almost collapsed under pressure!"

When he said this, a crazy look flashed across the person's face. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Peace Road is not as peaceful as you think, and it is not as beautiful as you think. A madman, a suspicious madman, how do you think the Taoism of Taipingdao was killed by those stupid bastards? No, he was not killed by people, but by his ancestors. Dead, you can hardly see the Tianjiao evildoer in the Taipingdao, because every Tianjiao evildoer will die under the calculation of the ancestors, and will die miserably. I discovered this secret, so I made this Crazy things have never dared to break through. I am afraid that I will die next. Now I finally want to get rid of all these threats, and I can finally live easily. You are my chance to get out!"

Shock! Everyone was shocked by the news. No one thought that the Taipingdao would be like this. Everyone couldn't believe it was true. But seeing the crazy look of the person in front of him, it was obvious that he was telling the truth. ! So a trace of sympathy, a trace of sorrow, and a trace of unwillingness flashed across the faces of everyone!

Seeing the faces of the people, the people of Taipingdao snorted disdainfully: "Huh! Do you think that Taipingdao is like this? It is the same for any sect. All the ancestors do not care about the life and death of their disciples at all. All you want is detachment. All the disciples and the elders of the ancestors are just the chess pieces of the ancestors, and the chess pieces of the ancestors. Don’t think that only Taipingdao is so sinister. Your sect is no exception. Stupid, I didn't find all this at all."

Is this really the case? These surviving people are thinking, although they are unwilling to accept this statement, but after some thinking, they have to accept it, because when they recalled carefully, they found that it was so. For the ancestors, they were all Just ants, ants that can be abandoned at any time, and children that can be abandoned!

"Okay, I've said everything that should be said, and you all know the truth of the matter now, and you should be satisfied. Now, let me die. Use your blood to build my life and destroy me! Destroy!” While speaking, the madman of Taiping Road frantically launched his most powerful attack, launching his own most powerful attack at all costs, and the terrifying power instantly enveloped all the survivors. His attack It's still a conspiracy. Those who survived want to delay time to recover their own combat power, but they don't know that the peacemaker is also the same. While talking, the peacekeeper secretly laid a trap to give these survivors The final fatal blow of the attacker directly destroyed all of them.

Soon this insidious man of Peace Road was pale, and a **** arrow was ejected from his mouth. Although he was ready, he still paid a heavy price in order to kill all enemies. Now his power There is no one in a hundred, and it can be said that this last blow consumed all his own strength and affected his own foundation!

"Haha! I finally succeeded. I will finally get rid of all crises. When I absorb the vitality of this innate creature and its origin, all my breath will be completely changed, even if I stand in the power of peace. In front of me, no one knew my identity, hahaha! The ancestors would never have thought that I would retire!"

Talking about this Taiping Taoist man laughed madly. He was so happy. The secret in his heart had been hidden for so many years. Under such a terrifying pressure, he was able to hold on till now. He is already very strong. Making such a move at this time was also a manifestation of instinct. After all, the suppression time was too long, which also caused a certain impact on his own soul!

"It's not the time to be happy. I can't stay here for too long. Otherwise, I will be aware of something by the **** of Taipingdao. When the soul lamp goes out, Taipingdao will be crazy, and the ancestors will also be crazy. , I have to pack everything, get out and leave quickly, and can't let my plan go wrong!"

Mumbling to himself, this Taipingdao **** quickly cleans up the battlefield, rearranges the battlefield, and does everything well, and when he makes all the preparations, when he thinks he can retreat, the deity Xingtian finally Moving, time waits for no one, if there is no such thing as this lunatic, Xing Tian will hide a little more time, but now he has to act.

Suddenly, Xing Tian’s original treasure, the extinct black lotus and the good fortune green lotus, appeared silently behind this man of peace. Without waiting for the other party to notice, the terrifying power erupted, and the power of life and death evolved directly. Chaos directly obliterated the lunatic of Peace Road. From Xing Tian's shot to the end, the lunatic did not notice the crisis at all.

To be careless, this peaceful lunatic is too careless. Perhaps this is because he has been depressed for too long, and because he has too much confidence in his plan. He never thought that the opportunity in front of him would become a threat to him. , Was directly caught off guard by Xing Tian, ​​and directly lost his life and ruined all of his own!

The madness of Taipingdao made Xingtian feel very heavy. If he had not heard these words, Xingtian would not have too much pressure, but now Xingtian has too much pressure in his heart, and he has to do something about himself. With the new decision, Xing Tian originally wanted to make his foundation stronger, but now he has to give up!

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