God of Destruction

Chapter 4045: Crazy comeback

The fourth thousand and forty-fifth chapters crazy comeback

"It's a pity. I originally wanted to directly condense the supreme chaos origin of Chaos Qinglian to carry my own chaos avenue, but now I can only give up. When will my chaos avenue be consummated and transformed!" sighed lightly! Later, Xing Tian’s original mind moved, and the endless source of origin poured into him endlessly, and the huge aura instantly radiated from his body. At this moment, all the powers contained in Xing Tian’s deity were fusing and all in. Incorporate into yourself.

Time waits for no one. Although Xing Tian feels unwilling to give up, he has to do so, because the enemy will not give him a real chance to transform, and will not allow himself to transform in a state of perfection, no matter if it is an external force like Taipingdao Jie, or the will of heaven and earth that has been staring at him in the void, if it were not for this shocking change, Xing Tian would not think that he was really targeted by the will of heaven and earth, but now Xing Tian believes that he really has to be targeted, whether it is the deity. Fortunately, the avatars have been targeted by the will of heaven and earth, and they are already in the calculations of the other party, and now they are in a very dangerous situation.

Cross the catastrophe, cross the heaven and the earth! This is Xingtian’s idea. At this time, the clone is also crossing the catastrophe. The attention of the will of heaven and earth is almost attracted by the clone. It is the best choice to cross the catastrophe by yourself. Compared with the avenue of perfection of the clone, the main chaos avenue still has a lot of Big flaw, so the deity had to choose to cross the catastrophe at this time.

As his mind turned, the aura on Xing Tian dispersed, the world-killing black lotus and the good fortune green lotus instantly merged into himself, and all of his own origins ran with full force, and a powerful chaotic aura radiated from Xing Tian's body. Xingtian deity’s great avenues are also fully revealed. Even in order to make the deity’s great great avenues as complete as possible, Xingtian’s world tree clone has also released many origins to accelerate the deity’s metamorphosis and evolution, so that the deity’s background can be deeper.

"It's not good, it's in the calculation!" When Xing Tian's breath was fully released, a terrible sense of danger surged in his heart. In an instant, Xing Tian understood that he was in the middle of the plan, and he still underestimated the will of heaven and earth. The insidiousness of the other party still underestimated the viciousness of the other party. Although the clone had triggered the punishment, it seemed that most of the power of the will of the sky and the earth was concentrated in the north, but this is just an illusion. The other party has not changed its strategy from beginning to end. Its goal is still It's his true body!

"Damn, this **** heaven and earth will is so insidious, give me the power to open the world into myself, the world blessing!" Xing Tian roared frantically, and the power of the world tree clone poured into the real deity amidst the roar. In his body, he is fully expanding the strength of the deity, in order to be able to seize a ray of life in the next danger.

When Xingtian’s power was fully on, his mind felt the lock from the void. It was the lock of destruction, the lock of the world. It was calculated by himself, and calculated by the will of heaven and earth. Although the scene of the clone is very spectacular, it is heaven and earth. The power of the will is not really placed on the clone, but is gathering strength, ready to give the deity a fatal blow at any time.

In an instant, the earth split, and the terrifying demon flame of the heart of the earth entangled the real body, and the next moment, a spear entwined with the power of thunder fell from the void, which was the destruction with the power of destruction. World Thunder Spear, one spear can severely damage all gods and demons, no matter how strong the body or soul is, it will be severely injured by this spear.

"Damn the will of heaven and earth, this is going to put me to death, and it doesn't give me any chance to change!" Xing Tian cursed in his heart, but at this time, cursing is useless. Wanting to shed one's body requires strong power. , Power is the root of everything. Originally Xing Tian didn’t want to destroy all of his own treasures, but under this extreme threat, he wanted to survive and escape from this lore, he had to pay a lot. The price, or else I have only a dead end.

"The world-destroying black lotus melts, the good fortune green lotus melts, the city of time and space melts, the world avenue melts, and the chaos furnace comes out! Smelting the world!" For Xing Tian, ​​he originally wanted to condense the most complete and perfect chaotic green lotus as himself Xing Tian’s original treasure, but now Xing Tian has to put down this plan for the time being, and has to condense a chaos furnace that can smelt all things to resist this deadly murderous opportunity from the void. If he is hit by this lightning spear, he will inevitably fall into it. In the earth, falling into the demon flame of the heart of the earth, the heart of the Tao will be damaged by the earth, and the heart will be eroded by the demon flame of the earth, completely losing its vitality.

Xing Tian thought he was a oriole, but he did not think that he was just a praying mantis. The real oriole was the will of heaven and earth that had already jumped. His plan had already been seen through by the other party, and he fell completely into the other party’s calculations, Taipingdao The enemy was attracted by the will of heaven and earth, and the subsequent enemies were also arranged by the will of heaven and earth, and even the craziest **** of Taipingdao was also in the plan of the will of heaven and earth. Everything was just to induce himself to throw himself into the net.

The three calamities of heaven, earth and man, at this moment Xingtian deity is really facing, the will of heaven and earth not only wants to destroy his own clone, but also wants to completely erase himself from the world, whether it is the deity or clone. All of them are obliterated by the opponent, and they will be finally devastated by the will of heaven and earth. The clone has condensed the perfect way of ending, possessing the spear of ending, this true source of treasure, but the deity does not have such a perfect treasure in hand.

"No, it's still not enough, the power of the bloodline burns and smelts all things!" Even if it condenses all of its own treasures, the chaotic furnace condensed by Xing Tian is still not enough to counter the lore of the will of heaven and earth. This is not an ordinary punishment from heaven. , But the power of condensing the three calamities of heaven, earth and man. The true power of destruction can destroy all vitality. No matter what creature the opponent is, even the chaos gods and demons can wipe it out. In front of this power, the imperfect chaos The avenue is unstoppable.

"The power of destroying the world, this is the power of destroying the world. The damned will to ignite the power of destroying the world at all costs. Is it crazy? By doing this, he is not afraid that he will also fall into the crisis of death. Power can destroy all things, and can destroy all creatures in the world. It is truly the power of world destruction!" As long as they were born in this world, they have no resistance to the world’s power of destruction, because These are the rules of the world, and even gods and demons can't do it if they want to resist the rules.

auzw.com Xing Tian feels that his own Dao is facing a terrible impact, that he is being wiped out bit by bit by the power of annihilation, and he is fighting against the whole world, if his inner world Perfect, I have a perfect world power and a powerful inner world as a support, so I am naturally not afraid of such a power impact, but Xingtian’s inner world is not perfect now, and even his own chaotic avenue is not perfect. Obviously this It was the conspiracy of the will of heaven and earth, directly hitting the weakness of the deity.

The choice, at this time Xingtian deity needs to make a choice, whether to abandon his own chaotic avenue, or continue to confront and face death! It is impossible to give up. Your own practice has reached a critical moment and you cannot give up at all. Once you give up, your own path of practice will be completely shattered. Whether it is the deity or the clone, it will be backlashed by the Dao and will stop here. !

"In order to kill myself, I did not hesitate to use the power of the entire world. The will of heaven and earth is really crazy. Is it worth it? I am not its true enemy. Its enemy is not me, but the returning ancient gods and demons. At this time, under this situation, it uses its ultimate means. What is it doing?" Xing Tian muttered to himself, thinking, if he can figure out this question, he can understand the conspiracy of the will of heaven and earth. The other party's calculations.

Although the Avenue of Chaos is terrible, its own Chaos Avenue does not have invincible power, and the same is true for the Avenue of Ending. However, the will of heaven and earth has recognized itself, and it is determined to kill itself, if it only says that it threatens the world. Security, Xing Tian would not believe that there must be a secret that he did not know, and this secret is likely to be related to detachment.

Transcendence, when it is related to transcendence, things are not so easy to understand, nor can they be seen in a short time, but this is what Xing Tian has to face in self-saving, or even the deity can stop it. This lore of heaven and earth can make you survive from death, but you will still die in the end, because you have fallen into the opponent's calculations from the beginning!

"The power of chaos seems to be impossible for me. This **** heaven and earth will not give me this opportunity. He wants to break my Dao Xin, the road to the great road, to stop my practice, and let me die in pain. , If I can’t find a way to change, there is only a dead end waiting for me. The path of chaos will be cut off, and the path of my deity’s body will be cut off. Dao Heart will inevitably be damaged, and the avatar will inevitably be affected. That is the end of success. The avenue is bound to be damaged, a vicious will of heaven and earth, a vicious plan!"

Xing Tian sees through the insidious side of the will of heaven and earth. Although the other party sees through the conspiracy against him, this is not the other party’s plan. Xing Tian is very clear in his heart that it is impossible for the will of heaven and earth to pay such a high price in order to target himself. There are deeper secrets hidden, but Xing Tian has no time to think now.

"Huh, **** the will of heaven and earth, this time you succeeded, you blocked my way of cultivation, but you can only succeed halfway, open the door of the world to me, destroy the world, black lotus and make green lotus. , The tree of the world changes, the creation of chaos, the green lotus emerges, and the world of chaos is formed!" When the situation was extremely critical, Xing Tian had no choice but to directly transform his own power of Dao, directly using the chaotic Dao of his own practice to pour the world. The Clone of the Tree directly transforms his world clone into the Chaos Avenue!

Compared with the deity, the world tree clone is the easiest way to condense the chaotic avenue, because the world tree clone carries the three thousand avenues. With the three thousand avenues as a nutrient, it can naturally condense the perfect and consummate chaos avenue, but only 10% of the chaos avenue. His own world tree clone was completely transformed into chaotic good fortune Qinglian, no longer the way of the previous world.

The price of exchanging the Dao of the World for the Dao of Chaos of the deity is a bit high, but it is worth it. After all, this can resolve the immediate crisis, keep the Dao heart of the deity unaffected, and transfer the Dao of Chaos to the Dao of the world. On top of it, it can absorb the world's avenue as a nutrient, and condense a truly perfect and consummate avenue of chaos!

boom! There was a crisp sound, and a terrible crack appeared on Xing Tian’s body. The real body of the **** and demon was seriously injured. This is the backlash caused by the transfer of the deity’s Taoist mind and the transfer of the avenue. Once the deity’s avenue was transferred, the origin was greatly traumatized. , But this is the best result for Xing Tian. The damage to the origin is nothing. As long as there is sufficient time, it can be restored. What's more, for Xing Tian today, the Chaos Avenue is transferred, and his original origin is no longer important.

"You are too happy, time and space are shattered, the origin is transformed and condensed!" After the transfer of Chaos Avenue, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and the time and space Avenue was shattered and directly wiped out the terrible thunder penalty caused by the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Man. , And then use this remaining power to condense his new Dao origin. Space-time and Dao Jie’s power are in harmony. Although this is an unknown power, Xing Tian has no choice. This is his only vitality and his only chance to reverse the battle.

"Damn ants, how dare you plunder the origin of heaven and earth, you are looking for death!" When Xingtian plundered the power of thunder punishment and plundered the power of this robbery, the will of heaven and earth became angry, and the loss of this power caused it itself to be greatly affected. The power of Dao's calamity is not trivial. This is the power of heaven, earth and man’s three tribulations. It is the power of the origin of the world. Once it is plundered by Xingtian, it can no longer be recovered and will cause permanent damage to this world. , Let this world become incomplete and incomplete, the avenue is incomplete, this world has huge hidden dangers, huge weaknesses, and fatal weaknesses!

"No one can calculate my penalty days without paying the price. Since you don't give me vitality and want to kill my avenue, you have to bear my counterattack. This is the price you should pay, condensed! The avenue is condensed, the **** of chaos Demon's transformation!" Xing Tian will not give the opponent a chance to resist, and will not give the opponent a chance to comeback. Even if this is an unknown power, he can instinctively make Xing Tian feel that this is his last chance and an opportunity to get rid of all crises. ratio.

There is a great opportunity in death, and there is only a reward if you have to pay. I paid such a large price, shattered my own time and space, shattered all origins, and plundered the power of heaven and earth. No matter how unknown it is, the power gathered is inevitable. It is powerful, and must have the potential of terror, after all, this is the fusion of one's own Dao and World Dao, and the power of Dao Tribulation!

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