God of Destruction

Chapter 4046: King of Festival End

The fourth thousand and forty-sixth chapter the king of the end

It is difficult for many people to seize the origin of the world to condense a new way and master a division of power in this world, but it is not the case for the deity Xingtian, because the deity Xingtian has been in contact with the origin of the world before, and now When Xing Tian wants to seize the origin of the world, he can do it easily, not to mention that the origin of the world has been wiped out by Xing Tian with the power of time and space!

"The four directions are the universe, the universe has always been the universe, and I am the lord of time and space, and the origin of time and space is condensed!" What Xing Tian didn't expect was that although he destroyed the origin of time and space and destroyed the power of the will of heaven and earth with the power of time and space, but When he reconsolidated the new origin avenue, the power of time and space still became the master. The avenue he condensed was dominated by the time and space avenue, and the world avenue was the auxiliary. This result made Xing Tian's heart also puzzled.

The world avenue is the residual power of one's own world tree clone fused with the origin of this world, while the power of time and space is the time and space avenue that is felt by oneself, and the residual power in the ruined original treasure. Cohesion, the time and space origin of Xingtian Cohesion has a qualitative change from the original time and space origin. Xingtian's time and space avenue possesses the power of the world, the source of the world.

When Xing Tian’s words fell, a powerful source of time and space condensed in his chaotic **** and demon body, and a godhead was condensing in the chaos **** and demon body, and at this moment Xing Tian’s damaged chaotic **** and demon The real body began to recover. Although it was still very slow, it was a good start, and Xing Tian found a way to escape the crisis!

"The power of the world is condensed, the world evolves, time and space changes, time and space are condensed, and the world is converged!" Yes, Xingtian is condensing the world, a world based on the avenue of time and space, using the world to carry its own time and space avenue, and the world to condense The Kingdom of God condenses its origins and uses a world as its source of great power. Xing Nai is too crazy. Even ancient gods and demons dare not be so crazy. When they condense their godheads and condense their powers, Condense the original world with the World Avenue as its source!

Consolidating new avenues with time-space avenues to complete the transformation of one's own avenues, it is not surprising that such crazy things appear on Xingtian, because Xingtian itself is extremely crazy, especially in such a crisis-ridden environment, Xingtian can’t do it. Too much thinking, if you wait for yourself to think well and do a perfect and accurate one, you are afraid that you have long been dead and soul under the punishment of heaven and will be killed by the will of heaven and earth. Xing Tian does not think that the calculation of the will of heaven and earth is only this. One blow!

Time is life. If oneself cannot complete the transformation of one's own avenue in the shortest time, condense the new avenue to protect oneself, and only death is waiting for oneself, so Xingtian has no choice but to take a risk, even if it is the deity's cohesion No matter how weak the origin of the road is, as long as it can survive the current crisis is the greatest victory.

There is no weakest avenue, only the weakest gods and demons. Even the weakest avenue can evolve and transform. Just like the king of the end of his clone, as long as there is a suitable opportunity, he can evolve a new avenue, an extremely terrifying avenue. .

When Xing Tian merged the World Dao into himself, when the origin of this heaven and earth merged into himself, in an instant, Xing Tian's expression changed drastically. A mysterious force was affecting his origin, and this force was eroding his deity!

"No, I was in the calculation, and I was calculated by this **** heaven and earth will. The bastard's previous roars were all fakes, in order to lead me into the game!" When Xing Tian thought about his own problem, he was instantly in his ears. There was a sneer, it was a sneer of the will of heaven and earth, and it was obvious that he had been tricked by this sinister **** again.

"Ant, you think you are hiding well, you think you are very powerful, and you can blind all creatures. It's naive. This time, depending on how you respond, the origin you swallow is the filth of the origin in this world. The many ancient gods and demons left behind, if you swallow it, you will suffer this cause and effect, and you must accept the calculations of the ancient gods and demons!"

When the words of the will of the heaven and earth sounded in Xing Tian’s ears, Xing Tian’s heart was filled with endless murderous intent. This was a killing intent on the will of heaven and earth. He has never suffered such a big loss and has not been calculated by anyone. It's so miserable. If Xing Tian's confrontation with the will of heaven and earth was just a confrontation based on practice, from this moment on, Xing Tian really has endless murderous intent from the bottom of his heart. Xing Tian is not a fool. He naturally knows what the other party’s conspiracy is. This is using oneself to protect it from disaster!

"Damn bastard, do you think you really have won? Do you think you really can count my Xingtian? You think you are ruthless. If you want to use my Xingtian to prevent calamities, you are not qualified enough. Cut me, the blade of time and space, cut Slash! Slash!" Tiandi will be crazy, you can set up such a game yourself, you can cut Xingtian into the game by yourself, and Xingtian is no worse than it. When a problem is detected, Xingtian immediately mobilizes Time and Space Avenue to fix his own origin, and then Swinging a knife to cut away this world origin that is eroding oneself, even if it directly destroys the opportunity of advancement, even if it is impossible to directly condense the origin world, Xing Tian did the same.

"The time and space are reversed, the origin comes out, the great ways come together, and the fusion!" Xing Tian will only be beaten and not fight back. Regardless of the power of the will of heaven and earth, Xing Tian is not without the ability to fight back. Although this is its world, it is in With the advent of the Great Avenue of Time and Space, the will of heaven and earth cannot stop Xing Tian's crazy move, and cannot stop Xing Tian's crazy attack!

"Damn it, stop for me, if you stop, we will understand our cause and effect!" When he saw Xingtian's crazy behavior, Tiandi's will was horrified and screamed frantically, trying to stop Xingtian, thinking Xing Tian should be persuaded to let go, but Xing Tian will not listen to it. When it counts Xing Tian, ​​both sides will end without death.

What is Xing Tian doing, and why does he horrify the will of heaven and earth? Is Xing Tian's counterattack really that terrifying? Yes, Xing Tian is crazy enough. Tiandi will use conspiracy and tricks to get Xingtian into the game little by little, to use Xingtian to prevent disasters, but Xingtian is more ruthless than him, Xingtian directly cut off his advancement, directly from his own source. Cut the origin that belongs to this world, and then use the power of time and space to directly infuse this origin into this world, and once again integrate into the world.

This power originally belonged to this world, and was not completely refined by Xing Tian. After being cut off by Xing Tian, ​​when Xing Tian entered the world, it would instinctively be attracted by the origin of this world and would actively integrate into it. Into this world!


"I want Lao Tzu to stop and have your dream of spring and autumn, time and space cover, hide! Hide! Hide!" When the source was cut and entered the world, Xing Tian quickly mobilized all his source power to directly cover himself The Qi machine directly tore open the void and escaped from the lock of the will of heaven and earth, and disappeared directly between the heaven and the earth, without giving the will of heaven and earth a chance to lock itself again.

No matter how much the will of heaven and earth hates Xingtian, at this moment he has no power to stop Xingtian's departure. Its power has to stop the erosion of the filthy source, otherwise its plan will not only be shattered, but it will also suffer more. The crisis of, because at this time the brand of the origin has been activated, the power of the ancient gods and demons in the origin has been touched, if it cannot be sealed in time, this world will be locked by those many ancient gods and demons once again. Will directly stimulate the backhands left by the ancient gods and demons.

"Damn ants, don't let me catch you again!" Tiandi's Will was yelling frantically, but Xingtian didn't treat these words as the same thing. Both parties have long been immortal, even if Tiandi's Will does not seek Xingtian. Xingtian would not let go of the trouble, since he had already torn his face, there was nothing to keep.

When the deity Xingtian tore the void away, the clone also immediately noticed the deity’s aura, felt the warning from the deity, understood how dangerous the situation was for them, and really didn’t have much time left for them, and they had to break the situation quickly. Out.

The deity of Xingtian was calculated by the will of heaven and earth, and the king of the end of the clone was also calculated by the death gods and demons, but everyone underestimated Xingtian. After receiving the warning from the deity, the king of the end no longer hesitated, and his heart moved. The power of the Great Dao began to condense. It is useless to hide. Now the will of heaven and earth has been completely dragged. The power of punishment has been greatly weakened. At this time, if you don’t take the opportunity to overcome the disaster, you will be too sorry for the deity’s sacrifice and Pay.

"The origin of the avenue is condensed, the origin of killing comes, the world of killing is condensed, and the sea of ​​blood is coming out!" With Xing Tian's roar, the endless aura of killing rose to the sky, in harmony with the murderous intent of the world, the endless murderous intent poured into itself and opened up in itself A blood sea world condenses the power of the world, and when the origin of this world condenses, a layer of blood mist is enveloped on the King of End. That is the power of the blood sea, which is the addition of the blood sea world, and the power of the world blends into itself. Among.

"Damn it, the lunatic Xingtian actually condensed the origin of the world!" When he saw the blood fog on the King of End, the remnant soul of the death **** and demon was terrified. Others didn't know what it was, as an ancient **** and demon. , How can he not know what power this is, once Xing Tian condenses the original world, he will never have the opportunity to take away the opponent, otherwise he will be swallowed by the opponent's world origin and become the nutrients of the opponent's world. The soul was swallowed up and down.

The shock of the death **** and demon has just begun. The condensing of the blood sea world is only the beginning. When Xing Tian condenses the blood sea world, although it is still a very weak world, Xing Tian did not stop, but continued to shout loudly: " The swallowing avenue is condensed, the origin of the swallowing avenue comes, the swallowing world condenses, and the black hole appears!"

As Xingtian’s roar fell, under Xingtian’s blood sea world, a world and a world of black holes condensed. Although this black hole is small, it can swallow the origin of heaven and earth, absorb all power, and continuously Grow up!

"Damn it, how could this be? This lunatic actually condensed the power to swallow the avenue. This is impossible. He is just an ant. How can he condense the swallowing source?" When Xing Tian condenses the source world again, the death **** and demon cannot accept , I feel a little bit asshole, all this is incredible to him, a young man actually condenses the two original worlds!

Is this all over? No, all of this is still not over. Just when the remnant soul of the death **** and demon was shocked, Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice: "The origin of the great road is condensed, the origin of death is coming, the world of death is condensed, and the underworld is born!" , The Origin World of the Avenue of Death began to condense, and under the black hole, the underworld appeared.

When Xingtian’s underworld was condensed, the death **** demon felt the crisis of death. The original power of his kingdom world was leaking, and his original treasure, the city of death, was also trembling, as if he was about to fly away from his grasp. Melt into the underworld condensed by Xing Tian, ​​once the city of death flies away, it will never be repossessed. Once he cannot prevent the origin of the kingdom of God from leaking, it will not take long before his kingdom of the kingdom will be When it collapses, all the origins will become the nutrients of Xingtian's underworld!

"Damn it, how is this possible? The death avenue felt by a younger generation is even more perfect than mine, and it can condense such a terrifying world of origin. This is impossible!" Seeing the appearance of Xingtian's underworld, the death gods and demons were trembling and fearful , Although Xingtian’s underworld is very weak, Xingtian’s original world concept is very perfect, and the original road is almost complete!

Xing Tian condensed the three original worlds, but all of this is still not over, Xing Tian still did not stop, only Xing Tian continued to shout: "Essential melting, ending, I have the king of ending, the spear of ending!"

When Xingtian’s voice fell, the power of the three source worlds was blessed on top of Xingtian’s three source treasures. The sword of killing, the ring of swallowing sky, and the scepter of death were combined under the blessing of the three worlds to condense the end. Spear, the end of the avenue is present!

"Damn it, it's crazy. A young junior has condensed the Avenue of End, how can this be possible? This world is really crazy!" At this time, the gods and demons of the death are somewhat sane. Damage, this impact is really too great, a younger generation actually embarked on the avenue of fusion, and successfully condensed the power of the new avenue, became the original power of the king of the end, at this moment the death gods really felt it Death crisis.

The death demon is terrified, afraid, and trembling. He knows that if Xing Tian throws the Spear of End in his hand on his kingdom of God, the whole world will collapse, and his remnant soul will be completely destroyed and never recovered. It is possible because it is the power of ending, which can end all things in the world, and can destroy everything. Whether it is the world or the living beings, there is only one dead end if you are injured by the power of ending, unless you have enough origin to destroy it!

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