God of Destruction

Chapter 4047: Jie Dilong stand up

Chapter 4047 The Earth Dragon Turns Over

When seeing the trembling look of the death **** and demon, and feeling the turmoil in the city of death, Xing Tian sneered disdainfully, "Hmph, you are not qualified to bear my spear of ending, you are just a pawn, you think you are It’s amazing to be able to calculate me. In fact, you are just a fool. Your every move is under the influence of the will of heaven and earth. You are the **** of the will of heaven and earth. Only the will of heaven and earth can bear the spear of my end. Let me die. Kill with the spear of the end, all things end!"

With the roar of Xing Tian's roar, the spear of termination in his hand turned into a stream of light and flew directly into the void, directly facing the weak will of heaven and earth, directly to destroy the **** Dao Tribulation, and directly kill the heaven and earth. The power of the Dao Tribulation caused by the will swallows this power and strengthens itself. Under this spear, the will of heaven and earth above the void is trembling. This is the result it never expected. Xing Tian's power is beyond its accident, Xing Tian The horror is beyond its imagination.

Why did Xing Tian give up killing the gods of death? It is obvious that the remnants of the gods of death are the easiest and the best nutrient. If they can kill the gods of death, Xing Tian can devour everything about him, whether it is the kingdom of God or the origin. The most precious treasure will be plundered directly by Xing, and can easily integrate into his own avenue. After all, Xingtian himself has practiced the powerful death avenue. If the death avenue becomes stronger, it can also increase the power to end the avenue.

"Madman, this is really a madman, but this madman is too arrogant. He didn't put me, the death **** and devil, in his eyes. This madman really deserves to die, but it's good to let this madman fight the will of heaven and earth. Fortunately, we will die together, or else it will be really dangerous this time. Neither the will of heaven nor the madman can be resisted by me!"

Although the ignorance of Xingtian makes the remnant soul of the death **** and demon very dissatisfied, but the death **** and demon is not a fool. He understands that he is really not Xingtian’s opponent, not the opponent of the will of heaven and earth. The will of heaven and earth can calculate everything so easily and be able to kill it. The gods and demons are dragged into the game, showing how powerful the opponent's layout is and how terrifying the opponent's calculations are. Therefore, for the death gods and demons, they are most eager to see Xingtian and Heaven and Earth's will fight and lose both.

At this time, not only the death gods and demons were shocked, but also many external forces were shocked by this sudden upheaval. Everything that happened above the void was in their eyes, and none of them thought that this was one The game, a game set by the will of heaven and earth, and Xingtian, a lunatic, can actually break the game. What shocked them most was the Spear of End in Xingtian’s hands. They could all feel the terrifying power in the Spear of End. That is the power that can destroy them!

"How could this happen? Isn't the lunatic Xing Tian the avenue of killing? How can there be the avenue of swallowing and the avenue of death, and being able to merge the three avenues to condense the avenue of ending? What is going on, what are those **** doing, even this The most basic situation of the madman has not been figured out. He has not met directly with the madman, has not yet started a war with him, or he will kill himself. This power of termination can end the vitality of all living things!"

"No, it's not that our subordinates are too stupid and incompetent, but the hidden strength of this madman is too terrible, this madman is too insidious, this is clearly trying to cheat everyone to death, fortunately we are not in the middle, fortunately there is a world. Will take action, or it is really unimaginable, hope that our disciples who followed this madman into the city of death will not die, so that we can learn more about this madman and find out the weakness of this madman!"

Although this idea is good, it is not realistic at all. Xing Tian’s weakness can be found only from the words of his disciples. This is too arrogant and self-righteous. If they had the strength of the commando liver, Xing Tian would have already Beheaded by them, but can't live to the present, if they really had this power, they would have already entered the city of death.

In the fantasy of the various forces, the will of heaven and earth is facing a terrible crisis. The power of the Spear of End has reached its origin, and it is yelling frantically, "No, **** bastard, get out of me!" "Heaven and Earth will madly want to stop Xingtian’s Ending Spear, and want to block the attack of the Ending Spear, but it can’t do it. Although Xingtian’s Ending Spear hasn’t been condensed for long, it hasn’t accumulated too much in its own Road of Ending. The power of the source, but the Spear of End can still threaten its life and can give it a fatal blow. The most important thing is that Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, has no reservations at all.

"No!" The will of heaven and earth cried out again, and its origin was terminated by Xingtian, and this origin corresponds to the message of Xingtian deity, why did Xingtian give up the death **** and demon, the best enemy to kill, instead of targeting The will of heaven and earth, this is not just for revenge, but more to erase the deity's information, so that the deity has enough time to recover.

The sacrifice of the deity is naturally clear as the king of the end of the clone. Without the crazy sacrifice of the deity, he would not have the ability to face the punishment of heaven, and to face this terrifying tribulation, let alone the **** of death. Damn this **** bastard.

"No, something is wrong. Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is making arrangements. His attack is not to destroy the will of heaven and earth at all, but is deliberately erasing the source of the will of heaven and earth. What secrets are hidden in that source? It's worth the price for this lunatic, what exactly is the will of heaven and earth calculating Xingtian?" As an ancient **** and demon, even if only the remnant soul remains, he can still see a trace of the problem from Xingtian's decisive attack. Come, it's just that he still can't see through everything, can't figure out what the lunatic Xing Tian wants to do, or understand the true purpose of this lunatic.

"No, I can't go on, and I can't stay any longer. If I wait for this madman to achieve his goal, he will turn around and kill me. I have to escape quickly, even if I sacrifice a little bit of origin. Don’t hesitate, otherwise it’s too late to wait for this lunatic to recover, cut my roots, and let me open the City of Death, and the space will shift!"

The death **** is not stupid. When seeing the situation heading in such a weird direction, he didn’t hesitate to cut a trace of the origin, directly destroy a part of the power of the kingdom of God, and directly divide the area where Xingtian is located, and then directly Unleash your greatest power, activate the power of the City of Death, and go directly into the depths of the earth, disappearing from the sight of Xing Tian and the will of heaven and earth. As for the end of the two parties, it has nothing to do with him. As for those damned It has nothing to do with the reaction of the various forces in the country, and their life and death are not worth mentioning.


At this time, the death **** is really scared. For him, it is no longer longing for the endless nourishment and no longer wanting to provoke war, but how to get himself out quickly, and everything else can be given up. The benefits are not as important as your own life. As long as you can escape the disaster in front of you, you have the opportunity to do it again!

This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. No matter the human race or other races, it is difficult to escape the shackles of fate. For them no matter how patience they are, they will eventually have to fight for life and death. Therefore, in the eyes of the death gods, there is no need for them. At this time to provoke the opponent, I can endure it and wait for the final battle!

"Escape, **** it, this city of death is going to escape, fast to imprison it, otherwise our disciples will be in danger!" When seeing the changes in the city of death, the strong from all sides were crazy. Roaring, all the major forces of the human race and the barbarians are madly taking action to imprison the city of death, prevent the opponent from escaping, and suppress it.

Are these people really thinking about the safety of their disciples? No, this is just their excuse. Their most real idea is to seize the city of death, taking advantage of the weakest remnant soul of the death god, to give the spear opponent a fatal blow and directly take away the city of death. , To take away the treasure of the death **** and demon, and his origin to have the kingdom of God!

Taking advantage of people’s dangers and falling into trouble, this is what everyone really thinks. How amazing the wealth of an ancient **** and demon is, everyone knows very well that if Xingtian is not held back by the will of heaven and earth, they may still take it. The city of death, will it take all the wealth of the death gods and demons? At this moment, no one would be merciful, and they would be ruthless!

"Damn, these **** ants dared to kill me, I wrote down these bastards, and let me cut it off!" The Remnant Soul of the Death God and Demon is not a fool, and he didn't hesitate when facing this death lore. , Once again cut its own kingdom of God, directly condensed those **** invaders to abandon, whether the barbarian army, the disciples of the various forces of the human race, were directly abandoned by it, directly thrown at those big The **** who shoots, to give himself a chance to escape.

Under the eyes of everyone, no matter how insidious the major forces are, they can’t watch their disciples being bombarded and killed in this way. If they really ignore the life and death of their disciples, they will inevitably cause huge troubles to themselves. Let the disciples renounce their morality, and the entire sect, the entire family will also fall into division!

"Asshole, this **** **** is so insidious, you have to cheat us before you leave!" When seeing the remnant soul of the death **** and demon directly divided the kingdom of God and threw those disciples over, the major forces were angry at it. , But they had to give up their imprisonment on the City of Death, and had to take over their own disciples, or the consequences would be unthinkable!

Every ancient **** and demon is not so easy to deal with. Even if they are facing a desperate situation, they will frantically find a way out. If it is Xingtian, before the death **** and demon can react, they can use the spear of termination to end the life of the other party, but these The various forces do not have this ability. Attacking from the outside, it is impossible for them to directly obliterate the death gods and demons.

Regarding the changes in the city of death and the reactions of the many forces below, Xing Tian’s clone of the End King also saw him. These people’s shots made Xing Tian sneer again and again, and wanted to siege a statue that holds the power of the kingdom of God and possesses the ultimate treasure. The gods and demons, even just a remnant soul of the gods and demons is impossible, not to mention the death gods and demons are so crazy.

In just a few breaths, the remnant soul of the death **** and demon completed the move of getting out of the trap, and directly escaped into the earth. The death **** and demon was not easy to provoke. He could not do Xingtian, but he would not let all the major players. The forces’ siege and no counterattack, when the death **** and demon manipulated the city of death to escape into the earth, the whole earth trembled, the terrible earth heart demon flame was induced, the earth dragon turned over, and the earth dragon vein was given by the death **** and demon. Inspired, the endless evil spirit bloomed.

"Asshole, run!" When the local dragon turned over and broke out, everyone was terrified and shocked by the madness of the death **** and demon. None of them expected that the death **** and devil's revenge would come so soon, it would come so soon. Vicious, not hesitate to inspire the power of the dragon veins, to destroy the origin of the earth, to turn the earth dragon over, such a startling change, endless karma descends, everyone's body is enveloped by the strong evil spirit, making everyone gloomy. A face, can't accept this terrible result!

"Crazy, this **** ancient **** and demon is so crazy, and is going to push us on the road to the end, how dare this **** be so presumptuous!" Those powerful men of many forces were muttering to themselves, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They have forgotten everything that happened. Nothing is impossible. For ancient gods and devils like death, they never feared death or cause and effect. Even if they endure great karma, they will Will counterattack all enemies frantically.

"Crazy death demon, this lunatic has caused big troubles. The will of heaven and earth will become even more crazy now, and I can't stay here, or the results will be unimaginable!" Although Xing Tian wanted to continue to give the will of heaven and earth a fatal blow, but Now he had to abandon this plan, who made the death **** and devil be so crazy and would provoke such a large causal karma.

With a thought, the King of End clone retracted the Spear of End on the void, and then with a wave of the Spear of End, it directly opened the void, and the body of the King of End instantly disappeared in front of everyone, the heavenly punishment in the void. Then it disappeared, even if the earth dragon turned over and attracted a huge earth evil aura and heaven and earth disaster aura, but the will of heaven and earth can no longer condense the power of heaven and earth, and can only watch the King of End leave and watch The escape of the death **** and demon, the will of heaven and earth was angry and unwilling, he set up such a trap, and took so much effort, but in the end he didn't get anything. How could it be reconciled.

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